January 14, 2025

During the fires in Los Angeles, Richard has managed to maintain his sense of humor, and to find some time to experiment with image editing.
January 14, 2025
Personnel at the Volunteer Firefighter's offices were skeptical as I walked through the door, ready to sign up!
"Sir, you yourself seem to be slightly... flammable, which could be a detriment to obtaining the goal here."
(interrupting) "...your head is on fire!! ...sir."
January 10, 2025

Since the latest batch of fires began in Los Angeles earlier in the week, I have been inundated with messages asking about Richard's welfare.
Of course I have reached out to him, but there has been no reply, so there is no way for me to respond to all the messages.
According to Cal Fire, Richard's neighborhood is not in an area that is currently burning or under an evacuation order. How the fires spread will depend on the Santa Ana winds. Even areas not directly threatened are experiencing thick smoke and power outages.
If I hear any further updates from Richard, of course I will post them on the site. In the meantime, keep all the residents of the Los Angeles area in your thoughts.
Later in the day, Richard was able to get a message out. In his brief text, he confirmed that he is safe, despite being without communication, without electricity, and without a shower...
January 10, 2025
still isolated
no power
i stink
January 1, 2025

Upon receiving wishes for a prosperous, healthy, and joyous New Year, Richard replied with a selfie, something of an avatar, and a New Year's wish of his own.
January 1, 2025
Same at you!!
~ 2025 ~
December 25, 2024

Richard awoke early this morning to share a Christmas greeting with the fans. Merry Christmas to all!
December 25, 2024
Dear Everybody,
For that matter, I'd like to amend my opening wordage to say:
Dear Everything,
(continuing) About 70 years ago TONIGHT, while biding my time IN the basement of our family house ON Dellwood Drive, IN Roseville, Minnesota, AS a five year old whipper snapper... I saw my very first elfin creature, which I KNEW was a scout (emissary?) for a rising star in the rising stars! Mr. (he wasn't a saint yet then), Mister Nicholas P. Claus!
Clearly, I saw the Elf squeezed into the window-well of my basement bedroom, just above the washer... might've been the dryer, but he was up there, crammed in with every spider, salamander and poisonous insect known to mankind!
So, that's the beginning of my story, and it's exactly 70 years later tonight!
I'll dabble at the content over some time to come. For now, though, it's 5:16AM. I hain't seen nothin' of the elfin lad today or tonight.
What I'd really like to do is thank every single thing that has had anything at ALL to do with feeding my imagination and making my life...
.... a happy life!
Merry Christmas
(that Anderson Boy)
December 11, 2024

As the Santa Ana winds sweep through the mountains of southern California, wildfires are a dangerous and unfortunately common occurrence.
The Franklin fire, which began on Monday, is threatening parts of Malibu in the area of Pepperdine University.
Currently, this fire is NOT threatening Richard's home or neighborhood, but it has not been contained, and neighboring areas must remain alert.
Richard has been experiencing smoke, road closures, and power outages, but for now he is safe. He took a moment to share that news once his power was restored.
December 11, 2024
Rough coupla nights...
JUST GOT POWER RESTORED to Malibu & MY HOUSE!!! (Aaarrraagh!)
I'll try to fill in some blanks as we roll along.
November 30, 2024

Richard enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday with family, of both the two and four legged variety.
As Saturday drew to a close with a beautiful sunset, he shared his view with a brief note.
November 30, 2024
Several minutes ago ~
Completing the day with brothers & dogs!
October 25, 2024

Richard has arrived in Texas in preparation for Spacecon San Antonio happening this weekend.
There he took a moment for a quick message as he waited for his breakfast to arrive.
October 25, 2024
I'm in San Antonio (it's in Texas, you know -)
I SO need to communicate more with you AND the other lovelies bearing/baring the ludicrous silence that simply flies off my typewriter...sic.
Woop! Breakfast just served.... see ya!!
September 1, 2024

Since heeding his doctors' advice and canceling his trip to Australia, Richard has been quietly prioritizing his health.
Fans know that Richard has been dealing with chronic pain issues for years, (thus his support for organizations like the USC Pain Center), and more recently headaches have become more chronic as well. He continues to work with his doctors toward recovery.
Today he sent a brief health update, and he added emojis for a (mind blowing) promise to keep in touch as his health improves (through metamorphosis?).
September 1, 2024
I'm trying to recover some sleep lost yesterday & the day before from freaky headaches.
Tests continue on the 'noggin' to assist in recovery.
I'll try to give you more as changes occur.
Your support has helped my days...
July 1, 2024

Richard has also become aware of the epidemic of fakes, imposters, and scammers on the internet who have been attempting to con loyal fans.
Several times a week this website has been receiving messages from fans who say they have been contacted by someone claiming to be Richard Dean Anderson who has offered them a business opportunity, a VIP fan card, even an offer of marriage, all (of course) in exchange for money.
DO NOT BE FOOLED! Richard is NOT active on any social media platforms or chat services, he will NOT reach out to fans directly, and he wants to be sure that people are not being scammed.
As a postscript to his previous message, he added this warning:
July 1, 2024
To those of you responding to the impersonators and scammers out there, taking advantage of those who can't see through the manipulations of these terribly wretched people, I ask you to share your actions with someone you know & trust, talk it out to determine if it is remotely credible, or even POSSIBLE that I have entered into a "transaction" with you!
As a general note, I will NEVER ask you for money ~~~ do not send money TO me, nor should you send money to a strange address on my behalf.
I do not want ANYONE to take advantage of you.
So please, protect yourself!
(In fact, ASK KATE!!)
July 1, 2024

Unfortunately, Richard has been struggling with health concerns, and he has been advised against making the trip to Australia in a couple of weeks.
With regret, he sent this message:
July 1, 2024
Due to health reasons (concerns) I have had to cancel my trip to Australia.
I am saddened by this turn of events for all involved, especially the organizers, (Carissa & Rand).
But I've also let down a myriad of fans & folks & friends, by not getting ahead of the exhaustion that led to this most recent failure of health.
I'm determined to 'right the ship' as completely as is humanly possible, not QUICKLY mind you, but I've been advised to take whatever time is needed to fix.... me!
Loving you ALL!
June 10, 2024

Richard was enjoying the local flora during his morning walk, and he took a moment to share a photo of his garden.
June 10, 2024
Here I am walking 'Archie' in the backyard before me coffee.
I keep a keen eye out for the two coyotes who yesterday waited on the open turf for his arrival, having sensed his presence by all the scented pee he's lain about...
June 3, 2024

Richard was feeling artistic and experimenting with the features on his phone when he shared his latest selfie masterpiece.
June 3, 2024
Nature's Nap
Tap, tap ~
May 29, 2024

Feeling philosophical in the middle of the night, Richard was moved to share a meme about his favorite people.
The image came with no note, but is quite self-explanatory.
May 21, 2024

Unfortunately, Richard's travel schedule got the best of him. He returned home with a pretty serious sinus infection, and has been resting at home to fight it off.
He sent a note to share some symptoms and colorful emojis.
Then he followed his message with a picture of a little bird. There was no explanation, only the caption: "My Knewest Bud."
May 21, 2024
So, I got pretty dang sick traveling, etc....
Massive sinus infection/congestion. Couldn't breathe one night, coughing-gagging for air, aches everywhere...
On the verge of calming down now. Just snotty, weak & lowly... tired.
Breaking for... a break.
May 14, 2024

Last weekend, while Richard was attending the Basingstoke Comic Con, the Northern Lights put on a spectacular show during a period of unusually intense solar activity.
Unfortunately, Richard's excursion to the higher latitudes did not yield a view of the Aurora this time, but he fondly recalled those times when he had experienced the colorful phenomenon in the past.
He followed up his note with a photo of one of the most special moments he had enjoyed at the convention ~ the chance to spend some time with one of his favorite people, Stargate costar Amanda Tapping.
May 14, 2024
No view of these Northern Lights, but growing up in Minnie we'd see them all the time.
Up north at the Lake we'd float out in the wee, little rowboat on to the Lake, and just lie in silent repose against the life jackets staring up and out to the undulating curtains of color & light that quietly excited the air...
Witnessed several times whilst in Alaska...
Very bright showing up yonder, reflecting and refracting via airborne crystalline powdered snow..... etc.
I'm a big fan of Madame Borealis and the kids ~ I call her Aurora, because we are so intimate. (sigh)
Speaking of intimate:
Here's a brief peek at two of the finest friends money can't buy.
The smartest, funniest, 'in-tune' person of the female persuasion with whom I have ever had the privilege to work, play, and simply KNOW.
Time with 'manda is complete with laughter (LOTS 'n LOTS of...) ~ parent-talk (our daughters are OK by us), 'smart talk' (by our own definition), and some rather middle-of-the-road fine dining.
We think we have the potential to be pretty cool.... But that's just our opinion!!
May 8, 2024

After his appearance at the German Film & Comic Con, Richard traveled to Basingstoke, England in advance of his appearance at the Basingstoke Comic Con the following weekend.
There he enjoyed some time for rest, relaxation, and serenity in the midst of his busy schedule.
With a nod to his father's instruction about prepositions at the end of a sentence, he shared a note and a scenic view.
May 8, 2024
View Out My Window @ Basingstoke
I've come early to write, relax, and heal.
This is the best start I can think of... the best place of which I can think to start...*
*My dad continues to bless me with his presence ~ an educator, even in death.... er...... heaven!
Basingstoke is Wonderful
Later, he went out for a wander around the gardens and added another photo.
Well this is my hotel (backside.)
A couple/few kilos from the town-let of Basingstoke.
Kinda perty 'round these parts.
After taking an extended stroll and exploring further, he returned again to describe his adventure.
I've been wandering about, subconsciously trying to get lost; with some success, I might add!
At the end of one path/road I found a fairly isolated tho well-attended set of small buildings filled with elderly folks, all seemingly shrouded in joyous celebrations of something or other. Two gals (near a hundred, if a day)... increased volume to be heard... gleefully tossing flirtatious barbs my way, causing no end to an already prevailing giggle fest in the room!
I felt sure I had accidentally taken one of the many heaven. (I KNOW: CORNY & UN-imaginitive...) But, there I was...... I was there, surrounded by women, laughter, and acceptance. Conversations were near impossible to distinguish from inner monologues finally verbalized for the ears of others to hear.
I'm not doing justice to the experience; it was just plain, simple, fun!
No one was more thrilled than I.
Then, in a creative mood, he shared another of his artistic self-portraits with the caption,
"Practicing Playtime, By Richard Dean, Of Richard Dean, '24."
May 3, 2024

As Richard was heading back to Europe for two new conventions in Germany and the UK over the next two weekends, a "Bon Voyage" message was sent, wishing him safe travels and two enjoyable conventions, with a nod to upcoming celebrations this weekend including Happy Star Wars Day ("May the Fourth be with you"), and Happy Cinco de Mayo.
Looking ahead to the following weekend, he responded, "Never Forget..... Happy Mother's Day!"
Later, he returned to share what is perhaps his traveling music.
May 3, 2024
This is becoming my theme song.
The Solo Guitar Project
April 20-22, 2024

Richard arrived in the Netherlands to attend Comic Con Holland in 's-Hertogenbosch this weekend.
He was able to enjoy a little bit of the culture he found there, and he shared a picture of his "favorite" discovery. The sculpture, "The Tilted Head" by Mark Manders, is outside the Noordbrabants Museum, although Richard didn't offer an explanation for his artwork capture.
April 20, 2024
My favorite site here this time in Holland ~
My informational details are not reachable at the moment ~ but who needs details... this feels good!
Then he followed up his message with a favorite fan encounter at the convention - the transformation of a "secret identity."
The mystery is solved:
... his secret was finally revealed, as was his identity!
A BEAUTIFUL kid who, by donning a "monster" mask, BECOMES ADORABLE!
The following day, Richard added two more pictures from the convention, including his own photo op, and a view of his autograph table with "practice" signatures.
April 21, 2024
Early the next morning, he was probably en route to the airport when he shared more of his artistic pictures of the Dutch countryside, with brief captions.
April 22, 2024
Working on a few windmill 'steals'... In progress... Passing a farm...
April 8, 2024
As the moon's shadow swept across North America this afternoon, Richard was among the millions who donned protective glasses and enjoyed the spectacle of the solar eclipse.
Although only a partial eclipse could be seen in Malibu, Richard was live texting during the event while I watched from French Lick, Indiana, in the path of totality.
The conversation underscored his enthusiasm for celestial phenomena.

April 8, 2024
Watching the Solar ECLIPSE right now ~
I must admit: it's been very, very cool!
Upon hearing that a total eclipse would be visible in Indiana, (after a 10-hour drive to reach the path of totality), he added:
Hell, it was worth the 10 second saunter into my backyard to get the 48.6% (they say!) coverage I just experienced.
Again, however, I am very impressed & grateful for the (brief) moments of celestially enhanced quality of life I've shared with the billion+ appreciative beings of earth ....... and so forth.
(Forgive my French, BUT.....) I love this kind of sh*t!
I envy your darkness! Enjoy

Finally the eclipse reached totality, and a shared live image was sent from Indiana to Malibu.
Richard "loved" the photo and added,"WELL DONE!"
Then he responded with a photo of his own, taken, as he explained, last week in Paris.
I jumped the gun when I took this shot from the ground outside my balcony window in France.
I didn't want to miss the E. Klips so I started early grabbing pix o' the sky... clouds 'n' all.
Yep...that's what I did, you betcha...
I certainly did do that... Juuuust to be sher... fer sher! A week early, on a scattered-cloudy day, in Europe, an ocean & a continent wide of the mark...
Then, after the 3-minute moment of totality had ended, he urged safety on the long trip home.
Please use severe caution whilst utilizing the interstate slab o' concrete connecting our country at high speeds (one hopes) for to venture endlessly, day, night & in between, toward a thoroughly satisfying 3 minute vacation!!....
March 29, 2024

When Richard arrived in Paris to attend Comic Con France this weekend, his arrival was greeted by a powerful storm of wind and rain that swept across northern Europe.
Taking the weather in stride, he shared an artistic photo of Paris's landmark Eiffel Tower, as well as a couple of selfies enhanced by the howling winds.
March 29, 2024
Some kind of tower in a storm ~
and its observing chronicler.
Just a wee bit gusty this particular morn...
Paris, 2024
February 14, 2024

On February 14th, a message was sent to Richard wishing him a Happy Valentine's Day.
At the suggestion that at the very least the day provided a good excuse to eat chocolate, he responded:
February 14, 2024
Since when do any of us divas need an excuse?!
Not THIS one, sahweety
A little almond bark, if you please .... divine white chocolate.....?
(Many associates have responded thusly: "WHITE CHOCOLATE!!????... Yuck, girlfriends, just, yucky-WRETCH!!")
Merry Valentine's Afternoon
Rick A.
February 6, 2024

In the last few days, California has been battered with historic storms resulting in torrential rain, flooding, wind, and mudslides.
When asked if he was managing to stay safe and dry through the tempest, Richard responded with a brief but reassuring reply.
February 6, 2024
Safe? Sure!
Dry? Nope!
January 26, 2023

Richard celebrated his 74th birthday on January 23rd, and many, many fans sent birthday wishes and greetings to him via the Fan Mail page on the website.
Richard had enjoyed a quiet birthday at home, and he sent a brief note to share his appreciation for all the fans' support.
January 24, 2024
Thang Q!
Quiet day in chilly sunshine.
On Friday, Richard returned again to share a bit more about his quiet but Happy Birthday.
January 26, 2024
A near-perfect birthday celebration ??
A comparative study in the effects of Time, and its incessant passing ~ persistence in the face of the inevitable consequences of...... life.... and its... living...... er... um... ah......
With Love,
Sir Arthur,
& Doyle
January 1, 2024

As the clock struck midnight and 2024 began, Richard took a moment to share a note about his latest houseguests and to wish everyone a Happy New Year, despite an untimely power outage.
Happy New Year to all!
January 1, 2024
This lady has been leading a pack of nine to my doorstep. It's kind of nice having them around (a neighbor, two houses down, keeps them, but apparently allows them to run free during the day, and they congregate here at the house.) They've only recently become a nuisance in great part because they poop prolifically... What I mean to say is, they sh*t a lot. And you know something, they never clean up after themselves.
So this is how I'll be spending part of my New Year's Day: scraping fresh peafowl poo off my porch, driveway, garden pathways, pool cover, the yard grass, stairway to the street & mailbox, etc. Good times!
That's truly NOT why I was texting ~ my purpose is much higher than that. Before the world of '23 goes missing, (never to darken our days again), I would like to be certain you know...
And my electricity?? Just went out???
Good start on 24...! HA!!! Not going to let it get away from me...
Candle ??? light ~ the fireplace is gas ~ Archie is cozy at my side, 'bout an hour on the clock ~ steady as she goes to goodly stuff, and gooder grammar!
Meant what I was in the middle of saying, or trying to say.
Enjoy this annual transition in time ~ ~ and/or ~ ~
Happy New Year!
~ 2024 ~
December 23, 2023

In the midst of the holiday season, Richard took a moment to send greetings to all the fans.
December 23, 2023
Dearest Loyal & Patient Peoples of 'Anderson Town' & Adjoining Suburbs, "Lend me your ears" for a moment! (I'll give them back, I promise, likely in better shape than when I borrowed them... oh, so many seconds ago!)
It's become a near ritual for me to procrastinate to the point of sending any well-intentioned task or gesture to the world of predictable tardiness or total forgetfulness. This is not an admirable trait, and nothing for which I take pride. Quite the opposite. I am truly embarrassed by my actions, rather, LACK of actions.
I do have some distractions, but everybody has those; find me one person who doesn't have daily distractions! Mine occur on a moment-to-moment time clock, making for a sluggish process of creativity ~ (drives me nuts!).
SO.... 'til later on today, maybe tomorrow...
Please, I beg ALL of you to BE CAREFUL out there!
P.S. I owe any communications with you to Kate Ritter... the most patient of humans I have ever known. I thank her deeply.... you should too!
December 18, 2023

When Spacecon San Antonio announced that Richard would be a guest at their convention next October, along with other members of the Stargate universe, it was necessary to confirm the information with Richard before posting it. However, Richard responded:
December 17, 2023
I don't know about Texas.... in so many ways!!
I'll seek an answer with facts to back it up!
The following day he returned with an update:
YES! For San Antonio.
I am seeking DATES ~ to be continued...
I'll write tonight.
August 21, 2023

On Sunday, August 20th, Hurricane Hilary smashed into Mexico and southern California. It has been nearly a century since such a powerful storm had struck the desert region not used to heavy rainfall, and there were widespread fears of flooding and mudslides.
To make matters worse, the region was hit on the very same day by a 5.1 magnitude earthquake.
As fans worried for Richard's welfare, he sent a message of reassurance.
The image arrived without text, but the caption speaks for itself.
August 4, 2023

In response to a message celebrating Wylie's 25th birthday on August 2nd, Richard replied with another selfie, although the image didn't quite have the smile to match the tone of his words.
Wylie had celebrated her special day with a party, but in keeping with a promise to his daughter, Richard apologized that he wouldn't be able to share any photos of the event.
August 4, 2023
Until I can get her "clearance," I can't send any pictures from the party.
I'm respecting her general REQUEST put forth a couple years back... and not sharing the private life of my daughter.
I'll work on it!
May 29, 2023

This weekend Richard attended FedCon in Bonn, Germany. After a bit of rest and a chance to wind down, he shared some of his impressions of the three-day weekend as well as a promise of more to come, and what was apparently a romp through the animal emojis on his phone.
If more messages get through, they will be added here.
May 29, 2023
Almost too much of many things!!!
Good people abound, respectful, attentive, responsive and so forgiving of my rambling tangentially-plagued tales of joy & woe.
I am very happy I motivated my aging lazy arse to come to Deutschland again ~ I like it here ~ I am drawn to come back whenever possible.
TBC with the aid of a computer AND a guarantee my messages are getting out to others ~ so far I have gotten no response from people I've tried to email or text!
Leave tomorrow.

April 19, 2023

Richard returned from Prague feeling a bit under the weather. However, he took a moment to send a message before settling in for some rest.
April 19, 2023
I caught 'cold' coming home. (I usually don't experience jet lag coming west, so....?)
Sleep for a couple of days should right the ship. dream
He followed his message with three of his images from his recent convention appearances, including the ketchup-and-mustard artwork that he created during his panel in Prague, the poster for Comic-Con Prague, and a picture from his visit to the Steel City Con in Pittsburgh earlier this month where he was reunited with Penny Parker's Teri Hatcher.
He captioned his photos:
"Wacko" ~ Prague CC Poster Girl ~ Dear Old Pal Teri
April 14, 2023

Richard has arrived in Prague, in the Czech Republic.
He will be appearing at Comic-Con Prague this weekend, but before the activities begin he has been able to enjoy a bit of the capital city, and he shared a few of his artistic impressions.April 14, 2023
Wandering ~
Little Rain Today
April 10, 2023

Richard was feeling a bit nostalgic today, and he sent a brief message with photos of his special girl.
April 10, 2023
This is what I miss most: Conversations With My Girl, Andy.
March 30, 2023

Richard has arrived in Pittsburgh for the Steel City Con. Before attending the convention this weekend, he decided to take in a hockey game at the PPG Paints Arena. As he settled back to watch the Penguins defeat the Nashville Predators, 2-0, he took a moment to share a selfie, which arrived without text, or chin. ;)
January 20, 2023

The Steel City Con, to be held March 31 to April 2 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has announced that Richard would be appearing as one of the guests.
Normally, Richard gives a bit of a heads-up before these announcements, but when contacted for verification this time, he replied:
January 20, 2023
I showed interest in the Pittsburgh event, but nothing has been confirmed with me.
It sounds like a leak sprung somewhere, a leak colored with embellishments and assumptions.
(Whether accidentally or purposely, I truly despise this practice.)
He went on to acknowledge that he would likely be agreeing to appear at the Pittsburgh event, then added:
But SOMEONE will have to confirm it with me! I'll let you know when that happens.
It took several days for the details to be finalized, but Richard finally signed the contract for the convention on Tuesday night, and the next day he followed up with his promised update:
January 25, 2023
Yes, I'll be in Pittsburgh. You can POST AWAAAAAAY...!!!! (Yay!)
Owls have been fervently "hooting" JUST outside the second floor balcony here ~ I'll tell you about my relationship with them later!
(They have taught me to respond to them, in THEIR VOICE; it pleases me very much!)
Information about the upcoming convention can be found at Steel City Con.
~ 2023 ~
December 31, 2022

Late on New Year's Eve, as the midnight hour approached, Richard was thinking about his "favorite people," his dogs, and he sent a brief message with pictures of Andy, Archie, and Daisy.
His message had no text, just three simple hearts.
December 31, 2022
November 12, 2022

Feeling a bit nostalgic today, Richard shared a bit of a poem, of sorts, and a picture from many years past of his younger self with his grandfather, John I. Anderson.
November 12, 2022
My grandfather, John I. Anderson, with his (favorite?) grandson, Richard.
(A picture of) JOHN I. (Anderson)
AND (a picture of)
(A picture of) JOHN I. (Anderson)
AND (a picture of)
(Possessed by father, Stuart, a teacher!)
October 13, 2022

Richard wrote to share the very sad news that Andy, his beloved Australian shepherd, had peacefully passed away last evening. She had been his best friend and companion for nearly 15 years, and Richard's fans will mourn her loss as well.
October 13, 2022
Laying low for some days, running silent.
Andy passed away quietly, peacefully last night. Shared her last breath with me ~ held my gaze until she 'slept' ~ slowly shutting out the remaining milky light.
Hard tears through the night ~ I've nothing left for a while. I'm alone for the time...
September 1, 2022

On September 1st, Richard wrote to announce that he expects to make his first convention appearance since the pandemic. As a courtesy, his message has been kept on hold until the convention organizers were ready to make the announcement.
Richard is scheduled to appear at the Paris Manga Sci-Fi Show on December 3rd and 4th. He did caution, however, that Andy's health continues to weaken, and when it comes to travel plans, her welfare must take priority.
September 1, 2022
I've agreed to an early December Paris Event....
That's all I know so far.
NO!! WAIT!!!.....!
I think Amanda is booked with me, or I with her....?
I think both of us are doing this thing!
Paris Manga, December 3~4.
I'm trying to get you the info firstly ~~~
There is one possible caveat. If Andy is still kicking in December, she will likely live forever, so another few days are not going to be a factor in our relationship ~ though she really hates it when I say, "I'll be back, I gotta go, but you know I'll come back to you, right? I've always come back, remember? I gotta go, I'm sorry, but I'll be back!" I kiss her snout and the top of her head, and go directly out the door.
The Paris Manga Sci-Fi Show will take place December 3-4, 2022 in Paris.
July 22, 2022

Richard shared a very brief bit of news today as well as another artistic photo of Andy. He entitled the photo "She Wouldn't Turn Around For Me..."
In health news, he's been dealing with another injury, but on a brighter note, he mentioned that he would be making another appearance on the Companion website to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the debut of Stargate SG-1. Richard and Brad Wright will be talking together and sharing stories from the Stargate set. This time the live event will be free for both members and non-members. The Companion will be making their announcement shortly.
July 22, 2022
Here is Andy. She Wouldn't Turn Around For Me...
I had a dislocated shoulder that now lingers uninvited to the party~
The Companion piece kinda snuck up on me! I don't know yet what to make of it.
Keep the fun factor at high ebb.
July 5, 2022

In the wee hours following his July 4th celebration with the dogs, Richard shared a portrait of Andy's playmate, Archie.
July 5, 2022
" Archie " Proud to be an American Boy on This, His Third Fourth! ~ ~
Archie is (now) Wylie's pup. He happily stays with Andy while WyQ leaves town.
Andy tolerates Archibald's youthful, playful antics; sometimes, just barely! But she now appreciates his aggressive approach to friendship!
She has severely cut back on the butt sniffing! Andy's not buying it anymore!!
(I say: Good for her!)
'R Chee' sleeps in the pit of my arm - makes the rounds throughout the night; pit to pit to pit....
It's wonderful!
OK, time to sleep!! (3:12AM here.)
Happy 5th
June 19, 2022

In reply to wishes for a Happy Father's Day, today Richard responded by sharing a bit of humor in the form of a dog cartoon, and a cheerful description of how he was spending his special day.
June 19, 2022
Mostly it's just us dogs "romping" through the 'back forty,' sniffing every other shrub for signs of foreign intruders, friendly & threatening alike.
It's something the kid and I can do together..... on any given Juneteenth/Dad's day combo plate!
~Loving the Day~
April 17, 2022

On Easter Sunday, Richard shared another photo of his dog Andy in a peaceful and meditative pose.
His picture came without a message, but with a simple caption:
Never an acutely religious dog, Andy still found great spiritual confirmation in prayer.
April 2, 2022

On March 30th, the Richard Dean Anderson Website celebrated its 25th anniversary.
It certainly has grown since the day it was first launched, on March 30, 1997, just as Stargate was getting underway.
Reminded of the anniversary, Richard sent a message to share in the celebration.
April 2, 2022
EAU MAI GAUD, Garl Frang!!!
Twenty ~ 5 ~ ¥€@rs!
XXV !!!!!??!!
Veinti cinco!
Let's be honest whilst tossing about our congratulations.
It has ALL been in your hands to become... what it has become... today. (Misty weeps the boy o'er 70 years.)
Thank YOU!
March 17, 2022

Richard wrote to confirm that he has agreed to participate in the second Stargate A.I. table read on The Companion website. Details are still being put in place, but the broadcast may be expected some time in May.
He also took the opportunity to share a bit of an update about Andy and Wylie.
March 17, 2022
Andy has shown signs of dementia and I must reintroduce myself every morning, let her sniff and lick my hands and face for familiarity, recognization. From that point on into the day she feels safe and relies on me for that comfort. It's amazing to watch her utilize her sense of smell to guide her through space, every step of the way. She'll recognize my shape & stance/behavior from quite a distance, and if I'm down wind, she DEFINITELY knows that light, feminine fragrance I carry with me all the time ~ I'm just a natural kind of guy, and she likes that. After all, she sniffs foreign poop!
WyQ has locked her film; it's ready for color-correct, sound mix, music cues, ADR, and the other little tweeks that flesh is heir to. She's happy with the cut ~ and THAT is what I care about ~ her happiness.
I'll try (!) to get something more to you before any cranial implosion occurs...
January 28, 2022

Richard took a moment to send some words of thanks to everyone... and then Andy happened by.
January 28, 2022
I give no outward signs of appreciation to you, (loyal fanage,, but I beg of you to trust my intentions when I say to ALL of you (yes, you), there is NOT a day that passes in my life when I don't stop the melee in my head to reflect on the good fortune with which I have been blessed.
If you have stuck around through the (now) years, waiting for the occasional sign of life from my end of the rainbow... THANK YOU!!!
Thank you for hanging on to any thread of memory you might still have of earlier days, when hearts were lighter & minds were not cloudy all day.
Here's what I'll say for now (bcz Andy has just nuzzled her nose into my armpit, only just ONE sign she would rather I throw focus onto HER than show an apparent preference for anything BUT her, NOT paying attention to her, and so forth)... uummm... right...
What I'll say for now: I have been slowed by several factors these past few years, not the least of which are consistently sleepless nights, some little aches & pains leftover (revisiting) from the athletically active days (and nights), a nearly 16 year old Australian Shepherd who is determined to outlive me (which would be fine by me) and whose average life expectancy is 10-12 yrs.... so, well, you know... time.
Dog Break.
January 20, 2022

Richard followed up with an update of his own about his upcoming interview with Brad Wright.
He had reached out to Brad for information about how fans will be able to view their conversation, and he wrote to share the news.
January 20, 2022
THIS Saturday the interview goes up.
This is an effort by Brad to explain other stuff.
From Brad:
They're releasing a shorter totally free version on Sunday as well as the longer version for members.
Saturday they're doing a live "watch along" for the keeners.
They're also offering a one week free deal with access to the full site.
I am unable to make sense of it so...good luck !
The Companion website is a subscription site focusing on science fiction television and movies.
The full interview will premiere with a "Watch Party" on January 22nd at 5pm ET/10pm GMT, and will be available only to members who subscribe to The Companion. It will also be available on demand to members the following day.
An edited 30-minute version of the podcast will be available to non-members in the Video Gallery.
The Companion has also announced that a second, follow-up conversation with Richard will be broadcast live on February 12th.
December 13, 2021

Late at night, Richard sent a message to share the sad news of his recent loss.
His beloved dog, Poppy, who had come to join Andy in their "pack" about five years ago, has passed away.
In tribute to his dear friend, he shared two pictures of Poppy, and a single rose in honor of her memory.
December 13, 2021
I am saddened... and truly mourn the death of our spirited one ~
dearest of the dear ~~
............ Poppy.
No details now, maybe later.
For now...... I'm sad.

