From Your Fans Around the World
January 23, 2004

Joyeux anniversaire!!!
May this day be very special for you and your loved ones.
Xeen & Ant1
Hi Rick
Hope you have a wonderful and Happy Birthday.
Thank you for the happiness you've brought me over the years. You've made me laugh, you've made me cry, but most of all - you've made me want to live.
God Bless you and Wylie, keep you both safe and happy.
Love and hugs
Jackie F. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Richard
Happy Bithday and the best wishes from me. I hope you have a nice day with your Friends and your Family. Much fun with and remain please to us still many years celebrate.
Bye and wonderful greetings from Germany!
Hey Rick!! (First my English is not so good)
I wish you a wonderful and happy birthday with your friends!
I wanna thank you for your perfect screenplay at Stargate SG-1, you ever made me laugh also I was sad!
Well have a nice day!! God bless you and Wylie!!
Hey, Rick,
Happy Birthday from the sunny town Herne in NRW.
Hope you'll have fun.
Dear Rick
I want to wish you a very good and happy birthday!
I already wished you last year but you didn't answer us.
All that I can say is that you are a great person and a very good dad. Continue to be happy! I hope that this special day will be full of joy and happiness with your little one.
Happy Birthday, Richard Dean Anderson!!!!
You are a best actor of the whole far world!!!!
Your role as Colonel Jack O'Neill is sharpens, Mach further in such a way.
One of your largest fans,
All good,
Sebastian (alias System Lord Anubis)
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson!!!!
You are the best actor I know!!!!
I like Stargate and MacGyver!!!
You play O'Neill very good and I like the jokes from him!!
Thank you for the super, fantastic Stargate and for MacGyver!!
I am a great and long fan of you!!!
Happy Birthday Rick!
I hope this birthday will be the best so far and all the best for the coming year. Thank you for another season of SG-1. I wish you were in it more prominently but I do admire your commitment to your daughter. Many celebs could learn a thing or two from you.
Hope you'll have a lot to celebrate and I wish you all the best!!!!
You are one of the most attractive men in the world in your age!!! And your age is the perfect age!!
I wish you a long, long life and everything you want.
With huge hugs, yours,

Your passion for life is contagious. Thank you for allowing us to catch it from you, and for opening new and unexpected doors.
It has been an honor and a pleasure to support your work and your career over the years, and I look forward to many more years to come.
Happy Birthday! Happy Life!
New Jersey
Hi Richard!
Happy Birthday to you. I'm a great fan of Stargate!
I wish you much luck for the rest of your life. Please, don't stop to play Colonel O'Neill, because you are the best actor for this character.
PS. I know that I'm not good in English and I hope that you understand what I've written.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Richard!!
Happy Birthday!!
I'm a very big Stargate-Fan and I hope that you are playing much longer Colonel O'Neill.
I wish you the best things to the rest of your life.
Haaaaaaappy Birthday Richard!
You are the best (best, best....) actor over the world! I hope that you will play much longer Colonel Jack!!!!
The best wishes,
Happy Birthday Richard! Thanks for being such an enjoyable actor to watch. You have filled my home with many laughs. Looking forward to all your future projects. Take care of yourself, and here's to another good year for you!
Jason Myers
Iowa City, Iowa
Happy Birthday Richard. I love the series Stargate and MacGyver!
Andrea Weber
Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
Best wishes for your Birthday.
Melanie Litzlbauer
Wylie is one of the luckiest girls in the world to have such a special guy for a father. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday filled all the joys and love that life has to offer.
Thank you for always making me smile!
Forever a Fan!
Penny Baldwin

Best wishes for your birthday, sent to you from Diana and Lana from Germany. Much turn out well for your future one intend. Take care of yourself and here's to another good year for you!
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson!!!
Best wishes for your Birthday
I wish you much luck for the best of your life
I like Stargate and MacGyver
I'm a big and long Fan of you

Happy Birthday Rick, and may you have many, many, many more!!
I wish you lots of luck in all your future projects, and if that means that Stargate has to end, so be it - but I will miss it.
I understand that your time with Wylie is precious, but I still can't help wishing that we could see more of you in Stargate. Your humour is what makes it so special!!
Have a fantastic day on your birthday, and all the very best - I just wish I could tell you this in person!!
Debbie L S
Cheshire, England
Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
Wishing you a very happy birthday with your little family and your friends. Have much fun further playing Jack O'Neill in Stargate SG-1. It is nice watching it.
Happy birthday to you!
Duesseldorf, Germany
Dear Richard,
Happy Birthday to you. I am a big fan of Stargate SG-1, MacGyver and all your films. You are a great actor and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Your greatest fan from Germany,

Click the image to view our video "I Hope You Dance."
"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though distant, is close to us in spirit - this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden." -- Johann von Goethe
Happy Birthday! Sending you warm wishes of joy and thanks to you and your loved ones. You and your various endeavors have touched so many people in so many ways (myself included). Thank you. In your own way, you have reached out and made the world just that much better. My wish for you is that you know you are loved in return, enjoy your loved ones, and no matter what DANCE!
Happy Birthday!!
I'm a big fan of you and Stargate SG-1.
I think you're a great actor and I want to see you in the future too!
Alexander Echtermeyer
Hello Richard,
Happy Birthday!
Best wishes for your Birthday.
You are the best actor in the world.
I wish you a long life a very nice birthday with your family.
I'm a big fan of the series Stargate and all your other films.
Hi Richard!
Hope you have a great day!
Sarah x
At the age of 5 3/4 years I suppose I'm one of your biggest kiddy-fans. Excuse my English. I try my best but there are so many differences between my language and yours. Besides Puh-the-Bear, your series eg. MacGyver and the rest of it like Stargate (but I'm not allowed to watch it!!!!!! My mommy thinks that I'm too young for it.
) are my favourite movies. I love your series of MacGyver. It's very interesting.
My mommy doesn't understand the fascination of it.
I wish a happy birthday and a big birthday cake (like Jack O'Neill would say, I suppose).
Xenia dido
Vienna, Austria
Hey Richard!
Happy Birthady to You!!!!
I hope you will have a wonderful day with lots of presents!
I really, really adore you and hope to hear a lot from you for many years!
Greetings from Germany! Your Jassi x x
Hinterzarten, Black Forest, Germany

Click the image to view our video "The Magpie River"
Happy Birthday, Richard!
Wishing you much happiness and many exciting adventures.
Anchorage, AK
A Birthday Prayer for a Beautiful Person!!
Celebrating Your Birthday with a Prayer
by Emily Matthews
A prayer for you that brings to mind
so much of how you live -
The love you show,
the gifts you share,
the happiness you give....
Lord, grant me the gift of a generous heart
that embraces each person I see -
A heart reaching out
in true kindness and caring
to share all the best that's in me.
Lord, grant me the gift of bright, happy spirit
that joyfully faces each day -
A spirit that's loving
and gently shines through
in my actions and each word I say.
Lord, grant me the gift of a wonderful life
that fulfills what I'm sent here to do -
A life that is lived
in richness and beauty
of serving and following you.
A wish for a day that is wonderfully blessed
by all of the gifts in this prayer -
A day that reflects
your own deep, inner beauty
and all the joys that you share.
Happy Birthday!!
Hugs & Kisses,
From Stephanne

