November 26-27, 2016

Richard returned to France to attend the Toulouse Game Show, a convention that was held at the Parc Des Expositions in Toulouse, France.
During the weekend, he took the opportunity to greet fans, pose for photos, sign autographs, and participate in Question & Answer panels.
In addition, before the convention began, Richard was able to spend some time as a tourist, enjoying the Christmas Market of historic Toulouse.
He also participated in several pre-convention interviews for radio, television, internet, and print.
Below are some photos and media appearances from Richard's visit to Toulouse.
Note From Rick
Before the convention officially began, Richard was able to enjoy some time as a tourist, and he wrote briefly to share some of his impressions and photos of the Christmas Market in historic Toulouse.
November 26, 2016
Up late to get this short note to you: If you appreciate history, this is a place you may very well enjoy.
There are quite a few familiar faces, and some who have mentioned the site. "The Girls", they are!
Impossible attendance numbers, filling all buildings of a 7 building convention center. And so far... not an ugly moment to witness.
My host claims there will be 60,000 people to attend in two days!! And again, all well behaved and boisterously celebrating the 10th anniversary of this convention, the Toulouse Game Show.
It's all quite wonderful! A little on the exhausting side of things, but very terrific.
Early the next morning, amid the bustle of another convention day, Richard forwarded a message he had received from a friend, a reminder to enjoy the moments (right).
November 27, 2016
Tell me this sequence doesn't touch SOME part of your gentler self!!
I'm in Toulouse, France, currently a cold, drizzly day, a LONG way from home, and these pix arrived from a good friend in the States.
Good stuff.
La Dépêche du Midi
On Sunday, April 8th, Richard responded to questions from fans in a Question & Answer panel.
On Saturday Richard spoke with Jean-Noël Gros for an interview for La Dépêche du Midi which appeared in print on Sunday. In it, he talked about his life in retirement and the possibility of returning to work. The article was printed in French, and has been translated into English for this website.
Toulouse FM
Richard visited with the local morning radio show on 92.6 Toulouse FM. During their conversation, conducted in both French and English, Richard discussed his role as MacGyver, his love of hockey, and his support and involvement with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.
Toulouse FM - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o 92.6 Toulouse FM and Avant Première TV
SciFiMovies Theater
Richard participated in an interview conducted for SciFiMovies Theater. During their conversation, Richard talked about recovering from his recent fall, he discussed his characters of MacGyver and O'Neill and the possibility of returning to work, he spoke about his experiences with the Air Force and The Simpsons, and finally he reacted to a nostalgic video clip of his musical appearance on Dinah! more than 35 years ago.
SciFiMovies Theater - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o SciFiMovies Theater.
Richard also spoke with Jano Rohleder, who conducted a brief video interview for his online German MacGyver Forum. During their conversation, they discussed Richard's projects since MacGyver, the possibility of his returning to work, and the cultural impact of the original MacGyver, especially as compared to the new MacGyver reboot series.
German MacGyver Forum - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o Jano Rohleder.
Toulouse Game Show
Richard participated in an interview conducted by the Toulouse Game Show organization. During the interview, conducted in English and French with subtitles, Richard talked about his impressions of Toulouse, favorite moments and improvisations in MacGyver and Stargate, and his recent accident in which he was injured while trying to save his puppy.
Toulouse Game Show - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o Toulouse Game Show.
Le Petit Q
Le Petit Q, a segment on French television, took a humorous look at the Toulouse Game Show and the celebrity that everyone had come to see - Richard Dean Anderson.
Le Petit Q - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o Le Petit Q.
Photograph and Autograph Sessions
On both days, Richard met with fans to pose for pictures and to sign autographs.
Meet and Greet
There were also private Meet & Greet sessions with small groups of fans on both Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday Question & Answer Panel
On Saturday, November 26th, Richard took questions from fans in a Question & Answer panel.
Saturday Panel - November 26, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o Toulouse Game Show.
Sunday Question & Answer Panel
On Sunday, November 27th, Richard took questions from fans in a Question & Answer panel.
Sunday Panel - November 27, 2016
Video is available in the Video Gallery c/o Toulouse Game Show.
Edgar Givry
On Sunday, Richard was introduced to Edgar Givry, the man who, for more than 30 years, has dubbed Richard's voice into French, both during MacGyver and Stargate SG-1. Afterward, writer Dominique Guenin met with Edgar for an interview in which he shared some insights into his experiences as Richard's "voice." The article was written in French, and has been translated into English for this website.
Photos, videos, and articles courtesy of Sandrine, Heltihès, Delphine, Jano Rohleder, Ulrike & Family, Cyril, Dominique, Véronique, Brigitte, Josyane, Sue, Nora, and TGS. Thank You!