The following night, Richard shared another brief message and a fond memory of his time with Poppy.
December 14, 2021
It was always my great pleasure to be the victim of her Sneak Attacks....
....sneaky attacks!
November 6, 2021

It seems that Richard has been spending a fair amount of time enjoying all that the outdoors has to offer.
Today he returned with a new selfie and another brief greeting.
November 6, 2021
Hello, out there!!!
This is what happens when an old fart spends most of his waking hours (and a fair amount of 'nappy time') outside, in water, in dirt, under trees, with dogs.....
I have a hawk's nest just outside, high up in a eucalyptus tree. I've been watching it all summer. Well, mama hawk (Coopers hawk, I believe) has been announcing the arrival of wee baby! She's awfully excited this afternoon ~ and what a shriek she has!
I say, HUZZAH!! Congratulations, Hawk!
October 20, 2021

After a period of relative quiet during the past several weeks, Richard tested the waters once again and shared a few random thoughts today in a message he entitled "Test Text."
October 20, 2021
Everybody, Anybody, and You!!
Yes, you.
As most (or some) of you know, I've been away.
(The correct punctuation should make it read: "... I've been "away"." The quote marks leaving room for interpretation by the reader, which I find to be a fair way to approach content that is presented as either complete fact, or a gentle massaging of facts in order to take the edge off the realities of my life.)
I've been annoyed by quite a lot (of things (stuff)) lately. I've tried to specify for myself just what it is that sets me "traveling," but I have found that to be extremely, truth be known, annoying!
I can be caught rambling around new OR old pattern-less pathways (sic), as I've been able to reach this spot on the map, globe, astral charts...
(Poppy just arrived to announce her intention to PLAY with her Alpha-lfa male.)
Good For Now,
Alphalfa P. Pennypecker
August 3, 2021

Yesterday, on August 2nd, Richard's daughter Wylie celebrated her 23rd birthday.
To celebrate, birthday wishes were sent to Richard and Wylie in honor of their shared special day.
The following day, Richard sent a note of thanks and a little update.
August 3, 2021
Thank you!
WyQ is celebrating her birthday in New York with friends, spent time in Boston, and a week in Nantucket with family. All good stuff!
As a consequence (or is it 'subsequently'? I really don't know) she has been incommunicado for the duration. All fine.
But I promise to relay your loving gesture!
Love at you!
July 16, 2021

Today, Richard shared a picture of his seldom photographed "wee girl," his other dog, Poppy.
July 16, 2021
Two and a half years to grab a smiley snapshot of our wee girl, Pop!
Some things are just worth waiting for.
(I'm flirting with a new level of patience ~ the Aged will do that now and again.)
Some hours later, Richard returned with a second picture, a somewhat different side of wee Poppy, and a brief caption:
And then it drifted toward dinner time....
July 1, 2021

Perhaps with a bit of nostalgia, Richard shared an update with some current family news, as well as a fond memory from the past.
He talked about a gathering of brothers, cousins, and dogs, and his message also included a picture of his father that he captioned, "My Dad, 1949, before my debut ~"
July 1, 2021
Been trying to write something for Fansters, big and small, boys and girls, and all others identifying as they so choose!!
All 4 brothers were together last weekend ~ absolute 'fun-ness'!
Cousin Nikki came with brother Jimmy, as did Wylie (on her own).
Lotta laughter, Nikki (10) cooked, Wylie brought 'Archie' = dog mayhem!
Yesterday I helped Wy with moving STUFF into her new apartment.
Andy is still healing from having her spleen removed ~ now she's just very old. So am I.
Andy is shadowing me, and I her. She's winding down, nearly blind and ........... she comes, gotta go!
Love to all who want it,
June 23, 2021

A few days after Father's Day, Richard shared another selfie.
Once again, the image arrived without a message, but the picture was captioned, "A Dad @ the Dentist."
June 13, 2021

Richard returned today with another picture of Andy to share.
The image arrived without a caption or text, just a simple portrait of his best friend.
May 18, 2021

Richard shared another of his creative photos today, featuring his dog Andy.
May 18, 2021
~ The Search for Stonehenge ~
by *richardeanderson, friend to blind dogs*
April 26, 2021

Richard continues to promise a full update, but in the meantime he shared a quick note about a possible springtime downside even in the southern California desert.
April 26, 2021
I'll try to write more later. Right now I am trying to UNCLOG my sinuses and hydrate my totally parched throat, mouth and nostrils. (Nice!)
There's a very fair chance I've developed some allergies, but I haven't been tested for any as yet. I will keep you apprised.
Quiet thoughts.
nasal spray...
February 12, 2021

Richard popped up today with a quick greeting and virtual hugs, and a promise to write more soon.
February 12, 2021
I will endeavor to send SOMETHING out to (possibly) address my quiet end of the line ~
Big, safe (but ENORMOUS!!!) hugs to everyone still in our sphere of good things, & hope.... 'n' stuff!
January 1, 2021

Richard welcomed the New Year with a special message and his own unique version of a New Year's resolution.
January 1, 2021
Poised and ready, (oh so ready) for the new year... (ANY new year!)
I, as yet, have but one (1) resolution: To curb my overuse of parentheses (and commas)!
(As I recall, final punctuation should be placed inside (within) the end parentheses.)
So far..... so-so!
As new years go, I optimistically venture that this next one WILL be happy!
I wish it so, for you.
~ 2020 ~
December 25, 2020

Richard took a moment today to wish a Merry Christmas to one and all.
December 25, 2020
Taking a moment to sit at the computer and compose some thoughts of appreciation to the fans, fannettes, and family members of, "Kate's Klub of Kindness for Kidz Who Like Knowing....Stuff!"
...let us toast to the inevitability of (a better) tomorrow...
Love, Respect, Hope,
December 4, 2020

Richard has been doing more experimenting with his photography and photo editing, and he took a moment today to share his latest piece of artwork.
December 4, 2020
Creative (?) Outlet...
A messy depiction. An experiment with new knowledge of lense-play, filters, and time.
"Hello!!" to anyone listening ~ !!!
And, most especially, to those who are not!!
November 11, 2020

Richard shared a cheery note today. Although still dealing with health issues, he was feeling the love.
November 11, 2020
Back wretched
Both knees painfully shot
Blinding neck lock-ups
Sleep 20-40 minutes at a time
BUT !!!!!
My daughter loves me AND tells me so!
My dog lives for me, and, she tells me so........
all the time
Life is good and fine!
October 18, 2020

Richard was feeling both artistic and poetic today as he shared his latest selfie.
October 18, 2020
To (the) B.
or not
To (the) B.
That is A question?
There are SO many more!
September 25, 2020

Richard dropped by to share another selfie and a little "hello" today. A little later, he returned with a greeting from Andy as well.
September 25, 2020
Despite the bulbous noggin, swollen cheeks and failed haircut... I wanted to say, hello. "Hello!"
And from Andy, 13+ yrs, and STILL has attiTUDE! Not so much arrogant as... confident!
Confident in her arrogance.
Shortly afterward, he followed up with more pieces of his creative artwork.
The first pair of pictures arrived with the caption, This is a sampling of 'how I spent my summer' with the camera.
The second pair of pictures included the caption, Feelin' rosy ~ aaaaannd... not so much!
September 11, 2020

So far, Richard's home is not in danger from any of the California fires, however he has been dealing with intermittent internet issues, perhaps due to interference from the fires and smoke. It seems he has been able to send but not receive emails, and so it took a combination of emails and texts to get a message through.
When he tried to touch base with a bit of news, his first attempt was lost within the depths of his computer. In a second attempt he was able to announce that he has been able to finally address his "isolation hair," although he had no pictures to share this time. His messages arrived in the wee hours of the morning, as he and Andy were heading out for yet another camping adventure.
September 11, 2020
I composed a little ditty (diddy?) for consumption by the dwindling masses. However, as is NOT out of the ordinary, it all just up and left me! For what for where for whoooom, I cannot say.
OH! So THIS little ditty is meant as a tester; once again thinking I'd rather not have another piece of literary genius go the way of other... um... words.
I would like the emails to travel to your eastwardness. (I will confess that it has been quite dead out here; I haven't received ANY emails since the fires started.)
Good news: haircut today!
Then sitting in my dentist's office, awaiting the nightmare that is... DENTAL WORK!!!
Now I'm headed to the back yard where Andy and I have been 'sleeping' restlessly for weeks now. She won't come upstairs to sleep anymore... dogs of a feather, etc.
Ominously smoky this day.
Gathering equipment; sprinklers are on - gotta go.
Pretending with my dog to be in a storm somewhere in the mountains o'er-looking the swells of the mighty Pacific...
Love to the Kids~
September 1, 2020

Richard returned today to share another bit of his creative artwork, a rather unique "selfie."
September 1, 2020
Diet is paying HUGE dividends.
August 25, 2020

Still tucked away at home, Richard shared yet another selfie today sporting his isolation hair.
August 25, 2020
From MY perspective...a jungle!!!
July 29, 2020

Only a few hours after sending his black and white selfie, Richard returned with another photo to share. And a smile.
July 29, 2020
And more to my sensibilities,
THIS is what makes me smile!
July 28, 2020

Still exploring black and white selfies, Richard shared another example of his experimental photography and a bit of isolation philosophy.
July 28, 2020
Still alive and living in isolated bliss... as blissful as isolation can be, I suppose~~
The other perspective would include an assessment of how isolating bliss can be, but that discussion rests in SILENT isolated bliss.
July 25, 2020

While concentrating at his computer this afternoon, Richard took a moment to pause, to send a "tiny hello," to share another selfie, and to add some random wandering thoughts.
July 25, 2020
tiny hello~
I keep trying to unclutter the space where my brain used to be, where it should be today. But it seems to continually wander aimlessly when I'd rather it journey with purpose and goals!
"Not THESE days," he conceded~ the thought bubble, long ago burst into fragments of moist letters and punctuation and sentiment, thus failed to appear over his shoulder, above his head... out of his ears....
July 5, 2020

Like so many others these days, Richard's hair has begun to show the effects of several months of isolation.
Today he shared a brief message with some photos of his "isolation hair."
July 5, 2020
What’s a Guy to Do?
This could be a high school pic ~ except for the gray! (+ wrinkles!)
June 22, 2020

Although Richard had experimented with Instagram some time ago, he has not posted to his account in a very long time. Nevertheless, occasional posts have continued to appear, including most recently a flashback photo of Richard with his daughter Wylie on Father's Day, leading him to suspect that Wylie might have posted a few "test" photos during certain occasions when he had given her his phone to share photos or fix issues.
The following day, as a proud father, Richard shared the happy news that Wylie has become a teacher. Then, with tongue firmly in cheek and with an imagination working overtime, he visualized a hilarious scenario in which he would be asking Wylie about the mysterious Instagram photos.
June 22, 2020
Wylie and I have been spending a fair amount of time with each other. We are stationed in the big, open Great Room off the kitchen, at the long dining table... across from each other, together but staggered.
Did I mention she's a teacher now? Full on hired & working, K-6 classes, Zoom formatted, variety of subjects.
I told her Grandpa Stuart 'virtually' exploded (in his time-share in heaven) with pride! I, of course, weep openly with my over-filled vessel of pride (v.o.p.) over her choices, accomplishments, and the joy she exhibits in her retelling of the experience day after day!
She has also been clearing her computer of 'stuff' and found a bunch of pix from our distant history together. I think the picture on Instagram was just one of many she sent while filtering down both her pix and mine, during which time she was in possession of my phone.
She's on her way over right now so I will cruelly confront her on what is sure be a gross and insensitive breach of trust between us, which can only be repaired over years of isolation, meditation, and dieting (low carbs, high protein!!). A little physical torture wouldn't hurt, either!
Guards!! bring forth the blasphemer, let her stand before us in shame, without friend nor foe to defend her perilously wretched actions performed in secrecy without witness to render her... innocent of all claims ~
As it is time, by clock or by eternity's dark mystery, I do decree the DEVIL be our guide in this, the Final Act... over all!
Print, PRINT I say ~ print it ALL...
for ALL to see,
Print clearly, make certain ~
~ to say it's from me!
Richard, the Dean
June 4, 2020

Richard has been spending most of his time safely at home. He continues to deal with pain issues but is trying a new treatment.
Meanwhile, Wylie and Andy provide welcome companionship.
June 4, 2020
I think of the people who are interested, even curious, about my life and, possibly, my health. The health issue, is an old issue. So... I'
I'm swimming a lot, and eating fairly well.
Wylie is making great use of her extra time by writing another play (two, I think) and collecting music so diverse in style and tone and 'temperature,' that I had to comment: 'how on earth will all of this music exist in one play?' I trust her.
Andy is aging SO quickly; I figured out she's 91 or 95, give or take. We spend ALL of our time together; all day, night, and in-between. She's been my best friend ever, the smartest, most loyal friend I have ever had in my life.
Rick (richardeanderson)
May 25, 2020

During the COVID-19 isolation, Richard has managed to share a few socially distanced family gatherings.
In his latest message he acknowledged that he is still trying to send additional pictures from the family celebration for Wylie's graduation. (If successful, they will be added here.)
He also shared news about a pool-side gathering, and he mentioned his plan to honor his father, a wartime veteran, on this Memorial Day.
May 25, 2020
I've sent several photos from our "ceremony" AND attempted to get a short piece of video to sneak through wires & cyber waves of grain.........
Wylie & her sister came over yesterday for a properly-distanced swim & chat.
It's on the table for today that I make it down the 405 to rendezvous with brother Jeff at Captain Stuart J. Anderson, USAF, Army Air Corps, Pilot & War Hero's gravesite.
Richard R. Rick, I.M.
May 12, 2020

Richard's daughter Wylie had completed her degree at Emerson College in Boston last December.
She was looking forward to graduating with the rest of her class this spring, however COVID-19 made a graduation ceremony impossible. Instead, her family gathered for a special celebration of their own.
Richard had tried, unsuccessfully, to include a photo with his message. If the photo eventually arrives, it will be included here.
May 12, 2020
Wylie got screwed out of a graduation ceremony at EMERSON, so we all gathered to present her with a moment of congratulatory focus.
The day also gave her family members an opportunity to express our love and pride to the girl who has become a strong and dynamic and simply beautiful woman...
Days later, Richard was able to share a photo of Wylie during her graduation celebration, and he added the caption:
Here is Wylie at her 2020 graduation from Emerson College, with a BFA in Theater Education & Performance, Specializing in Acting, Directing, Writing & Improvisation.
Still later, he added another photo of Wylie with her mom and her sister, which he captioned:
~~ Payton, Apryl, and College Graduate Extraordinaire ~~ Emerson College Class of 2020 ~~ Heavy Sigh! Dad
April 20, 2020

Still sheltering in place at home, Richard wrote today to check in with the outside world and to share a bit of news during his "free time."
April 20, 2020
Hello, Every Body,
Coming to you from my lovely backyard, overlooking a glorious Pacific Ocean, beside an elegantly-old and beautiful shepherd dog named, Andy.
Quite literally I just want to check in with as many human beings as possible, to find out how life is faring for you all.
Generally speaking I'd say "life" is downright nuts these days. You heard me, nuts! Who among us can honestly say this is a comfortable way to live, or a sane way to plod along this lonesome road? Not I, dear friends...
Personally, I have created a project that I hope to see to its end and reap the rewards of a disciplined effort toward self-betterment. I am working on getting some SLEEP!!! I practice daily, sometimes even at night, but if I get to sleep at night I consider it, overtime ~
Let me know how YOU are coping with the extra days and months of "free time" we all have. It's undoubtedly going to be a while so..............let's vent!
April 12, 2020

On Easter Sunday, Richard (and a friend) sent a brief and somewhat unconventional Easter greeting.
April 12, 2020
Easter Non-Compliance!!
Happy though....
March 30, 2020

Richard shared another selfie and brief note this morning.
Resurrecting an image from 2018, he sent the photo again with a new caption.
March 30, 2020
"The Older We Get, The Closer We Become ~"
March 29, 2020

In light of guidelines during COVID-19, Richard has been spending time in seclusion.
He sent a message to share how music has been keeping him occupied.
March 29, 2020
Hi, All ~
Who DOESN'T grow tired of all this seclusion?
I have surrounded my head & heart with music ~
Specifically: I've taken advantage of Pandora's offerings and created what I am calling, Leo Kottke Radio. (First you have join Pandora ~ this is not an advertisement, but I will say it's some of the best money I've invested!)
So I named my file Leo Kottke Radio (as I've already said) and what Pandora does is collect as much music as exists by guitarists who emulate the artistry of Leo, playing as solo performers (with 1 or 2 exceptions) picking away on their 6 or 12 string ACOUSTIC guitars!
Rickety Anne Derson
March 26, 2020

As the COVID-19 virus has been making an impact around the world, fans have been understandably anxious to hear from Richard that all is well.
While he has not yet responded to requests for an update, he did send a brief message last night. It was not intended to be posted, but was rather a question related to an earlier message and an attempt to confirm that his messages were getting through.
He did not make any reference to any health issues or concerns, so for now it seems that he and his family are well. If he sends any further updates, they will of course be posted here.
March 9, 2020

Richard was sorting through the archives of his earlier photos when he came upon a picture of young Wylie feeding a lion cub.
As best he could, he recalled the moment when he and Wylie made the acquaintance of Lily, the MGM lion cub.
March 9, 2020
Is this new to you?
All I remember is... We were in Las Vegas and thru MGM I was lucky enough to secure a little visit time with (I wanna say, "Lily",) who was one of the next generation of MGM lions.
This was a rare opportunity that I jumped on for WyQ.... you know, for a rainy day &/or bragging rights.
Excellent Kitty!
March 3, 2020

There is a new member of the extended Anderson household.
Today Richard shared a new picture of Wylie with her sister Payton's new puppy.
The picture came with a simple caption: Wylie & 'Archie' ~ 'He's new'.
Later he sent a note with more details.
March 4, 2020
Archie is Payton's (we say out loud in her presence; but I see equal sharing.... as the crow flies!)
I did a very friendly mind meld with Archie, and the bond feels lasting. Certainly based in K9 understanding, and trust.
He has not met Andy & Poppy.
February 17, 2020

Richard shared another photo of his "other" favorite girl today.
His picture of Andy was simply captioned, My Ole Girl.
February 15, 2020

Richard had a rather uneventful Valentine's Day. Still dealing with the aftermath of a particularly unpleasant root canal a week ago, he also found himself a continent away from his Special Valentine, as he joked in his note.
February 15, 2020
Wylie is in Boston right now.
I don't know what's wrong with this girl's priorities BUT, she has chosen to spend Valentine's Day with her BOYFRIEND, instead of her FATHER!!!!?
Kids!! What're ya gunna do?
February 4, 2020

Richard has been experimenting with digital art.
Today he shared an artistic rendering of an image of "The Simpsons" simply entitled "Family."
February 3, 2020

Richard returned to share more photos today.
First, he re-sent his selfie with all his birthday cards, and this time he included a message with it, which has been added below.
Then he shared one of his own photos (left) with the caption "My Morning Backyard."
Finally, he included a picture of a monkey (right) which he captioned, "Dogs Are the Best, But THIS Guy Has Won My Heart. "
February 1, 2020

Richard may still be looking through the birthday greetings from his fans.
Today he sent another selfie amid just a few of the hundreds of birthday cards that he received last week.
The picture came without a title or caption or text, but the smile speaks for itself.
On Monday, Richard re-sent the picture, and this time he added text to go with it.
February 3, 2020
Birthday 70 ~ Overwhelmed by Fan Response ~ YOU are ALL Amazing!
This is just a tiny corner of my bed which is a California King (big!) and it is COVERED over completely with Congratulatory Birthday Cards, well-wishes, expressions of love and happiness, and hundreds of pictures of !!!!!! ~ DOGS ~ !!!!!!
Thank You ~ ALL of you!!!
(Same Time Next Year!?!) ??
January 30, 2020

Perhaps Poppy was wanting equal time after the note from her big sister Andy.
Today Richard shared one of his artistic renderings of his dog, Poppy, and he wrote simply, "Not sure if you've seen this work of dog..."
The horizontal photo was sent as a vertical image, with the caption, "HAAAALLPP...!!! TURN ME SIDEWAYS & TAP."
January 26, 2020

It would seem that Richard has been very busy reading through the messages from fans, both on the Fan Mail page and from the box of cards that was delivered to his door.
This is apparent because today Andy sent a message out to the fans.
January 26, 2020
Hello, Friends,
Thought I'd take a brief moment to express some gratitude. My human, Richard, has been looking at this computer for what seems like days now, (and that's DOG DAYS), and I have to selfishly admit that I'm on the verge of becoming quite jealous, in that the old fart spends more time perusing, than he does scratching my belly. Anyone who knows me knows that's one of my favorite activities we do. See? Selfish!
But I didn't come here to whine or bitch about the quality of my life; it is pretty dang good (more on that another time). No, I wanted to get the message out to EVERYBODY who has written or otherwise expressed your congratulations, good will, and love to him, that he seems particularly affected by the voices that have rung out this time.
I don't know what it is. He received a box FULL of envelopes and has been opening every one of them over a period of two days. (He keeps going to his espresso machine for something to drink: I've sniffed what he's drinking and seriously, HOW DOES HE DRINK THAT STUFF?!! Indeed, what is he thinking?)....
(Now I've lost my train of thought! "Aaarrrrrrrr, grrrrrrrr, WOOF!" I hate when that happens; I lose my temper and go all primal with growls and howls and.... well, you get the idea.)
I'm back. So, anyway, since Rrrrrick is this dogs's best friend, and I know he's a bit slow to respond to such things as Birthday wishes, Christmas tidings, or simple everyday "how-de-do's," I thought I'd help him out getting this message out to whoever is listening and tell you: Richard is genuinely humbled by your efforts to say Happy Birthday, to the point where he doesn't know what to say!
I'm his dog and I can tell how much he appreciates the gestures and sentiments of love he receives. He doesn't go away as much as he used to (which is a GOOD thing for me and my little brat 'sister,' Poppy) and I can tell he sometimes misses the opportunities to meet other humans around the world. But when you ALL started to realize that our 'good man, Richard' was turning over the odometer at 70, reminding him of this milestone for better or worse... well, I think HE realized just how lucky he has been... and continues to be!
So thanks, everybody, my human is in a very good place, thanks to you!
Forever His Best Friend,
January 23, 2020

Today, Richard Dean Anderson celebrates his 70th birthday.
Late last night, just as his birthday was beginning, an email was sent to him reminding him of the thousands of messages on the Fan Mail page and forwarding any e-cards for charitable donations through the Charity page. Also, a box filled with hundreds of birthday cards was sent by mail and is due to arrive later this afternoon.
It was still the wee hours of the morning when Richard sent a reply. He had not yet been to bed and had not yet checked out the messages, but he wanted to share his thanks and was looking forward to reading through all the greetings in the morning.
January 23, 2020
You were the first to wish me a happy birthday. Thank you.
It's about 3am and my ears are ringing I'm so tired, BUT, I am extremely glad and grateful that you've given the directions for tomorrow's exploration into the current and historical expressions of love and appreciation from the millions of well-wishing fans and fanettes from around the globe... especially as everyone seems eager to remind me that I am now: 70 years old! 70. Humph! 70 fer krine owt lowd! Whatever..... (70!!!?)
Seriously, though, I am setting some time tomorrow to scrutinize your directions INTO the website, and let the loving sentiments pour over me....
Thank you! You are ...the best!
I R Sleepy, Esq.
Later that evening, Richard returned to share how he had spent his birthday.
January 23, 2020
Birthday Day~
My business manager called me last night to tell me that it is imperative I come in to the offices to sign some documents that will affect some loan blah, blah, blah, and it is important I get them signed before end of day... so could I get in on Thursday.....
I acquiesced and made the journey into Beverly Hills this afternoon to sign what I was told to sign.
I entered the offices and was directed into the conference room whereupon I was greeted by a blaring, SURPRISE!!!
~ 2019 ~
December 20, 2019

In the midst of Christmas preparations, Richard took a moment to share a digital Christmas greeting entitled "Hello, Christmas" and featuring a new selfie with his own splendid Christmas tree.
December 20, 2019
Hi there,
I can't say this is a ritual of any kind for me, the selfie grab from 'neath our luminously decorated Christmas tree.
But upon reflection, I do believe it could be.
I need a ritual in my life, and I can't off hand think of a better one than this: a Christmas card generated electronically, featuring a cheery holiday smile in a picture taken from the floor pointing upward to include the source of all the light....
December 10, 2019

Richard has still been having some difficulty sending and receiving messages through his service provider.
Today, in an attempt to get a message to send, he shared two more of his artistic photos, a new selfie and a picture of his best friend, Andy.
The pictures came without titles or descriptions, except for his exclamation of success when his message got through.
December 10, 2019
December 2, 2019

It seems that Richard's camping in the rain had unfortunate consequences.
Over the weekend he has been fighting a cold, and today he shared another artistic selfie.
December 2, 2019
Yep... sleeping in the rain can lead to the sniffles.
This is a picture of, "Under the Weather Rick".
November 30, 2019

Richard sent another message today with a question for the arachnologists among us.
November 30, 2019
Found this poor guy on the Back 40 of Hovel d'Anderson last night. I call him 'Toby.'
Normally I'll let creatures with 8 legs (or more) go about their business as I exercise my freedom to bugger off in the other direction. I have a very healthy respect for little things that can do big, painful things to me!
(Flash forward )
Later that night I returned to my 'spider blind' for closer examination of my backyard tenant. He had shown no signs of life when I first met him, and he showed even fewer signs this visit. Let's say he was dead. (Poor guy.)
Now, here's my question to all who have knowledge or, would care to venture a guess, whether educated or not: What "kind" of spider do you think this is?
(I've done a modicum of research and have my thoughts, but I'm open for some public speculation.)
Now, if I can get my photo to send to Kate, we'll be golden!
Thanx Kids!
November 29, 2019

Following on yesterday's story of a rainy backyard camping adventure, Richard shared two more photos today.
The first picture, a selfie, came with the title, "In Out of the Rain on Thanksgiving~".
The second picture was of tall grasses, but it came with a story.
November 29, 2019
This pic is a failed attempt to capture my 13 yr old Australian Shepherd in action.
What's missing in this frame is 'Andy' literally diving into the tall, reedy grass here in my backyard, and completely disappearing (note the slightly parted grass on the right side of frame).
During our morning walk we inadvertently spooked a rabbit from its hiding & the chase (such as it was) was on!
All I was able to capture was the hole into which both animals had flown.
I missed the shot! (Sad face!)
November 28, 2019

Richard shared another message to send greetings for a Happy Thanksgiving.
He explained that the evening before he and Andy had attempted some backyard camping, but Mother Nature didn't cooperate.
Then he added two pictures. The first, with Andy, was entitled "Two Happy Dogs." The second was another in his series of artistic selfies.
November 28, 2019
Andy and I pitched a tent in the backyard for another night of adventure and strange choices. Rain has been intermittent and expected for tomorrow, et. al., etc.
(Time passes in the nite, we are snuggled, warmish, and dry.)
The one thing I hadn't anticipated was Andy's response to the spatter-sounds of the occasional downpour or startling spurts of sustained heavy rain, which is what the night became. My old girl became anxious... so we bailed out of the camping trip and have come indoors.
Sending you a "Happy Thanksgiving!" from two wet dogs!
Rick & Andy
November 17, 2019

Richard and Andy shared another selfie today.
The photo came without a message or caption, just a happy picture on a pleasant Sunday morning.
November 1, 2019

Richard has been traveling during this past week. After attending the Chiller Theatre convention in New Jersey, he headed north to Boston to spend some quality time with his daughter Wylie.
Afterward, he flew to Montana, where he has been enjoying nature and spending time with his good friends Wil and Mokey.
He sent his first message on Friday morning as he made his connecting flight to Helena, and he followed up with additional messages and pictures to share his journey.
November 1, 2019
Boston was heavenly, Wylie even MORE heavenlier!
Taxiing toward SLC & onward to Montana - Helena. 19 F.
At friend's birdhouse near the river.
On Sunday afternoon he sent another brief message as he and his friends explored the area around Marysville.
November 3, 2019
Back hills of Marysville, Montana ~ exploration day. 31 F.
Great friends.
Later that evening, as he sorted through his pictures, Richard shared three selfies he had taken. The first photo, showing the three friends (above) came with a message.

