Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping participated in a joint live online chat hosted by Lycos. Participants were able to submit questions to be selected for the hour-long chat.
Events Moderator:
Welcome to Lycos Live Events! Tonight we are chatting with Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tapping from Stargate SG-1! We'll be starting in just a few minutes. Get your questions ready!
Okay everyone! It's time to get started! Let's welcome our guests to the chat! We'll be chatting with Amanda first! Let's welcome her to the chat! Hi Amanda, welcome to Lycos Live Events! What's up?
Amanda Tapping:
Not much, in the middle of shooting an episode right now, but really happy to be here!
Question from eunkaruns:
Amanda, do you actually learn about physics when you memorize the script?
Amanda Tapping:
Yeah, I do. I actually do a lot of research so that what I'm saying makes sense not only to me, but it's believable that I understand it.
Question from Kerbox:
I remember a behind the scenes clip where you said you always made sure you understood what you were talking about before the scene. So I was wondering, what is your definition of an event horizon? Just curious. ;)
Amanda Tapping:
Oh, geez! [laughs] Why don't I give that one to Rick! I got asked once in a chat what a naked singularity was, and I said "Sam Carter on a Saturday night!"
Question from darthmaul555:
Hello Amanda. I would like to know if you will come to the Gate Convention in November, to us in Germany? That would be very cool.
Amanda Tapping:
I would love to come. It's all contingent on whether I'm working or not. I've never been to Germany, so... :)
Question from kimmysco:
Being Canadian and living in Canada most of your life, have you ever visited a small island off Vancouver called Hornby Island?
Amanda Tapping:
I've never been to Hornby, but I've always wanted to go, in fact, honestly, my husband and I were just talking about it this weekend!
Question from newbie_005:
"Window of Opportunity" is my favourite episode. I was wondering if you woke to find yourself reliving the same day, and could take actions with no consequences, what sort of things would you do, and why?
Amanda Tapping:
As Sam Carter? I'd go fishing with Jack. Over and over and over again!
Question from piglet246:
I don't know if it's down to you or not but PLEASE let Amanda direct! I would love to see her get the chance, especially on SG-1. There's not long until the end, so please don't think too long about it! :) Please give her the chance... She wants it and we her fans want it! I really doubt you'll be disappointed. If Michael could do it, Amanda definitely can! Amanda, Thank you for who you are. :) STAY GOLD!!
Amanda Tapping:
That's very sweet, thanks for your support! It's not going to happen this year, but I'm learning as much as I can so, maybe another series!
Question from mj_sammie:
If you could meet Sam and give her 3 pieces of advice, what would you say to her? Love you so much!!! Thank you for everything.
Amanda Tapping:
That is so nice! Lighten up! That's the advice I would give. Try to enjoy life more, and get a boyfriend who doesn't die.
Question from major_ly:
Do you have the time to read and maybe reply to all the fan mail you get?
Amanda Tapping:
I do personally take the time to at least send a picture, but I can't take the time to answer back in letter form to all the letters I get. I do read everything, but it takes me a long time to get back to people.
Question from gizmo_goddard:
What part of your character would you like to explore more?
Amanda Tapping:
Oh man... Her sense of humor. And her sensual side. [laughs]
Question from joanie_j:
Hi Amanda! I'd like to know how you feel about season 6 being the last season and if you're going to be involved with Stargate after that?
Amanda Tapping:
It's very sad to come to the end of it. It's quite a daunting prospect. It's been a great ride, it's good to look back to see how much fun you had with it. But as far as being involved with it beyond that, I have no idea what's going to happen.
Question from ximajorscarterix:
Amanda, I want to tell you that you are a good person. My question is, what do you both think about having fans? Fans all over the world?? Especially from Germany??
Amanda Tapping:
Completely humbling. Yeah, I don't know what to say beyond that, it's totally overwhelming. I'm humbled by it, and very appreciative.
Question from kingbubba2002:
Amanda, first, I would like to say great job developing your character over the last several seasons. You bring a great presence to the show. My question is, what kind of episode would be your favorite? A comedic episode, action, adventure, mythological, what kind of episode do you like the most to do?
Amanda Tapping:
The comedies are the most fun, from a day to day shooting point of view. Shooting is so much fun, and everyone on our show has such a sense of humor. But I love doing action, that being said.
Question from samjan2:
Hi! We first want to say that we are two 40-something year old professional women who live vicariously through Sam and Jack's relationship (what there is of it) and enjoyed season 4 the most (please don't tell us to get a life!) Please tell us that there will be some (any!) Sam/Jack moments somewhere in season 6. Will they finally declare their love for each other by the end of the series? Will they be together and, if so, how do they work it out?