A Birthday Poem From the Dog
You feed me when I'm hungry,
You keep water in my dish,
You let me sleep on anything,
or in any place I wish.
You sometimes let me lick your hands,
or even lick your face,
Despite the fact I've licked myself,
in every private place.
You taught me how to come when called,
You taught me how to sit,
You always let me go outside
So I can take a @@@ Stroll.
I've been with you through oh, so much,
Through laughter and the tears,
I hope you live to be a hundred....
...(that's 700 in doggy years.)...
Happy Birthday!!
From The Pup
Happy Birthday Rick!!
Stephanne aka sj shortea and the Pup
Escondido, CA
Dear RDA,
You are a brilliant actor to my eyes and I wish you and your daughter all the best. Have a lot of fun.
Happy Birthday,
A really small city in Austria
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Rick,
Happy birthday to you!
I love you and Stargate SG-1 and I wish you a very good birthday with your family!!!!!
Dear Rick,
Happy Birthday!
I hope you will have a wonderful day with your family.
Greetings from Germany!
Ettenheim, Black Forest, Germany
Dear Rick,
I wish you a very happy birthday with your family. You are the greatest actor I've ever seen! Please visit Germany, we all love you so much!! Greetings to you and your sweet daughter, have a great birthday!!
Best wishes,
Near Stuttgart, Germany
Happy Birthday from all the people from Luxemburg. We all love you. I am a very great fan of you and Stargate.
Beckerich, Luxembourg
Dear Richard!
I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and your friends. I'm a big fan of you and Stargate SG-1 and I think you are a great actor.
Crawinkel, Thuringia, Germany
Dear Richard!
I wish you the best! Me and all of my class are real big fans of you and Stargate! (It's true!) I hope that there will be many more seasons of Statgate!
Happy Birthday RDA!!!!
May you & your daughter have a great fun time celebrating it. I love your show. Your one liners are great & funny & I just love how your castmates drive you crazy.
You do not look anywhere near 54. You look great in gray, and the gray does not make you look old at all. I believe you to be a great Daddy too!!! My Birthday falls on the 24 of January, right after yours.
I hope that we can become Pen Pals some day, for that would be great!!!
I wish you a Very Happy Birthday RDA, may it be a Great one!!!!! My love to your Daughter, she is soooo cute, just like her Daddy!!!!
Have a good one RDA & keep Rockin!!!!
God Bless,
Northeast PA
Dear Richard,
I wish you a very happy birthday with your family and lots of fun! I'm a huge fan of you and your show, please make some more seasons of Stargate! We love what you do! *smile* I hope you will visit Germany one time! Greetings to your sweet little daugther and enjoy your birthday!!!
Best wishes,

Click the image to view our video "Wylie's Lullaby"
We just wanted to wish you a "Happy Birthday!" and we hope that your special day is filled with lots of fun, love and laughter. We also hope that you and Wylie enjoy your video as much as we enjoyed making it for you.
And remember, "We NEVER get older -- we just get Chronologically Challenged."
Best Wishes,
Kim - Florida
Mark - Ohio
I want to wish you peace, security, and affection. I was born in northwest Iowa and in January, also. I live in New Mexico now.
Sally Pedersen
New Mexico
Hi Mr. Anderson!
I wish you a nice birthday and many presents. *grins* I hope you have a good day. Many greetings to your family.
Bye bye,
Eitorf, Germany
I wish you a very nice birthday. You are so "génial" as we say in France!! Thanks for your autograph.
Happy Birthday! I wish you good luck in your life and health!! I hope you have a very nice life with your daughter! I hope you find the right woman for you!
Dear Richard
We wish you a very happy birthday and lots of presents! Enjoy your birthday with your family, 'cause L.T.S. Best wishes from all the fans of the German page!!!
Aloha RDA!
How's it going? I just wanted to say "happy birthday" and I wish ya a happy new year of your life.
My nickname for all the Stargate Fan stuff is "GreatestSTARGATEFanOnThisPlanet", you probably didn't hear of it.
Hope to see ya on some of the several Stargate Con's all around the world (e.g. in Germany)...
Bye bye,
Julian himself
Dear Richard Dean Anderson, Happy Birthday!
I heard of your birthday on 23.1.2004. I wish you good luck for the rest of your life. Happy Birthday. (Maybe you can send me an autogramm.)
I'm a Big fan of Stargate, and of you. I have a fan page of Stargate, this URL is You can look at this site when you have time, and write a text in the Forum.
Sascha Schnieders
Dear Rick
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rick, happy birthday to you!!!!
We wish you a very nice birthday with all your friends and family! We hope you visit Germany. We love you and love what you do. Great greetings to your daughter, she's so sweet!! We hope we see you soon here in Germany...
Stefanie and Rebecca
Good Day Richard,
Happy Birthday and many more wonderful years of health, happiness, love and joy to you.
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you...
I wish you the very best for your life, family and much success.
Many greetings to Amanda, Chris, Don, Michael, Teryl.
Thanks, bye,
Sina and my sister Jessica
Hi Richard,
I wish you a Happy Birthday. Have a nice day with your family and friends. You're the best actor in the world. I love your humour.
Jack O'Neill is so funny.
I hope that you will play Colonel O'Neill for a long time and that I see you soon in Germany. I wish you the best.
PS: Don't pay attention to my spelling mistakes. My English isn't the best.
Near Mainz, Germany
Happy Birthday Richard!
I wish you a long long life and hope that we can count on you further. Greetings to your daughter and family.
With all my love,
The Netherlands
I wish you a Birthday to remember and a year filled with those things that give you joy.
I always enjoyed your shows, but did not know SG-1 until my mom from Germany came to visit and told me about it. Ever since I rarely miss an episode and try to tape as many as I can. Keep up the good work. I hope it will run for a long time
Christel Cammack
Originally from Germany, now living in Michigan
Dear Richard,
I hope you have a great birthday with family and friends.
I am loving Stargate SG-1 more and more with each passing year. I especially love the humor of Jack O'Neill. Thank goodness for the DVD's!
I wish you the best of luck, what ever the future may hold for you. I hope you find time for family and your environmental projects in additon to acting. Thanks for sharing your gift with us and for making me laugh all these years.
Health, Love and Happiness,
Shannon H.
Seattle, WA, USA
I just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and I hope your day is filled w/ family and love. I have enjoyed watching you through the years. You have been (and still are) a great role model and a great influence. Thank you so much. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!! ;o)
With love,
April Penner
Hey Richard, Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the years of happiness you've given us, your fans. Hope you have many years of happiness with Wylie. Do something special for yourself on this special day.
Chicago, USA
Hi Rick,
Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. Hope your day is filled with joy, and the year that follows. Have a great day.
Susan Watts
Drayton, North Dakota
My friends and I always enjoyed your shows very much.
We all want to wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Dear Richard,
It's been a while... but I still enjoy watching everything you do. You make me smile when I need it most... continue to do so.
May this day and all that follow be filled with happiness and joy for you and those you LOVE.....
Your friend and fan,
Karen Sue
Columbus, GA

Dear Richard,
I wish you have a great birthday with your family and friends. I'm always enjoying STARGATE SG-1. I loved MacGyver, too. You're the best actor in the world. It'll start season 6 of SG-1 in January, 2004 in Japan. I'm looking forward to watching the new one.
Health, Love and Happiness!
Dear Richard,
I wish you all the best for your birthday. I've been a fan of yours since ages and still love everything you do.
Frankfurt, Germany
To Mr. Richard Dean Anderson,
Yet another year of great entertainment both past and present from yours truly has been broadcast on our TVs to delight and enlighten all of your fans. Thank you so much for the fun, laughter and captivation that you give in your everyday entertaining life. I hope that you have a fun and fulfilling birthday. Never a man deserves one as much as you.
Happy Birthday,
Tina XXX

Click the image to view our video "The Magpie River"
May there always be
rainbows in the spray
off your bow...
Happiness & Health
Happy Birthday Rick!
Wishing you all the very best for the coming year. I hope it will be full of joy for you and Wylie. Thank you for committing to season 8 of SG-1 when you would prefer to spend more time with your daughter. Even though you do not feature so prominently, your character still 'makes' the show.
Nassau, Bahamas
Dear Richard,
Happy birthday!!!! I hope that your next year will be as great as your this and past years.....
Happy Birthday sweetheart! Thanks soooo much for signing on for yet another wonderful year at SGC. We fans appreciate it... more than you know. We also realize the personal sacrifice you are making to do this... so thank you, and a big thank you to Wylie for sharing you with us. Have a wonderful day with Wylie and above all... smile, you have a beautiful one that lights up the world around you.
Take care,
Lorie Wylie Go Bobcats!!!!!
Hocking County, Ohio, USA
Happy Birthday Rick,
I want to wish you many happy returns for your day and hope that you Wylie get the bestest day that you both deserve.
Rachel Wright
Plymouth, United Kingdom, England
Hi dear Richard,
I can't believe you're going to read this message! I am so excited about that!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I am a big fan of everything you do. I have watched every chapter of MacGyver!! And I also enjoy watching them...
I have a little section about you in my website, you are my hero...
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hi Rick,
I want to wish you a happy birthday
and I hope that you keep up the good work that you do.
Lots of love,
The Netherlands
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a most wonderful B-Day.
I hope you get to spend lots of time with Wylie.
Have a wonderful day.
Springfield, MO
I have followed your career since you were on General Hospital. I love MacGyver and Stargate SG-1 and have EVERY episode on tape. Also, you have a beautiful daughter. Keep up the great work. HAVE A WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY.
Cyndi Patrick
Frankfort, Kentucky