November 3, 2019
Richard, Wil, & Mokey. These are my friends!!
We all have daughters; smart, beautiful, strong, young daughters who have all recently embraced womanhood ~ which both elates & saddens us all.
The second photo was simply captioned "Rick & Mokey".
The third selfie included the caption "Brightening my spirits in the chill of Montana back-country air ~".
October 24, 2019

Richard will be appearing this weekend at the Chiller Theatre convention in NJ, and he mentioned that he will likely be keeping the beard he has been growing.
Before he could make the trip, however, he made a visit to the dentist yesterday. He had cracked one of his front teeth and called on the dentist to have the tooth repaired.
Unfortunately, it was not a simple procedure, but all is well now in time for the trip.
October 24, 2019
This became more of a thing than I thought it would. Maybe worthy of posting?
Mouth, gum "surgery" got weird ~ ended up tearing it all out and replacing the damaged with brand new porcelain ~ extra
Would have been distracted by the memory of it all.
Andy woke up this morning early dark, and she loved me like never before, love licks and rolling snuggles...
(She sensed my pending departure; awesome dog!)
October 11, 2019

Richard has long been a fan of the unique acoustic guitar music of Leo Kottke. In fact, when he wrote a small piece of music that appeared in the MacGyver episode "The Negotiator," he titled it "Eau d'Leo" in Kottke's honor.
On Thursday evening, Richard took the opportunity to attend one of Leo Kottke's performances, and in the wee hours of the morning after returning from the concert, he took a moment to share his pleasure.
October 11, 2019
I saw Leo Kottke tonight.
Smothers Theater, Pepperdine campus, Malibu, California.
Astounding performance!
Snuck backstage, reintroduced myself, hung out with him in the greenroom chatting for nearly an hour, exchanged phone numbers, went on our respective ways.
I feel good.
September 27, 2019

Richard wrote to share his latest endeavor - shoe shopping.
His doctor has recommended that he invest in new shoes designed for comfort and support to help address his continuing issues with pain in his back, knees, and feet.
And so he felt compelled to share his shopping adventure.
September 27, 2019
Yes, well, isn't this a delightful endeavor.
My foot doctor directed me to toss all my shoes and invest in replacements. Essentially she is TELLING me to go shoe shopping (every girl's dream!).
Shoe shopping for broken feet! It certainly puts limitations on aesthetic considerations. Which is fine; I don't know that I've ever been mistaken as a fashion plate, trend setter, or in this instance, a shoe connoisseur.
But my dear doctor gave me a directive, and I'm doing my best to follow orders: "Richard, I want you to go through your shoe collection and get rid of them..." (At this point she launched into a PowerPoint presentation of the type of shoe my feet needed to accommodate the custom orthotics developed from several plaster molds of my feet with corrective adjustments digitally put into the casting, etc.)
I sort of glazed over during the lesson in my own anatomy, but I got the gist. What clearly broke through the haze was the phrase: " go out and buy new shoes for your new feet!"
So I've been investing in my future! I'm still in a bit of a test run with my new acquisitions, but I may have found my golden slippers in a brand made in Switzerland: 'On'.
This is just a note to chronicle an important event in my life, AND to say, "Hello!"
September 9, 2019

Lately, Richard has been having technical difficulties with his phone, which doesn't seem to be sending or receiving texts properly.
After several "not delivered" error messages, he sat down at his computer this evening to send a test message, hoping for better success with email.
September 9, 2019
I've just put some unleaded into the ole Mac Book Pro, lit a candle so as to see the keyboard (necessary for the 'hunt-and-peckers' of us all).
Sun's just let the day die a peaceful farewell, and thought I would say good evening. "Good evening."
Any whey, I've decided to use my computer, and thus, e-mail as often as possible for correspondences, having been made a fool trying to text the outside world with pictures and missives and responses and personal thoughts/reflections and the like. I pretty much snapped one night trying to get something to GO~!!!!!!!
But I am done waiting for messages to hang on for days on end, taunting that little green line with but a quarter inch to go for that satisfying "swoosh" that tells you that your message is on its whey.
For now, 'night.
September 4, 2019

On Monday, a peculiar rumor began spreading through social media (as has been known to happen on the internet).
In this case the rumor had fans questioning whether Richard had suddenly passed away.
When Richard became aware of his "premature passing," he sent a quick response to set fans' minds at ease.
September 3, 2019
"Not dead yet~"
(Monty Python, 'Holy Grail,' circa 1970s)
The next day he followed up with a second message of reassurance.
September 4, 2019
"IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!"
Just had a brief bout with 24 hour death.
I'm better now.
July 28, 2019

Richard enjoyed meeting with fans this weekend at GalaxyCon in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The event also reunited him with long-time friend Jonathan Frakes, and as the convention drew to a close, he and Jonathan indulged in a friendly and artistic selfie.
Both Jonathan and Richard shared their photo with fans online, with Richard captioning the selfie simply as "Frakes & me."
June 21, 2019

Although he didn't share any details of his Father's Day, Richard sent his belated thanks for the Happy Father's Day wishes.
Then he shared another of his artistic photos that he entitled "Study" and described as "more of a study in self indulgence than anything."
June 21, 2019
I'm not this colorblind...
but, can you imagine!?
If you were this cursed you wouldn't be ABLE to imagine... Silly, but true.
And thus the study ended.
r. anderson
May 27, 2019

Richard was spending a relaxing Memorial Day at home when he paused to share a photo of his best friend.
May 27, 2019
Peaceful Days With My Girl ~
May 10, 2019

Last year at Emerson College's 37th Annual EVVY Awards, Richard's daughter Wylie was recognized with an award for Outstanding Lead Female Actor for the Stage. This year, Wylie took on another prestigious role as one of the hosts of the 38th Annual EVVY Awards, a student-run awards program recognizing the outstanding work of Emerson students in the performing arts.
Richard is in Boston this weekend to share in his daughter's achievement, and the night before the awards ceremony, he sent a note.
May 9, 2019
I am currently in Boston. Have spent much of the day first with WYLIE at her apartment catching up, drinking coffee, laughing, being cool nerds, hugging...
Then she had to get back to the EVVY run-through which will go to about midnight. I was able to sneak in and watch some of the technical rehearsing and watched WYLIE deliver the opening host "hello's" and introduction to the opening act.
I'll try to get something more to you in a bit but I'm going back to the theater now. The rehearsal likely will go late, but I want to be there tonight as well. (I'm the only relative in town so far and I get the girl all to myself... Tomorrow she disappears to the masses.)
Going to the theater...
On May 10th, the EVVY Award broadcast aired live on YouTube, and Richard could be spotted in the audience with his family, proudly taking pictures on his phone. If he shares some of his photos, they will be added here.
The 38th Annual EVVY Award broadcast is available on YouTube.
April 29, 2019

On Monday, as he awaited his outgoing flight following Wales Comic Con, Richard sorted through his photos from the weekend and shared some of his favorites, including several selfies with various "guests" and props at the convention. Then he added a spontaneous selfie with Amanda Tapping.
Finally, as he boarded his plane to catch a connecting flight in Paris, he sent one more selfie with a note commenting on the lack of other passengers.
April 29, 2019
Taxiing down the runway. Heading to gender-neutral Paree~~
The perfect flight - nobody else on the plane.
Bon voyage!
A few days later, after he had returned home, Richard sent one additional photo of a piece of colorful artwork. His note explained:
May 4, 2019
The 'Nose' painting was a work hanging in a hallway of the hotel in Wales. I took the pic because I have a hankering for oddities and color, art in general.
Just thought I'd share.
Then, when he was sent a copy of the special photo op he had requested of himself with Monty the dog, he sent an enthusiastic reply:
Thank you! I'm loving this picture.
Don't tell Andy!
Click here to see Richard's photos and additional pictures from Wales Comic Con.
April 14, 2019

As part of her college curriculum, Richard's daughter Wylie wrote and directed her first play.
The play, entitled "Guys," was performed this weekend at Emerson, and Richard was on hand to enjoy the performances and to spend some very welcome time with his daughter.
While he was there, he took a moment to share his enthusiasm.
April 14, 2019
What a daughter I have! Her very first venture into the worlds of writing and directing has shown me exactly what I knew was simmering just below the quiet surfaces of my once-shy girl: an artist!
I'll be able to reflect more on the experience when I've left Boston, but now we're hanging out together (a rarity these years), and I full well intend to take advantage of the moment.
I'll sneak a picture out during any breaks in the action.
After he had returned home, Richard shared one of his pictures from the weekend and added some more praise from a very proud father.
April 16, 2019
I celebrate the unique genius that is my daughter (who I had the "genius" to name Wylie).
My lovely kid IS quite the "threat" in OH! so many ways: Yes, she can sing and dance, act, write, and now direct. I consider myself a blessed man for all her accomplishments and acquired confidence garnered along the way... really I am!
I do believe she is an artist! And I love her a whole bunch!
Pappy Dad Anderson
February 5, 2019

On February 2nd, Richard was among the celebrity guests at the Hollywood Show, an autograph event held at the Westin Los Angeles Airport Hotel. The show provides an opportunity for fans to meet many of their favorite celebrities and to obtain an autograph.
Afterward, Richard sent a brief message to say that although he had missed the costumes and color of typical conventions, he had enjoyed the opportunity to meet the many fans who had attended.
Earlier, he had also shared another sample of his creative photography with a new selfie entitled "Foto Philter Phun."
First foray into New Filterland, Funland ~
2 Dogs in Oil
January 9, 2019

Richard shared more of his photography this morning. This time, his picture of his dog Poppy included soulful eyes and a brief caption.
January 9, 2019
Impulse was my friend AND my nemesis.
January 4, 2019

To welcome the New Year, Richard sent another of his artistic selfies with a very simple caption.
January 4, 2019
New Year's Kiss
~ 2018 ~
December 25, 2018

As Christmas Eve turned into Christmas Day, Richard sent a holiday message to one and all.
December 25, 2018
To All,
Well, not much has changed: I have again waited for the last possible moment to not only shop for Christmas, but to extend my well-wishes and sentiments to people I know, love, and respect. It's me, friends, I am the space cadet in this matter!
However, do not mistake my tardiness for anything BUT.....tardiness.
Because my intention from Halloween on, has been to thank everyONE for everyTHING that has been bestowed upon me. Most evident to me has been the outpouring of expressed appreciation from every one of you for my life's work, and the play stuff I've pursued in between. It means so much to me that a massive majority of you all supports the various "causes" and charitable organizations I have tried to help throughout the years. You are special human beings who are willing to invest your time, money, emotional and spiritual strengths, to help the causes you deem worthy..... as I do.
Tonight, however, I would like to simply hope that everybody has spectacular holidays, Merry Everything, (Kwanzaa, Christmas, Hanukkah.....etc.)
I started out kind of 'humbuggy' this month (and the previous, smoky month of November), but I've come around nicely due to the arrival of my daughter, 2 of 3 brothers, an extra dog, and an agreement among the brothers that all our Christmas shopping could ONLY be done at Bed, Bath, and Beyond ~~ this agreement made ALL of us very, very happy.... and a few of us, merry!
Great Holidays to All!!!
P.S. Turns out Kate IS the angel I've always suspected she was. Merry Christmas, Kate.
Later, after having opened Christmas presents, Richard returned with an excited text.
Trying out an ExMas Present.
Well, my brothers have just given me a present that will likely change my life in the Texting World: Logitech Multi-Device K480 Keyboard. (OMG!) Stick the phone in the slot and start typing on a real, functioning, substantial, noisy keyboard!!
Of course I have some things to learn about its functioning, so be patient.
December 10, 2018

Richard shared an update today about his dog Andy.
On November 30th, Andy had had surgery to remove a few suspicious spots on her head, her leg, and at her hip. Richard was understandably concerned when he wrote to say, "Andy is in surgery right now. I will be staying put (relatively speaking, of course), to nurse my dear girl to health."
About three hours later, he wrote again to say, "Doc told me to head down to the clinic about now so I'm on the road with the little one to pick up her big sister. I hope it will be a routine pick up. I'll let you know."
Three hours later, he reported that the surgery had gone well and Andy was at home resting. He added, "A little extra medication, took off her big CONE, which means I'll be tending to her closely tonight & tomorrow ~ she seems a wee bit frightened so I stay within eye, nose, and ear sight. She's whining now, more later."
On December 2nd, after two days of caring for his special girl, he sent another message. "Two days two nights attending to the needs of (clearly) my best friend. Just enticed brother Tom to watch Andy for a time to allow me at least an opportunity to get some sleep ~ x•aw•sh•tun ~ x•au•s•chun ~ ek•z•awz•jen ~ ecz•auz•tsin ~•~•~•~ sew tyr dh ~ rk"
Today Richard reported that Andy is healing well and her news can be added to the site. The suspicious spots that had been removed had turned out to be benign, and Andy is anxious for the stitches to be removed at her hip. She has been sleeping with him in his bed, and she is up and around and back to playing with her little sister Poppy.
Richard also added that he has remained in his house, and although he has power and internet access, they are still unreliable. He had tried earlier to send some pictures of Andy, but they hadn't gone through. He said he would try again, and he would also send some pictures of his neighborhood, which in places still "looks like a war zone."
Any pictures that make it through will be added here.
November 23, 2018

Richard arrived today in the Netherlands to participate in the Dutch Comic Con in Utrecht this weekend.
Once he had landed and settled in, he sent a quick message and a photo of his KLM magazine. The picture came without a caption, but was likely meant to signify than he had arrived in Holland, despite the English language and the Vietnamese cuisine.
November 23, 2018
Now today I am in Dutchland! Not Deutschland. But Dutch.
Then he discovered that several messages he had been sending over the past two weeks had never gotten through.
November 23, 2018
I have no way of knowing if anything ever got out during the fire ordeal -- I'm sorry, SO sorry, that you never got my responses.
I'm looking at the text on this page that tells you that, yes, I would be going to Amsterdam. And even from LAX I sent words too.
He then went back through his phone and tried to re-send his earlier messages, some dating back to before the fires hit. Later, when he turned on his laptop, more messages began to send, as if his devices were suddenly coughing up all the messages that had been written but never sent since the fires began.
So, better late than never, here are his earlier messages, originally sent from California, then re-sent from Holland. The first was sent two weeks ago, after the power outage, but before the fires hit.
November 9, 2018
Not many messages are getting out of my phone and into anyone else's phone, but I'll continue to try to get one out to you to say...
Andy, Poppy, and I are all safe so far and as yet the fires have not reached me. However, Malibu has been designated as a mandatory evacuation area.
I don't feel threatened yet, but I'm keeping track of the reports as best I can.
One complication right now is that we've had a power outage all over the peninsula.
And of course I haven't slept in over 50 hours making me as sleepy/dizzy as one can get. It's crazy windy and hot around the backyard and the AC is dead and gone.
November 10, 2018
Hello? Out there, hello? Anybody out there?
I've been distracted by a little smoke inhalation.
Have had no communications for 2 days (except for the lovely and helpful police persons who rapped on my front door at 2:00am to tell me someone was desperate to reach me and they had been directed by said someone to see if I was OK. Brother Tom, from Vegas.)
Well, I'm OK except for a pretty good headache from the prevailing smoke plumes that filled the "AIR" last night and this morning. Inside of my nose is pretty disgusting, too.
The words from LAX never arrived, but another message had been sent yesterday, on Thanksgiving, reassuring everyone that he would be able to get out of Malibu to fly to the Netherlands, and wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
November 22, 2018
On the run right now, but yes, I am going to the Dutch Comic Con.
The roads opened yesterday, and to my knowledge will stay open henceforth.
Thank you for everything ~
Hpy Tnxgvg... and to all, a gd nt.
November 18, 2018

Richard's neighborhood is still without basic necessities, but slowly the danger from scattered flames is fading and roads are starting to open again. He has been trying to keep in touch by driving to various parts of his neighborhood in search of a cell signal, and his latest text came this morning.
November 18, 2018
Not much has changed except the flames are gone, the smoke has dissipated, moods have started to elevate, but the damage is very very real and sobering.
I make a loop of the neighborhood everyday to witness and assess the details of the destruction. There's always something new, something I've missed before --
My living conditions have become basic. There is no electricity or phone service; I have water, COLD water. And my dogs!
Later in the day, Richard returned with another update.
November 18, 2018
Still no electricity.
No cell service, wifi.....
No refrigeration.
So, all frozen food donated to a Relief Center, an impromptu food supply etc. gathering place put up in the parking lot of a grade school, (a VERY good thing).
Waited til the last moment possible to drop off 25 lbs.? of thawed organic chicken.
Stopped by later in the day & they had cooked it all up in one of those BBQ closed grill things.
I drove up and a big cheer went up for the contribution ~ in part I'm sure because the smoke smell was heaven to those of us who had been inhaling burning houses, cars, electrical wires, etc.
November 11, 2018

As the fires passed through Malibu this weekend, they cut a path of destruction through Richard's neighborhood. Thankfully Richard's house was spared, and although he didn't get far in his evacuation, he and his dogs made it through safely. He was finally able to make a connection today and to share his news and his gratitude for the thoughts and prayers of his fans.
November 11, 2018
I found a place that has a signal outgoing. Hopefully it is still working.
I am OK, a shredded mess, but the dogs and I survived pretty well.
Fifty houses destroyed in my neighborhood; at least six on my street alone.
The whole thing got bigger than I thought it would. Just kept coming, getting darker by the minute.
I was packed and heading out amid flames, thick black smoke, strong winds - completely nuts! I turned around at the bottom of my street (literally said, "**** it!") and went back. Like a bad movie.
Passing out water and gum and chocolate to fire, police workers, etc.
Gotta go.
Tell everyone I am OK and SO GRATEFUL FOR THE CONCERN & thoughts & prayers. It means a lot.
November 3-4, 2018

Richard visited New England for the Rhode Island Comic Con held in Providence, Rhode Island. Also attending the convention was Michael Des Barres, who had the recurring role as MacGyver's arch nemesis, Murdoc. For the first time since the series ended almost 30 years ago, MacGyver and Murdoc were reunited, and they shared a Question & Answer panel in addition to greeting fans, posing for photos, and signing autographs.
Richard had traveled to New England a few days early, arriving in Boston on Halloween to spend a few days with his daughter Wylie. The next evening, he sent a brief text.
November 1, 2018
Spent half the day with Wylie, got briefed on all things Wylie-@-college~
Quite the eye opener ~ sobering.
God, I love my kid.
She is so cool!
(room service ) ra
As he made his way back home on Tuesday, Richard began sharing some of his photos, including new selfies and experimental works of art.
Click here to see Richard's and Michael's photos from Rhode Island Comic Con.
October 15, 2018

This afternoon, Richard and Andy shared some more of their selfies with fans, but they didn't share their secrets.
October 15, 2018
"We Dogs Share Our Secrets, So We Have None..." ra18
October 1, 2018

After he returned home from France, Richard shared several more of his photos from his visit to Lyon, including another view of the Flower Tree sculpture (right). More of his photos have been added to the page for the Lyon Game Show.
Richard also included another selfie (left) with a brief caption, and some completely objective praise from a proud father.
October 1, 2018
Freshly scrubbed, hung to dry, wind blown with head out the car window, and voilà: 'Dead Dandelion.'
PS. Wylie has done it again. She was terrific in the production of "Love and Information." (Objectively speaking, of course.)
September 21, 2018

Richard has had some time to enjoy exploring France before the Lyon Game Show begins this weekend, and he shared two more photos from his travels.
The first picture, (left), was taken at the fountains and Flower Tree sculpture at Place Antonin Poncet in Lyon. He added the caption:
I have never lost the impulse to saunter on in to water fountains. This one was just as tempting as my first... Lyon, France '18
The second picture, (right), was taken the following morning, with a view of the city from another perspective. His caption:
My breakfast this morning~ I've grown civilized.
Toward the end of the day, he returned with another brief message.
I think I walked 8 miles today, covering hundreds of side streets, and alleyways, and little shops, and videotaping stuff I was. Pix to share, but likely tomorrow as I crumble unconscious into hhs s dncsssss...
September 18, 2018

Richard is traveling to France to attend the Lyon Game Show this weekend. While waiting for his connecting flight, he indulged in an imaginative flight of fancy, perhaps fueled by multiple double espressos.
September 18, 2018
Well, what's gnu?
I'm actually in France right now (2:13PM my time).
Enjoying lounge life in Air France world, avec General Chuck de Gaulle. He has chosen a rather heavy, almost syrupy port upon which he will sip for our brief encounter.
I, on the other , have ruined yet another travel t-shirt by loudly & quickly downing my third double espresso of the morning, (which is actually a continuation of my day and night of yesterday), and subsequently soaking the soft blueness out of my
shirt, rendering it almost 'navy' for our chat (which, I think, is 'dog' or 'cat' in French... I could be wrong).
Here he comes. He's been dans la toilette for nearly 3/4 of an heure, which got me suspicious of the old frog: What COULD he have been doing for that long in the loo?
Guy's gotta wonder.
Just taxiing for take off to Lyon now.
Taking oooofff...
September 2, 2018

Richard attended Fan Expo Canada this weekend, and he shared his pleasure at returning to Canada and greeting fans at the convention.
September 2, 2018
Toronto is proving to be a near therapeutic experience. In part because I'm in Canada, and this is a country that has brought me decades of grand adventure, wonderful relationships, creative opportunities, great skiing, clean air, and the most decent human beings on THIS planet.
This visit I've but seen the inside of a vast and busy convention center, and a couple of neighborhoods in the heart of downtown Toronto, but it is all filled with the loveliness of Canadians.
Off to photo land~
For now, thank you CANADA...
You rock!
August 23, 2018

Returning home from a road trip with Andy, Richard sent a voice text, along with an earlier picture of his dog, as they were driving together along the California coast.
August 23, 2018
I'm actually driving right now just south of Santa Barbara after a day of exploring the land, hills, and mountains up and behind Ojai. Andy's face is out the window catching a stiff breeze, ears straight back, eyelids blown to slits. She met a llama today, but showed little interest in getting to know her, him, it. She stinks like a swamp dog having chased seagulls into the surf and accidentally discovering seaweed, kelp, sand... God she stinks.
I have not been enjoying the heat at all. I am definitely a winter human.
Getting off the freeway back on to PCH for the final approach to the homestead...
August 2, 2018

It's hard to believe that Richard's daughter Wylie was born 20 years ago today. In the midst of celebrating his daughter's birthday, Richard paused to send a photo and a brief message.
August 2, 2018
I had a slice of cake for you. Then, after taking this picture, had one for myself.
July 4, 2018

Richard sent a greeting on the Fourth of July as the United States celebrated Independence Day. Unfortunately, however, his dog Andy was not a fan of the fireworks.
July 4, 2018
As I have done for the last 8-10 years, I saw not one fireworks display, but heard plenty... as did my close friend, Andy, who has reacted very poorly to the crackles and pops and booms that accompany the 4th.
She pants, drools, shakes with an elevated heartbeat, and tries to 'escape' the horror by burrowing under the bed.
All I can do is hold her, and put an easy pressure on her to calm her down.
June 7, 2018

Richard sent a text from the middle of Game 5 of the Stanley Cup finals.
Donning a Vegas cap, he was in the crowd in Las Vegas to cheer on the Las Vegas Golden Knights as they played against the Washington Capitals for Lord Stanley's Cup. This time, however, it was Washington who pulled off the win, defeating the Golden Knights 4-3 and earning their first ever Stanley Cup.
June 7, 2018
I am currently at game five of the Stanley Cup finals in Las Vegas.
I am now being escorted to the other end of the arena to the airbrakes siren at the start of the third.
June 3, 2018

Late at night, Richard sent a quick email to say hello, and good night, and to share another uncaptioned selfie.
June 3, 2018
I'm sitting here in bed, and Andy has crawled over the clean white sheets to insist I stop for the night and give her the ritual cuddle and scratch.
Good night.
May 13, 2018

Wylie returned home after completing her second year of college.
As Richard went to pick her up at the airport, he shared a stolen moment.
May 13, 2018
Stolen pic of this exquisite kid of mine. On a night I picked her up at the airport. I stole this picture.
On May 11th, before leaving Emerson College for the summer, Wylie had attended the 37th Annual EVVY Awards, a student-run awards program recognizing the outstanding work of Emerson students in the performing arts. For her work that year, Wylie was recognized with an award for Outstanding Lead Female Actor for the Stage for her performance in "Surprise Party."
Following his earlier note, Richard added a mention of his daughter's remarkable achievement.
May 15, 2018
The EVVY is a phenomenal accomplishment, and I couldn't be prouder!

Richard promised that he would be sharing more pictures, and two more arrived on Friday. The first, a picture of Andy, arrived without a caption, but to the second, a picture of Wylie with her EVVY award, he added a note.
May 18, 2018
My caption to the picture is "Who? What? Who?" SO tells the story.
The video of Wylie's EVVY Award is available in the Video Gallery.
March 30, 2018

Richard took a moment to share some of California's scenic coastline as seen on his motorcycle trips.
March 30, 2018
Hi! Having trouble sending pix from this phone ~~~ may be replacing soon.
Every time I head north along the coast to reconnect with my favorite things on Earth, I try to stop at this curve in the road to look at where I've just come from.
Around the point in the background, about 30 miles back, is San Simeon. There is a lot of this view ahead of me, but higher, rockier, windier, and heavily forested on my right as I go north. I'll stop in Big Sur for an ice cream and some reflection.
Decades ago, I would travel this same route with no final destinations in mind, just some curious ambling along this iconic and spectacular stretch of highway along the Pacific Coast.
March 24, 2018

Early this morning Richard texted to share his enthusiasm for the beginning of the Formula 1 racing season.
March 24, 2018
I am today brought life & light & awe.
My dear, therapeutic FORMULA 1 has begun, again!
March 17, 2018

In a series of texts today, Richard shared another selfie and an Irish greeting in keeping with the holiday.
Although his selfie was decidedly lacking in green, he concluded his message by inserting nearly every green emoji in his phone.
March 17, 2018
Why do I lean toward wearing orange on Saint Patty's Day instead of green?
It's an absolutely gorgeous day where I lay ~ though currently I am trying to straighten out my visuals ~
I'm keeping the pups close at hand and we nap now for an hour or two.
March 16, 2018

Richard had been scheduled to appear at FedCon in Bonn, Germany on May 18th, however on March 7th that appearance was abruptly canceled.
At that time Richard explained that he had only just learned of the cancellation himself and hadn't yet had the opportunity to learn what had prompted the decision. Then he added, "I am crushed about any fans who have already purchased ANYTHING, made reservations, bought airline tickets, took time off, or in any way made plans to come to FedCon to see RDA. It sucks, and my heart breaks thinking of them...."
A week later, Richard followed up with a note saying that he still has not been able to determine from either party what had happened to cause the cancellation or why alternative arrangements could not be made, but he hopes to know more soon.
Then in keeping with the spirit of the season, though perhaps a bit early for the holiday, he shared a picture of a bunny and added a simple note:
~Happy Easter~
February 5, 2018

The morning after the Paris Manga convention, Richard sent a series of texts and photos from Charles de Gaulle airport as he awaited his flight home.
The first picture (left) was of a familiar Egyptian artifact taken during his visit to the Louvre while touring Paris on Saturday, and the second (right) was a last view of Paris from the plane window, showing the "ice" and weather conditions that had delayed his flight by five hours.
February 5, 2018
I began this travel day at 5:40AM today by finishing up packing and heading to Charles de Gaulle, anticipating a 10:20AM departure. It's now 1:30PM and I'm in the Air France lounge @ Charles de Gaulle, finishing #3 quad americano.
I wrote you a brief snippet of life that DISAPPEARED from my screen when I tried to place the cursor right next to the 'send arrow', apparently. I say 'apparently' because this has happened several times in my career with the texting world.
Basically had a great time at the Paris convention, just way too many people to connect with in one day. It's been cold, which I love, and I spent the day at the Louvre hobnobbing with antiquity and historically famous paintings and sculptures, pottery, gold, silver, and pewter chalices, jewelry, and lots of tourists from many old countries.
We're actually moving!!! Five hour delay - 100 meters away from a de-icing port just off the runway. We used to get severely iced wings in Minnesota and we would go thru this massive cloud of solution being pressure sprayed onto virtually all parts of the plane - sound was deafening, completely smoked in. Don't expect that scene today but we're almost there and I'm getting scowled at, so off goes the phone.
Gotta go. Byyyyeee.
January 31, 2018

Richard shared his appreciation for nature this morning as he witnessed and captured a sunrise from his backyard (left).
January 31, 2018
This morning it was the song of celestial war that caressed the inner workings of at least two senses: sound AND sight.
It seemed as if my eyes were closed for seconds; apparently those seconds had been minutes~~~
This is what I witnessed ~
Later, he added a second picture (right) with the simple message, "...later that same day..."
~ 2017 ~
December 27, 2017

Richard has been doing some more experimenting with photography and art, and he shared his latest creation.
December 27, 2017
More attempts at art... stuff. Ha!
The joy is not always found in the end product, but rather, in the process getting to it.
December 24, 2017

With a busy Christmas Eve family gathering ahead of him, Richard was preparing for an afternoon nap when he took a moment to send a Christmas greeting.
His message was accompanied by a picture of a deer (left), which came without explanation. (Perhaps Santa was missing one?)
December 24, 2017
I would love to say something profound and Christmas-y and direct it straight into the hearts of every fan of life and things and stuff and feelings and empathy and tolerance and dogs and love and more stuff...
But... My head is headed toward a down pillow for what will be a nap before Christmas Eve sparks into action with the convergence of a wonderfully weird combo plate of related humans.
So I will confess that I won't be awake much longer to express all that needs to be expressed to the fans of all there is!
I truly do appreciate that they still care! Lovely people, them!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Before his head hit the pillow, he followed up with a picture of Andy (right) and another message:
I taught Andy this sleeping position ~ Proud Daddy!
December 8, 2017