Amanda Tapping:
Wow, I would never say "get a life." I think it's great that you enjoy that aspect of it. I have no idea what is going to happen between Sam and Jack, but we sure have fun when we get to be together! I think they'll retire after it's all over, go to a cabin and make babies, and fish! [laughs]
Question from gatefan:
What's on your horizon, Amanda? Anything we should look for?
Amanda Tapping:
I just did an independent film called Stuck, with JR Bourne, who plays Martouf on Stargate. Which is a very different character from Sam, and quite a departure. And that's it for now -- keep your fingers crossed!
Question from algorhythms:
Amanda, do you think that as sci-fi fans, we expect more contact with actors/directors/etc than other fandoms and show genres, like drama?
Amanda Tapping:
I have no idea, because I've never been on another show like that. All I know is that our fans are really stalwart in their support of the show, and very gracious and intelligent when we get to meet them.
Events Moderator:
Amanda, thanks for chatting with us!
Amanda Tapping:
Thank you so much. I had a great time and hope we can do this again soon!
Events Moderator:
Hey folks! Let's welcome Richard Dean Anderson to the chat! Hi Richard, welcome to Lycos Live Events! What's up?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Oh... just, you know, a day in the life, everybody is up at 5:30 in the morning, and we continue to shoot as we speak. I have a bit of a cold, but that doesn't slow me down, and doesn't keep me from causing trouble wherever I go. And I want to personally thank those of you who have been waiting for three hours, you guys are amazing!
Question from mousie_grr:
Rick, I just want to say that you're fab and you are lucky to be loved so much that people like myself (13) would wait all day until 1:00 am just to say hi.
Richard Dean Anderson:
Again, being from Minnesota I have a hard time really comprehending that kind of patience, but thank you, thank you. Guten Morgen, get some sleep!
Events Moderator:
Hey Rick! What are y'all shooting now?
Richard Dean Anderson:
We're shooting an episode called "Cure" where we discover the Queen Tok'ra - which is a big globule, a big slimy, snaky globule, which is delicious if seared lightly. ;)
Question from rkw25526:
Rick, when will the documentaries you have been working on be aired?
Richard Dean Anderson:
It'll be some time. The process will take longer for me with my involvement, because of my commitment to Stargate. The scheduling to get me off to go do it has been a bit of a chore for all involved. The trips to the various rivers, creating a library of footage and documentation of the cultures and the people and such -- it'll be some time. It's nice that people are aware of that though, thanks for asking and keeping it alive.
Question from wendal7:
One of the things I like most about the show is your sense of humor. Are you as much of a smart-a$$ off screen as you are on?
Richard Dean Anderson:
In a word. Yes. :) It's my job to be, as you succinctly put it, the smartass. It's in my contract: actor, producer, smartass! Thanks for asking! [laughs]
Question from kirstie_luvs_sg1:
Hey Rick! We all luv ya! Do you check out any of the fan websites / fan fictions?
Richard Dean Anderson:
You know, I haven't. I'm apprised of it, but part of my problem is that I'm not real computer savvy. So I have a real hard time tracking those things down. But my assistant, Ivon, has put me in touch with, the website that was put together on my behalf. I haven't really explored it, much to my discredit. I have to learn how to turn on my computer first.
Question from itsme_dd:
Rick, after so many years of filming, is there anything which still surprises you?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Not really, other than the fact that I'm still vertical! What I've been exposed to through the experience of Stargate is the new technology through the industry, working with the finest technicians and artists in the new generation and such, what surprises me is that we're in for new surprises. It's just a massive, incomprehensible world. What I've been able to learn to that end is that there are virtually no limits to what can be done.
Question from hotmom01:
Hi Richard. I heard that you hurt your knee. How is it coming along?
Richard Dean Anderson:
[laughs] It's much better now. It was my third knee surgery. The irony of it was that it did not happen skiing. I was carrying my daughter into her ballet class, caught my toe on a nail, snapped my foot backwards, and tore my knee to shreds. But the rehab has been as accelerated as possible to accommodate my trip to the river last March and my work on Stargate. Plus being a father to a three-year-old.
Question from jaci_rose:
With season six getting mixed reviews from some fans -- even though it hasn't started yet -- I was just wondering what you would say to reassure the fans that season six is just as good, if not better, than the previous five seasons?
Richard Dean Anderson:
What's curious to me is how we can get mixed reviews on something that hasn't aired yet. And to that end, I don't know what the reference is to, because we're still a strong, creative franchise. We've had a change in personnel, but that's just part of a natural evolution of a series. People sometimes choose to move on, and it's our job to accommodate our needs. The show is still great!