Click the image to view the video "It's Your Day"
Happy Birthday Rick!
I hope you have a great, fun-filled day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a wondeful day and spend it with your beautiful little girl. Sending you a HUGE chocolate cake... (Not a real one, sorry, but ya know, it would get all squished and messy...!)
You're the best, and I love ya lots!
Hugs and smiles and respect,
Jackie XXX
Suffolk, England
May God continue to Bless you and your daughter on your birthday and everyday. I celebrate my day 3 days later.
Every day is a gift and an honor. Live, love, & embrace life.
May you have many happy days and much love throughout.
Pat Houser
Smyrna, Tennessee
Hi Rick,
Happy birthday to you, hope it is a good one, and that you celebrate it with Wylie, as I know she is your best friend. Thanks so much for all that you have given up to please us fans, hope it has not cost you too dearly. You are just the best.
Love you lots,
Oxford, United Kingdom
Happy Birthday, Richard. I hope you enjoy your special day. You have had a great career. Good luck with with all of your future professional and personal endeavors. I hope Wylie is well.
New Jersey by birth, California is where I live now
Hi Ricky!
I'm a great fan for 16 years and now is the first time that I can say Happy Birthday to you! I wish you a wonderful day with your family and have fun. All the good things like health, love, peace and fun! I hope we can see you for many, many years more in the TV and perhaps in the cinema. I love you and I wish you all the best for your future and with your family. Greetings to Apryl and Wylie Quinn Annarose (she is so cute).
Love and hugs from a very big fan from Germany,
Yvonne Hueninger
Hi Richard,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday. Have a nice day with your family and friends. I love your sense of humour. Jack O'Neill is so funny. I hope that you will play Colonel O'Neill for a long time. I also like to see you in many other films I see from you. I wish you the best for the new year in your life.
PS: Please excuse my faulty English.
Christel Schäfer
Hanau - Wolfgang
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson! How old are you?? 54 years old?? Ouua! You're old! My father is 42 years old! Well I am 13 years old at November 12.
I'm French, I live near Versailles. Do you know Versailles? My name is Marion. Why do you name of Wylie for your daughter?? Me, it's for my father loves Indiana Jones, the first. And in movies the girlfriend of Indiana is Marion! And I think in the third Indiana Jones the girlfriend of Indiana is Wylie!!!
Well excuse me for my English. But I'm very young. I don't speak English very well...
Hi Mr. Anderson,
Hope you have a wonderful birthday and all the best to you and yours for the future.
Glad you're back for season 8, by the way!
Olive Cohen
County Cork, Ireland

Roy & Rose-marie Trowell
Ontario, Canada
Hiya Rick!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday... you sure deserve the best of days. Hope Wylie helps you celebrate BIG TIME and keeps you on your toes.
(I celebrated my 50th b'day on Jan 22nd so am now a fully fledged member of the 50's Club.
Thanks for all the wonderful entertainment you have given and continue to give... you know how much you are loved and respected by all your loyal fans.
Thanks Rick... have a fantastic day
Love ya,
Carol xxxxxx

Hi, Richard! I'm a big fan of yours and I wanted to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Keep up the good work.
Cynthia Detrick
Ames, OK
Hello. Wow, you are one of the best actors out there. My best wishes for you. You rock!!!! I wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more to come!!!!! Good luck.
RDA fan
Happy Birthday Richard~~
You are my best
I wish......
All good fortune to you!!!
You will be Happy Always....
South Korea
I want to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Have a very special day celebrating your birthday and all that God has given you. I pray that God will bless you with wisdom as you raise and spend precious time with your daughter - what a wonderful gift our children are.
I want to let you know that I really enjoy Stargate SG-1. It is a wonderful program to come home to after work and relax. (And you help us laugh, too.) I am anxiously waiting for the rest of the seventh season to be aired. I am also looking forward to the fifth season DVDs to come out. Thank you for entertaining us.
ik wis niet jij jarig was
Hi, Richard,
I wish you a very happy birthday. Enjoy your life and the time you spend with your beautiful daughter. I adore you for the preferences you have in your life. Not many actors would take family on first place, even if they have the ability to do so. So share as much time with her, you could spend! There is nothing better in life than to spend your time with the one you love!
I wish you all good luck, lots of cakes,
and a happy and loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnng life!
Best wishes,
van harte en veel liefs richard
van harte met je verjaardag
Hannie B.
Happy Birthday Richard.
Hope you have a great day.
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Richard,
Happy birthday to you.
Hi there,
I want to wish you a happy 54th birthday and of course a lot of presents. Have a nice day and please enjoy being older and of course your wonderful daughter Wylie! Then we will stay to enjoy your acting!
Have a nice day.
Your Stargazer Linde
The Netherlands
Happy Birthday!
Kevin Bouwens
Den Helder, Nederlands

Click the image to enlarge.
Happy Birthday, Richard!
May this year, and every one from here on out, bring you all the happiness, love and peace that you so richly deserve.
My very best wishes and love,
Hey, Richard!
I'm a 17 year old girl from Estonia.
Happy Birthday to You!!! Palju õnne süünnipäevaks! You are the best actor ever! It feels like I know so much about you. Hmm... take the best from this day and the next... and so on.
Hope you get this message...
Take care and I wish all the best to you... and here's a big birthday hug. So... maybe I'll see you someday.
...'til then...
Happy Birthday! I'm not gonna tell you to be the way you have been so far... just be the way you want! Be yourself!!! Take everything you can from the world, from life!
Thinking of ya!
Happy birthday from GREECE, Rick!!!
Just wanted to say a quick Happy Birthday to my favourite TV star of all time! I'm the youngest of three sisters and growing up watching you in MacGyver has totally changed our outlook on life!!!! You made us think more laterally and try and make up new ways of doing things!!!! Seriously, you don't know how much you have affected our lives!
All the best for the coming years and hope to see you down under soon!!!
Penelope Cleghorn
May the Happy Birthday Bird of Paradise lay a good one for you.
We wish you joy and happiness and success in your good deeds. A Happy Birthday from the heart: 'Sirsni'gi Sveicam Dzims'anas Diena'!'
A very happy birthday to you! I've been a fan of yours for 16 years, and I think you are gorgeous! I hope you have a wonderful year!
Eileen Bligh-Wall
England, UK
Happy Birthday, Rick!!!
Best wishes for you and your family.
You're older, you're better.
Dortmund, Germany
Hallo Du bist ja nicht so sehr viel älter als ich ...also bleib ich mal beim Du. Ich finde Dich in den Filmen, die ich bisher sah immer sehr gut. Sehr inspiriert hat mich die Serie "MacGyver" und natürlich bin ich ein Riesen Stargatfan. Weiter so. Du kannst noch viele schöne Filme machen.
Hi Rick,
Happy Birthday!
Hope you and Wylie have a great day together.
Love Ya,
Denise Marsden
Richard, I'm your great fan from Hungary. I wish you a wonderful birthday full with love, joy and happiness. Thank you for being who you are.
I write you my greetings in Hungarian too - I hope you can understand.
Forever yours,
Budapest, Hungary
Hi Rick!
Happy Birthday to You!!!! I hope you're having a great day. Thank you for wanting a Season 8 of Stargate SG-1. You are really such a great actor, really. Can't you come to Germany once? Here are so many fans who would really like to meet you once and not every student has the money to come to Vancouver and try to meet you there. It would be so nice. Okay, then again happy birthday and say hello to Wylie from me.
Love ya,
Near Cologne, Germany
Have a great birthday. I know you have family commitments but keep up the good work on SG-1. I don't know what I would do without my regular fix of Colonel Jack. In fact, I named my latest Boxer puppy after the Colonel. He seems to have his sense of humour but unfortunately, does not look as good and try as I might, I cannot get him to wear a uniform (his paws keep getting caught in the buttons and belt straps!)
Carnforth, Lancashire, England
Happy Birthday!! I hope that you have a wonderful b-day with lots of family and friends. You look great and do not look a day over 25. Also, please know that I love your work and I wish you continued success in the future. I'll miss seeing you every week.
Thank You,
New Jersey

Happy Birthday Rick,
You have been a fantastic character actor in shows that I have loved during my viewing life (starting with MacGyver through to my favourite - Stargate). The humour and fun that you portray make the audience enjoy each moment with you.
It was a blast for me to find out that you are an Aussie Shepherd owner - I breed them here in Australia and have named one of my litters after Season One Stargate episodes!
Enjoy your birthday, spend a great day with your family and friends!
Crib Point, Victoria, Australia
Hi Rick. Another big fan here. I heard that the creators of MacGyver were thinking about doing another series and that you turned down the part they offered you. I understand why but your fans all over the world are crying over that! I was wondering what might be next for you as an actor? Oh yeah. Those of us who know about your singing career would like to hear you sing and play the guitar, too. Any chance of that any time soon? Wishing you and yours a great birthday and many happy returns. Love ya lots. So long. Can you tell I'm reluctant to quit? See ya.