Wildfires have been devastating several areas of southern California.
Although these fires are not currently threatening Richard's home, he wrote to share an update about the nature of the fires, and about his Christmas preparations in spite of them.
December 8, 2017
Fires are still raging, leaving quite the impression of helplessness throughout the two counties primarily affected.
Smoke affects everybody! There's a lot of it, I must say. Personally, nasal & sinus cloggage is considerable. It's like the entire population is suffering horrific allergies. (I am.) Everything is thick and suffocating.
I'm not ostensibly threatened where I live, but we all keep a lookout for anything resembling floating embers, etc. We are experiencing the west coast's version of hurricanes... I guess.
We've gotten up what decorations are going up; modest, but cheery. I'm a big fan of the aromas associated with the winter holidays, so my house REEKS of pine and spices, pumpkin, nutmeg, tea, coffee, wet dogs... smoke.
November 11, 2017

On Veterans Day, Richard shared an image and a note of thanks to those who have served in the defense of their country, and he remembered members of his own family who have served.
November 11, 2017
World War I: Corporal John I. Anderson ~ Army Infantryman
World War II: Captain Stuart J. Anderson ~ Army Air Corps Pilot
Korean War: Colonel John F. Anderson ~ Air Force Pilot
I think of them often. Today I saluted them:
Anderson men who served.
November 4-5, 2017

Richard returned to Australia to attend the Return to the Gate event, celebrating the 20th anniversary of Stargate SG-1. The convention, held over two days in two cities, took place in Sydney on November 4th and in Melbourne on November 5th.
Richard reunited with Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks, Corin Nemec, and Gary Jones for the event, where he greeted fans, signed autographs, posed for pictures, and participated in Question & Answer panels and auctions.
To help share the events of the weekend, Richard sent a series of selfies, photos, captions, and notes.
Click here to view Richard's photos and notes from Australia.
November 3, 2017

From Australia, where he had flown this week to attend the "Return to the Gate" conventions in Sydney and Melbourne, Richard shared a second and somewhat stylized picture with another special lady.
Upon arriving in Sydney, Richard was reunited with Amanda Tapping, and the two spent the day catching up with each other and touring the city before the conventions began.
November 3, 2017
We haven't lost a thing! Still got it!!
Feels good to laugh in conversation with a pier [sic] peer.
Plus: SO hot!!
Great to be back in Australia!
(Please note: the "pier [sic] peer" is Richard's wording and not edited.)
Amanda also shared some of her photos with Richard.
Click here to see Amanda's photos as well as other pictures from Richard's trip to Australia.
November 3, 2017

From Australia, where he has traveled for another convention, Richard shared two photos of special ladies.
The first was another father-daughter moment with Wylie, taken during their earlier visit to Washington, DC, and captioned:
MY girl~~
October 16, 2017

With his daughter Wylie on his mind, Richard shared an earlier photo of a father-daughter moment, which he captioned:
My Reason For Breathing, The Source of My Joy
August 28, 2017

As Hurricane Harvey continues to batter Texas and Louisiana, Richard shared his thoughts and support for the residents and first responders along the Gulf coast.
He (and Andy) shared another photo with a simple caption: "Empathy re: Harvey."
August 18, 2017

Richard shared another of his characteristic captioned selfies today.
August 18, 2017
Rick Gets an Idea...
......."Now," he wondered, "what to do with it..."
August 2, 2017

Richard sent another message today.
He didn't happen to mention plans for celebrating Wylie's birthday, but he did offer a bit of reminiscing by sharing a picture of a dog he met during his recent motorcycle trip to Montana.
August 2, 2017
A new friend met in Montana.
We enjoyed immediate recognition, as though we were from the same litter.
She came at me, wiggling ~~ tip o' her tail, to tip of her nose.
July 28-30, 2017

Richard traveled to England to attend the London Film & Comic Con this weekend.
He enjoyed greeting fans, signing autographs, posing for pictures, and participating in a Question & Answer panel, but he sent a note from the convention admitting that he wouldn't have much of an opportunity to explore the city while he is there.
He did describe a few other summer travel experiences, and he added another selfie with the note, "Details to follow (the hat)."
July 29, 2017
Recently off the river in Montana, very old friends reconnecting.
Now in London. I really didn't expect to wander much this trip. I would have considered hanging out here for a while if Wylie had been available to come with me, but she has two jobs this summer.
We have four days planned in Catalina soon. We're going to start her on a path to SCUBA certification, which we've both been anticipating for quite a while.
Click here for some photos from Richard's visit to the London Film & Comic Con.
July 12, 2017

Richard shared a little greeting and another of his artistic creations, this time a black-and-white photo entitled "Red, Yellow & Off-White Roses."
Then he added a note:
July 12, 2017
If Life was only this simple....
June 18, 2017

Richard wrote to share that his Father's Day celebration would be slightly delayed this year since both he and Wylie are traveling in very different directions, but he is looking forward to the father-daughter reunion.
June 18, 2017
The Father's Day celebration, alas, will be spent on the road, straddling 1200 cubic centimeters of vibrating metal, rubber, and fiberglass.
Likely a predawn departure northward toward Big Sur will launch me into my self-indulging celebration of this grand tradition... normally meant to be shared with one's child or children!
My daughter just called me from Copenhagen!! We spoke excitedly for near a fifth of an hour ~ SO EVERYTHING IS GOOD.
I'll pick them up at LAX on Monday/Tuesday, and we'll ease ourselves back into what is our "normal."
Fairly soon to be continued!
June 12, 2017

After his weekend celebrating the work of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Richard forwarded one of his photos from the Anniversary Gala and shared his admiration for Sea Shepherd's founder, Captain Paul Watson.
June 12, 2017
40th Anniversary Sea Shepherd Gala
Captain Watson speaks emotionally about the moment he KNEW his mission in life was to help, assist, and save the lives of animals of the sea ~~
A more impassioned human I have never known!
May 26, 2017

Richard traveled to Orlando, Florida to attend MegaCon, his first convention of the year. From the convention, he texted a greeting to the fans and posed for another captioned selfie.
May 26, 2017
Dorky Dad the Cheerleader!
(A good and humid time in Orlando ~ Excellent Humans Here!)
May 22, 2017

Richard returned with a message, "I thought of you today!" followed by another selfie:
May 22, 2017
"My Two Dogssses"
April 21, 2017

In the middle of the night, Richard and Andy appeared with another selfie to share, followed later by another artistic rendering.
April 21, 2017
The Anderson Dogs ~ At Night ~ rIcHaRdEaNdErSoN
April 16, 2017

As Easter came to a close, Richard shared a windblown selfie with a simple caption.
April 16, 2017
The Ultimate Hat Hair ~~ Weathering the Storm.
April 11, 2017

Now in Boston to support Wylie in her opening night performance of "Peter and the Starcatcher," Richard proudly shared a photo of his daughter.
April 11, 2017
Wylie, heading toward her dad for an Opening Night HUG ~ and then she was gone~~
April 10, 2017

The mascot of Colonial Williamsburg is a 2-year-old Briard named Liberty. A picture of Liberty and his colonial minder was sent to Richard because of his great affinity for dogs.
Richard cropped Liberty from the photo and sent it back with the caption "Puppy Beautiful."
Then he added another update:
April 10, 2017
Just landed in Boston ~ huzzah!
Ostensibly for Wylie in "Peter & the Starcatcher," wherein she embodies the personage of Molly.
April 5, 2017

Still experimenting with creativity, Richard sent one more artistic and uncaptioned selfie today.
Perhaps the fans have their own suggestions for a caption?
April 1, 2017

Following his promise to send more "pieces," Richard shared more of his uncaptioned photographic art today.
March 30, 2017

Exactly 20 years ago, on March 30, 1997, the Richard Dean Anderson Website was first launched.
Reminded of the anniversary, Richard expressed his wish to contribute to the day. First he sent a bit of art, a doodle-over-a-self-portrait entitled "1997." Then he sent a second selfie entitled "2017," followed by a promise to send more of his creative art pieces soon.
March 30, 2017
I would like to contribute to the anniversary ~ is it too late to make the issue?
Have you set a deadline? Type set, colors poured and mixed, paper stock set and calibrated according to font types, sizes, styles? The presses warmed and rolling, test runs adjusted and sample sections torn from the initial rolls for final scrutiny by all departments, especially advert artwork which, after all, is crucial, as it ultimately pays for the whole production line?
I seem to have gotten drawn into familiar territory here: Tangent Land.
This 1997 doodle is just that... a doodle. No need to highlight it as anything representing my "pieces."
I will, however, filter some your way. SOOOOON!!!!!
March 21, 2017

Richard was in an artistic mood, exploring the options on his cell phone.
This evening he shared some experimental photos, to the left a selfie with Andy, and to the right an artistic rendition he entitled "Lips & Knows."
March 21, 2017
If I can figure the technology properly, I'll send some pictures from my iphone, most of which are experiments in what can be done with the limited editing tools that apparently come with the camera-phone.
I'll begin the process tonight with some sample selfies altered a tad to resemble some kind of "art"... I guess.
Here we go~~~
January 23, 2017

In the wee hours, as his birthday was just beginning, an email was sent to Richard with messages and links and charity donations in honor of his special day. Delighted, he wrote back immediately:
January 23, 2017
OH!!!! YOU are my FIRST...!! well-wisher!
Your wish, is my command: I am well.
Thank you for your well-placed well wish... well timing, too.
Unfortunately, his birthday was marked by torrential rains in Los Angeles, and his day didn't start off in quite the way he might have hoped. Later in the morning, he returned with another message, looking forward to the pleasure all the well-wishes would bring:
I've been assessing flood damage with the Dogs all night, especially alert during a predawn torrent that scared the little one from any consideration of bowel or bladder relief. So I am just now attempting to sleep~ WONDERFUL activity I promised myself for a portion of the day.
But then, this afternoon I will sip loudly from some symbolic chalice (coffee cup), an immense americano coffee drink, and get down to the business of pleasure by strolling through the well-wishes, hand-in-hand with the well-wishers.
So, for now,
~ 2016 ~
December 29, 2016

Richard and Wylie have been celebrating the holidays. Today he shared a photo with a simple message:
December 29, 2016
Christmas Card, from
~~Wylie & Rick~~
December 24, 2016

Richard is familiar with the Jacquie Lawson online greeting cards. Asked if he would like to use that format to share a holiday greeting, he took advantage of the opportunity. (Click the image.)
December 24, 2016
The Eleventh Hour Before Christmas
Well, well, well.......
If it isn't Procrastination Pete, the Eleventh Hour Elf, making his feeble attempt to bid Tidings of Goodness to the Faithful Fanage who continue to inquire about him, wonder aloud of his whereabouts, activities and travels!
If it isn't.... then.... who.......m?
Saint Kate is STILL giving me this opportunity! I think I'll take it. It is 7:55 PM PST, making it 10:55 PM EST.... Kate's Time. To be honest, this little Christmas How-de-do (or, Holiday How-de-do ~~ all inclusive) may not make it in time to be appropriately.... timely. Unless we all expand the parameters of celebration to include: better late than REALLY late, this expression of sincere hopes for goodness in life and dreams, will mean less than what is intended.
Everybody, my brilliant and beautiful daughter is on her way over here to begin our festivities on Christmas Eve.
The place looks wonderful, smells of pine (mostly), flickers with dozens and dozens of candles, seasonal music flowing from one end of the house to the other, (heavy doses of Pentatonix Christmas genius), and soon we'll be eating the traditional Anderson Christmas meal: angel-hair pasta with red sauce, dash of pesto. Classic!
Before I head to the stove, let this be known: I am indebted to ALL of you, for your support, your loyalty, patience, and love. I am aware of my failings as the object of your attentions. It embarrasses me that I don't speak out to you much.
The only thing I can offer at this hour, on this night, is my promise to try and correct this errant wandering, focus more of my communication skills, and simply speak up, and speak out!
P.S. Extra gravy for Kate!
November 26, 2016

Richard has been enjoying his visit to historic Toulouse, and he wrote briefly to share some of his photos of the city's Christmas decorations (left).
November 26, 2016
Up late to get this short note to you: If you appreciate history, this is a place you may very well enjoy.
There are quite a few familiar faces, and some who have mentioned the site. "The Girls", they are!
Impossible attendance numbers, filling all buildings of a 7 building convention center. And so far... not an ugly moment to witness.
My host claims there will be 60,000 people to attend in two days!! And again, all well behaved and boisterously celebrating the 10th anniversary of this convention, the Toulouse Game Show.
It's all quite wonderful! A little on the exhausting side of things, but very terrific.
Early the next morning, amid the bustle of another convention day, Richard forwarded a message he had received from a friend, a reminder to enjoy the moments (right).
November 27, 2016
Tell me this sequence doesn't touch SOME part of your gentler self!!
I'm in Toulouse, France, currently a cold, drizzly day, a LONG way from home, and these pix arrived from a good friend in the States.
Good stuff.
November 18, 2016

From the road, Richard sent a few texts to share an update about his upcoming travels.
Once again, his message came with no explanation for the accompanying graphics.
November 18, 2016
@ LAX, flying to Boston early to see Wylie perform in a new play @ Emerson. (Rare that freshpeople are cast in anything the 1st year.)
Tuesday, flying back to CA on a late flight, arriving early AM. ~~ Mid-afternoon, flying to Paris, connecting to Toulouse for the weekend + (missing TGiving!).
Hit reverse, go home!
November 15, 2016

Richard emailed to share a discovery: An earlier message he had written, and thought he had sent, while on his way to Boston was, in fact, still sitting, unfinished, in his draft email folder.
Nevertheless, he passed along his earlier thoughts about the Gatecon weekend, and he added his sincere thanks to all the fans who have offered their support.
November 15, 2016
Well well well... if it is not little Ricky coming up for air.
The below was written at least a month ago, and then got lost in the quick shuffle to get... somewhere?
I've only just a minute ago happened upon the draft file, confirming I never hit "send." Unfinished, but the moment was created.
36,000 ft. above the United States of America, heading in an easterly direction for a rendezvous with destiny... no, wait... Wylie!! Rendezvous with Wylie!! I got lost.
Let me reflect for a moment:
I recall having one of the warmest, and most personal public experiences in Vancouver a (fairly recent) while back. HOMECOMING (caused) brought me no end of joy and comfort. Everyone, (I mean it: EVERYONE!), to a woman, child and man, was polite, open, friendly, and patient... PATIENT, my friends. Sometimes the most difficult element to endure at these gatherings, is the waiting. My God do I have empathy for all of you. Personally, I can attest to being the absolute WORST 'waiter' in all of humanity. Truly, I have no idea how you all do it.
My frustration at being the object of affection at the 'table d' signet', is that I am powerless to make things move any faster without sacrificing chunks of the precious few moments I have with each of you. And I LIKE meeting people, very much! But the dilemma exists: do we hustle people through the line so as to eliminate some of the discomfort and awkwardness of so much time spent taxing the joints in your knees, lower back, and shoulders, cramping muscles in every cranny and nook in your bodies, tending to kids who'd rather be cavorting with some other kind of monster, preferably one donning a cooler costume than that of Jack O'Neill's...
Late now and on the edge of sleeping... Which is what I'm going to try to do now.
(Coyotes are whistling down canyon, Andy's ears are twitching.) Good Night.
October 6, 2016

Richard texted to share the good news that his injuries from his recent fall continue to heal.
His message began with his discovery of a new feature for his phone, probably a reference to the unexplained animated GIF of fruit that accompanied his message. (Click the image)
October 6, 2016
Ostensibly, a new toy in the telephone.
I have full use of both hands and all fingers, now. Huzzah!
Right wrist fades rather quickly, but I can move hither AND thither without the splint or sling.
I'll wrap it to warm the joint and render a modicum of relief, mostly after physical therapy, or a normally restless night.
A second text followed, in which he shared his hope for the safety of those in the path of Hurricane Matthew as it approaches Florida and the US east coast, and he recalled his childhood amazement and respect for the power of Mother Nature.
Exception for death, destruction, agony, loss, illness, et. al..... I am quite fond of laying witness to Nature's extreme behavior!
My dad and I stood in silence on the front porch of our house in Minnesota, one summer, having just witnessed the most devastatingly gorgeous display of lightning and shifting storm clouds. Thunderous echoes following the most startling "claps" and "cracks" of sound imaginable, and dark, smooth, undulating shades of black clouds, that I was convinced were there for the sole purpose of establishing a permanent backdrop for my nightmares, forever.
I loved it... every bit of it!
Be safe...
I will get on the computer tomorrow and spew some thoughts and give you some updates.
Now, G'night~
September 1, 2016

Richard had dropped his daughter Wylie off at college earlier this week, and today, from Boston, he kept in touch with a series of messages to update news, answer questions, and offer a public service announcement.
With a reminder that healing has been a slow process, he shared, with regret, that his ability to sign autographs at Gatecon will be affected:
September 1, 2016
I felt it necessary to give fair warning to anybody who will be joining us in Vancouver that things are still a little wonky on my end.
So... hence... I sent a message to Gatecon.
Well folks, there's no avoiding the issue anymore: as most of you may know by now I recently performed a head plant onto a cement surface, sustaining a concussion, broken rib, sprained left wrist, and an oddly broken right elbow. Right now, and for at least the next 12 weeks, I will be in a splint on my right arm to completely limit any rotation or peripheral movement of the arm. The obvious problem this causes, is that I will be unable to sign any autographs with my right hand.
Paul Brown and myself have been commiserating to try and solve this dilemma. To be perfectly honest with all of you nothing seems to satisfy as a solution.... as yet. This whole situation is distressing, and truly saddens me greatly. Paul and I will continue to work on ideas to satisfy my autograph promises, but for now I won't be able to sign any autographs, which I know is important to so many of my incredibly loyal fans and friends.
I want to assure everyone that I will BE there, in Vancouver. My injuries are proving to be slow to heal, and I am still dealing with a fair amount of discomfort, but nothing is going to keep me away from our Homecoming. I will be there for some gentle hugs, and as many pictures as we can all endure.
I felt it only fair to announce the situation so everybody knows upfront what's happening. Thanks for understanding, and I hope you all still attend. Personally, I'm determined that the Homecoming will be a fun event....after all, 'fun' IS my middle name.
Love to all,
Then, in response to fan questions about the puppy who had prompted his fall, he introduced the newest member of his family:

"Poppy" is a Havanese. I adopted her from my mom when she died~
Andy has made the social adjustments necessary to bring Poppy into our pack.
All is well.
Finally, he added, "I am literally rolling down the runway from Boston..."

But before he disappeared, he added a photo from his visit to Washington, DC, and a reminder to everyone:
August 16, 2016

Shortly after his fall, Richard was still dealing with a great deal of pain, and he had written:
"Slow mend, they say ~~ I can confirm."
But he added:
"PS--The dog is fine. Poppy is her name. PoppySeed, formally."
After two weeks of healing, however, he was able to travel with his daughter after all, and he sent another text.
August 16, 2016
NY ~ Wylie ~ Hamilton ~ tonight ~~ Exquisite!
Maybe DC ~ LA ~ Boston ~ Emerson.
Still broken avec pain. Headache lingering, but less.
July 31, 2016

Unfortunately, Richard's recent fall has forced him to put his travel plans on hold. Taking the time to stay home for rest and recovery, he sent a text on Sunday evening.
July 31, 2016
I sent Wylie and her mom to travel without me - My blessings with them...
July 29, 2016

What a difference a day makes.
Barely 12 hours after Richard shared his plans to travel to Italy in a few days, he sent another cryptic message on Thursday evening that said only, "On my way for a CT scan. Details to follow."
Several hours later, after leaving the hospital, he sent a picture and an explanation. He has made no mention whether his travel plans will be impacted, but fans will be wishing him a speedy recovery.
July 29, 2016
I had thrown a puppy toy in the direction of the swimming pool. The puppy ran into the pool and likely would have sunk.
I made a mad dash down four stairs oddly spaced leading to the pool. My mad dash turned into flight, from which I landed headfirst on to the concrete.
Broken elbow, cracked rib, slight concussion, suspected slight fracture in left wrist, etc.
July 28, 2016

Sharing his excitement about his upcoming plans, Richard returned once more with another news update.
July 28, 2016
OH!!! Apryl and I are taking Wylie to Italy next week!
Celebration of stuff: Graduation, start of college, time with both parents doing something they would have done a lot of had mom and dad stayed together and.......
Any suggestions for things to see? Probably set down in Rome, then we're free. Trains, planes, auto buses, etc.
July 26, 2016

In a playful mood on Tuesday evening, Richard sent another one of his uncaptioned selfies.
This one is a completely different type of "like-father-like-daughter" pose, with Andy.
July 25, 2016

Richard followed up his earlier text with an email in which he explained why he would not be appearing in the new MacGyver reboot.
July 25, 2016
So many people have responded to the attempted "reboot" of the MacGyver franchise, and a lot of people have asked me if I'm going to be in the new show, or am I going to produce it, or, yada.
And all I can say is, I'm not considering being a part of a project that has overlooked the insanely LOYAL FANS of the original character and has proceeded without considering how and why they all became and STAYED loyal fans...
Yes, I was asked, but no, I won't be involved in the MacGyver reboot. I have tried to recognize that there really is a balance to be found here. Hence, my loyalty to my fans.
Anderson, Rick
July 24, 2016

Last October it was announced that CBS Television Studios was preparing to reboot MacGyver as a series for television.
The production has undergone a number of changes and revisions, and last week at Comic-Con in San Diego, the producers and cast introduced the new series and mentioned that they had "reached out" to Richard Dean Anderson. Since then, there has been much speculation about whether Richard would be involved in the project in some way.
Richard offered his perspective first in a brief text, notable mostly for his completely unexplained use of a "disco" icon as his signature.
July 24, 2016
Wylie is just arriving, so this is a teaser:
Huge overhaul of personnel at the new MacGyver: producers, writers, actors, etc. The promo people for CBS/MacGyver called my agent to see if I would be interested in helping to promote their show.
I'll email you tomorrow-ish... my girl is here!
June 19, 2016

Richard had written earlier to say that he would be spending the Father's Day weekend with his daughter Wylie.
As the weekend drew to a close, he sent a photo to share on the website with the simple caption, "Dad."
June 5, 2016

On Saturday evening, the San Jose Sharks kept their Stanley Cup hopes alive when they defeated the Pittsburgh Penguins 3-2 in overtime.
Excited by the performance of his "home team," Richard sent another enthusiastic text from San Jose.
June 5, 2016
Back in San Jose CA, chasing Dear Lord Stanley and his big, shiny 'cup.'
A MASSIVE victory, last night, for the home team.
Historic! The FIRST EVER Stanley Cup Finals victory for the Sharks, who have been competing since 1991.
June 3, 2016

Richard continues to play his favorite role, that of proud father to his daughter, Wylie.
As a graduating senior this month, Wylie attended her high school year-end Theater Banquet with her dad on Wednesday. Afterward, Richard shared two of his father-daughter photos and added the caption:
CHS Theater Awards Night. Good, healthy, pride-filled tears...
May 27, 2016

Always an avid supporter of hockey, Richard takes special pleasure each year in the Stanley Cup playoffs.
On May 25th, he was on hand at the SAP Center in San Jose, California to watch the San Jose Sharks defeat the St. Louis Blues 5-2 and win the Western Conference championship.
On May 30th, the Sharks will face the Pittsburgh Penguins in game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals.
Richard shared some of his passion for hockey in a text he sent following the Sharks' victory over the Blues.
May 27, 2016
I am again drawn out into the open to continue a personal, fairly irregular, ritual in my time-space continuum...
My dear old friend, Mike Greenburg, has been shooting a documentary about teams on the road to the Stanley Cup. So I met him in San Jose for game six of the Western Conference championship game.
There is much cause for celebration because, THE SHARKS ARE GOING TO THE STANLEY CUP FINALS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THEIR 25 YEAR HISTORY.....!!!!!!!
California is an amazing state for so many things. I love living here!
But who could EVER imagine that BY living here, I would have 3 great professional hockey teams to support! (Add to the list, my allegiance to my home-state MINNESOTA WILD, and life is perfect.)
Later, he added a link:
Item #6 in the article read:
The "Shark Tank" again could be teeming with celebrity fans who could help the home team rig up a game plan for a seek-and-destroy mission in the Cup Final.
Oh yeah, we're talking about Metallica ("Seek and Destroy") front man James Hetfield and the man who could rig up anything with a string, two pingpong balls and a flashlight, MacGyver himself, actor Richard Dean Anderson.
Each was at Game 6 of the Western Conference Final on Wednesday and proved to be good luck charms in San Jose's 5-2 win against the St. Louis Blues.
Several weeks later, Richard forwarded a second picture (right) captioned "Mike Greenburg & Richard Dean at San Jose during Stanley Cup finals run."
May 23, 2016

Still dealing with some pain issues and the aftermath of some recent dental work, Richard has been taking some quiet downtime at home. Today, his dog Andy sent a message on his behalf:
May 23, 2016
My human man guy is lucky to have you as a friend. (He says you are.) I do what I can and I'm as patient as I can be, but, ROOF!! he has been tired!
I mean, I can lay around in the shade with the best of them, but my guy has been resting a LOT... even though I've TRIED to coax him with treats.
I really have to thank you, though - you seem to be the only human person he writes to, but I'm around him a lot, and I can't remember the last time he sat down to respond to you. (I could be wrong, I don't read as well as I used to.)
I'll get on him, though, don't give up....
He's a good guy -- he's always been my best friend... always!
April 18, 2016

The prognosis for Richard's mother after her recent surgery had been good, however she grew weaker in the days following.
On Monday, Richard shared the very sad news that his mother had quietly passed away.
April 18, 2016
Jocelyn Anderson, my glorious mother, died on April 17, 2016 @ 1:05 PM.
Her sons were with her as she passed away to begin her next, new adventure.
She is remembered by anyone who met her!
Anderson, Rick
Jo's Kid
April 4, 2016

Richard had been doing a lot of traveling during the past month, first with a visit to New Zealand and then to Belgium. During this time, he was also keeping in close touch with his family at home while his mother was being seen by her doctors.
He sent a series of updates privately, which he has now asked to be shared, in part.
First, from Auckland, he wrote:
March 7, 2016
I'm heading to the airport in about 15 minutes. However, I will soon have some time to sit and write you a letter with more substance than 'how-de-doo'...!
My mom has been in the hospital this past week. Every time I check in with my brother it has become more serious a situation than previously suggested.
Again, I'll bring you more details when I get to Christchurch. Out the door.
Shortly afterward, he added:
March 8, 2016
No change with mom, but it has become very evident that she is going to need surgery of some kind to fix a blocked artery sometime soon-ish.
I promise to keep you apprised.
Once he returned home from New Zealand, he was able to be with his mother during a preliminary procedure. In the wee hours of the morning, he wrote again:
March 23, 2016
Barely staying awake at the moment.
Starting early (later on) this morning, Mom goes into the hospital for the first procedure.
Will try to sneak a note tomorrow to bring you up to speed.
While he was in the hospital, fans had begun reacting to the news that an actor had been chosen for the new role of MacGyver. To brighten Richard's day, I sent him a reply:
March 23, 2016
BTW, to give you a smile, the announcement was made that Lucas Till will be the new MacGyver in Henry Winkler's project. When the news hit, Twitter exploded with reactions from fans. I now know how to say "No one can replace Richard Dean Anderson as MacGyver!" in about a dozen languages. :)
Richard responded later:
March 23, 2016
What a wonderful response from the fans. To express the preference, sight unseen, is ostensibly a gesture of loyalty.
Feel good moment of the day, for me.
Mom is sleeping, but I will keep you apprised.
The following week, he wrote again, very late at night:
March 30, 2016
Actually, I'm not as much of a wreck as I thought I would be after today's events.
Took mom to the hospital EARLY EARLY this morning for a Trans Aortic Valve Replacement. It is a phenomenal procedure!
Bit of a challenge intermittently, but the consensus from the 8 physicians in the room was that for her age, she did great!
She COULD go home as soon as tomorrow but I hope she chooses to stay through the weekend when I'll be back from Belgium.
(She told me to pack a bag yesterday in anticipation of a successful operation.)
Feeling confident of his mother's recovery, Richard was able to board a plane the next day to travel to Belgium. On his way out the door, he sent a playful text:
March 31, 2016
Later, having arrived in Belgium, he sent another update:
April 2, 2016
One crazy day, getting here, to Ghent, Belgium, I must say!! Planes and trains and cars, and broken knees... Not a 'dream vacation,' but I'm glad I'm here.
I haven't the slightest inkling whether my text is getting to you, so...... here you go.
When he received a response to confirm that his messages had arrived, he celebrated:
April 3, 2016
By then, aware that the news about his mother had reached the internet, he expressed his wish that personal news come directly from him first, and he asked that selections of his mother's story be "composed and posted" on the website.
He also shared his absolute enjoyment of the beautiful country and the wonderful, warm, and resilient people of Belgium, and he promised again to keep in touch once he returned home.
March 25, 2016

Although Richard managed to send a few notes while he was traveling in New Zealand, he was having great difficulty getting images to send properly.
However, after he returned home, he sorted through the pictures he had taken, and over several days he forwarded a few of those pictures with short notes and descriptions.
One picture was taken in the cockpit of the aircraft in which he had flown home across the Pacific. His note explained:
March 25, 2016
Qantas pilots, flight crew -- having spent some 14 odd hours focused on getting all of us safely back to Los Angeles.... asked politely and respectfully for my presence in the cockpit.
These gentlemen are MASSIVE MacGyver officianados!!
I am a huge Airplane pilot fan!!
I miss riding up front... used to do it all the time."
March 10, 2016

From Christchurch, on Thursday evening, Richard once again shared a few thoughts as he reported that his sweet tooth had caught up with him in New Zealand.
March 10, 2016
Well, one of the worst things that could happen... did happen!
While shopping for supplies that would keep off the Room Service menu, and leaning toward a healthier approach to hotel survival (it's all in my book), I came across the organic nuts section, which also harbored dangerous items as gummy candy, licorice chunks, muesli dust, bins of yogurt-covered everything, gooey goo, and more and more nuts.
And then, there it was, my downfall: Crystallized Ginger. I'd been looking for this exact product ever since I left Fiji a couple of years ago. I had been lead to believe this form of ginger was now illegal (who knows?!?) in the US.
So I've been substituting a fairly snappy, ginger-flavored candy in its place. From the start, it just wasn't the same, but it DID get my Dentist's attention!!! (I was advised to STOP consumption of ALL candy, including my beloved crystal ginger! --- As a note: Except for the occasional chunk of exquisitely high-quality chocolate sampled at a variety of Sci-Fi conventions, I don't eat candy -- and except for this newly-discovered 'vein of GOLD'... I STILL DON'T.)
So, that's been a setback. But I'll get over it... as soon as my bag of Crystallized Ginger is depleted. Should be soon.
Disclaimer: DO NOT SEND OR GIVE ME ANY CANDY OF ANY KIND, EVER!!!!! I will not accept it!!
End of Installment -- More to Come.
Anderson, Rick
Later that same night, in the wee hours of the morning, Richard attempted to backtrack and chronicle his travel adventures from the beginning.
March 10, 2016
Installment the 2nd...
As young Kate has come to learn: I have a hard time chronicling events in my life. More, any records that I do make, often lay dormant in or about a rapidly molting brain cavity, never to be moved forward into my friend Kate's proximity. So this is rare.
The first leg of this trip landed me in Sydney, Australia, where I had a layover of about 2+ hours: this because I have grown fond of Qantas Airways... for several reasons. Really, the only one worth mentioning is the actual physical accommodation in the seating. It's expensive as crap, but quite honestly, I would not survive the 12-14 hour flights from east to west that bring me to the luscious loins of New Zed Land, and other islands in the vicinity.
Qantas has beds for the journey, flat, lengthy beds that a man with a crumbling and throbbing spinal column and rancid knees truly appreciates.
The second part of the first leg simply consisted of making my flight to Auckland, which is not always a "sure thing"! But make it I did, and the ride from the airport to the same hotel as last time, was phenomenally familiar!!
Game on!!! quoth I... I'M BACK!!!
Armageddon was getting ready to HAPPEN!!! And the early comers were clearly the 'Happening-est' of ALL of my house-guests. By now it should be known, nay, understood, that I respect and adore the men, women, and KIDS who make a good, solid, commitment to costuming!!! It could be considered an art form in many circles... truly, should be considered so.
Some time has passed...well into the night, my friends...... well into the late night... to the late... late... night......
More to come.
Anderson, Rick
March 7, 2016

During a moment of down time during his visit to New Zealand, Richard paused for a bit of reflection on one of his favorite destinations.
March 7, 2016
I love New Zealand, I really do. A lot, in fact, I like it a lot!
But with each passing day I (ODDLY!!!) find it more and more difficult to adjust my ear to the dialect of the friendly and kind Zealander. I am sure it is the English language hidden in there, somewhere, but it gets so thin sometimes (tinny?) that it might as well be French... well... OK, not French!...
Again, you must keep in mind that without exception, the human people of New Zealand are exquisite in every way imaginable. But my lack of comprehension of the language THROUGH the dialect, makes for some obvious, "Elderly Moments" (a short-form magazine/book Charlie Correll and I were co-writing just before he died.)
Another example of an "Elderly Moment": getting honked at while waiting at a light in the left-turn lane. Or, wearing a hat for its intended purpose.
Well, this was an attempt at an update... I'll have to continue tomorrow...
Anderson, Rick
February 17, 2016

Two days ago, Richard had shared two more selfies. Today he followed up, despite continued discomfort from sitting upright at the computer, and he offered a longer message in which he addressed the many questions from fans about his birthday, his health, and his future appearances.
February 17, 2016
Responding to the caring curious...
I would say... Yes!! I believe I HAVE received every "Wellwish" and Loving Acknowledgment/Celebration of my continuing passage of time. I've lost much/many of my cynical edges, and find it easier to accept HONESTLY, the wonderfully intentioned cards, letters, parcels and presents that you forwarded on to me.
(For the sake of Everyone's Heart, I'm finding that I need EVERYONE to know and believe, that I have received every "communiqué" sent in my direction... and, I've read them!! ......all. Thank you, ALL!!)
Am I feeling... Better???!! I don't think it is yet time to commit to an answer, here. In part, as you know, I am likely to continue to dart in and out of my cave, or out from beneath my rock... For an honest answer I CAN say that it would have been extremely difficult to feel any worse than I did at the onset of the most recent of "Events"!! I CAN say that. So, better?...... Sure?
As of yet (it's a BIT late, don't ya know) I have gotten no invitation to be a part of anything MacGyver-istic. BTW, I am not hurt by this. I'm fine with it, for a number of reasons...
(Gotta hurry, here: 'vertical' does not agree.)
Yes, I am going to New Zealand. I LOVE New Zealand!!
February 15, 2016

In both a mischievous mood and a pensive one, Richard shared two more selfies this afternoon.
The first image, to the left, arrived with the caption, "Rough day."
The second image, to the right, was captioned simply, "Thinking."
January 9, 2016

Richard sent yet another creative selfie this afternoon. This one features both an Emerson shirt and a philosophical insight:
January 9, 2016
Who knows? Pain is.......... dare I say, existential.
~ 2015 ~
December 29, 2015

In an artistic mood, Richard sent another creative selfie this afternoon. The image, seen in Andy's eye, came with a simple caption:
December 29, 2015
Mirror Image Selfie
December 25, 2015

On Christmas Day, Richard shared two more selfies. Sporting a Santa hat, he posed surrounded by some of the many greeting cards that his fans have been sending.
Although these pictures came without a caption, the big smile seems to say it all.
December 24, 2015

As Richard and Wylie were sharing Christmas Eve together, Richard sent a selfie of himself and his daughter and again offered his words of thanks to the fans.
December 24, 2015
I am the father of this beautiful girl beside me -- we were exchanging some thoughts about Christmas & stuff...
I shared my sentiments about the amazing outpouring of support and concern and thanks and 'get wells'....... And while I was telling her about the seemingly endless stream of letters and cards that Auntie Kate has been tirelessly sending on to me, I was interrupted by the words of my child:
"It sounds like a lot of people love you, Dad."
And, that said it all.......
Thank you, All.
December 23, 2015

Every two or three days, another package of get well wishes arrives at Richard's home, and as the hundreds of greeting cards and messages continue to pour in, Richard paused today to send another message of thanks to the fans.
December 23, 2015
The packets keep landing at my door, blessedly raising spirits in the 'peanut gallery.' (Possibly a reference to the heart...)
Seriously, NEVER, EVER will I be able to properly thank You and the Thousands... for taking the pressure off a sad and sensitive Australian Shepherd, who truly had no idea what had happened once her girlfriend left, without properly saying goodbye...
Thank you, thank you... all.
December 15, 2015

Shortly after his earlier message, the following afternoon, Richard returned with much happier news and thrilled excitement for his daughter Wylie.
December 15, 2015
Five days to rest to determine the level of relief. Still pretty achy but I can tell / sense / hope there is a difference.
I should be more comfortable sitting for a session in front of the computer soon - thus a more better letter to fans and fanage.
Zing! OMG! ~~
My lovely and talented drive-through karma has been accepted into the school of her choice: EMERSON COLLEGE!
Daughter accepted into college, dog lying next to me, knowingly, yea, lovingly lapping up tear salt from my face...
There is no greater happiness to my life today.
December 14, 2015

Richard had to endure several weeks of excruciating back pain before conditions were right for doctors to begin treatment. Yesterday, he sent a hopeful text as he was preparing to leave for the hospital.
December 14, 2015
Just leaving for the hospital. I am ready to relinquish this level of agony!
I should have some idea later today, or tomorrow.
Either way, thank you for the packets of letters and cards, and perpetual 'good wishes' for recovery from EVERYWHERE !!!...... It means a lot to me..... it really does.
Communication to follow,
November 26, 2015

Richard is still dealing with a great deal of back pain. Fans from around the world have been sending get well cards to brighten his day, and the first batch of cards is on its way to him.
In the meantime, Richard appeared on Thanksgiving Day with another of his selfies and managed to share a smile, which he sent with the caption:
"Trying to hide a triple chin."
November 17, 2015

Richard and Andy continue to find comfort in each other's company.
Richard has been dealing with severe back pain, and both he and Andy are still struggling with the loss of Daisy.
Today Richard shared some pictures of his best friend, and each picture came with a brief caption.
The first image, in color (left), came with the title "Confusion" and was captioned "Andy.... continues to grieve."
The second image, in black and white (right), came with the caption "Andy.... a very sad dog. We are our own support group."
November 13, 2015

Richard was clearly distressed when he wrote on Friday with the news that he has been forced to cancel his appearance at the Super Megafest convention near Boston later this month.
He has been dealing with health issues in the past few months, and the extreme pain in his lower back has only worsened in recent weeks, making the trip impossible.
He asked that the news be shared here once the convention organizers have been able to address the situation. And he asked for fans' understanding of his extreme reluctance to have to make such a disappointing decision.
He wrote, in part:
November 13, 2015
I will not be able to attend the Boston event.
My back situation is causing constant, excruciating pain throughout the lumbar, sacral quadrant....
Hours & hours of MRI & CT scans in the last ten days.
I hope that those who know me will understand how cancelling out of a commitment like this affects me --
October 31, 2015

On Tuesday evening, Richard sent a picture of Daisy. Late Saturday night, he followed up with the very sad news that his beloved dog had passed away.
October 31, 2015
Much trauma and disarray of late:
My dear dog Daisy died two days ago, finally taken by the affects of spinal injuries collected over the years. I'm truly not ready yet to recount the details.
The absolute worst is trying to console Andy. She is so confused, unable to make sense out of the absence of her 'sister' / best friend.
October 18, 2015

On October 18th, the University of Southern California School of Medicine hosted the 9th Annual Quench the Fire 5K/10K Run & Walk at Woodley Avenue Park in Van Nuys, California. The proceeds from the event benefited the USC Pain Center at the Keck School of Medicine at USC in its goal to support education, research, and treatment of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) and other neuropathic chronic pain diseases. Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, also called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), is a chronic neurological disease affecting an estimated 1.5 to more than 6 million Americans. To learn more about chronic pain conditions or to make a donation, visit the USC Quench the Fire website.
Richard's doctor has been associated with the USC Pain Center, and in support of the work they are doing there, Richard has appeared at each of the nine Annual Run/Walk events, where he has signaled the start of the race, mingled with the fans who attended, posed for pictures, and signed autographs.
Following the race, Richard shared another selfie, taken in his rear view mirror and captioned: Post-race Blues red.
September 21, 2015

During his visit to Australia for the Oz Comic-Con, Richard shared some of his photography, including a new selfie and photos from his hotel and his visit to the Australia Zoo.
His five captioned photos have been added to the page for the Oz Comic-Con.
July 9, 2015

While Richard was travelling in the South Pacific, he sent an email to keep in touch. However, due to either a technology malfunction or an anomaly in the space-time continuum, his email, dated June 25th, didn't arrive until July 9th.
June 25, 2015
I'm trying to write something!
I'm going to send this and hope that it gets through to you. Not only am I using my "lemon" computer that has NEVER served me satisfactorily, BUT, I am also in Fiji right now. The people are extremely kind and good... but I have never experienced worse internet service, in my life.
(I love putting on a snit over spectacular technological developments... like, how dare I?)
Let me know if this lands in your space.
PS. Shaved the mustache.
Later, he texted to confirm that the email from Fiji had been sent weeks earlier. At home now, he's been resting his back, which didn't benefit from the "12 hour flights to and from Fiji."
Still later, before heading out for a series of errands and a "mud-thick espresso cut with a squirt of scalding water," he sent another email to fill in a few more details.
July 9, 2015
I AM back from Fiji. Not too much to tell about the experience from my perspective.
Now, WYLIE....!! My, God, I want HER life. She spent two weeks "camped" in the back hills of the main island with about 14 other teenagers, performing community services in a variety of increasingly poor villages, teaching, building, painting, romping... She taught the little kids English, and her specialty, computers. There is a program pending to deliver some equipment in the future... etc.
God, she's great!! I'll fill in MY blanks another time.
I'll try to keep these little snippets coming your way...
February 19, 2015

Richard's computer finally returned from repair, and as he returned to the world of the internet, he took the opportunity to explore the birthday greetings, fan mail messages, and donations on his website. Touched by the support of his fans, he sent a message of thanks.
February 19, 2015
My computer works!!!!
Before another decade saunters by, I'd like to say something to the near billion (near) men, women, girls, boys, transfolks, etc., who have miraculously remained within earshot of my distant and infrequent voice. I'm not so sure what I should say. I am, however, very certain what I want to say to every- (and/or any-) one who has ever written to me in hopes of either receiving a response... or, at the very least, an acknowledgement that I still breathe, and therefore could very well have, at the very least, read your letters (etc.)
To everyone of YOU !!!!!! I would like to offer my apologies -- because I have let the impression fester and grow that I don't know or care about the beautiful humanoids who have created for me, a very clear and honest (picture/definition of the word *******!!) reality, one that has kept me breathing, and smiling, and embracing... all of you, who have remained... loyal!!
My God, All...... Thank You!!
PS. I believe I've been unclear:
This evening I sat down to apologize to anyone who was still turning an ear to the silence I've provided for Kate (dear, sweet, Miss Kate), as she so faithfully, laboriously, and frustratingly kept the Web Site, (is that how one spells it...?) alive, colorful, as current as she could possibly keep it without ANY help from her subject!!
So..... um.... I'm sorry!
Also, I'm pledging to make it better.
If I can figure out HOW to do it without involving my cell phone.... I'm going to try sending some pictures.
(I've warned her: THIS COULD GET BORING!!)
Love to All,
February 14, 2015

Richard's most recent selfie arrived from the jungle, with a top secret message. It is self explanatory. Or not.
February 14, 2015
My life as a spy was not as short-lived as many of you may think.
This photo (if you can tell it's me) is an extremely rare (and certainly, Top Secret) capture of myself donning, "the deep cover," "deep-jungle,"... "invisible," "camouflage."
Like I said, "classified," so, you know, go ahead and "destroy" this...... "evidence," and then let me know how much you "like" the picture of me.
"SQUACK" -- roger -- over
(Anderson, Rick) Pretend you can't read this name, OK?
January 27, 2015

After attending a performance of "Wicked" in Los Angeles to celebrate his birthday with his daughter Wylie, Richard shared a picture of the two of them on the stage of the Pantages Theater, and he added a note about his 65th birthday.
January 27, 2015
My exquisite daughter takes me to "Wicked" for my birthday!!
Though it's the 2nd for me, the 3rd for her, this production brought us both to tears of appreciation and awe.
(My dear friend, Kim Zimmer, whom I have not seen for a decade, is in this production, making the passing of year 65 not just painless, but...... perfect!!)
Thank you, Wylie!
You keep me happy!!
January 23, 2015

Richard turned 65 years old on January 23rd, and fans gathered to send their best wishes and to donate to his charities in honor of the occasion.
The eCards and links were forwarded to him as the day dawned, and in the wee hours of the morning, he sent a brief response after checking his email. He had begun reading through the messages, but with so many hundreds to read, he promised to return after getting some rest.
January 23, 2015
I have had to resort (finally !!) to an old iPad for this response; I've been without proper computer service for nigh on....... well, a whole bunch of time.
For once I won't be wandering aimlessly about a "catch up" message, with this hunt-and-peck, finger poking style on the keyboard. But, in a breath, I will say that when my clunker old Mainframe is brought back to life (prayers!), I will be very motivated to jot something proper to what feels like a band of wild loyalists!
Bought tickets to "Wicked" so Wylie can take me to the theater on my birthday, tonight. I'll tell you all about it.
Going to bed right now (4:10AM).
Thank you, once again, thank you.
~ 2014 ~
December 21, 2014

Welcoming the Christmas season, Richard forwarded a message that he had received. It included a link to a YouTube video, recorded in December 2013, of a Flash Mob performance by the U.S. Air Force Band at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. After enjoying the video, he passed it on with his own brief review:
December 21, 2014
Love the Military..... Rick
Video of the 2013 US Air Force Band Holiday Flash Mob is available in the Video Gallery c/o TheUSAFBand and on YouTube.
November 21, 2014

Richard had been keeping busy since his return from New Zealand. He took a moment to share his pride in his daughter's latest performance at her high school, and he promised that more "reflections" would come.
November 21, 2014
Wylie appeared in the opening night of "The Diviners," and I must say...... she is wonderful!
It's a very 'straight' play, sad, heavy, etc. and Wylie rose to a new level of performance. I have always suggested she slow down, breathe, calm herself.... listen.....
Director cornered me to make some very complimentary remarks -- which he rarely does.
October 25, 2014

On Saturday evening, following the first full day of Armageddon Expo, Richard finally succeeded in getting his iPad to work, and he shared his impressions of New Zealand, the convention, and his visit to Hobbiton.
October 25, 2014
I now have an iPad, and thus, a far less frustrating way to communicate.
The convention is very, very well attended (see: crowded!).
NZers are so polite, and appreciative, with apparently grand, good hearts.
Nearly a 3 hour trek to visit Hobbit Town (Ville, City, etc.) -- very worth the bus ride. Little Hobbit stuff everywhere! BEAUTIFUL COUNTRYSIDE!!! Exquisite countryside! I want that countryside!!! (Paleese).
Looooooong flight to get here.
I hear it's longer going back.
More to come.
Click here for more photos and media appearances from Richard's visit to Auckland.
October 24, 2014

While touring Hobbiton, the "Lord of the Rings" movie set near Auckland, New Zealand, Richard resumed his series of selfies of the partially obscured traveller.
In town for the Armageddon Expo this weekend, he managed to get his iPad to connect, and sent a brief message with the as yet uncaptioned selfie.
October 24, 2014
I have been trying to get my iPad to work, and my iPhone. If you receive this message you will be the first.
In a later message, he added his own caption for his most recent photo:
RD @ Hobbit Town, Middle Earth. In bg is the front door to his newly-acquired Hobbit Hole -- really just a small condo.
Click here for more photos and media appearances from Richard's visit to Auckland.
September 12, 2014

Richard stopped by today to share another of his selfies.
This one came without a caption - just a smile.
September 4, 2014

This afternoon, Richard forwarded a message he had received, asking for support for the Challengers Boys & Girls Club, one of the charities that he supports.
September 4, 2014
Can we forward this out to the fans? ~ Rick
Hello ALL!
Challengers Boys & Girls Club is one of the 2 remaining finalists in the LA Laker Foundation YOU Grant Refurbishment Contest. The winner of this contest will receive the resources needed to refurbish/build a basketball court at their facility. For us this means refurbishing our outdoor Nike court. The winner is decided by the fans so I need for you and everyone that you know to go to this website and vote for Challengers Boys & Girls Club so that we can beat out the competition and WIN this contest.
PLEASE SHARE this link via text, email, social media and every outlet that you may have.
Fans may only vote once and the voting period ends at Noon PDT on Friday, September 12, 2014. (TIP: You can vote more than once by using different emails.)
So stop what you are doing and VOTE TODAY and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
Corey Dantzler
Challengers Boys and Girls Club
August 22, 2014

Today Richard sent yet another picture of Andy, an artistic rendering worthy of a painting.
August 22, 2014
Oils v. Acrylic
This is the Dog I stole from Rembrandt.
August 21, 2014

Today, Richard shared another photo of his "favorite people."
This time, Daisy's companion, Andy, posed for Richard's camera.
August 21, 2014
Andy ~ Silhouette Yawn
August 20, 2014

After a bit of a break from the odd adventures of the partially obscured traveller, Richard returned to share some more of his own pictures. In the wee hours of the morning, he sent a picture of his dog, Daisy.
August 20, 2014
Daisy Doo, Lover Dog.
August 7, 2014

Richard's captioned selfie saga continued later in the day with yet another original photo.
August 7, 2014
She could turn on me at any moment. I was only food to her.
August 7, 2014

Later that same afternoon, Richard sent another captioned photo in the continuing adventures of the partially obscured traveller.
August 7, 2014
In Baggage Claim I was sure to be alone; I would lose him there.
August 7, 2014

Another day brought part three of Richard's continuing series of captioned photos "documenting" his flight home.
August 7, 2014
A picture of LA LIGHTS hung on the wall...
August 6, 2014

Richard returned today with the second picture in his series of selfies.
August 6, 2014
Then................... it occurred to me.
August 4, 2014

Following his appearance at Shore Leave 36, Richard boarded a plane and headed for home. As he was arriving back in Los Angeles, he sent a quick photo, a selfie taken on the trip, with a promise for more details to come.
August 4, 2014
Here is a picture for you to post somewhere... Caption to follow.
Later, Richard returned with another message. He explained that he had taken a series of selfies, which he hoped to send over time, "that might portray my 'Guy,' suspecting something odd is happening around him." The adventure would begin on the plane, and he offered the caption for his picture:
The flight was well under way when he appeared. He was staring at me... through closed eyes.
July 23, 2014

Richard shared more of his photography today.
His picture of a dog arrived this time without a caption.
July 2, 2014

On Tuesday evening, Richard was scheduled to fly to Australia to attend Oz Comic-Con in Melbourne, Australia this weekend. However, a major mishap occurred on board the flight, prompting Richard to send this message early Wednesday morning. Here's hoping the rest of his travels are less eventful.
July 2, 2014
Well, this is something! Three hours out, over the Pacific Ocean, a main water pipe snapped and gushed 70% of ALL water on board, down the galley wall, creating a raging river that ran the length of the BRAND NEW A-380-600 Air Bus, forcing the plane to turn around and return to Los Angeles... Which is where I am now.
Qantas is putting us up in a hotel until our replacement flight takes off later tonight from LAX, arriving Melbourne very early, Aussie time.
One word: OMG !!!
June 2, 2014

Richard had been spending the weekend in Düsseldorf, Germany for FedCon 23, but he hadn't forgotten the Stanley Cup playoffs taking place back in the United States. On Sunday night, the Los Angeles Kings faced the Chicago Blackhawks in game seven of the Western Conference finals, and Richard stayed up well past midnight to follow the game live online. At 4am, as the game progressed, Richard sent a brief message from Germany to test his internet access.
June 2, 2014
I hope this finds you!
Let me start with an update on logistics (I very well may mean, geography...?)
I am in Düsseldorf.... which is in Germany, which is in Europe, which lies mostly west of Asia, which articulates the Pacific Ocean, which spans a massive distance with mostly very, very cold and salty water.... More often than not, I am situated on the right side of the Pacific Ocean as you contemplate most every globe on the face of the.... well.... planet, which, of course, is often represented by.... a globe.
All of which serves as a reminder to ME, anyway, that we all gotta be somewhere most all of the time.... I do believe.
Later that day, he headed home by way of London, and while waiting for his flight to board, he added to his previous message.
June 2, 2014
At Heathrow waiting 2 minutes more...
It's a LITTLE frustrating to be in a foreign country, (TWO foreign countries, actually, as I travel throughout the day) and have "YOUR LOS ANGELES KINGS!!!!!!" pull off yet another miracle, certainly set an all-time record of 3 consecutive, 7th game playoff victories, AND earn their second trip to the Stanley Cup Finals in three years.... by beating the Chicago Blackhawks in their pursuit of a 2nd consecutive Stanley Cup Championship.... 4-3 in overtime.
The radio reception I conjured on the computer last night was the WGN feed from Chicago --- the two Chicago announcers not once showing an ounce of objectivity, clearly and openly cheering the Blackhawks on to what turned out to be a home team, home town, defeat.
At about 5:16 AM, Düsseldorf time, I mustered but a smile.... of victory.
My flight is boarding. Good night.
~ 2013 ~
November 11, 2013

Richard sent a quick, spontaneous message to share his latest photo of his "girl" - his Australian shepherd, Andy.
November 11, 2013
This is my Girl.
Truly, what's not to love ?¿
November 1, 2013

Captain Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society had been unable to return to the United States since May of 2012 when an Interpol Red Notice from Costa Rica called for his arrest for an alleged violation dating back to 2002. However, when the Red Notice was dropped, Captain Watson was able to return once again to the US, and one of his first stops on October 28th was a visit with Richard at his home in Malibu. Richard sent a brief message about their visit earlier in the week.
November 1, 2013
Paul stopped by. He and an intimate group of three Shepherds came to the house for Limeade and Lemonade. Everyone took a hand full of ice with their lemonade -- PW and I both had the limeade.
Other than the Captain responding to a few direct inquiries about the politics that plague our organization, and some rather animated epithets shot toward the Japanese whaling industry, our afternoon was peaceful, quiet, and filled with loving relief that our friend was home, and safe.
July 6, 2013

In the middle of the night, Richard dropped by to share a quick "hello" and a photo of himself with young Wylie, possibly taken at her 4th birthday party.
July 6, 2013
Truly, just want to say, Hello.
March 21, 2013

Richard was among the supporters who waited at the pier in Williamstown on March 20th to welcome home the Sea Shepherd fleet of Operation Zero Tolerance. He also participated in a press conference, sharing his support for Sea Shepherd and Captain Paul Watson, and he briefly attended the celebratory party that evening.
March 21, 2013
Today was the return of three-fourths of the Sea Shep's armada. The party was tonight, an event from which I had to part early-ish.
It has been an absolutely glorious day! Except for the fact that Captain Watson could not join us because of the political issues that keep him at sea, ostracized and country-less, (Thank you, Japanese Whaling Industry for your unlawful and maniacal slaughter of the Whales of the Australian Whale Sanctuary) the day WAS near perfect. Some of us were surprised to NOT see the Federal Police of Australia, as we expected Paul to be arrested immediately if he showed his snowy-white head. But, no show for the Federalies..... OR Captain Watson.
I should try to continue my musing when I get home. We leave later this morning, Thursday, and of course, I am not packed. (I HATE THAT!!!!) But, I've kept it simple here in Williamstown, unpacking only one small carry-on suitcase which easily housed the clothing I nearly didn't need. I've rotated four Sea Shepherd black t-shirts, three pair of sun glasses, necessities, LA Kings Stanley Cup Champions hat, and some unmentionable contraband for the family.... heh, heh....
That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.
Click here to see photos and media appearances from Richard's week-long visit to Comic-Con.
March 18, 2013

Richard left Adelaide and flew to Melbourne for the arrival of the Sea Shepherd fleet later this week. During the earlier part of his travels in Australia, he was having difficulty connecting to the internet to keep in touch. However, in Melbourne, he joked about finally finding "civilization" in the form of a strong WiFi signal.
March 18, 2013
Oh, helloooooo.....!!
I have reached civilization, finally, and all the comforts held within. Running water, running electricity, running tabs....
I've been outfitted with not just an internet connection with a strong WiFi stream, but A KEYBOARD to boot.
Not such an oddity for travelers who lug a 'mouse' around, but on the road I have gotten used to bringing my iPad, a mouseless unit, upon which it takes forever to compose!
Arragh, I say.... arragh.
A comment on the events of recent days passed is easy: Australians are the most patient and polite people I have encountered in the Southern Hemisphere.
That's a fairly large chunk of the earth, children, and there is another half-dome not included in this scientific study.
But I stand by my opinion.
Click here to see photos and media appearances from Richard's week-long visit to Comic-Con.
March 4, 2013

With the announcement of the upcoming convention schedule, Richard sent another brief email, this time looking forward to his return to North America.
March 4, 2013
It will be good to finally be "conning" in North America!
Bopping around the world for the last few years, Germany, England, South Africa, Brazil, Paris.... Australia. The list grows for international visitations, so it's time to work on my American accent.
I love the travel, around the world or across part of any given hemisphere, it's all excellent. But I really haven't spent enough time around my own continent (lately).
So.... Calgary, Dallas, Toronto, open wide!!! AAhhhhh.....
Richard is scheduled to be a guest at the following upcoming conventions: Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo (April 26-28, 2013), Dallas Comic-Con (May 18-19, 2013), and Fan Expo Canada in Toronto (August 23-25, 2013).
March 3, 2013

Richard will soon be leaving for Australia to attend the Oz Comic-Con in Perth and Adelaide. In a quick email he shared his anticipation for his return to the southern hemisphere.
March 3, 2013
I'm heading down under. Down under what, you might ask. Well, I got no answer to that. Just.......that's where I'm headed.
It's been a couple of years and I will be honest: I've missed being in the southern hemisphere, so I am looking forward to getting there....
Actually, I look forward to BEING there more than I am GETTING there. 14-16 hour flight? Oy. OY!!, I say.
Dogs licking my legs, gotta go.
January 28, 2013

An early promotional video entitled "The Birthday Party" was produced by the US Marine Corps to celebrate its 200th anniversary and featured a young Richard Dean Anderson in a series of vignettes. As the video was being added to the Filmography of the website, Richard shared a few brief memories of his experience during the filming of one of his earliest appearances.
January 28, 2013
It's a vague recollection on all of this stuff.
I got picked from a lineup of male-type specimens, a couple hundred or so. I read a couple of scenes with a few of the boys, and ultimately got the part.
The clearest memory I have of the experience is waiting for the sun to rise just a wee bit so we could start shooting. (Obviously an event planned without my approval. 3:15am call time. I mean, come on... Really?)
Anyway, while waiting and slithering down a hot pepper-laced breakfast burrito, I started to sense a "presence" around the truck, and, damned if I didn't catch actual movement near the shoreline.
What to my watering eyes did I see? But a gaggle of SEALs, walking upright, making a beeline, straight at lonely ole me. Scary-ish encounter.
I had been warned to not (NOT) talk to the SEALs if they happened among us. But they were curious, and ultimately, quite chatty!
More information about "The Birthday Party" is available in the Filmography.
January 24, 2013

In between computer crises, Richard has been able to surf through more of his birthday messages, and he took another moment to send his thanks to the fans.
January 24, 2013
WOW! There really ARE thousands of.... well wishers. I began with the latest of WW's birthday greetings, noting the relative (possibly, futile) impossible-ness of what lay before me. But, here is my pledge: I will make eye contact with every note of well wishing... eventually. Now that I half-know how to get to places in the InterWeb (meaning, Kate told me where to go, one fine spring day ---- and I followed her suggestion). [ssseeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhh.....! ... I uttered, upon following Ms. Ritter's directive.]
So, I've begun to enter, the Forest of Redemption, by first, offering an absolutely honest and sincere apology to every, single (or married or co-habitatting), humanoid, that has ever attempted to send me a tiding, good or bad. It's about trust, people. Thousands of people have been SO good to me, most by simply jotting down a sentiment and pushing a button or two. Others still send paper letters! (It's true, not everyone can afford a computer; this can make e-mails a little tougher to produce, a reality for which we must adjust.) For me, it is becoming more and more obvious that I shouldn't assume YOU ALL know that I DO appreciate EVERY note, letter and blueberry I receive over the course of time. I have been v-e-r-y s-l-o-w to peek out of my tent to assess the temperature of things, like, EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
Of course everyone will have to accept the fact that SUDDENLY I may have to ditch the premises to pick up my Kid on very short notice.
Like now!
January 23, 2013

Richard has been struggling with computer issues for several weeks. Just as one problem would be repaired, another one would appear. Despite the technological troubles, however, he has been enjoying the many birthday wishes and donations that have been sent by fans, and he wrote to express his gratitude and appreciation.
January 23, 2013
The computer WAS working for, oh, several hours, and then, (I kid you not), burped up a shy puff of smoke. Smoke!! Fer krine owt lowd. It's been suggested that time has come for a new 'puter.
But thank you for the fanage wishes. I will eventually have a working unit with which to read ALL sentiments.
An enormous Thanks to EVERYBODY!!!
...and love from this old fart...
January 1, 2013

Richard sent a quick email to wish everyone much happiness in the brand New Year.
January 1, 2013
I wish everyone happiness in the coming year.
As this has all the potential of being an exquisitely wonderful new year, I am leaning even heavier on the sentiment of Happy(ness) for anyone who truly wants it.
~ 2012 ~
November 29, 2012

Richard sent a quick text message to announce that late last night he finalized an agreement to appear on the ABC sitcom, "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23." When he has a moment to add more details about his upcoming appearance, the information will be added here.
November 29, 2012
I've agreed to "appear" very briefly on an episode of the show, "Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23." I did so LATE last night.
Driving now. Bbye.
November 19, 2012

Amanda Tapping and Michael Shanks have been dropping Twitter hints about offering their voices to a new Stargate project, an SG-1 app game with the tag "Stargate Unleashed," and now Richard has offered confirmation that he, too, will be lending his voice to the project. Details are few so far, but in his latest message, Richard mentions his role in the new game as well as his continued support for the Quench the Fire event returning on December 9th.
November 19, 2012
A quick update: I do believe I will be voicing the character of, "Jack O'Neill", for the Stargate Game. In fact, I should be recording tomorrow, but, nobody talks to me so I don't know......
Quench the Fire -- I am there! I think I'm connected for life to the honorable cause... at least until we find a cure for........ pain. With some authority I can predict the event will be held at the same location as last year.... Details to follow.
Dogs are barking madly, out of control, gotta tend....
Love to every, single, humanoid within/beyond earshot.
October 26, 2012

As the US presidential election approaches (on November 6th), Richard shared another email which he entitled, "A Musing, Upon Which I Will Add."
October 26, 2012
It's probably obvious to anyone who knows me, or even knows ABOUT me, that, from my relatively distant past until recently, I have not been one to react to political.... stuff. Certainly, I've not been much of an intellectual challenge to anybody, except for a couple of chums from the neighborhood, or, equally lost souls I may have met along the way. I've mostly been aware of the doin's in Washington (it was a little tough to keep up and adjust to the massive cultural transformation we went through during eras like, the 60's, 70's, 80's, and most of the 90's), but what I didn't grasp initially, I made up for as the century's odometer turned over to all zeros, and a 2.
Actually, 1998 slapped me upside o' the head with the arrival of my fresh lease on life: a daughter, unto me, was hatched.
Anderson. Rick
October 18, 2012

Richard took a thoughtful moment today to reach out to fans with an email message he entitled, "Take a Breath, Richard."
October 18, 2012
I do believe any entries from me will come in brief bursts... of... what should we call it? --- Inspiration? OK! Inspiration it is. Or... Energy! Sudden bursts of energy, which come somewhat infrequently, but DO occur. What I think I have to ask for from all interested parties, is the absolute patience of Saints!
I'm going to make an attempt to communicate with the "outside world," all fans and fannies, (apologies, England!), who await word, ANY WORD, from... ahem... a sleep-deprived, weight-gaining (leveled off, thank you...), polite, but wizened, old fuel.
I should interject here that I'm not aware of any writing style I might reflect; I am, however, a bit rambling and disjointed most of the time, but I can generally bring a particular point back into focus somewhere near the end of any given tangential meandering. Generally, I say... I'm not always successful.
For now, I'd simply like to reintroduce myself: Hello, I'm Richard. I will be trying to stay in closer touch.
(And thank you, Kate, for your indomitable patience and understanding.)
October 14, 2012

As Richard returned home from his week abroad, he sent another text, and looked forward to some rest and reconnecting.
October 14, 2012
Oui, je suis en America, maintenant. Et, je suis... um... lagged, de le jet.
A process to exit LAX, what could have easily destroyed ANY desire to travel again, was made uniquely brief and almost sweat-free by the delightfully attentive personnel of Tahiti Nui, an otherwise lackluster airline. People, good. Airplanes, not so.
Heading home along the Ocean Park route through Venice to avoid the 405 Freeway, which is rumored to be under construction, here, on a lovely Sunday afternoon.
I've come home to hug my daughter and kiss my dogs. I can assess things later, now I must reconnect.
Click here for information, pictures, and videos from Richard's trip to Paris.
October 12, 2012

Still experimenting with the technology, today Richard managed to send another quick message with a photo attached.
October 12, 2012
Doubtful un foto will make it thru, but, hey, here's a try.
Anderson, Rick
Click here for information, pictures, and videos from Richard's trip to Paris.
October 11, 2012

Following his appearance at the Jules Verne Festival, Richard sent another brief text from his hotel room in Paris on Thursday evening.
October 11, 2012
Pix from here I can't do: limitations in technology.
Event was... Crazy getting there, lots of people. I am now a bit of a prisoner, paparazzi staged just below my hotel window.
Upp!...bath time!
Later in the evening, both Richard and Amanda returned for the second night of the Jules Verne Festival where they also joined astronaut Buzz Aldrin for a concert by David Newman.
Click here for information, pictures, and videos from Richard's trip to Paris.
October 10, 2012

The Jules Verne Festival announced that the 20th Anniversary Edition of the Jules Verne Award for 2012 would be presented to Richard Dean Anderson in recognition of his conservation efforts.
According to the website, "This year, the Festival pays tribute to Richard Dean Anderson, the hero of Stargate and MacGyver. The star is at the confluence of two worlds that are at the heart of the Festival and its rationale, in the tradition of Jules Verne's imagination and nature conservation. For many years, Richard Dean Anderson has been an environmentalist committed to protecting the planet, especially marine environments. He supports the work of Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson. His commitment is an example to all those who commit their celebrity and their means to serve a cause which is vital to us all, as humans, the principal concern: EARTH."
A reception was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012, at the Grand Rex in Paris. Although Captain Paul Watson was unable to attend the event, his work with marine conservation was also honored with a Jules Verne Award. The evening also reunited Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping, who was present as a Guest of Honor in recognition of her humanitarian efforts as well as the launch in France of season 4 of Sanctuary.
Following the evening of celebration, at about 2:00am local time, Richard once again shared a few thoughts via text message:
October 10, 2012
Hello, OR Bon Soir. I am crusty with sweat salt from this evening's festivities.
Quite a nice format helped keep things moving along with some levity, and still let the substance remain in focus.
But some crazy-assed paparazzi, to be sure. Nothing dangerous, but still, a pretty good-sized obstacle... Incessantly!
...More later.
To Grey Pur e...
Click here for information, pictures, and videos from Richard's trip to Paris.
October 8, 2012

Richard has arrived in Paris, where he will be honored at the Jules Verne Festival on Wednesday.
As he touched down in Paris at about 10am local time, he sent a text from the rainy French capital.
October 8, 2012
So, Paris, airport, arrival, traffic problems: it is raining, a blessing to me.
Sending in pieces in case is not getting thru.
Here for a week and no computer!! iPad, yes. But with my limited aptitude for such things, it will be interesting to see if I can send any thoughts westward, no?
Later in the afternoon, Richard appeared on "Vous Êtes En Direct," ("You Are Live"), a French interview program.
Click here for information, pictures, and videos from Richard's trip to Paris.
October 4, 2012

Richard sent another picture of his "favorite people," his dogs Andy and Daisy, and he added a brief note promising more updates.
October 4, 2012
Partial update coming 4th. A little at a time, perhaps.
August 31 - September 3, 2012

Richard was among the many stars attending the multi-media popular culture convention Dragon*Con in Atlanta this year. His appearance included two panels, one on his own and one with other stars of the Stargate franchise, as well as autograph sessions and photo-ops with fans.
To coincide with Richard's visit to Georgia, the City of Atlanta proclaimed September 1, 2012 as "Richard Dean Anderson Day" in recognition of his many accomplishments over the years.
At the awards banquet that evening, Michael Bond, the son of Julian Bond, a leader in the American civil rights movement, presented Richard with the official Proclamation declaring his special day, and fellow Stargate alum Robert Picardo serenaded him with "You Are My Sunshine" in a humorous tribute.
As he was preparing to return home from the weekend, Richard sent a brief text:
September 3, 2012
All done but the traveling.
Did I mention Sept. 1, 2012 was RDA Day in Atlanta? So decreed by City Councilman Michael Bond (Julian's kid). Mayor in on it too.
August 21, 2012

To coincide with Richard's visit to Atlanta for Dragon*Con, the City of Atlanta is issuing a Special Proclamation stating that September 1, 2012 will officially be declared "Richard Dean Anderson Day" in recognition of his many accomplishments over the years.
That evening, there will be a special awards banquet, and Richard will be presented with the Proclamation by Michael Bond, the son of Julian Bond, a leader in the American civil rights movement.
August 21, 2012
So, there you go.
The gesture came out of nowhere, and prior to this I have no recollection of doing anything SPECIAL for the city of Atlanta.... so, nowhere!
Quite an honor....
Tickets to the Guest of Honor Awards Banquet are available to attendees at Dragon*Con.
August 12, 2012

Richard sent a quick text to let fans know that he will be appearing at Dragon*Con, a multi-media popular culture convention being held in Atlanta, Georgia from August 31 to September 3, 2012.
August 12, 2012
I'd like to spread the word that I'm going to be in Atlanta, Georgia @ the end of August. The name of this thing... has a Con at the end of it...
Information about the convention and event tickets can be found at the Dragon*Con website.
July 14, 2012

After completing the filming of his commercial in South Africa, Richard had the opportunity to experience some of the genuine wildlife that the country had to offer.
He shared one more message as he landed in Los Angeles, referring to the "Big 5" big-game animals that he was able to experience on safari: lion, leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo.
July 14, 2012
Big 5. Can you guess?
Extremely up close, intimate moments with a Leopard as he ate final morsels of extremely fresh meat!!! That was today.
Saw the same cat the NIGHT before on drive around. Up he stood for a stretch, no more than 8 ft. from my tasty loins. Exquisite experience!!
List of others to come.
2hrs Sabi Sabi - Joburg
8.5 hrs - Dubai
15+ hrs - LA.
What price wanderlust?
Just touched down in CA. Battery about to drop.
July 9, 2012

Still in South Africa filming his Mercedes commercial, Richard shared two more selfies.
Both were captioned: "I spend a lot of time alone. Sometimes I am absolutely ecstatic with this fact. To set!"
July 8, 2012

During a cold night shoot in South Africa, Richard shared another selfie.
It was captioned: "Now 7:02 shooting at night. Spooky, cold. I love it. Just one day left and it's a night. Chilly."
July 7, 2012

Richard continued his journey in South Africa in a more urban setting as he shared two more photos taken during the filming of his new Mercedes commercial.
The first image (left) was captioned: "Early shots will all be urban location stuff."
The fourth image (right) was captioned: "Fox Street, Marshalltown, South Africa."
July 6, 2012

Richard continued his Wild South African Adventure with a second message and more pictures of the native wildlife.
July 6, 2012
I'm thinking of following all Ducks with something equally absurd, "...the mad dogs of Melrose Park, a pictorial ...." I don't have it REAL thought out (naturally).
The third image (left) was captioned: "I approach semi-cautiously... not wanting to disturb this lovely moment, seen only... In the Wilds of Nature!"
The fourth image (right) was captioned: "Finally, mother Rubber Duckie, can contain her instincts no longer: a bloodcurdling roar is all I recall, yes, a roar."
July 6, 2012

Richard began the month of July with a visit to South Africa. For two weeks, from July 1st to the 14th, he is shooting a commercial for Mercedes.
While he is there, he promised to share pictures of his adventures.
July 6, 2012
I'm shooting a commercial for Mercedes. They are introducing a new vehicle somewhere in the future, (October), and asked me to be a part of the launch.
I have to say it feels kinda good to be working again. ~rda
His encounter with "the Wilds of Nature" began with a photo exposé posted to Twitter.
The first image (left) was captioned: "So pix to Kate it is. Thanks All I've been so irresponsible."
The second image (right) was captioned: "The 'wilds' of Southern Africa, a small clearing, a watering hole, the mother yellow Duckie protects her young...."
March 11, 2012

Richard shared more pictures with the site when two more of his photos arrived today.
One picture seems to be from his trip to Tibet in 2001, and one of another canine member of the family.
March 11, 2012
Did these 2 pix get to you?
March 4, 2012

Shortly after his first attempt at sending a selfie, Richard followed up with two more pictures.
The first was an artistic rendering of a selfie, and the second was a picture of his dog Andy. Both pictures were captioned, "Two dogs."
March 4, 2012
Let's try this again. A picture..... maybe.....
March 4, 2012

Richard was practicing with different ways to forward photos, and by way of experimentation, he wanted to try texting a few random pictures to share with the site.
His first attempt was a smiling selfie with the simple caption, "Smile!"
February 12, 2012

Richard wanted to share his latest news about two commercial ventures. The first, for Mercedes Benz, plays on the MacGyver legacy, and the second, for Gillette, includes a trip to Brazil for Carnival.
February 12, 2012
I am doing two commercial ventures for two companies:
Mercedes Benz is launching a campaign which will launch the new vehicle they are pushing somewhere down the line. The "commercial" will only appear in parts of Europe, so I wasn't going to make too big a deal about it. The story boards are simple, straightforward depictions of "MacGyver" (unquote) making use of the new vehicle in very MacGyverish ways. There's a bit of clever cuteness to the pieces, but that's fine. Limited usage, short showings.
Tomorrow I'm first doing the photo shoot for the Mercedes campaign, then at night I'll be flying to Brazil to represent the Gillette people at Carnival with something new and exciting! Razor blades I think, maybe...?
This "event" is a very local thing, somehow connected to Carnival, and probably a simple live appearance at the "point of sale," photos, media interviews...
Time for bed,
January 23, 2012

Richard spent part of his birthday morning exploring the messages and gifts on the website, and he dropped a line expressing his appreciation and thanks.
January 23, 2012
So... thousands of well-wishers, fans, and supporters!!! You've rocked me back on my heels. I started at the wrong end of the list until I realized the dates on the texts were shrinking. So I skipped ahead a little. Then I took a casual stroll down the queue. This thing is amazing. Thank you, so much!
I'm going to write a letter (sic) later today, to the Loyal and Patient followers of rdandersondotcom. I truly know it's been said before, but I am sincerely touched by all of this.
Later on,
~ 2011 ~
November 8, 2011

Richard sent a message to remind viewers of his appearance, along with his daughter Wylie, in the episode of "Raising Hope" entitled "Jimmy and the Kid" tonight on FOX. He also spoke proudly of Wylie's recent performance as Sally Brown in a stage production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown."
November 8, 2011
Wylie's episode of "Raising Hope" is on tonight, 9:30 on FOX Tuesday.
Her performances in "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" were absolutely astonishing. I promise you, this is an objective assessment of this kid's work/play. (I really believe now that she has the energy, aptitude, and I dare say, talent, to do something in the bizness.) I am so proud of my lovely daughter.
Anderson, Rick
Visit the Filmography for more information about Richard's appearance in Raising Hope.
October 8, 2011

An upcoming episode of "Raising Hope" features the TV debut of Wylie Anderson, as well as a guest appearance by her dad. In the episode, Richard plays a protective father who mistakenly believes that Jimmy (Lucas Neff) is hitting on his daughter, played by 13-year-old Wylie.
The episode was initially expected to air in October, however FOX's programming during October is scheduled around the post-season baseball playoffs. In an email from Wylie, she explained:
October 8, 2011
Our episode is called "Jimmy and the Kid". :) The creator of "Raising Hope" has talked to us and said that our episode isn't actually airing until November! Thanks again!
The airdate is currently listed on the FOX website as November 8, 2011, although fans are encouraged to keep an eye on upcoming FOX programming in case of unexpected schedule changes.
September 8, 2011

There are several dozen Facebook pages in the name of Richard Dean Anderson, and on a number of these pages, the owner attempts to deceive fans by posting messages as Richard. One of the biggest of these pages even used a fake verification icon to fool thousands of followers.
When Richard learned what was going on at Facebook, he was very disturbed by these fraudulent imposters deliberately duping fans in his name. To set the record straight, Richard sent a video message to all his fans, making it very clear that he does NOT use Facebook.
The transcript of his video follows:
September 8, 2011
Hi. Richard Dean Anderson here.
It's way too early in the morning to be doing this, and in fact I kind of resent having to do it at all, but there are some people, a couple of couples, that are representing themselves on Facebook as me. They've got - there are are a couple of sites up - actually there are many, many sites up, apparently - that are invoking my name as being the responder. It's not happening. I don't have a Facebook account, let alone am I holding court on a site.
So please, I'd like people like Nancy Battaglia, Christine Pullinger, Christopher John Taylor, and Kate Taylor to please stop what you're doing. It's illegal and it's bad form. All right?
Have a good rest of the day.
Following the posting of this video, Nancy and Christine removed themselves as administrators and offered their apologies and cooperation in shutting down the fraudulent sites.
September 7, 2011

Richard sent another "Proud Father" message and another picture from the set of "Raising Hope."
September 7, 2011
Here the girl is, outside her dressing room at Raising Hope.
She did sooooooo sooooo great!
Daddy Prideboy
September 4, 2011

Richard was somewhere along the California coast when he paused to send the earlier image from "Raising Hope" and another artistic view from his motorcycle. His text message shared his enthusiasm for the open road:
September 4, 2011
I have been on a daylong MotoRide up the PCH, (hiway #1) & found that I had ALMOST gotten myself lost in the hills, valleys, & trees somewhere well above Santa Barbra, yet not quite to Santa Maria. I've taken the route from Ojai (rte.33) thru mnts. (cooler, usually late ice & snow) north-ish, to intersect @ E/W rte. to Santa Maria area, meeting up @ Hyway #101, once the Ventura freeway further south... and then north it is, until I can comfortably hook up with my beloved, Highway 1.
A day of this kind of "off the main drag" riding will get me to Big Sur, maybe Carmel, sometimes bringing the moon up upon arrival. Only done it twice, but the stretch above San Simeon to Carmel is nothing to consider on a big, fat motorcycle in the extreme dark, with the notorious 2500 ft. cliffs on one side or the other, depending on which direction you travel. Of course, those motoring south are in the perpetual 'outside' lane. (This is only so because we're not in England.) I forget my point.
Back 2 the road!
September 4, 2011

On August 29th and 30th, Richard and Wylie were on the set of "Raising Hope" to shoot their joint guest appearance on the half-hour comedy. A few days later, Richard sent a text to share one of the pictures from their day on the set.
September 4, 2011
Wylie gets make-up for TV debut on RAISING HOPE. August 2011.
In the episode, Richard plays a protective father who mistakenly believes that Jimmy (Lucas Neff) is hitting on his daughter, played by 13-year-old Wylie.
"Raising Hope" airs on Tuesday nights on FOX, and Richard's and Wylie's episode is tentatively due to air in October.
August 26, 2011

Richard sent another brief email with a bit of exciting news for himself and for his daughter, Wylie.
August 26, 2011
I wanted you to know, first, that Wylie and I have been inked to appear, together, mind you, in an episode of "Raising Hope." We are both very excited.
Details to follow, but you have it exclusively, right now. It is something like this that I do want you to have first.
I have to go to bed...
"Raising Hope," a situation comedy about a single dad raising his infant daughter, airs on Tuesday nights on FOX. As details follow, they will be added here.
June 28, 2011

In an email, Richard shared his parental pride in his daughter's most recent theatrical performances. As for his own appearances, a return to "Fairly Legal" has not yet been confirmed, although he has been offered another commercial which may shoot next month.
June 28, 2011
For some time now I've been staying tight with Wylie. She's had the lead in two productions, ("Phantom Tollbooth" and "Little Women"). And, my God!! She shone! She played Beth in "Women," so things get pretty heavy for the actress playing her. She gets sick, and dies, ultimately. Wylie's getting very close to being able to tap the emotional coffers she's been adding to over the years. She made a dozen people in the audience weep openly, very audible sniffling for minutes after the death scene.
She just might have 'it'. She certainly stands out when she shares the stage with others... she's definitely got 'something' that gets her close to that.... space, that heart, the focus, intelligence, nerve.... Time will tell.
Yesterday she started the summer program at a camp for theatrical kids. Fairly intensive gig.
Wish I had an answer for you regarding "Fairly Legal." I love reading [on the internet] about what I'm supposed to be doing because if it weren't for these little snippets of "information" I wouldn't have a clue. No one from the Company has spoken to ME. I suppose I should investigate the status of things.
OOOOHH!!!! Whew! Just remembered: I MAY be going to Brazil at the end of July to shoot a commercial. It will only show in Brazil. O, well. I've never been to Brazil, so there's that.
May 24, 2011

Richard's TV special for the History Channel, "101 Gadgets That Changed the World," was originally scheduled to air on Father's Day, June 19, 2011. However, Richard sent a text to say that the anticipated program has changed.
May 24, 2011
Here's one 4U: The "gadgets" project I filmed in NY 4 History Channel?... IT WILL NOT BE AIRING ON FATHER'S DAY :(
In a follow-up text the next day, Richard added that the entire concept has been changed and that the special is now expected to be done as a completely "voiced" piece. Whether any of Richard's work will appear in the final version is now uncertain.
[As a postscript, the History Channel special aired on June 15th using a voice-over. None of Richard's narration or on-screen work appeared in the show.]
March 20, 2011

Wylie had tweeted to say that Richard was in New York filming a new TV special, and when Richard returned home, he sent a few more details about his latest project.
March 20, 2011
History Channel's "101 Gadgets That Changed the World," hosted by Richard Dean Anderson, will air on Father's Day, 2011. Quite a day of green screen filming. I don't talk that much in a year!... But it might be an OK project in the end. If it makes the grade, History could make a series out of it...
February 17, 2011

Richard seemed to be in a poetic mood early this morning when he shared a few thoughts and a colorful self portrait.
February 17, 2011
I've watched the moonrise,
now the sun,
all in one breath.
The dogs are confused,
as am I,
watching all the colors
out there,
not to mention... the sky.
(watching all that lives out there...
not to mention in the sky.)
(watching as dear life rolls by,
not to mention... metaphors... in the sky.)
February 12, 2011

Richard paused for a brief text message with photos as he and Wylie prepared for the annual Father Daughter Valentine's Day Dance at Wylie's school.
February 12, 2011
Wylie & her Dad heading out to the Daddy Daughter Dance. Actually, just a casual shot of our two kids being kids, loving the world and all other celestial bodies......
~ 2010 ~
October 15, 2010

Richard had spoken in the past of his friend and neighbor Lorie Sandoval, the mother of one of Wylie's friends. She had been diagnosed with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), and her illness has had a devastating effect on the family's finances. To show their support, Lorie's friends and neighbors in the Malibu community where they live united by organizing a community fundraiser which was held on October 15th in Malibu. A number of local celebrities were in attendance, and Richard was the photographer for the event.
More information about the Sandoval family and the Sandoval Family Benefit Party can be found at The Malibu Times.
Those not attending may also mail donations in the form of checks payable to: Lorie Sandoval Family Fund, P.O. Box 2122, Malibu, CA 90265.
The organizers have also suggested that donations may be made via PayPal to:
Richard sent a brief message about his friend and about how the Benefit Party came to be:
October 15, 2010
Another one of those "moments"! What started as a local 'collection plate' sort of deal obviously blossomed into a nice little event for our friend, Lorie. She and I used to gab at each other about our respective pains and maladies last year. We kind of had this private club of two, using each other to vent and support.
And then one day... It really did happen... like THAT!
And so it began.
And here we are.
I will photograph the fundraiser evening.
On Twitter, Richard added an appeal to fans who may be moved to offer their help:
Lorie is a dear friend of mine; please help if you can. $1, $2.... any is appreciated.
Following the weekend event, Richard shared a picture of his friend Lorie, and he added his thanks on Twitter:
A dear & beautiful soul peers from within Lorie's eyes. She is so clearly "there" for you, if you commit to going in, listening closely, ... I am in awe of the Generosity of YOU.
Lorie knows, cries, I see what is happening, cry, smile, appreciate... Thank YOU.
August 12, 2010

After returning from Vancouver, Richard forwarded a copy of the latest newsletter from the National Resources Defense Council. In a brief attached message, he shared his pleasure over the news that oil drilling has been halted in the region of Alaska's Chukchi Sea.
August 12, 2010
heavy duty goodness...
Anderson, Rick
July 30, 2010

Richard was in Vancouver on Wednesday to film additional scenes for the new series "Facing Kate." Upon his return to Los Angeles, he sent a new picture and a brief message.
July 30, 2010
Love personified. Here are the Girls...guarding the cement driveway. (No one will ever steal my driveway)!
I am currently on my way to relieve them.
July 12, 2010

Richard sent another quick message to say that he had just signed the most recent petition from the NRDC to protect the Arctic from proposed oil drilling by BP. Adding that there was "No obligation, $ wise," he forwarded the information from NRDC's latest newsletter which begins:
They're BACK ...
The same company that just brought you the most catastrophic oil spill in American history is now planning a risky new project that would use untested drilling technology in Alaska's Beaufort Sea -- the heart of America's polar bear habitat.
BP's so-called Liberty Project would use the biggest rig in the world -- propped up by a manmade gravel island three miles from shore – to drill up to eight miles horizontally, exposing pipes to the same kind of explosive "gas kicks" that led to the blowout in the Gulf.
In other words, this latest BP project is a disaster waiting to happen!
Please help stop it by signing this urgent Petition of Protest to Interior Secretary Ken Salazar.
Follow the link above for more information about the Liberty Project and how to make your voice heard.
July 1, 2010

As Richard's travels continued, he sent another picture, this time from the Hartford airport as he was preparing to return to Los Angeles after a week spent visiting New England.
July 1, 2010
I have been loitering around the East. Bopping around the Berkshires. Stayed a few x days. Bonus was getting 2 c more of Wylie b4 my return. Fun.
Miss my dogs. More L8r. Picture of chicken I ate in Ojai, CA. Day trippin'.
June 24, 2010

As Richard and Wylie continued their visit to Boston during a heat wave, he shared another picture of them together as they attended a movie premiere.
June 24, 2010
OK standing in line 4 premiere/screening of Grownups. Still sweating.
June 23, 2010

Via Twitter and text, Richard has shared that he and Wylie are passing through Boston, and he posted a picture of his "Twitter Manager."
June 23, 2010
Made into Boston, kids. Life in the fast lane!
Wylie's looking over my shoulder, actually helping me thru 1st day of TWEETing.
Again meet Wylie my Twitter Manager. She's the bestest!
June 22, 2010

Richard has continued to send text messages during his travels. His message included his photo of a stacked rock sculpture in Vancouver and was sent from the Vancouver airport as he prepared to return to Los Angeles after filming his first appearance on Facing Kate.
June 22, 2010
Well, finished up in Van. 4 a while. Recurring role keeps me guessing. Not great 4 making plans.
Just taking off 2 LA. Shoot went fine. Cast is pretty & smart.
More later. Closing the door.
June 21, 2010

Richard followed up the message from his daughter the day before. He is filming a new project in Vancouver, and he took a moment between scenes to text a few details from the set:
June 21, 2010
Wylie got so excited and involved with Twitter, there was no denying the technology of it all. "It'll be so cool, Dad..." So "cool" it must be.
This wee gig happened SO fast. The offer came WHILE I was shooting something else last week. FACING KATE is the name of the show. I'm on for just 5 episodes, dispersed over 11 or 12. (Wylie thought it was a good storyline, too.) In Vancouver - where else?
According to online sources, "Facing Kate" is a new series for the USA Network from creator Michael Sardo and executive producer Steve Stark.
The show centers on Kate, a top-flight litigator who leaves her firm to become a mediator when she realizes that "truth and justice are not always being found in the court room." Described as a legal drama with "a lighter tone, quirky lead character, and picturesque San Francisco setting," the new show fits the genre of other USA series such as "Monk," "Psych," "In Plain Sight" and "Royal Pains."
The series stars Sarah Shahi as Kate Reed and costars Michael Trucco, Virginia Williams, and Baron Vaughn. Richard Dean Anderson will be appearing in a recurring guest role as David Smith, "a charismatic but secretive man who enters Kate's life shortly after the death of her father. In short order, it is revealed that David has deeper connections to the Reed family."
Production began on June 16 in Vancouver, and Richard has made the trip north where he is currently filming his new role.
June 20, 2010