Events Moderator:
I heard there will be a Stargate SG-1 movie. When do you start filming it? Any big changes or surprises we should expect?
Richard Dean Anderson:
It's still a question mark for all of us. Brad Wright is in the process of writing the feature for MGM. And we have to wait for MGM's decision whether to move forward with production. Until we get the go-ahead, we can only leave it to Brad to write the best script imaginable. Everybody is on board, and we'd love to make a feature. With the added time and budgetary concerns and magnitude, we think we can put together a wonderful show on a slightly larger scale.
Events Moderator:
I hate to say it, but we have to wrap this up in a few minutes. :( Our time with Richard and Amanda is almost up! We'll take a few more questions & comments.
Question from hw_chaos:
Hi Rick. How goes the environmental projects that you are involved in?
Richard Dean Anderson:
That kind of refers back to the documentary projects I'm involved with. I've added to my list of involvement now. I'm on the board of directors of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, and the River Keeper Alliance. My hands-on involvement is somewhat limited until Stargate is over. Again, what we're calling the River Project, the documentary series that we're putting together, is an issue oriented environment, also a cultural study of river people and such. It's a little frustrating to be not more hands-on involved, but again I spend 9 months in Vancouver, and can only spring out sporadically, and actually get on the river or in the ocean.
Question from triciaveneman:
Rick, do you mind that a lot of people still see you as MacGyver after all you've done since?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Not at all. I will always take it as the ultimate compliment to a successful venture. Thank you!
Question from extintor811:
Hi Richard! Greetings from Barcelona! I would like to know how much time it takes you to memorize the script. Thank you.
Richard Dean Anderson:
I have a hard time memorizing the script. I memorize the ideas of the script, of scenes, and try to make... Well, not long at all, let's put it that way. Amanda has the hard job, she has lots of science thingys. I get to look dumbfounded.
Question from Manolis_Varnas2:
Richard, hi. I wanna say you are a wonderful actor. I enjoy the show. It's one of the best on TV. I'd like to ask you what do you think is the secret of success of this show?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Well, by this time it should be no secret that we have an incredible franchise born of a quirky concept of a movie. Any time you have an ongoing premise that allows you to walk through a wall of water and end up in some other part of the universe for another adventure, you have unlimited creative possibilities. That's unique in the business. We also have an ensemble cast that as individuals are interesting and unique and extremely talented. And a bevy of writers who are tireless in their efforts to be creative.
Question from kgw2002:
How do you get through those long days? I heard that they are like 16 hours long!
Richard Dean Anderson:
They can drag on, but it's part of the job! You grow to expect that. They are made less grueling through the efforts of everyone, but in particular John Smith, one of our producers who orchestrates the scheduling and makes it as easy as possible. But it's the job.
Question from tessamac:
Hi Rick! At Gatecon last year, Amanda described the way you smelled in 22 words or less. Could you do that for her too, please? :-)
Richard Dean Anderson:
She described how I smell???? [To Amanda] You described how I smell??? Come over here, Amanda, let me smell you... I'm smelling Amanda now! Mmm... she smells like hairspray. She smells like the very essence of life itself. It means she should shower. Soon. She's smelling me now... I'd put her on the phone, but her nose is between my toes. Come on, get up!
Question from johnson-sg3:
Hey Rick, is Amanda watching what you're typing, just to see what you say about her?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Amanda is sitting right next to me. We're on the floor of the motor home, lounging, with cocktails and small poodles. And one large poodle. We have geishas, cabana boys, and for Amanda we have... Well, there's a lot of traffic in there, but we're oblivious to the outside world.
Question from gatetraveler:
Hi, I've been a Stargate fan since the beginning and there have been many changes to your character during the past 5 years. I was wondering what kind of character changes can we expect to see in season 6?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Not much. [laughs] Not really, natural evolution of the creative process. That's actually a Brad Wright question anyway. He's in charge of us all.
Question from cleo2205:
Rick, we know you are crazy about dogs... What's your opinion of cats?
Richard Dean Anderson:
I love dogs. I'm not saying that I don't like cats... but I'm more dog than anything else, more dog than human, and my cat-like qualities never really developed along with other parts of my body, and personality. I'm not saying I don't like cats... I'm just saying, I prefer snakes. Snake dogs.
Events Moderator:
Can you tell us what your favorite episode of Season 6 has been so far and why?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Oh... possibly "Abyss." Mike Shanks came back and I was trapped in a jail cell with him. It was good to see and work with him, we battled it out on screen, it was great.
Question from stargatetraveler:
Hiya Rick! Love your character and all the hard work you put into things. Just one quick question. Do all of the cast share good friendships as they do on the show?