Hi Rick,
I want to wish you a very good birthday. May this day be very special for you with friends and family. Stargate is the best series I have ever seen. And you are the best actor and an attractive man with a beautiful smile. I wish you all the best.
The Netherlands
Many happy returns from Diane and Emma Walker. Emma is 2 years old (is she your youngest fan I wonder?!) and insists on watching Stargate with me. She knows all the main characters but Jack O Neill is her favourite. I have an SG-1 screensaver on the PC which she loves saying hello to and pointing out "there's Jack O' Neill". Anyway I'm babbling, hope you have a great day.
Tons of luv and laughter,
Diane and Emma
Happy Birthday Richard! I wish you and your family only the best in your life. I am your great fan and I think you are a great actor. God Bless you.
Bueno pensaba poner el mensaje en ingles ¡Pero q porras!. Soy española y lo hago en mi idioma espero q lo leas y lo entiendas
, Bueno creo q antes de felicitarte por tu cumpleaños debo de felicitarte por las proximas, Navidades,espero que lo pases muy bien sobre todo con tu hija, q por cierto debe de estar muy grande ya ademas de muy linda
, EL 29 OF 12
Maria (Hathor and Anis)
Seville, Spain
Warmest birthday wishes for a great day and many, many more years to come. I appreciate your work very much and am very thankful you agreed to a Season 8 of Stargate SG-1. Take care and stay safe.
Dear Rick,
Just wanted to jot down a quick note to say I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and I hope you are able to spend it with your beautiful little girl.
And if you're ever in the vicinity of New Zealand, you should check it out - I'm sure (considering your interests in the environment and all things outdoors) you'd love the place - of course I'm biased... but hey...
Anyway, have a wonderful day, and thanks for all the wonderful work you do on Stargate SG-1, MacGyver, and your other works. You're an inspiration, and great role model... oh and you're totally gorgeous too!
Beth Manning
New Zealand
54 and still the sexiest man to walk through that Gate!
I'll miss Jack a LOT when he's gone - please give him a happy ending...pleeeeease!
I hope you have a really wonderful birthday!
Love and kisses....xxxxxxxx
Margie Ferguson
Dear Richard,
I am sending this greeting to wish you a Happy 54th Birthday! I have been writing letters to you asking you to call me. Please consider doing this because I really need to speak to you!!!!! You can also send me an e-mail, but I would also like you to call me!!!!! Please do Richard! I love MacGyver and watch it when I can. I also love Stargate SG-1 and your character Col. Jack O'Neill. I watch it just about all the times it's on! I love you very much!!!!!! I really do!!!!
Sheila Pepe
Tinley Park, IL, USA
Hope you have a happy birthday and a great year
or a great birthday and a happy year!
Hi Rick,
Just to wish you a very Happy Birthday and hope you have a great time with your family and friends. Here's to the future, may it hold many memorable events as you and Wylie grow together as you journey through life.
Good luck Rick in all that you may do, and thank you for being a part of our lives as you come into our homes through the magic of TV...
Take care,
Happy Birthday Rick!!!! I can't believe it's your birthday again, though that is good because it means mine is up in a matter of days too! Well, I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed watching you on TV. Your characters are always a breath of fresh air. Your humor and humanity is awesome and is the envy of more than a few. Hope your birthday is full of memories, and have a great time with Wylie! Thank you from the bottom of MY heart!!
Love and Wishes,
Dear Richard,
Since 7 years I'm a very big fan of you. Now I'm 15 years old and I want to wish you a very great birthday and a lot of nice presents. So all the best to your 54th birthday on January 23rd, 04.
Sometimes I'm very sad because my biggest dream is to meet you one day but I think it will never happen. I would be very lucky if you should write to me. I don't think you answer to my letter but I were very lucky about it and I hope it very much. If you should do this I will thank you for all my life.
Happy Birthday to you Rick. I hope you have a nice day. You are the sexiest men on the world. I love you so much. Say hello to your daughter Wylie. Hope to see you once in Germany.
Oldenburg, Germany
Seeing you on Stargate SG-1 every night is about as close as I'll ever get, but you and I love animals, log cabins, and the great sport of racing cars. We have a lot in common, single and happy I guess... HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Let's go horseback riding with our dogs!
Barbara Booth
Silver Spring, Maryland
Just a few words to wish you a very happy birthday. Enjoy your daughter as they grow up so quickly. Remember you are in the fantastic fifties now. Have a great day and many more in the future.
Katherine Hogg
Chelmsford, England
Hi Rick,
Happy Birthday! I love you so much. Thanks for being on Earth. Say hello to your daughter Wylie.
Best wishes,
Helena, Montana
So you're turning 54,
and still as handsome as ever.
You're a wonderful actor,
with a smile to die for.
May your year bring you as much joy,
as you've brought to others.
Happy Birthday Mr. Anderson. I hope you have a super birthday. I really enjoy your shows MacGyver and Stargate SG-1. Thank you for the enjoyment. I am also proud of my fellow Minnesotan. You have made us proud. Good luck in everything you do.
Best Wishes Always,
Debby Leon
Happy Birthday, Rick
I'm Ay-ru Yang, your big fan who lives in Taiwan. Do you remember some of Taiwan's fans who sent you and your family some Chinese jades? I'm one of them. And after that, I sent you Yo-yo Ma's CD as your birthday present. You may don't remember me but I still wanna say thank you.
I'm glad to write something to you with your fans on this website, because you helped me so much, and I just had no chance to say thanks to you. MacGyver affected me so much. He let me know, "Never give up," and this is what supported me. The idea and work of the environmental protection, I'll keep doing and trying to affect the people around me to do the same thing too. There are so many influences. He is just like my life's teacher, he keeps leading me to the right way. I believe there are many people around the world who would follow the lead of MacGyver just like me. It's a pity, I don't have MacGyver's episodes collected edition to make his effects keep going forward.
Anyway, I want to say happy birthday to you and wish your whole family happiness.
Your big fan,
Ay-ru Yang
Happy Birthday Mr. Anderson! Best wishes and love to you and your family! Thanks for sharing your special talent and sense of humor with us.
Good Luck!
Iveta Kalinová and my Daughter Sofia
Praha, Czech Republic
Happy Birthday! My birthday is in the early months as well.
Mandy Richards
Harrisburg, NC
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mr. Anderson. Thank you for your skillful portrayal of the resolute, intrepid, peerless, and always "open-minded" Jack O'Neill (with 2 L's). You have made him even more endearing by showing us his (your) humorous side. I am hoping to see many more appearances by Col. O'Neill in Stargate SG-1. The creators of the show were very wise in seeking you out to play the part! May your 54th birthday add to your "JOIE DE VIVRE"!
Nancy See
Northern PA
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Happy Birthday to you. You have always been my hero and always will be. Will miss you when SG season 8 is over. Don't disappear forever. Enjoy your day and your daughter.
With Love
Shirley Smith
Long Island, N.Y.
Happy Birthday Rick! My birthday is in January too!! May you and your family have the greatest Birthday ever. May you have a Skiing good time!! You're The Greatest Actor of all time!! Keep up the good work!!
Houston, TX
I hope that you have a great birthday and get to spend that wonderful day with your loved ones. May God give you many more wonderful birthdays. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Rick, Happy Birthday to you.
Trisha Steere
Palmdale, CA
Hi Mr. Anderson,
I wish you a very nice birthday. Enjoy the day and send many greetings from me to the Stargate crew, yes?! My sister and I are looking forward to the next new episodes. Bye bye.
Your big fan,
Dear Mr. Anderson...
I wish you a happy happy birthday and a healthy new year in your life. And never, NEVER give up your sarcasm!
I hope I'm allowed to call you Rick!?!
I wish you "alles gute zum Geburtstag"!
I hope you enjoy this day and celebate it with your family.
You did a great work in the past (with MacGyver for example) and you do it with Stargate too. And I hope all your fans can see you many years longer, do such a great work like now!!! All I can say is: You do your best.
Bavaria, Germany
Hi Richard.
I struggled long and hard to find just what I wanted to say and now I think I finally have it, so here we go:
I want you to know how amazing you are.
I want you to know how much you're treasured and celebrated and quietly thanked.
I want you to feel really good....about who you are
About all the great things that you do!
I want you to appreciate your uniqueness.
Acknowledge your talents and abilities.
Realize what a beautiful soul you have.
Understand the wonder within.
You make so much sun shine through, and you inspire so much joy in the lives of everyone who is lucky enough to know you.
You are a very special person, giving so many people a reason to smile. You deserve to receive the best in return, and one of my heart's favorite hopes is that the happiness you give away will come back to warm you each and every day of your life.
Thanks for all the smiles you've given me.
I hope you have a wonderful day - today and everyday.
I wish you love, peace and happiness - always.
Deryn Corner xxx
Manchester, England
Dearest Richard.
Sending you the dearest birthday wishes my heart contains.
May you have a fantastic day with your family and friends. I hope your life continues to be filled with love, joy and happiness.
As much as I want to see more of you on my screen, in roles we all love you in, your daughter is a very lucky girl to have you as her daddy, a daddy prepared to share so much time and love on her and the world she is growing up in.
Many, many happy returns, Richard.
With love,
New Zealand - aka Middle Earth
Happy Birthday to a swell guy. (They said "swell" a lot back in your day, didn't they?) I hope you enjoy your 54th birthday and have a great start on your 55th year, and remember, you're not losing your youth, you're gaining arthritis, rheumatism, forgetfulness...
Janice Ann
San Francisco, originally
Bonjour Richard,
Il existe en France un coin de paradis. C'est là que poussent l'olivier, le thym, le romarin, la lavande... Ce coin s'apelle: LA PROVENCE.
C'est de là que je vous écris pour vous souhaiter un très bon anniversaire: bonheur, santé et.... succès.
J'espère que le Colonel O'NEILL (avec 2L) ne prendra pas encore sa retraite: il me manquerait.
Une de vos fans française,