The latest message came courtesy of Wylie, who wrote to share the news that her dad has finally entered the realm of Twitter:
June 20, 2010
My dad wanted to let you know that he is now on Twitter! His account is
Is there any way you can post that info on your website? He listed that website as a link on his Twitter account. Thanks!
June 13, 2010

Richard sent a brief message to forward the latest newsletter from the Natural Resources Defense Council, hoping to spread the word about the environmental dangers of the proposed Pebble Mine in Alaska.
June 13, 2010
Fell a'nap this afternoon in the backyard after a romp with 'Andy' and 'Daisy'. Good medicine those dogs.
Passing this on. As much as I know how to beg.....
Smile on!
March 12, 2010

Although he is still traveling, Richard took a moment to send a brief message from the road and to forward the latest newsletter from the Natural Resources Defense Council, hoping to spread the word about one way to help stop illegal whaling.
March 12, 2010
Any reason why we can't send this around to our friends?
Love you Kids!!
Anderson, Rick
January 24, 2010

Richard kept in touch with another phone call following his 60th birthday celebration on January 23rd.
He described his special day as "just brilliant!" He had spent the whole day with Wylie and his mom, and they had spent time just hanging out, relaxing, and playing with the dogs in the yard. Then they all went out to their favorite restaurant for a party orchestrated by Wylie. She had arranged for a chocolate dessert with a pure molten chocolate center, and all the employees came out to sing Happy Birthday. "It was a GREAT, WONDERFUL birthday!" he said. Then he added, "I don't feel 60!"
His birthday had begun in the morning with messages from fans when he opened a package of postcards that some fans had sent from countries all around the world. "Oh, God, it's just brilliant! Just wonderful!" he exclaimed. Many hundreds of additional messages had been left on the Fan Mail page, and ecards sent to acknowledge charitable donations had also been forwarded to him, but he admitted that he hadn't been online for almost a week. He added, "I do thank you for that!" and he promised to view them right away, just as soon as he got back online.
First, however, he needed to wrap up the phone call as kickoff time approached on a Sunday afternoon. The Minnesota native was preparing to watch the Vikings battle for the NFC title.
~ 2009 ~
December 29, 2009

As the year was drawing to a close, Richard phoned to send season's greetings, and he apologized for being out of touch for so long and "under that rock I've alluded to."
He and Wylie had enjoyed a quiet Christmas at home this year. For the holiday, she had performed in the "Nutcracker" for about the fifth year in a row. She had taken four different roles in the production, and Richard was one of the volunteers working backstage. Wylie loves the performing arts, both in front of and behind the camera, and for Christmas she had received a new computer with advanced software for editing.
Richard spoke of his recent appearance at the Quench the Fire event in support of the USC Pain Center. He has been associated with the doctors at the Pain Center for about four years. Although he has not been diagnosed with RSD, he has been dealing with some chronic pain issues stemming from earlier injuries to his back and feet, and through the Pain Center he has been finding some relief in dealing with pain without relying on medication. The race has been getting bigger each year and is now an officially sanctioned timed race. He added that he hopes eventually to walk the course at the QTF event.
He is looking forward to upcoming events in Vancouver (Meet the Man) and Australia (Stargate 2010) as well, and he will be using both appearances to help support his various charities. His four main charities are the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Waterkeeper Alliance, Challengers Boys and Girls Club, and Art of the Brain, and he would also add the USC Pain Center to the list. For those fans who have asked about acknowledging his upcoming birthday, Richard said that in lieu of gifts he would welcome donations to any of these charities. Donations can be made directly to the individual charities or through the Charity Page on this website which allows for an eCard message that would be forwarded to him. He expressed his gratitude to the many fans who have made donations in the past and added that he hopes to be more prompt in acknowledging the generosity of his fans.
Richard also spoke about the traveling he would like to do to mark his 60th birthday. Over the past couple of years, he has been taking some short trips of several days at a time along the coast and into the mountains of southern and central California. His plans for an extended motorcycle trip are still very much up in the air, but he added that he wants to "spend as much of my 60th (really 61st) year on the planet traveling around the United States on my bike. That kind of travel has always attracted me, and I love camping. Back in my younger days I used to hitchhike all over the place. I really like the Rockies and the Tetons, and up through northern California, Nevada, Idaho, and western Canada. That whole area is just filled with what I need." Another trip along a more southern route is already in the planning stages because, "believe it or not, I have never seen the Grand Canyon."
As he talked, he was enjoying some of that nature himself as he described what he was seeing in his backyard: The sun had set and the clouds had turned golden and amber and red. Three big sycamore trees had lost their leaves and were backlit against the sky. A beautiful pair of hawks had just taken off from the branches, and two other birds were talking to each other in quiet chirping sounds that he tried to imitate. Despite the "cold" California evening at about 75 degrees, he admitted missing the "big beautiful storms" elsewhere in the country. Like a true Minnesotan, he declared, "I love that kind of weather!"
As the call ended, he wished everyone a very Happy New Year and added another promise to keep in touch.
November 14, 2009

Richard sent another brief message to forward his copy of the latest newsletter from the National Resources Defense Council and to appeal once again for support to save the wolves.
November 14, 2009
These guys and a few Polar Bears to come...
Signatures, dollars if you please, and a spreading of the word.
Thanks to all.
September 27, 2009

Richard sent a quick message from Vancouver and promised to be in touch after his trip was complete.
September 27, 2009
I am in Vancouver finishing up my current commitment to SG Universe; very minimal scene-age for two episodes, basically.
I have rented an identical motorcycle to my own and plan to launch into the back roads and mountains that stitch the borders together in an eastwardly fashion. I have Monday and Tuesday off so I am taking advantage of the luxury with a wee adventure.
I will finish up my little indulgence and then call you.
June 20, 2009

Richard sent a brief message and a new picture labeled simply "fun."
June 20, 2009
Other than the early episodes of SGU, I got nothin' [being filmed]. Just adventures on the road with trusty BMWR1200GS.
Plus, one of my dogs crunched a skunk in front of me late one night recently. Sweet event.
May 12, 2009

Richard dropped by with another message, first to clarify rumors that he might be appearing at an upcoming convention, and secondly to share a bit about his latest motorcycle excursion with two buddies up the California coast. This time, he also shared some pictures of his adventure.
May 12, 2009
First, to anyone who cares, no, I will NOT be attending the Creation event.
Just back last night from a motorcycle road-trip, four days up through mountains, forests of Sequoia National Park. Windy (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) desert crossings (Mojave) to incredible mountain passes, and a closed pass (Sherman) due to snow 3 feet thick still on roads... I might be able to send you some pictures. Did they make it to you? The two friends are both SCUBA buds as well. Now we are a motorcycle gang: The Muffin Top Gang: MTG.
So, completely fried and needing some extensive napping.
I don't have any other plans other than to start examining possibilities for a year-long (give or take) adventure venture (Adventure Venture; Venture, Adventure (title?)) to "celebrate" my 60th birthday. Yes...60th. I will definitely include a fairly substantial ride aboard my BMW R1200GS, probably around the US, etc.(?)
Other than that little fantasy, I am being an incredible dad to a most spectacular 10 year old daughter. Summer coming I am going to try and get her on the road with me somewhere. It's time she sees a little bit of what daddy sees when he goes trekking about. We'll see.
Going to nap, now.
Click here to see Richard's pictures of his motorcycle trip.
April 22, 2009

Richard recently returned from another motorcycle trek up the coast, and he wrote to share a bit of his latest adventure.
April 22, 2009
I was away. My best friend and I miraculously had non-conflicting schedules and took immediate advantage of the anomaly. The following morning we met, trusty steeds 'twixt our knees, rumbling their respective 1200 cc's of vibrating metal for all to.... er.... complain about or envy.
We jumped up the coast for a few days, exploring inland roads just recently or not yet on the maps we referenced occasionally. We actually found our way in TO and out OF a mountainous expanse that dumped us at a lonely, yet manned military gate. I mean, the guy was armed and would not have let us pass without license, insurance, and registration. Meaning, of course, that we would have had to absolutely turn around and reverse our tracks through the mountains we had just survived in the heat of the DAY. We would have faced fading light and darkness all the way out to the coast.
But we made it through... and then at 87 mph I got stung (or bitten) by something, just off center of my spine, about eight inches south of the nape of my neck. Quite a shock and just a tad distracting. Got the bike stopped and was able to strip off my top-side armor just in time for my friend to drive up, come to a stop, and SQUASH some kind of nasty, little, hairy-winged pest, that I am SURE was deathly poisonous and I should have passed into heaven right then and thar! But, I pulled through, only to live on for the next adventure.
Ooops, I just got sleepy and I still must assist Wylie with some homework.
Lovely night,
April 13, 2009

Earlier this year, Richard passed on a request for support for the "Polar Bear SOS" campaign of the National Resources Defense Council, an organization designed to safeguard the Earth, its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.
The NRDC is also working to save wolves from hunters when their federal protections are removed. Richard, an active supporter of the NRDC, forwarded a copy of his newsletter and sent along a message encouraging people to spread the word and to support the "Big Howl" campaign to save the wolves.
April 13, 2009
Will you tell me if this forward gets through in toto? I would like to get it around to anybody who might sign the petition online.
Thank you.
Rick (Easter Bunny) Anderson
March 7, 2009

Three more "MacGruber" skits appeared on Saturday Night Live on March 7th.
Not commercials this time, the skits poked fun at "MacGyver" and revealed the previously unknown relationship between MacGruber and the "New Guy."
Although Richard did not know exactly when the segments would air, he had offered a critique a few days earlier.
March 2, 2009
I have asked to have that wig euthanized, or released back into the wild. If I see it again I will show it no mercy. Etc.
Storm's a'comin', gotta head for the shed. Lovely dark clouds on the near horizon and above.
Visit the Filmography for more information about Richard's appearances on MacGruber.
The videos of all six MacGruber skits are available in the Video Gallery.
March 2, 2009

Richard sent a message mentioning his involvement in the upcoming SG-1 movie and the new MGM series, "Stargate Universe", scheduled to premiere on the SciFi channel this fall. MGM requested that his message not be posted until the information was released by the studio, so now that the studio has publicized Richard's upcoming appearances, his note from March 2nd can be posted.
March 2, 2009
I would have thought word had gotten out by now, but as I am informed, so shall ye be: the movie has been green lit. There are so few details beyond the 'go ahead', but I sat next to Charlie Cohen and across from Brad Wright at dinner two weeks ago (the cast dinner for the launch of Stargate Universe), and just an hour prior to sitting down to mediocre cuisine, Charlie had announced MGM's intention to make the next Stargate movie. As I am led to believe, shooting may start this summer, most likely.
I was up there doing a snippet of a scene with Robert Carlyle and I'll be going back March 17 for another scene in part 2 of the two-hour. I had told Brad that if he wanted help in the launch of Universe I'd love to be a part of it. (Truth be known, I missed those guys 'n gals.) So I'll make a few slim appearances in the first half-dozen episodes, or so. Again, details are sketchy, but I've already shot the first of my scenes so the ball is rolling. Andy Mikita is directing the two-hour, so we had a good hug and huge laugh.
Anyway, there you go.
January 28, 2009

Richard wrote to ask people to spread the word about the "Polar Bear SOS" campaign to save these animals from extinction by urging the Obama administration to close the loopholes that increase global warming and to grant the polar bear full-fledged protection as an endangered species.
The Polar Bear SOS campaign is an initiative of the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an organization designed to safeguard the Earth, its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. Richard's friend, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (Waterkeeper Alliance) serves as the senior attorney for the NRDC, and Richard forwarded Robert Kennedy's message urging people to become involved by contacting the new Secretary of the Interior.
January 28, 2009
Can I ask you to spread this around? (plea) It would be great to tap into a multitude of humans.
Message from Robert F. Kennedy:
If we're going to convince Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to rescue the polar bear, we need to mobilize one million people like you to speak out -- THIS WEEK.
Please FORWARD my message to everyone you know while we have this rare opportunity to reverse the Bush Administration's policy -- and stop the polar bear's slide toward extinction. Thank you! -- RFK
January 24, 2009

Richard visited the website to read through the many messages and birthday greetings left by fans on the Fan Mail page, and he sent a message of his own thanking the fans for their continued support.
January 24, 2009
I have been sitting here for close to 2 hours, (occasionally with Wylie in my lap), and I have come away from the session with a HUGER appreciation for fan loyalty. People are wonderful, and I need to tell them that I think so. I have made a goodly dent in the collected messages at the site and plan to continue the expedition over the weekend. Somehow I have to let the folks know that they are getting through, and that I absolutely, completely, truly appreciate every sentiment that has been expressed.
My incredible daughter has eased me through the ordeal of turning 59 by treating me to dinner at my favorite restaurant, and a movie, "Hotel For Dogs." Now here I sit at her computer, logging on to this terrific site, and being reminded that Rick/Jack/Mac Fan Folk are the finest!!!
Love to ALL,
~ 2008 ~
September 18, 2008

Having just returned from his visit to New York City, "literally in one day and out the next," as he described it, Richard paused to send a note with his thoughts about Gatecon.
He also included a photo which he captioned, "Andy. Earlier days, at home with Dad and bone. A puppy pauses to pose."
September 18, 2008
So, GATECON. I hope there has been some innate understanding of how much I enjoyed the experience in Vancouver. I don't think I've written anything to anyone re the joy spot that got hit that weekend. I think, pretty much all aspects were covered and well tended, as well as well AH-ttended.
Great group, a gorgeous gaggle of gifted groupies gave gobs of green........ genuinely made things good. Gracias, Gringos.
OK, I need a nap.
July 24-27, 2008

Comic Con International was held this weekend as hundreds of thousands of fans gathered in San Diego to celebrate popular culture, and both "Stargate SG-1" and "Stargate Atlantis" were well represented.
The weekend also saw the premiere of the latest direct-to-DVD movie, "Stargate Continuum," at a star-studded event hosted by the Navy aboard the USS Midway on Thursday evening.
On the red carpet, Richard Dean Anderson joined Stargate celebrities including Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks, Christopher Judge, Ben Browder, Beau Bridges, writer and executive producer Brad Wright, and director Martin Wood. On Friday, Richard again joined his colleagues for a Stargate panel, and he participated in an autograph session at the Stargate booth, all to promote the release of "Stargate Continuum" on July 29th.
Word from the panel is that a third Stargate movie is already in the works.
On Saturday afternoon, Richard checked in with a brief message describing how much fun he has been having.
July 26, 2008
I am about to pass out, mid-afternoon, San Diego, ComicCon, sleep disorder in full bloom.....
Just wanted to "connect" from this location to suggest that everybody, before they grow up or die, go and experience ComicCon. It is a bizarre bazaar complete with costumes and joyously mad humanity. There are so many parts to love about CC. Tissues came alive again...
One question from the audience asked about the Arctic and had me launched into a graphic description of what happens to poop in an outhouse @ 58 below zero F. Most people appeared amused, if not downright informed. (Certainly some late comers to the Anderson school of higher observance felt downright EDUCATED!)
Nappy time.
From Sandy, Hey!, GO!
June 22, 2008

Richard phoned again to keep in touch. He was at home with his puppy, Andy, who unfortunately is taking after her owner with a hurt foot. Richard described his six month old Australian shepherd puppy, saying, "She's just a rocket. She jumps, leaps, flies. It's the flying that gets her in trouble. She'll jump off walls, or through trees and bushes. And she hops! Her whole name when I got her was Rabbit Andy because she is such a hopper. She goes through the tall grass I have planted in the back, and literally she looks like a bunny, just bounding. That's the word - bounding!"
With all that bounding, she managed to hurt her foot, and she has been wearing a cast that had to be replaced four times because she wears a hole in it, or gets it wet. He's supposed to keep her quiet, but he knows that's impossible. She's doing much better, but it still bothers her, and she'll need to have the cast replaced again.
"Andy will play with anything that moves, and some things that won't," and she had been having play dates with Daisy, another dog in the family who is a shiba inu/bulldog mix. They get along so well, in fact, he insists that there is not another dog on the face of the planet who could put up with a six month old Australian shepherd puppy. Slowly Daisy has moved in and become a regular member of the family.
When Richard called, a powerful thunderstorm was moving into my area. Every time the lightning flashed, he would hear the thunder on the other end of the line and get so excited. "Is that another one? Cool!! I love love love love electrical storms! We don't get them in California. Minnesota, that's where they were originally from. Thunderstorms were manufactured in Minnesota! Doesn't it excite you? Are you just sitting there watching it?"
He spoke about the charity page on the website, and he is very appreciative of all the donations that are made there, which he referred to as "incredible behavior by the real-life humanoids of fandom." The site is currently set up so that only the charity receives the personal information of the donor, and the charity may pass this information on to Richard. However, it is also possible for the donor to send an eCard-style "gift card" indicating that a donation has been made. Richard liked the suggestion that these eCards be sent to, where they can be forwarded on to him. The charity page is now set up to allow donors to use the eCard option if they choose.
Richard talked about being caught several times recently by the paparazzi and camera teams from TMZ. In general, he says, the paparazzi around Malibu have been very polite and respectful, and he will usually stop and talk with them for a bit if he has the time, but he's tempted to ask TMZ, "Why the negative approach? No matter how good natured or well intentioned someone might be, why the twist, why the commentary spin?"
He was also disappointed to learn that imposters on sites like MySpace and Facebook have been posing as Richard Dean Anderson. He wanted to make it very clear that he is NOT on MySpace or Facebook. "I don't like stuff being out there in my name that I am unaware of and that misrepresents me. Even duping one person is wrong. There's no need for it. These sites serve no positive purpose, and I don't want to feed into that. So if it takes a comment from me to out these guys, so be it. Knock it off."
Richard addressed several of the recent rumors on the internet. He had not heard the rumors about a MacGyver movie for the big screen, but he said that if such a project is in the works, he is not involved with it.
The rumor that he might appear at ComicCon in July is true, however. He will be a guest of MGM, and he expects to be at ComicCon for the preview of "Continuum," which will be held aboard the USS Midway, and for a party being hosted by the Navy. Further details had not yet been set. He expects his appearance to be brief, although he joked that the person he most wants to meet there is Seth McFarlane of "Family Guy." "He's my new genius. That's a great show."
To the TMZ paparazzi, Richard had earlier referenced an upcoming motorcycle trip to Alaska, but he clarified that those plans have changed. "I've already taken about three trips, just short trips, between 2 and 4 days each, up and around the coast and through the canyons of California. I just disappear for awhile, dontcha know." He and his traveling buddy have been using MAD Maps ("Motor Adventure Destinations") to plan out routes for touring. At the moment, however, his buddy is working, and so they are waiting for him to get some free time so they can partner up and do one of the longer treks.
He also related the story that goes with the motorcycle picture he had shared earlier. The two of them had been heading out on their first day toward Lake Isabella about three months ago. On the way they took a side trip up a mountain. He's not sure which mountain it was, but "my ears popped a couple of times going up," and the mountain road was washed out in spots, the type of road that their bikes are perfect for. But just as they hit the high woods before the tree line, they came around a corner, and the rest of the road was pack ice and snow. He took a run at it, but he had a 550 pound bike with the wrong tires. Even though they were cresting on the mountain, and only about 500 yards away from being able to continue on, there was no getting through it, and they had to turn back. Describing the picture he had sent of himself on the motorcycle, he laughed, "The picture reads really well for me. If you're a cyclist, you look at snow and you realize these two things don't go together. There is no reason in the world why I should have been anywhere on a motorcycle where there was snow!"
Wylie had been out of state visiting cousins, and was going to be coming home that evening. Richard speaks with such pride of Wylie's accomplishments, especially in the performing arts. She has been doing a lot of musicals lately. She was in "Les Miserables," and when she gets home, she will be auditioning for "Oliver." She also did a recital with several vignettes of song and dance. "Her tap dancing is just awesome. I've told her, I will support her tap dancing forever because she is SO great. She's just GOOD! She's got the aptitude, the physicality, and the rhythm. She's wonderful! So she's going to be busy this summer."
With that, he had to end the conversation in order to get Andy back to the vet before closing. "I have to get Andy's arm re-bandaged." Then he paused. "She's looking at me now. She wants to play."
April 21, 2008

Richard sent a quick update. He is still going through the healing process with his feet, but he was anxious to share his enthusiasm about "Continuum."
April 21, 2008
No news at the moment, unless we include a civilian Purple Heart for blood shed during and since having had yet another surgical procedure performed on my right foot (big toe, ankle). I am convincing myself that this is the one, this is it! I need it to be over. The last cut was a week ago Tuesday and initially I was impressed and hopeful. With time, I have had to grow accustomed to the same-old, same-old.....
At noon I'm into the hyperbaric chamber for 90 minutes. Kinda kinky, but what the heck, I'm leaving no stone....
Of course then there is the obligatory physical therapy filled with tears and laughter all around.
The upshot: I am nearly walking like a people.
It's exciting.
Just an update.
Brad and I exchanged mails. He is very proud of "Continuum" and is fond of saying in interviews that it's the SG of old... "Jack is back!!!"
Well, for the sake of accuracy in journalism I offer this correction:
Brad actually said, "...Rick is back."
Who knew Rick could be
So, so-so, is what I'm getting at.
Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of "Continuum," and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin' proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.
ex, eau,
April 3, 2008

Richard sent a brief note with a picture of one of his latest adventures.
April 3, 2008
Here's a pic of me on my bike in the mountains having just been thwarted in an effort to get across a mountain pass that was, quite obviously, closed.
So close...and yet, turned back @ 6000 ft.
Off to the mailbox to send this to you.
Later on.....Richard
March 15, 2008

Richard moved into his new house at the end of January, and he has been gradually settling in. He has also added four new feet (paws) to his home, with a new puppy in the family. He wrote a brief note, just to say hi, and he said he would try to phone later in the weekend.
March 15, 2008
My daughter is upstairs in her room, singing, and gently dancing. Our new puppy, "Rabbit Andy," an eleven week old Australian Shepherd, tri-color, is curled up by the back door, recharging after the day's first burst of puppy action.
And I am left with a moment of downtime to simply say hello.
Andy (girl)
January 1, 2008

Moments before midnight, Richard sent an email message to all his friends and fans.
January 1, 2008
To every humanoid that has weathered any semblance of a relationship with me (and here I immediately refer to the loyal fanage who frequent the gloriously perfect website set to life by Kate Ritter), I send my most sincere thanks for your every thought, prayer, e-mail, letter, gift, smile, joke, insight, donation, attendance, kiss, handshake, understanding, support, laugh, forgiveness, and hug.
Thank you ALL, for EVERYTHING, is what I mean to say on this, the Eve of a New Year, 2008.
Eau Ate, I say.
~ 2007 ~
December 9, 2007

The OfficeMax website offers a holiday feature in which one can "Elf Yourself" by adding a face to animated dancing elves. One Stargate fan created an SG-1 version of the elfin dancers, and to offer Richard a holiday smile, the OfficeMax link was forwarded to him. It seems that Richard wasn't the only one who found it entertaining. He replied with a late-night email:
December 9, 2007
My kid amazes me. I opened up the Elfin link and showed her the "dance", which we both found to be oddly cool. In part because we had done something similar out at Universal City Walk and had a blast doing it. So I cut and copy, we watch, and Wylie realizes that we have the makings for our OWN musical madness...
So I lend her the helm of the computer with the link in full bloom, and bolt for the kitchen to prepare foodstuffs for dinner. Not six minutes later I hear Wylie cackling away in the office. She had dialed in the elements, mastered them, and produced her own little music short with her cousin's face, her own face, my brother, and of course, Dad's. Cute? Oh yes, of course. But it's the fact that Wylie immediately figured this thing out, and then creatively utilized the available pieces.
More on everything later. I sleep a fall.
Two days later, Richard followed up with a phone call. Again he got the answering machine, but he was able to leave a message with a bit more news.
First he wanted to acknowledge the group of fans on the RDA Forum that had taken up a collection to be donated to Sea Shepherd in Richard's name. They had raised $1850 in a very short time, and a certificate had been sent to Richard as a Christmas gift. In his message he mentioned, "I received the very wonderful package from the '$1850 Club' and want to get in touch with the folks and seriously thank them for the thought and beautiful spirit they exhibited through it all."
He described the weather has "beautiful, windy, crisp, and bracing," and added, "I got the clearance to start riding the motorcycle from the doctors. I'm trying to do that if the wind would calm down."
As for Christmas preparations, he admitted, "I'm pathetically behind in shopping." However, referring to his long term project, he exclaimed, "The new house! I'm VERY happy with it. It's not done. We've got about another month to go before we'll take residence. But I'm there every day, kind of detailing it to death. One word: Brass. Two words: Shiny brass!"
Then he closed by saying he would be heading back up to the house, and would try to touch base again.
The original SG-1 version of Elf Yourself is available in the Video Gallery.
November 25, 2007

New fires, pushed by Santa Ana winds, began on Saturday and swept through Malibu once again. Richard called on Sunday and left another message on the answering machine to say that he and his family were safe.
November 25, 2007
First of all, I'm okay. This set of fires came real close. They were across the highway and up the hill. We got a vantage point from a neighbor's balcony and we could see, not too many flames, but a lot of smoke coming our way. If I can figure out how to send a couple of pictures I will, but that's one of those iffy situations.
He laughed at the idea of figuring out how to send pictures, and so far he hasn't followed up his initial voicemail message, however he wanted everyone to know that his neighborhood was once again spared from the fires.
October 26, 2007

Richard phoned again to catch up with what has been happening lately, especially during a week that he described as "bizarre."
After several delays, Richard had finally undergone surgery on his right foot on Tuesday, the 16th of October, and due to the "horrific pain" he was experiencing afterward, they had kept him in the hospital for two extra days before releasing him. He still has "one more foot to go," (no date has yet been set), but once he regained his sense of humor after the initial pain, he joked that "suddenly my left foot felt an awful lot better!" He now has pins in two of his toes, and he will be returning to the doctor on Monday to check the progress of his healing. In the meantime, he is under orders to rest and keep the foot elevated for three weeks, which isn't easy for someone as active as Richard, who said that after just one week he's already going a bit stir crazy.
Only days after he returned home, the California fires struck on October 21st. He described the areas of Malibu that were destroyed, and the capriciousness of the fires that would level one building and leave the next one untouched. The fires missed his neighborhood completely, and his family in San Diego was also safe. Now, nearly a week later, the Pacific Coast Highway and other main roads are open again. The schools have opened as well, and life is beginning to return to normal.
He spoke about his recent visit to Ireland, which he enjoyed very much. It came about when Microsoft and their PR firm invited him as a spokesperson, mostly because of his image as MacGyver and his connection to science fiction. He admitted that he is not a gamer and had no experience with Halo3, (although Microsoft has now sent him an Xbox to try), but he had never been to Ireland before, and he welcomed the opportunity to visit. He was amazed by the warm reception he got there and hadn't expected such an interest in his appearance since "I'm living such an isolated life." He's not used to such attention, but it was all a positive experience.
He's been enjoying the opportunity to pick and choose projects and to work for causes that are important to him. He appeared recently at the Sea Shepherd 30th Anniversary Benefit in Santa Monica, and in December he will be lending his face and name to the "Quench the Fire 5K Run/Walk" for the University of Southern California to raise awareness and money for the USC Pain Center, an organization with which he and his doctor have been associated. More information about the event can be found at the USC Quench the Fire website.
Next summer he will also be making an appearance at Gatecon 2008 in Vancouver, the details of which are still being finalized. Still a relative newcomer to conventions, he said, "I'm looking forward to it. I've never done it before." He welcomes the opportunity to raise money for Sea Shepherd and to meet with the fans, adding, "I've been spending a lot of the time away from television and show business to have more time with my daughter and to support other causes. I guess now's the time. I'm working for other things, and I appreciate all the people who have been so supportive all along." More details about Gatecon will be available at and here at
He added, however, that this doesn't mean he has left acting behind for good. Once he is feeling healthy again, he'll be ready to consider stepping in front of the camera once more. But for right now, he said, "I'm doing what I always said I wanted to do - to be semi-retired, be a dad, and take care of my daughter." And with that the conversation wrapped up as Richard went to make spaghetti for himself and Wylie for dinner.
October 23, 2007

Richard left a phone message on the answering machine, just to let everyone know that he and his family have been fine throughout the ordeal of the California fires that began on Sunday, the 21st, and raged along the California coast from Malibu to San Diego.
In the message he said that he had undergone the first surgery for his foot last week but that he was at home now and using a wheeled walker to help him get around during the healing process. He offered assurance that he and his family and their homes were safe from the fires, although he described the area as "an inferno," with powerful winds that "have been incredibly dramatic." With only time for a brief message on the machine, he promised to call back again soon.
October 4, 2007

Richard made his first trip to Ireland last month to help promote the release of Halo3. When he returned home, he sent a brief message about his visit.
October 4, 2007
It may be a couple of days before I can determine if the few pictures I took are worthy of sharing. I will in time scratch something out re the experience, though I must confess that I didn't see much but the city of Dublin. Didn't get outside the town, nor did I do much more than walk walk walk walk all around the clock clock clock....
Pretty fair village in which to saunter. Found a great work clothes shop where I spent a couple of hours and a couple hundred Euros. Cool stuff. Not quite Carhartt, but nice.
September 15, 2007

Earlier this week, the results of a poll commissioned by the McCormick Tribune Foundation were released. The poll, designed to urge people to become better prepared for disasters, asked 1049 Americans whom among seven fictional heroes they would choose to ask for help in the event of an emergency. The results placed MacGyver significantly in the lead with 27% of the vote, followed by Indiana Jones (16%), John McClane (14%), James Bond (8%), Jason Bourne (8%), Jack Bauer (7%), and Lara Croft (7%). When Richard was approached by a Chicago newspaper for a comment about the survey results, he sent this response through the website:
September 15, 2007
My initial reaction was: Aw, shucks...
But then I'm thinking, well, yeah, he could handle it. In fact, truth be known, I'd want to be with Mac in any dire strait, too.
I am flattered by the vote of confidence. And if any of the 27% need anything, let me know.
For now,
August 18, 2007

Richard chatted over coffee and caught up with some of the busy events and travels of his summer. In addition to his road trip up the California coast, he also returned briefly to Minnesota and took the opportunity to revisit his old neighborhood in Roseville while he was there.
As summer vacation was beginning to wind down, Richard and Wylie took advantage of one last opportunity for some "away time" and booked a spur of the moment trip to Hawaii. There they spent several days at their favorite water park and had a fabulous time. On Maui they met up with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and several of his children, and they all spent the days together enjoying the sun, the rides, the scenery, and the ocean.
While they were snorkeling, Richard and Bobby came upon a sea turtle that had been caught by a large hook. They had hoped to rescue the turtle, and swam after it to try to capture it and remove the hook, but unfortunately it was too elusive and managed to evade them, so they were not able to reach it. Wylie, meanwhile, loved her snorkeling experience, and even let go of her daddy's hand to explore on her own.
They returned to Los Angeles on Friday night, and on Saturday morning both were in Malibu where Wylie was taking her tap dancing lessons and impressing her dad with her new routines. Afterward, looking tanned and happy, Richard posed for some pictures.
July 27, 2007

Richard phoned today with yet another update.
He was anxious to get on the road this afternoon, with plans to head out on his BMW, meet up with his traveling buddy, and take a three-day road trip north along the coast of California. With the spectacular scenery and the glorious weather, he described his plans as an opportunity to retrace his tracks from his earlier days when he first came to California and would often explore the coastline and the mountains on his motorcycle.
Within the next few weeks he'll be facing surgery again. The abuse his feet have endured through years of ill fitting skates and skis has finally caught up with him, and he's decided it's time to proceed once more with corrective surgery. He hasn't settled on a date yet, but is hoping to have it all behind him before ski season arrives.
For the time being, he's been living his life in "little increments of adventure and travel," and has been enjoying a "glorious, quiet, and ocean-filled" summer with Wylie. His house is finally nearing completion, and he already has plans to move in by Christmas and to get another dog. His ten year old Australian shepherd, Zoë, is still part of the family and has been "vacationing" with his brother in San Diego, but he's looking forward to getting a new puppy, or maybe two. One will definitely be another Australian shepherd. Although his career hasn't ended, he admits he is enjoying the time his career has earned him, taking each new adventure as it comes.
July 20, 2007

Richard followed up his earlier message with a bit more news.
July 20, 2007
Earthquake turned out to be Air Force testing; more like an unintentional sonic boom. 'Twas very far away, therefore, very, very loud.
You may get wind of some paparazzi pix floating around of Wylie and me in Malibu (minding our own, private, business). With us in one "session" is Wylie's cousin, Chloë, another adorable little 9 year old. Later in the week I am leading the pack with Wylie and Chloë, and bringing up the rear in the pictures are the mothers of said cuties. Should make for a terrific "you fill in the caption" moment.
Wylie opens tomorrow with two shows. I spent the whole of the day yesterday at the theater and HONESTLY...the kid is good! Enormous role, and she gets it! Pride personified pour Papa.
I am easing toward an iPhone.
Incredible cherries this time of year here. Freezer stuffed with blueberries. Did I say, stuffed? Quite!
Photo credit: BuzzFoto
July 16, 2007

Richard and Wylie were spotted out shopping in Malibu early in July. He also dropped by with another note to keep in touch with some of the things that have been going on in his life.
July 16, 2007
I am off to the DMV right now, will be back in several hours. I'll try to check in later.
Hot? Oh, yes. In a word.
Went to the Santa Monica Pier with Wylie yesterday. Seven hours of carnival-style romping. Fill you in later. Fun: operative word.
[And later...]
July 16, 2007
I passed, successfully and expeditiously. Found a wee, tiny Department of Motor Vehicles out in the Valley so low. Reservations? The only way to go.
I think we just had a small earthquake. Cute.
Big doin's this weekend: Wylie performs in "CARNIVAL," her fourth musical to date. She loves this stuff, a result of.......uh...mmmmm... I'm not sure what. Anyway, it's there.
rde anderson
April 2, 2007

Richard sent a very brief message upon his return from the Arctic. He may have an opportunity to share more details about his adventure at a later date, but in the meantime he offered an enthusiastic review.
April 2, 2007
Yes, this would be a grand experience upon which to ponder for anecdotes... -58 degrees Fahrenheit upon arrival as an example. I loved it all!!
Hope all is spectacular with you!
March 5, 2007

Richard has been receiving a number of offers and requests lately, and he wanted the fans to know that he will indeed be appearing in the second of the two upcoming Stargate SG-1 movies.
March 5, 2007
I have recently (last few months) received more than a fair share of requests to do stuff... heh, heh...
And here, for you: I have agreed to play with the kids in Vancouver, again, in the form of a movie which we hope will stand on its own. In other words, I'll be doing Brad's movie; don't know how much or how little, but I'm in.
Note: I just finished an interview with Sci-Fi Magazine near 30 minutes ago but don't remember what I actually said. Mostly about Wylie and SG as a whole (hole), feelings and stuff... you know.
New assistant just came in. Must "confer" with her about stuff she's been doing for me. It would be rude not to acknowledge her standing in the room.
Gotta go...
January 24, 2007

Although he hadn't yet had a chance to read through all the birthday wishes this year, Richard sent a quick note of acknowledgement following his "excellent" birthday on January 23rd.
January 24, 2007
Again I will needs be reporting back to you somewhat later. Was breezing by the ominously massive collection of e-mail well-wishers from family and friends when, lo, I catch sight of your note.
I will return I know not when. Yet, dashing to auto I must go.
The day (of yester type) was excellent. Wylie began at 3:30 AM to make it so.
January 19, 2007

Although Richard has often attended the annual Celebrity Sports Invitational in support of the Waterkeeper Alliance, he did not attend the event this year in Banff. He wrote a brief message to share his thoughts during the weekend.
January 19, 2007
No, I'm not going to Banff. Part of the bottom line is that I am being rewarded lusciously for every breath I take in the presence of young Wylie.
I am running down to the market to pick up my ritual evening meal of wild salmon, massive green salad with a bumper crop of red cabbage shredded, handful of tiny carrots, oil & vinegar. This is the time of day I catch up with my TiVo'd programs: John Stewart, Simpsons (3 episodes per night), Extras, etc.
Market closes in ten minutes. I must fly.
January 10, 2007

Following the fire that claimed several homes in Malibu two days ago, Richard wrote to reassure fans that he and his family were safe.
January 10, 2007
It was all an odd spectacle; sad, in many ways, but ultimately not a tragedy. No one died.
I was about 15 miles north and west of the first flames, riding home after a jaunt to Santa Barbara (on the new bike -- BMW R1200GS) when I saw the first "wisps" of new-mown smoke. I say "wisps" because the wind that day allowed for nothing more than horizontal discoloration near the ground.
My houses were in no danger at all of being affected, primarily because of the wind that would gust up to nearly 60 mph, but generally kept a hefty pace all day. (Incidentally: I had absolutely no business being on a motorcycle that day -- quite a humbling experience.)
I'll try to add to this later, but I must gather in Wylie from school. The bottom line to the fire thing: I am fine, not quite dandy, but certainly, fine. As is my family, dogs included.
Feliz Ano,
~ 2006 ~
December 6, 2006

Richard wrote, in his very unique style, to share his feelings since returning from Avalon.
The convention organizers had insisted that photos from the event not be shared online pending word from Richard Dean Anderson, and he wrote to address the question of permission for sharing Avalon pictures online.
December 6, 2006
I say, let them be free! Allow the images to flow and ebb beyond all else. For it is the right of all pixels to gather and organize to the delight of those who will feast upon their visage. All that I recall of those days past is of a goodly nature, with dashes of wonderful.......ness. And fair mirth, of course. I experienced much mirth all weekend long, fair thee well. Out of my nose came this mirthfulness, in buckets, I tell you! Too much for one man to handle, to be sure. And the taxes lain upon foreign mirth and subsequent gladness, nearly make it near impossible to have any fun at all.
Share away, I say... Share away.
Sir Richard of Anderson
(Yes, this may be taken as permission for fans to share their photos online.)
Click here to see pictures and summaries from Richard and Amanda's visit to Avalon.
August 23, 2006

Richard forwarded a copy of the press release concerning SG-1's cancellation, adding that with the celebrations surrounding the 200th episode he hadn't sent anything earlier because "I didn't want to spoil the fun."
In honor of the 200th episode, the Hollywood Reporter magazine published a special issue to mark the occasion which included several interviews, articles, and ads celebrating the television milestone. One of the ads was from Richard, although he mentioned he hadn't yet seen the final copy.
Then he went on to describe his recent trip to Hawaii.
August 23, 2006
I didn't get to see any of the publicity or ads in HR. If there is a way of viewing or securing a copy of the stuff I'd love to explore. I took out an ad, too; never saw it.
Tremendous time in Hawaii with Wylie Q. She is a true water baby, joyful, at one with the sea (or pool in this case, with ample dabblings in Pacific Ocean).
Wylie is across the office on her computer, faster and deeper than I am.
Talk soon,
Click here to see the complete Stargate SG-1 200th episode salute from the Hollywood Reporter.
August 6, 2006

Richard wrote to share his delight at discovering the messages from fans.
August 6, 2006
I got on!!!! I slowly sauntered through the messages and got lost. What a wonderful thing you've done (shock and surprise). I absolutely love this.
I will venture into response some day soon, but for now I want to lather up with the wonderful words of fans and fannies alike. What I mean is, I'd like to spend some time with the sentiments of all who have written. It is amazing how many people are willing to express their thoughts and feelings, somewhat publicly, to a relative recluse and virtual stranger.
I am stunned. And to think it only took me (how many years) to get to the point, and subsequently follow your directions to this revelation.
Thank you, so much!
Again and again...thank you.
July 26, 2006

Richard had visited the website to check out the fan mail messages. Although he found the guestbook, he sent a brief note to get clarification on accessing the administration panel, then added, "I did see an opportunity to send myself an email, however."
Then in a playful (and somewhat sleep-deprived) mood, he went on to describe his latest interest:
July 26, 2006
Did I mention I was thinking of re-examining the wonderful world of motorcycling?
I've been through my era of Harleys, etc.
Now it feels like time to start touring. My friend, and dive buddy, has invested his ducats in a Triumph "America," which is on my long list. I am investigating the BMWs as well, something that's going to be kind and polite to my back.
Don't know why I brought that up... Maybe it's the start of my mindful(less) meanderings, aimed at some outlet that lets people know that I still breathe. Maybe.
I dizzy now. Go sleep.
First, make daughter go bed, go sleep.
She night owl. I night owl. She young. I... not.
July 4, 2006

Richard kept in touch with another phone call and wished everyone a Happy Independence Day. He spoke about his return to Stargate, his upcoming convention appearance, his charities, and additions to the website. Beware of some mild spoilers below for Stargate season 10 and Atlantis season 3.
Independence Day:
Richard began by announcing, "Happy Fourth of July!". He was at home, and nibbling on "lunch" of mochi ice cream and cherries as he chatted. Later in the afternoon he would be joining a friend at a beach house and watching the fireworks.
Stargate Appearances:
In June, Richard finished shooting his appearances on two episodes of Stargate SG-1 and three episodes of Stargate Atlantis. His first appearance will be on the landmark 200th episode of Stargate. He described it as a return to the premise of the 100th episode in which Martin Lloyd (Willie Garson) returns seeking advice for a script based on SG-1. As they ruminate on solutions to his script problem, viewers will see a variety of vignettes portraying what the episode COULD be. The script is full of homages, references to everything from "The Wizard of Oz" to "Night of the Living Dead." He found the scene involving puppets a fun process to watch. In his first appearance on Atlantis, O'Neill is part of Dr. Weir's coma. He returns for two additional episodes that are a two-part story, directed by Brad Turner, in which O'Neill is overseeing a transition at Atlantis. Just as everyone is gone except O'Neill and Woolsey (Robert Picardo), the city comes under attack. "Of course the Atlantis people have to come back and they crash into water, and I have to swim under water and... pull the plug." He enjoyed his return to the Stargate set, describing it "like coming home." Although there have been no talks about future appearances, he is open to the possibility. He added, "I would have to assess the commitment vs. what I have going on down here, which is a wonderful life with Wylie. I'm still in the middle of building this 'Legacy House,' and I'm kind of fine just falling into this lifestyle."
Summer Plans:
Later in July, Richard and Wylie will be enjoying some vacation time in a cabin in British Columbia. Richard has also agreed to be a part of some of the promotion and celebration for Stargate's 200th episode. The first event will be the TCA press tour in Pasadena next week, and SciFi will be throwing a party there for Stargate. He added, "It's supposed to be a big to-do. I wasn't going to go at first, but then I asked Wylie if she would go with me and she said yes." Later, in August, there will be another 200th episode party for Stargate up in Vancouver.
Asked if there were specific charities he would like to highlight through the website, he responded that there are many he has supported financially through the years, such as the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Rainbow Society which grant wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses, AIDS Project LA which supports AIDS research, and Canuck Place, a Vancouver hospice for children. However, the four main charities for which he is most involved as a board member or trustee and for which he most actively focuses his energy to raise awareness and funds are: the Waterkeeper Alliance, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the Art of the Brain, and the Challengers Boys and Girls Club. He had recently returned from the fundraising event in San Diego for Sea Shepherd, and added "I'm just so dying to go on the Antarctica thing if we get this new boat that will be fast enough," though he is not sure if that will happen. Wylie also shares his interest. "I talk about some of the things we do, and she's seen clips and pictures of the seals and she loves it." To help support his charities, he has made sure that all funds collected for his autograph and any personal convention appearance will go directly for charity. Fans can purchase autographed pictures from Legends Memorabilia and know that 100% of the money will support his charities.
Richard is looking forward to his first convention, the "Avalon" event in the UK in November. He had wanted to find a way to say thank you to the fans and to raise money for charity, and he accepted an opportunity to begin with a small and intimate event "to see how it goes, see what the results are, and then we can go from there." He added, "I wanted it to be known that the monies that are being made by me at this event are going to charity." He is looking forward to visiting England, too, although he thinks it's unlikely there will be time for sightseeing. He admitted, "I would love to see Stonehenge, but probably I'm just going to get in the car and stick my head out the window and take pictures of whatever comes by."
Fan Mail:
Richard was finally able to try out the sample guestbook that had been set up to collect online fan mail, and he really liked the idea. He currently has no snail mail address for collecting fan mail and has been at a loss as to how to address the issue. He welcomed an online guestbook and said, "It makes perfect sense! And not only that, it fits into what I'm trying to do, conservation and saving trees. Don't waste the paper - waste the ones and zeros!" He is on the computer "now and again" so he would be able to access online messages, although he may not be able to keep up with the volume. He even asked if it would be possible to set up the guestbook so that he could occasionally respond with an anonymous address, or leave messages for anyone in general, either in print or through a recorded voice message. The guestbook is currently being rebuilt to add these features and will hopefully be launched soon.
As the chat came to an end, he closed with, "We'll talk soon! Happy Independence Day!"
April 9, 2006

Apparently unaware of how much the fans were already anticipating his appearance on The Simpsons, Richard dropped by with another quick note and a little reminder.
April 9, 2006
Did I mention the Simpsons episode is on tonight, Sunday, April 9? Hope it's not too late to spread the word about the Simpsons debut. Either way, my career is complete.
I will be traveling back to Vancouver after a day in California reconnecting with Wylie. I hadn't seen her since we got back from Mammoth Mountain about ten days ago. All is well.
March 15, 2006

Richard kept in touch with another phone call.
He talked about the annual Daddy-Daughter dance that he and Wylie attended for Valentine's Day. One of the songs they danced to there was "In My Daughter's Eyes," and he said it was an especially touching moment because ever since the birthday video for 2005, he and Wylie consider that to be "their" song.
He also wanted to share some happy news with his fans: "Do you know that I'm going back to Stargate for five episodes? I thought I'd tell you. I've only told one other person, but I think it's going to start leaking fairly soon. I thought I'd just give you the heads-up, in case there is an announcement, and whatever you want to 'spring,' you're welcome to spring." He added that the producers had called and asked him to do the 200th episode, which he agreed to, and then he suggested to them that if they wanted to tie up some loose ends, he would be willing to do an episode or two to that end.
When they were negotiating for the 200th episode, they made the offer and asked if he would do five episodes. His answer was, "Of course! I'd love to come up there!" Shooting will begin in early April.
February 25, 2006

Richard shared a very brief note about his latest source of pride.
February 25, 2006
Wylie tested and received her green belt in karate. I exploded with pride.
February 1, 2006

When Richard received the birthday greetings from his fans in 2005, he expressed his thanks for the warm wishes, although his computer and internet access had not allowed him to completely access all the areas of the site.
This year, with improved access, he was sent the URL to the birthday sites for both 2005 and 2006 (both available in the Features section). He responded with a heartfelt message that began in typical text and then jumped to an emphatic capitalized and oversized font:
February 1, 2006
I am going to have to talk to your voice to properly convey my enthusiasm, however,
January 21, 2006

Richard's most recent "Note" was in the form of a phone call. He had just come back from the event in Lake Louise, and took some time to share a few thoughts and updates:
Lake Louise:
He offered his thanks to those who had come to the celebrity event to support the Waterkeeper Alliance. He has not heard the official figures yet, but he believes that the past weekend was the most successful weekend they've had, taking in more money than at past events. He thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of Lake Louise and the fabulous skiing, and he also reminisced about going through that same area during his bicycle trip back in 1967. It had been the dead of summer, and there weren't many people around, but the whole area was green and beautiful and had a magical, mystical quality to it.
Wylie won't let him forget that his birthday is on Monday, which, he says, "is adorable." He has no special plans, but he will be picking Wylie up after school and they will find something to do, probably going to a favorite restaurant to celebrate.
Walk of Fame:
He has been very flattered by the fans' interest in nominating him for a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and he has given his permission to resubmit his name in nomination for 2006. The nomination process involves a single nomination package that is submitted with his written approval, and it will be completed on his behalf. The final step of raising the necessary funds would come if his name is selected by the committee.
Fan Mail:
The Bridge Studio and Studio Fan Mail are no longer handling his mail, and so he is currently without a means of receiving fan mail. He welcomed a suggestion to set up a guestbook system for private messages that fans could submit online and that he would be able to access. Requests for autographs should still be directed to Legends Memorabilia, but he approved the creation of a fan mail guestbook, which will be set up on this website shortly.
At the end of December, he shot a commercial for MasterCard. It is part of their "Priceless" campaign, and a send-up of MacGyver. In it, he slides down a wire, drives a semi through a fence, and blows up a building, then is found in a convenience store purchasing replacements for all the things he used to make his escape "priceless." He describes it as "quite cute - and fun." Both a 30-second version and a 60-second version were created, and although the anticipated airdate is some time in March, there has been some talk of the possibility that the commercial may be considered for airing during the Super Bowl. His description of the commercial was reminiscent of the commercials he made 15 years ago for Vitalon Foods of Taiwan. He remembered shooting those, in fact Jim Menard (director of photography on Stargate) had been the photographer for one of them. He said that he had never seen the finished commercials, and he was delighted to learn that fans from Taiwan had discovered them and shared them with the website where he would also be able to see them.
He acknowledges that his "retirement" is not necessarily permanent, and he described his upcoming appearance on The Simpsons as "the resurgence of my career." He has received offers from all three networks to develop projects, but he is not currently considering tackling a project as a producer, although he is still open to taking occasional acting roles. He has fond memories of Stargate and describes his time there as "family," but in the meantime he is enjoying the space that he's in right now, and adds, "I'm so loving my life right now, being a dad and building my house."
~ 2005 ~
December 5, 2005

Richard took a brief moment to share a little update about both his involvement with the Waterkeeper Alliance, and about his daughter Wylie.
December 5, 2005
This is just a quick note. I'd like to spend more time on it with you but I have to grab Wylie and get her off to her karate class. (She is excelling... and loves it! So I dare not be late.)
I don't know if I had mentioned to you or anybody for that matter that I have been elected to the Board of Trustees of the Waterkeeper Alliance, but... well... I have... been.
That's the background to what's going on lately and I'll continue later, but I must to my loving daughter go, so she can beat the crap out of a dummy.
June 17, 2005

Richard stopped by for a quick note to share some exciting news. It seems that his dream of appearing on The Simpsons has finally come true.
June 17, 2005
Just enough strength to break the news of a completed career (mine) with the already completed episode of The Simpsons. You are the first one I told.
More later.
June 17, 2005

On Monday, June 6, 2005, Dana Elcar passed away at the age of 77. Dana's career spanned 50 years, including seven years as Pete Thornton on MacGyver, and during the final seasons of the series, Dana's real-life battle with glaucoma was written into the show.
In a statement to the press, Richard said of his friend, "At a time when I had very little business being called an actor, he made things so easy for me. It was a learning experience that was very warm and loving for all seven years."
In a special message to this website, Richard added:
June 17, 2005
I drove up to Santa Paula for the service which was very sad, and yet, celebratory. He was truly a gentle man and good friend.
February 17, 2005

Richard intends to participate in the Sea Shepherd Seal Campaign in Nova Scotia.
February 17, 2005
My broken ankle may affect my mobility on the ice at the protest with Paul Watson. Supposed to fly to Halifax between March 2 and March 15. You're familiar with the seal slaughter? I told Paul that this would be the first year I could actually make it east. Now with the ankle I may have jeopardized some part of the event for myself.
I still have three weeks of ankle repair to go but am still planning to run up to Charlottetown for the Sea Shepherd event. Dates are still up in the air.
February 3, 2005

Shortly after receiving birthday greetings and word of many donations made in his honor, Richard expressed his gratitude, wondering how to best show his appreciation to the fans.
February 3, 2005
I was wondering if you would have a suggestion as to how I could thank everyone for their unyielding support over the years.
Again I have proven the "shrub" for not responding sooner, and I really am astounded by the loyalty shown by all.
It is amazing what a little thing like a broken ankle can do for one's contemplative state; I feel the fool in so many ways, but particularly in this, the showing appreciation when people do wonderful things on your behalf mode.
February 3, 2005

Richard has shared a bit of news about his latest playful mishap.
February 3, 2005
Tid-bit of news: I broke my right ankle ten days ago. Little wagoning accident wherein I snapped the fibula, but saved my daughter....
Truth be told, just another dopey movement through space, 55 year old child's play. 6 to 8 week re-hab.
I will be the stationary dance partner to Wylie at the Daddy/Daughter Valentine's Dance.
Gotta run (recline).
~ 2004 ~
September 17, 2004

Following his visit to Washington, DC, where he was honored for his positive depiction of the Air Force, Richard shared his thoughts about his very special experience.
September 17, 2004
Just wanted to make contact briefly to tell you about the event in Washington, DC last Tuesday, [so] here it is from me.
The Air Force invited me to be a part of a ceremony celebrating the anniversary of the AF, and the presentation of awards to individuals, retired and active, who have made contributions to the defense industry. It was quite a heady group. Which is why I was a bit confused when General John Jumper was introduced and I was brought on stage with him. He proceeded to launch into the kind of complimentary speech about me that turns me pink. He then presented me with an eagle sculpture, a beautiful medallion from Chief of Staff, United States Air Force which designates Mr. Richard Dean Anderson an Honorary Air Force Brigadier General, and two silver stars (real!) to seal the deal. Apparently the stars are never given out to civilians. I have never been so humbled, I have never been so honored.
Earlier in the day I visited the Pentagon (lovely place to visit...), and later I spent a few hours at Walter Reed Hospital with some injured airmen back from Iraq, an incredibly enlightening experience.
An article with photos of the very special evening is available in the Archives.
July 28, 2004

Richard has offered a special picture from his collection to be included on the website.
The photograph, taken during one of his diving trips, shows him saluting from the bottom of the ocean, and he added a special autograph, just for this site.
July 28, 2004
Glub, glub... Saying "Hi" from my favorite place!
~ 2002 ~
February 12, 2002

For Richard's 52nd birthday, fans from all around the world created a special website to send greetings and good wishes, and they also arranged to have a star named in his honor in the International Star Registry.
When Richard visited the site, he sent a message of thanks to his many fans.
February 12, 2002
Children of Great Kindness and Loyalty,
This is a belated expression of gratitude and thanks. I am awed by the simple fact that people remember my birthday, let alone find the sentiment to actually celebrate it. The effort, talent and care that went into the site is obvious; it is astounding.
But again, what is most revealing and touching about it is the fact that you have all contributed beautiful, personal thoughts, and have sent them to a man you know to be relatively reclusive and quiet about such things. I can't help but be reminded that there are wonderfully considerate people who remain loyal and supportive despite the social iniquities of this aging soul. For this, I will forever be grateful.
I spent the actual day with my daughter, skiing and romping in the mountains of Colorado. She made me a cupcake with inch-thick blue icing and a single candle. She had also adorned a picture frame with pine cones, sea shells, sand, and cotton-ball snow, all the elements that she knows her Dad loves. She presented this and a picture of herself with the pride that is uniquely borne of a three year old. Without hesitation I can say, it was the best birthday I've ever had.
Thank you all for remembering. More importantly, thank you for caring.
~ 2001 ~
January 14, 2001

During his hiatus, Richard has been enjoying the outdoors by skiing, river rafting, and scuba diving. He took a moment from his holiday to check in with his office, and to share his continued passion for the environment.
Millions of acres of woodland forests and waters in the US have been designated as protected. Richard phoned to encourage people to register their support for these protected areas by contacting the White House and their state and local government officials, to voice their concern for the environment and to urge that these wilderness areas remain protected from industry.
The White House can be contacted directly through the official website, or by mail, email, phone, or fax.
Address: The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20500
Phone: voice (202) 456-1414 | fax (202) 456-2461
Email: |
Website: The White House
~ 2000 ~
February 9, 2000

For Richard's 50th birthday, members of the MacList, a gathering of fans from all around the world, created a special website to send birthday greetings and good wishes.
When Richard visited the site, he sent a message of thanks to his many fans.
February 9, 2000
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It's taken far too long for me to speak to you all, and I won't try to pass on any excuses other than to say I have been my typical, reclusive, painfully neglectful self.
But now, borne of the warm and thoughtful sentiments sent to me on my birthday by all of you, I feel it absolutely necessary to reach out, and in a potentially feeble way, thank you.
I am genuinely awed by your efforts. The fact that you all remember is humbling enough; but to show such unyielding caring and support in such creative and loving ways goes beyond any call of loyalty.
Please accept my gratitude and know that I harbor the hope that I remain deserving of such fans.
In that, I remain,
Richard Dean
Visit the Features section to view the website that was created for Richard's birthday.
~ 1996 ~
February 3, 1996

When the MacGyver Mailing List ["MacList"] learned that Richard's vacation over the 1995 Christmas break had ended in a skiing accident requiring major knee surgery and months of recuperation and physical therapy, they gathered Get Well messages to send to him.
After receiving the collection of well wishes, Richard responded to the MacList with a special thank you.
February 3, 1996
Let me just briefly tell you all how it happened.
I'd been skiing for a week prior to Christmas, on a brand new left knee. About three months before I'd had surgery to take out a shredded cartilage, the result of a pretty hefty collision playing hockey.
Things went well, I was skiing again, and it was time to return to the slopes after the Christmas holiday.
On the first run in the morning, for some unfathomable reason, I found myself casually easing down a run at about 60 miles per hour... (I run a full-blown downhill race every year so I wasn't overly concerned about the speed.... In fact, I was thoroughly enjoying the moment.) I'm convinced everything would have been fine had the slab of ice not kept me from making a turn. I was forced to keep my skis straight. Again, everything could have worked out had there not been a severe compression bump at the bottom of slope.
All I really remember is one ski exploding off my boot, and then all hell breaking loose. My friend was standing right at the point of launch and he said the ski catapulted twenty feet into the air, and the image he had from that point on was that of a rag doll doing some high-speed tumbling routine down the mountain. The fall itself was endless, long enough for me to have several conversations with myself: relax, don't break, please stop......
I won't bore you with the sordid details and dumb decisions that ensued (like skiing two more runs before acknowledging that I may be severely injured, as my knee slowly filled with blood and it became impossible to bend it, etc.)
I was diagnosed with a torn medial and lateral meniscus, a chipped tibial plate, and something called plica floating all over the place. Your basic blown out knee. And good ole Doc saved the whole thing. Normally they'd just take out the cartilage and tell you that twenty years down the road you'll be dealing with some kind of arthritis and bone-on-bone discomfort. But I got off lucky (sic) and now it's just a matter of rehab., albeit at least three months of intense physical therapy and wearing a brace. I've been through it before, and although I wouldn't consider myself a patient man, I know what needs be done.
And that brings me to the point of this little missive. Simply put, I want to thank all of you (that's ALL of you) for your letters of support and love.
Those that know me well know that I've had a tendency to push things a bit and have put myself in some precarious situations. I love doing all that stuff, I just haven't been able to slow down. And every time we put the pieces back together again your letters are there, faithfully. I wish I could be more eloquent with the sentiment. Please know how much I love and appreciate the loyal support I've received over the years.
You have never failed me. I will "get well soon" and then get on with the other parts of life and hope you'll come along for the ride.
Again, my love and thanks,
Richard Dean Anderson