Richard Dean Anderson:
Yeah, I'm a bit of a... I have a... I'm not the social being that everyone I'm sure thinks I am! [laughs] We've developed into quite dear friends actually, all of us. I haven't been able to personally socialize a lot, because I get on an airplane and go be with my daughter, so I lose the weekends here. Apparently the party goes on without me, which comes as a great shock to me, a blow to my ego.
Question from jacksonforever:
I have a question for Amanda. What is it like being a strong female character in a basically male dominated series?
Amanda Tapping:
Extremely difficult. No, it's fabulous. I like that this character is equal to her male counterparts, without having to apologize for being a woman. Rick just said she's superior. It's great, it's a great character to play. Would that life were like this! I think that playing a character like this has given me more strength in life -- with "da fellas". :)
Question from paugio:
Amanda, how difficult has it been to learn the scientific stuff for your role?
Amanda Tapping:
No, not at all. I love doing research, and I find most of what I read intriguing. I won the science award in HS, as well as the drama award, so I was tailor made for this role. That being said, I'm anxious to play a character that doesn't feel the need to explain everything, ad nauseum, in a verbose manner.
Question from samandjanetfan:
Question for Amanda -- What's up with all the blue Jell-O?
Amanda Tapping:
[laughs] You know, it started in the canteen, one episode where we had a choice to eat, and it was, I think, rice pudding and Jell-O, and I went with the blue Jell-O. I've actually been sent blue Jell-O, and it makes your tongue blue, and it's kind of fun. Rick likes it!
Question from rebeccca_1:
Hi Amanda! Have you ever done anything on set completely out of the blue?
Events Moderator:
Other than Jell-O, that is.
Amanda Tapping:
Besides our usual fooling around and mentioning MacGyver that made it into the pilot. That was an ad-lib that made it to the screen. We've learned from our master, Maharishi Rick. Out of the blue once, Rick said a line that had been previously written. Shocked us all!
Question from erishian42:
Amanda, would you ever like to play Michael Shanks's love interest in another movie or TV show?
Amanda Tapping:
Hell yeah, he's cute!
Question from johnson-sg3:
Amanda, have you ever been tempted to do an episode where Carter has an Essex accent?!
Amanda Tapping:
Yes, I do Essex accents all the time, on set. Unfortunately it never makes it on screen. But I think it behooves the producers to let me do the Essex, let me wear white stilettos at least once. Rick gets to wear white stilettos all the time! I want to reiterate how great it is, like Rick said, that all these people waited so long to talk to us. I have Rick right here, any questions you want to ask me about Richard Dean Anderson?
Question from hw_chaos:
What storylines do you hope to see wrapped in this season since it is your last, and where do you imagine Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter to be 5 years down the line from now?
Amanda Tapping:
I would like to see what happens with the Tok'ra. There's actually quite a few gangland threats that we need some closure to, too many to get into right now. What ever happened to Joe, Sam's first husband, when we went back to 2001 and we left him on this Harvester? But now Rick and I are discussing where Jack and Sam will be in 5 years... We think we'll open a deli right outside Area 51. [To Rick] Weekends at your cabin fishing? He doesn't want to fish anymore. He might catch a fish one day, that would scare him. ;) We'll both retire, and I'll finally be able to call him Jack!
Question from flashpointe68:
Is Rick as great a kisser as he seems he would be??
Amanda Tapping:
Rick is phenomenal kisser. Wait, let me double-check that, I'm going to kiss him right now. That was a short one but he is, in fact, as phenomenal a kisser as one might imagine. That was a great question, because I got to kiss Rick. Any more like that and I'm all over... Rick fainted, though. [laughs] Thank you thank you thank you, this is so great!
Events Moderator:
Thanks SO much for taking the time to chat with us tonight, Amanda!
Amanda Tapping:
I have to say, I said it before, but I'm touched and overwhelmed by how much support we get from the fans, and please don't think it goes unnoticed.
Events Moderator:
Rick, thanks so much to you too! This has been a great deal of fun!
Richard Dean Anderson:
Complete echo of our most articulate of cast members. I'm still awed by the presence of my website, let alone the flourishing nature of them. I live a fairly reclusive life. You'd think I'd be more in touch with them. I'll have to make a point to get in touch. In some ways I'm awed, and confused to some degree, but in some ways it feels good to have proof that people watch and support the show.
Events Moderator:
Wow! They were able to spend a HUGE chunk of time with us! They probably would have stayed even longer had they not been called back to the set. :-) Great questions everyone. Y'all are the best! I hope everyone had fun! We sure did! Thanks again for coming, everyone! See ya next time at Lycos Live Events!
Online chat held at Lycos Online. May 22, 2002.