São Paulo, Brasil
Happy Birthday! I was happy to see you on the Wayne Brady show recently, and I thank you for being a part of one of my favorite shows, Stargate SG-1. For my sake, I hope Stargate lasts forever, but as we're not Goa'uld, I realize that's impossible. So, instead I'll say I hope the show continues for as long as it's meant to, and I thank you for all the work you've put towards this wonderful show. Fridays aren't the same since it's been on hiatus.
Lola Strickland
Jacksonville, Florida
Dear Richard,
We would like to wish you a very happy birthday and a wonderful, fun-filled year. My daughter, Rachel, has the same birthday as you. (She will be 9 on Jan. 23.) When she found out, she became your second biggest fan (behind me of course!). We are big Stargate fans and are so happy that you will be doing an 8th season. The best to you and your daughter. Please keep supplying us with that great smile of yours and your sense of humor for many years to come.
Sherry and Rachel Sims
Somerset, Ohio
Happy Birthday from Poland.
Best wishes!!!
I love you as Colonel O'Neill!
Hi Rick,
I wish you the very happiest birthday ever. I wish I could give you a birthday kiss in person but not gonna happen so here is my best to you. XOXOXOXOXOX.
I can only say WOW, AWESOME, VERY SPECIAL to express how I feel about you and the kind of man I think you are. I admire you for all you have done for others. Wylie is the luckiest young person to have a dad like you.
Maybe one day you can play a charity game of hockey (in Michigan) with the Celebrity All star Hockey team for Autism.
My Best to you and yours. Take Care.
Karen Alexander
Albion, MI
Hello Mr. Richard Dean Anderson,
I want to wish you a happy, happy, happy birthday. I like you soooooo much. You are my HERO! Thank you for everything. My dream should be to meet you, perhaps one day... You are a very great actor so please please keep going. I hope that your dreams are real! Best wishes for you and your family.
PS: Please give me an answer of my letter from the 01.02.03.
Senta Sincerdad
May the Lord bless you on your special day, keep you safe and grant you many more happy birthdays.
Nancy Jay
Nashville, Tennessee

Iona and Mika
The Netherlands and Finland
Happy Birthday. You have been my fantasy since Jeff Weber.
Love and Happiness to you always,
Lynda Valentine
Clifton, NJ
Best wishes for a wonderful birthday and a year full of fun, friendship, good health, and success. Thank you for the joy you bring to many, many people.
Big hugs!
Reston, VA
I like you so much.
Happy birthday!
I have been a HUGE fan since your "General Hospital" and "MacGyver" days. Never missed a show... even the re-runs. And I have enjoyed you more and more over the years. Wishing you a wonderfully happy birthday, and hoping for more success as the year progresses. And I can honestly say... you are most definitely getting better with age.
Sandi Newby
St. Charles, Missouri
Happy Birthday Richard.
Hope you have a great day celebrating with all your friends and family.
Just remember to take each day as it comes, and never regret a thing.
Remember Love Survives Eternity
Love & hugs,
Claire Yapp xxxxxxxxxxx
Oxford, UK
Happy Birthday!
I absolutely love Stargate and love Jack - thanks for bringing such a great character to our screens. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy 54th Birthday, Richard! As a fan since MacGyver you just keep getting better looking with age. As far as I am concerned you don't look a day over 45. Thank you for all the years of enjoyment through your TV series and your TV movies. Being a father seems to agree with you and you are doing a great job with your daughter Wylie. Many more birthdays for you and please continue to be the great guy that you are.
North Carolina
Happy Birthday Richard!
I hope you have a great day!
Samantha Grutzner
Hi Ricky Dean!
Thanks so much for your work in protecting our environment, for the great one-liners delivered as Jack O'Neill (cracks me up), for the great messages in MacGyver, and for all of the work you've done that has kept us entertained.
I also want to thank you for going gray! I allowed my natural gray hair to show two years ago and I'm loving it. It's freeing!
You are truly an excellent actor. Best wishes for a very happy birthday, and great year to follow, and much love & hugs to you and Wylie.
Atlanta, GA
Dear Richard Dean,
Happy Happy Birthday to you! I love you more than words could ever say. God bless you and your family. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for all the wonderful projects you have done and are involved in.
Denise Marie
Denver, Colorado
Happy birthday!
MacGyver changed my life. Watching it everywhere in the world together with friends who loved it just as much, provided me with memories that will last a lifetime!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Anderson!
I'm 14 years old and a very big fan of you!
(Don't wonder, my English is bad!)
If you go to a Germanyfair - I'll be there!!
So, have a nice day!!!
Bavaria, Germany
Happy birthday from France, Rick!
Grenoble, France
Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
I wish you a great birthday!! Enjoy the day!
Don't forget that you are one of the best!
Tirol, Austria
Happy Birthday Richard!!
I hope you have a great day and a great party. I absolutely love Stargate (...and MacGyver) and I think you just keep getting better looking with age!
Happy Birthday Rick,
I would like to wish you health and happiness for the coming year. I'm so glad Stargate is running for another season. Love the show. Shame we can't share a birthday kiss as my birthday is 3 days after yours.
Take care.
Julie Rodbourne
Hertfordshire, England
Dear Richard,
I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and lots of presents! Enjoy your birthday with your family - best wishes from all the fans from Germany!!!
Dear Richard,
I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday, enjoy this day with all your family, friends and fans. You have the prettiest 54 years than I've ever seen!!
I'm from Spain, and I'm your fan since always and I always will be. Thanks for the great moments with "MacGyver", thanks for the moments with "Emerald Point", thanks for "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" and so many series. I hope you can read this message, you know you have a lot of fans in Spain. Kisses, and Merry Christmas too.
Just wanted to wish you the happiest of Birthdays on your special day. Not only have my husband and I been great fans of the roles you have played throughout the years, but we are also great fans of the work you have done ecologically and with children. Hope you have many more happy days!
Barb & Kap Warner
Chicago, Illinois
Dear Rick,
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy birthday. May your day be special and one of many more.
I also want to tell you how much I enjoy your performances, and please keep up with your good works.
Philadelphia, PA
Just want to wish you a Happy Birthday.
Hi Rick,
Have a really lovely birthday and I hope that you get everything you wish for. 54 years young and still sexier and handsome as ever. Truly hope that all your dreams come true, and have a lovely day with your family. Give Wylie a hug from me.
Love you with all my heart, always,
Jackie Heighway xxxxxxxxx
Manchester, England
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, and thanks for the many hours of enjoyment you have given us with your talent and your time. Enjoy your day with Wylie and family. Happy Happy Birthday Snookums!!!
With lots and lots of love,
God Bless,
May your day be wonderful spending it with those who love you. Cheers :)
As a fan who followed your MacGyver career, thank you. I'd only wish to have been able to see your GH work. If I was more of a science fiction fan, I'd probably be a fan of SG-1 as well. I loved your interview on Jay Leno a while back. A very nice surprise to see you doing commercials too. I appreciate the postcard that was sent, not really knowing if I would get a response. I too ride motorcycles as well, maybe one of your charity rides will pass my way. That picture of you with your infant daughter was so beautiful I cried, how precious. Thanks again for sharing your craft with the world and representing the Midwest.
Take care and best wishes,
Cathy Carr
Marengo, IL
Dear Richard Dean Anderson!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Dear Ricky!
Happy Birthday to you!
I'm a big Stargate and MacGyver fan and I hope you'll play Colonel O'Neill as long as you can. You are a great actor, especially in Stargate! I wish you and your little family all the best.
PS. My English is not very well, I hope you understand what I've written!
Yours, Melanie!
Have a really lovely birthday Rick. Many, many years I enjoy your performances and I want to say - great job. Thanks!!!
Czech Republic

Happy Birthday Rick :-)
You really are an inspiration ...
your enthusiasm for life is just infectious ...
the world is truly a better place by having you in it!
Keep up the great work with the environmental projects
that have captured your imagination and heart ...
and of course Stargate!
May all your dreams and aspirations for the coming year come true!
Stay happy ...
Happy Birthday Rick and have great fun. Stay like you are charming and a great family guy.
Thank you for entertaining us and for gracing us with your presence - here's hoping for many more years to come.
Many happy returns - I hope you spend the day with those you love, sharing smiles and laughter.
Growing up is mandatory; growing old is optional...
Keep up the great work and have an awesome birthday!
Hannah, 13
I wanted to do something for you on your Birthday that would make you happy, but I couldn't figure out exactly what.
Nothing I could come up with seemed special enough for a wonderful person like you. A couple of times of times I thought I'd found the answer but then I'd think NO, not good enough for such a terrific man.
I became obsessed. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't eat. My work began to suffer as I fell into a deep depression. I started to become PARANoid. Whenever I'd hear people laugh, I thought they were laughing at my failure to do something nice for one of my favorite people on his Birthday. FiNaLLy I had a complete mental breakdown. I had to be institutioNalized.
I sure hope you're happy now, you've ruined MY liFE.
(Oh, yeah! Have a Happy Birthday!)
bEsT wisHEs, TiffanY
D.C. area
Richard Dean Anderson,
Happy Birthday!!!! Another year and still as good-looking as ever and, I know, don't remind you. Hope you have a great year and stay young in heart and spirit. Have fun with your daughter.
Your fan,
Mindy Lynott
Happy Birthday Richard.
Hope you have a great day and a great year.
Happy Birthday Richard!
How do you plan to spend it? I just wanted to let you know that I think you're incredible. I am planning a trip to Canada next summer and would love to visit Stargate studios - any chance??
Deborah Casey
Dublin, Ireland
Hi Richard,
I wish you a great and very happy birthday. Enjoy the day with the people you love.
I really love your work and hope that you keep on acting for many years to come.
Best wishes to you and your little family,
Janina (20)
Dear Rick,
54 never looked so good to me! I bet my 29 would look good next to your 54..... Happy Birthday and remember to enjoy each day. The most wonderful gift you have received is your daughter, hold her and love her. Lots of love and other wonderful ideas...
Je t'aime...
Dear Richard,
Happy Birthday and all the best for the future!
With much love,
Scotland, UK
My very best wishes for a happy and healthy 54th birthday!
May God bless and protect you all the days of your life, Amen.
With great respect and admiration,
Anne DeGeorge
Cathedral City, CA
Dal profondo del mio cuore, auguri!
Antonella "Nell"
Just like to say thanks after all these years for the delight you have given many people of all ages. A special thank you from me for granting me a telephone interview back in 1988. It was a pleasure to talk to you. I would like to say sorry for the magazine that published it for not giving front page coverage when they said they would. Hope you and your family have a great time on your birthday. Keep up the good work.
All the best,
Lyn Mobbs (formally Johns)
New Zealand
Hello from Cincinnati!
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, and may God hold you in the hollow of His hands.
Best wishes for continued health and happiness.
ca in cincy
Ich wünsche Dir alles gute zum geburtstag bleib wie du bist.
Hamburg, Deutschland
Dear Rick, I think your work in STARGATE is very very good. I hope you make a lot of episodes of STARGATE SG-1?! Happy Birthday, Rick!
Andi (14)
Happy Birthday!
Claire & Fliss
Liverpool, England
Hi Rick,
Happy birthday for 2004. Best wishes to you and Wylie. Just wanted to say you are a very kind and caring person helping the children in LA and caring for the environment. Best wishes for the future!
Hi, Richard Dean Anderson.
I'm 15 and you are 54. It's a big difference but I don't care. For me you are the greatest and you will always be. Go on like this. You're my favorite actor 'cause the way you act no one can. You act the stars of the sky but who needs stars if you are a shining star. So shining that you can give the whole world your light. Who cares? I don't 'cause you are the best!
Celebrate your birthday and keep on acting like you never did.
I start watching MacGyver the last season or the one before the last and they repeat it in Belgium for 4 or 5 times and every time I watched. Now it's my favorite series. It's for you I watch Stargate SG-1 'cause I hate science-fiction, it sucks big time but thanks to you I learned to appreciate it. So thank you for everything and I hope you never stop acting.
Merry Christmas, a Happy New Year, and a Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Richard,
Hope that next year is full of joyous moments. You have inspired so many people in a positive way with the roles you have portrayed. People forget that you are acting and think of you as the character you're playing. What greater compliment can there be for an actor? God Bless.
Buffalo, NY
A Very Happy Birthday and a wonderful year to a great guy, named Richard Dean Anderson. I really enjoy any show you appear on. I am a Grandmother of 6 grandchildren, and my husband and I have temporary custody of a 4-year old named Alison. So, I know what a joy Wylie is to you. Enjoy your special day with her, and your other friends and family.
I enjoy watching you everyday as MacGyver and Col. Jack O'Neill.
Happy 54th!
Levittown, NY
Happy Birthday, Richard!
You are the best actor, I hope you keep acting. I hope and I swear I will meet you 1 day. It is a promise I made to myself when I was young, to tell you how you helped me in my life.
Good holiday for you and Wylie Quinn!
Bye bye,
Dear Richard,
By the actions of your characters (MacGyver and O'Neill) I have learned not to judge people before I get to know them. I also learned not to quit when things get rough, to find a solution and work problems out. From you I learned that I can make a difference to the environment. Through recycling and buying environmental friendly products I can help protect this planet. I read somewhere that you said your job was to entertain people. You do more than that. Through your actions and charactors you are a teacher.
Best wishes for the future,
Happy Birthday,
Dover, Delaware
Happy Birthday Rick and thanks for MacGyver and Stargate. I really admire your enthusiasm and stamina about your job because I am the same age like you and know what is arthritis and rheumatism
(No, it was only joke, I guess you must be in real life as fit as a fiddle, or not?) And anything else - I like your sense of humor (very clever humor). It is rare in this days in show business. Thanks!
Czech Republic
What can I say that has not been said in countless other messages? I watch you because of your characters and of course the way you present yourself on screen. MacGyver and O'Neill are two different characters, but both with the same heart - it shows through you. And now my daughter, who is almost 3, is beginning to enjoy your work. I wish you all the happiness on your birthday. Keep smiling and of course, love that precious girl of yours to your fullest.
Klarissa Hendrix
Couer d Alene, Idaho, USA
Hi Rick,
My MacGyver. Happy birthday. I wish you the best. I want you to know that after 18 years I continue being faithful even in my dreams.
Be great as always. God bless you.
With love,
Claudia Barrón
Monterrey, N.L. México
Dear Rick,
I've been a huge fan of yours for almost all my life. It may sound exaggerated, but you are one of the very few persons that have made such a big impact on my life.
I'm sending all my best wishes to you. May the following years be full of health and happiness for you, your family and your beloved ones.
Lots of love,
Thessaloniki, Greece
To Mr. Anderson,
A happy note to wish you a joyous Birthday. For as much joy as you have given the world may it be given back to you ten fold. Happiest of Birthdays.
A devoted watcher for 18 years,
Long Island, NY
Happy Birthday Richard. You are doing a great job. God bless.
Hermiston, OR
Dear Rick,
Your acting is uniquely "cool". I enjoy watching your ability to be silly or serious, and anywhere in between. Thank you for sharing this talent with us, your fans.
Peace, love, and happiness always, is my birthday wish to you.
Lebanon, MO
Dear Richard,
Happy birthday! Thank you for bringing the adorable MacGyver and the even more adorable Jack O'Neill to life; having been around almost as long as you have, I can safely say that even though it would appear to be an impossibility, you have most definitely improved with age!
May your birthday on January 23, 2004 be filled with fun, love, and laughter, and I hope you'll continue to brighten our lives with your presence both onscreen and in real life.
PS Seeing as you're the Executive Producer of Stargate SG-1, would you PLEASE let the writers put us all out of Jack and Sam's misery?
With love,
Lesley (aka WessyJGF)
Adelaide, Australia
Dearest Richard,
I'd like to express my deepest and humblest wishes for you on your birthday. You have brought so much joy and entertainment to us all. Thank you for being a role model and wonderful actor. May you have the Happiest of birthdays! Love to Wylie!
Humbly Yours,
Kara (AkA: Gate_GrlSG1)
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Happy Birthday to you! Makes me wonder - How a man can get so **** goodlooking with age. Women just get old! But, with you, it only serves to make you handsome as ever and gives you an air of distinction. My hat's off to you on your special day!
p.s. You've been a fav since the MacGyver days.
Always a fan,
Jenn West
South Carolina
Hello Rick,
I'm such a big fan! I just want to send greetings your way and wish you the best birthday in the new year. Thanks again for such great entertainment over the years, and hope there are many more to come... Hugs and Kisses to you and Wylie.
Hi Richard,
Best wishes for a very happy 54th birthday and may you enjoy many more! Keep up the good work on Stargate SG-1. How about visiting this part on the world some day? Promise you won't regret it. We have some awesome rivers!
God bless,
Durban, South Africa
Dear Richard,
I wish you all the best for your special day!!! Have a lot of fun and may all the people you love be around you to make this day unforgettable!!!
I've been watching MacGyver since I was a little child and I still love it! My heart beats just for MacGyver.
You're a very special person...thank God for you!!!
Keep doing your things!!!
Best wishes for Wylie!!!
Hugs and kisses,
Hope your birthday is a good one full of good friends and family. Remember that all good things and blessings come from God above.
Mrs. Terri Sims
Altanta, Georgia
54TH may GOD bless U n Ur family
Yenny and Yenty Muliawan
I just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday to you, and to many birthdays ahead... Hope you got everything that you always wanted for Christmas...
Treasure Island, Florida
Hallo Richard Dean Anderson
gefiseerd met je 54 jaardag
heel veel gelukkig met je verjaardag
maar je bent te oud geworden
Hannie en Kevin en Donny en Daisy
Happy birthday! Not many people have the opportunity to see how the things they do each day can touch others. The messages here and the donations folks make in your name provide a little feedback about how you enrich the lives of so many people through your craft and by your example. Thank you for being you!! I join the others in wishing you a most wonderful day! Keep walking in Love and Light!
Ottawa, Canada
Espero que não se importe de receber mensagens em português, é que meu inglês é básico, sofrível, na verdade. De qualquer forma, felicidades nesse dia mais que especial.
P.S.: Will you read this? I can't believe... but I want...
Rosane Dias de Alencar
Goiânia, Brasil
I join the thousands of others around the world that appreciate the artistic and humanitarian contributions that you have made and continue to make. May your birthday celebration be only the beginning of a year filled with good health, continuing success, happiness, and adventure........ Happy Birthday!
ik ben agneta ik wil je verjaardag heel goed
maken maar ik vindt je een lekker ding
Dear Richard,
I hope you have a great day, success in your personal life and in your career too. You deserve it!!! Once more, happy b-day!!!
Love Always,
Feliz Aniversário!!!!
Célia Regina Costa
Happy Birthday Rick,
Since I know you read these I wanted to take this chance to thank you for being such a great influence in my life. Whether on TV or in your personal life you have been a realistic role model for people to aspire to while never losing your modesty or focus on family commitment. I have found you to be a great actor, a fine humanitarian and the funniest person I've ever seen. It's because of you I've taken up acting and performing. I look forward to enjoying more of your work. Thanks Rick for making a difference in the world and in my life. Have a great year!
Mac "Mike" Jackson, 29 yrs
Scranton, PA, USA
Words on your Birthday card cannot express how much of a hero you are to me. I have been watching you since General Hospital and you are the only actor I have followed for a long time. The main reason of course is because I love your acting, you crack me up with your humor and I respect your work with the environment, being a humanitarian and the fact you are a great person.
Happy Birthday......
Lynn Gustafson
Dear Richard!
I wish you a wonderful, cheerful and of course a very "Happy Birthday"! You may thank your lucky star, that you can't hear my birthday-song for you, it sounds terrible! But I try it anyway.
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday - dear Richard - happy birthday to you!
Please stay on screen, you're such a great actor!
Bavaria, Germany
Dear Rick,
I wanted to say that you are such an inspiring actor. You show what can be accomplished with some hard work. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
New York
Happy Birthday!
Milano, Italy
Dear Richard,
I hope you have a very happy birthday and that life brings you very great joy in all you do. Thank you for all the joy and tears you have brought in to my life. It helps to know that nice people are out there somewhere.
(I know we all say it)
With love,

Marjorie Jaszcz
Garden City, Michigan
Happy Birthday Handsome!
New York
A BIRTHDAY LESSON - My dad took me to lunch for my 22nd birthday and asked how it felt to be that old.... I responded with, How about you dad you'll be 60 next month! He said - pretty good - if I wasn't 60 I'd be dead. He died the following week of a massive heart attack. I'm now 55...and happy to be any age. Happy birthday....and many more!
Lowella Fleet
Youngstown, Ohio
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Happy Birthday! I always think of you on 23 January and wish upon my favorite star that all of your wishes will come true. You have been my favorite actor since your debut on General Hospital as Jeff Webber. You were wickedly handsome then and even more so now. You are living proof that you only get better as you get older. I'm looking forward to the new season of SG-1. Your show is always on in my home (thank goodness for Sci-Fi).
Here's hoping you will have a fabulous birthday - please make sure you do something special for yourself. And, please know I'll be thinking of you on "your day."
Lynn Bolin Bottomley
Hello Rick,
Hope you have a fantastic birthday! Your acting has brought great joy to my life over the years. It is also heartwarming to see what a dedicated father you are to your beautiful daughter Wylie.
With much appreciation,
Jackie M.
Bear, Delaware
Hi Rick!
I'm sure you hear this a lot, but you are the most wonderful actor in the entire universe and I absolutely love you. OK anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Guess what? My birthday is the same day as yours, but I'll be 14. What are the chances of THAT?
Have a great birthday,
Roanoke, Virginia
I wanted to take this time to let you know how much of an impact you have had on my life. I have watched you since 1985. I have enjoyed watching you on MacGyver, Legend and on Stargate and have seen all your movies at least twice. I was sorry to hear that you are thinking about taking some time off. But we all need the time to spend with the kids. Anyway, hope you have a great 54th birthday and many more after that.
Keep up the good work and hope to see you for years on end. If you are ever in the Jacksonville, Florida area, look me up. I would love to meet you!!
Sheri Richards
Jacksonville, Florida
I want to wish the happiest birthday to you! I hope you enjoy your birthday. I want to meet you so bad. I am your biggest biggest fan. Please let that come true.
Have a Happy Birthday to come. May it bring fun! Enjoy!
Your fan,
Cher Richard,
Je vous souhaite un très bon anniversaire. Vous êtes quelqu'un que j'apprécie et respecte énormement. Soyez toujours heureux et continuez à nous apporter plein de bonheur!
Je me permet de vous embrasser et j'espère qu'il y aura quelqu'un pour traduire mon message mais j'ai préféré écrire en français pour que vous voyiez que vous avez des fans un peu partout.
Dear Rick,
I wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have a wonderfull day. Please don't stop playing Jack O'Neill. You've made me laugh when I was sad. The best wishes from Germany.
Was going to "sing" you the Casey Jones birthday song, but didn't know if you'd remember it or not... Hope you have a very Happy Birthday, spent with the ones most important to you.
Love the grey.
Fridley, Minnesota
Dear Mr. Anderson,
All the best for 2004 from Switzerland.
With love,
Ursula Ammon
Dear RDA,
Happy Birthday to you~
No matter if you can see this message,
We just let everyone knows...
You are still in our mind.
We are come from R.O.C, Taipei, Taiwan...
And thanks this web master, this's a great website...
R.O.C., Taipei
Dear RDA,
Make sure that when you celebrate your b-day (and have put little Wylie to bed ) that you have a serious good knees up and have the time of your life!
And please do not retire anytime soon - We need our RDA of RDA!
Happy Birthday and I wish you even better ones to come!
I hope this year brings you happiness. And you have good health. May God keep you safe and his face shine on you. And his grace to share.
Cullman, Alabama
I wish you a happy birthday.
I find MacGyver was better than Stargate.
I hope you play MacGyver again.
Steven (13)
Hi Rick,
I hope you are having a joyous birthday. You are number one in my book. I have been enjoying your work since the MacGyver days, and you still look good now as you did then. You definitely look totally awesome today. I also admire all of the charities that you do.
I hope that you will continue doing Stargate and other related projects in the future, cause a day without watching you on TV (idiot box) is torture. I do know that you have a priority of taking care of your daughter Wylie, which is a good thing, but think about the rest of us who go totaly nuts just seeing you on TV or anywhere they happen to spot you.
Well enjoy the ski season, and hockey season. Have a happy New Year and a great birthday with friends and family.
Christl Steppich
Callicoon, New York
I wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope that you and Wylie and all of your family have a wonderful year!!! Thank you for all you do! You're the best!
Patricia Caple
Hi Richard,
I wish you a wonderful birthday and that all your wishes will be true. Thanks for all that you have given in many years. TV without you is no TV!!!!
Happy Birthday Richard...
May you have a great day...
I will be turning 40, five days after you and if I look as good at 40... as you do at 54... watch out world!!!!
Best wishes from a long time watcher of your work...
Carol Robinson
Florida now, but moved here from England
Dear Mr. Anderson,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the entertainment I can enjoy with your great playing on Stargate and MacGyver. I wish you also a Happy New Year of 2004 and also your daughter and family.
Dear Richard,
Hello, and Happy Birthday! I was 13 when MACGYVER first aired in 1985. I will be 32 on January 23rd (seriously, that's my birthday, too). So you've had me hooked for 19 years. I now have a 12 year old daughter who loves to watch you on MACGYVER and STARGATE SG-1. She absolutely loves Col. Jack O'Neill.
If you don't mind, I'd like to borrow a quote from a very memorable person.....
"A fella's life wasn't worth mentioning if he hadn't shared it with some folks along the way. Well, I guess it's taken this party to make me realize that about the only thing worth mentioning about my life is the fact that you've all shared your lives with me. And that I'd never have known any of you if I hadn't been doing the kinds of things I've been doing. And I just want you all to know that you're all very, very special to me." ~~~MACGYVER
Richard, your life IS worth mentioning, and I hope it doesn't take a party for you to realize just how much you mean to so many people. You have touched the hearts and changed the lives of so many people, not only as an actor, but as a person. You have had such a successful career, but you have stuck to your roots, and you never forgot everything you went through to get this far. I really admire you. You are a very handsome man, and your smile and charm has captured many hearts. Your compassion for others, modesty, kindness, determination, humor, big heart, and positive attitude is what makes you so unique. You have been such a wonderful role model, not just for kids, but adults also.
Thank you, Richard, for sharing your life with me and thousands of others. You have brought us all so much joy and given us so many wonderful memories. With the exception of my daughter, you are my most favorite person. You are a very special man, and you'll always be very dear to my heart.
Have a wonderful birthday, and may God continue to bless you and Wylie.
All my love,
Tiffany Beeler
Knoxville, Tennessee
Dear Rick,
Happy Birthday! I hope this is your best birthday yet. Hope that 2004 is a wonderful year for you and your family.
Thanks for your performances throughout the years in General Hospital, in MacGyver, and now in Stargate SG-1. Your roles have brought much enjoyment into my life.
Best wishes for your birthday and for the new year.
Georgia, USA
I just wanted to wish you a Very Happy Birthday. You are a great actor and a great person. You are role model for many people because of the humanitarian that you are. You help save animals and help charities. You have a wonderful personality that shines on screen. I began to watch you on MacGyver when it first aired. I thought it was the best show on TV. Me and my sister played pretend like we were MacGyver. It was very fun. Me and my big sister still have a crush on you. You are still handsome as ever. Now I am 20 years old and I relive those wonderful memories thanks to TVLand. And get new memories from your wonderful new show Stargate SG-1. I love your character Colonel Jack O'Neill. He is funny and sweet and kind and has a heart of gold just like MacGyver. I read the articles from the magazines online and talk shows that you appeared on and I find them very good. I love the stories about you and your daughter Wylie because it shows that you are a great father and really love being a dad like my dad. That was very cute on the Wayne Brady show where you had the star with Wylie's picture on it and then Wylie came up to hug you and you just had the sweetest smile on your face that showed your love for her. I hope that you and her had a very happy holidays and have a fun time on your birthday. I looked for the story that you were trying to find that you named Wylie after but I could not find it on the Internet. This is one of my favorite pictures of you and your daughter on the Internet. It's such a sweet picture. Well have a happy birthday and I hope God keeps on blessing you and your family with wonderful things.

Cassondra Wright
Warner Robins, GA, USA
Hi Rick,
Hope you have an awesome birthday again this year and all the best for 2004. Thank you for all the wonderful work you do and the pleasure you bring to so many of us. I do hope you come and enjoy a visit in my country soon!
Take care,
Jenny Stone
Randburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Happy birthday Richard. I wish you reach 100 years or more. Thank you for the great pleasure you give to people who admire you by watching your TV series. I hope you will visit again Greece.
Athens, Greece
Mr. Rick, all world love you.
Thank you for your roles. I love MacGyver and O'Neill. They are super men. You are the best of all actor. Please, don't leave acting. You give many people new dreams and new effect of their lives. I'm sorry, but my English is not very well. I wish you happy and you and your family have very lucky.
Thank you Mr. Anderson.
Czech Republik, Europa
I love you so much.
Desejo a você muitas felicidades, que essa data se repita por muitos e muitos anos para nossa felicidade (de seus fãs).
Seja feliz!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday this year. I will be thinking of you on your special day. I also want you to know you are in my prayers every night, so God Bless you and your family this year also. I pray you have many wonderful birthdays to come.
Happy Birthday once again from Yorkshire. Just like a fine wine you improve with age and I know you will continue to do so. I am sorry to hear that you are leaving O'Neill behind and moving on. I have enjoyed SG-1 and will miss it when it finishes. I hope that your next project will be picked up by British T.V. or maybe you might like to try your hand at London's West End like many other famous American actors. Whatever comes next, I wish you every success and I hope that you have a very Happy Birthday.
Dear Rick!
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for all you've done for us!
We love you!
Vienna, Austria
Happy Birthday!
I have had the pleasure of watching you perform since I was a kid. You are a true treasure.
Jodie Boeldt
Streamwood, IL
Hi Richard,
Thanks for being there on TV when I need you. You have helped me pass my important school tests. