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Andrew Wiley

Federal Marshal Andrew T. Wiley had reached out to Frank Bennet to ask for his cooperation to testify against his brother Joey before the Crime Commission. Joey Bennet was the head of a family crime syndicate involved in illegal drug trafficking, and when a young associate of Frank's died of a drug overdose, he was persuaded to cooperate with the federal marshals. Wiley also coordinated with MacGyver, who had experience providing personal security. Following Frank's testimony, he would be moved to a protected safe house until after the hearing, at which time MacGyver would take over, arranging for relocation and a new identity as a protected witness.

Frank's mother was in the hospital and Frank wanted to see her once more before she died, but despite MacGyver's assurances that Frank's safety could be guaranteed, Wiley considered the visit to the hospital to be too dangerous, and he wouldn't allow it. Consequently, after Wiley had taken Frank's deposition at the Federal Courthouse, MacGyver broke Frank out of federal custody and delivered him to the hospital. There they learned that Joey had discharged his mother from the hospital and had moved her to the Bennet home in an attempt to lure Frank there.

When Wiley arrived at the Bennet home looking for Frank, Joey's attorney informed him that he had used his influence to convince the judge to turn down his warrant request and that he would not be granted access to the property. Wiley and the other agents, including Bridges and Larson, waited outside the gate, but when Joey imitated his brother's voice on the phone and told Wiley that he was at MacGyver's apartment, Wiley and the marshals were lured away. Finding nothing at the apartment, they returned to the Bennet compound just as MacGyver and Frank made their escape. With Frank's testimony and Joey's attempt on Frank's life, Wiley had enough evidence to take Joey into custody.

Portrayed by: Carl Franklin

Cross Reference: Frank Bennet, Joey Bennet, Bridges, Larson

Episode Reference: The Prodigal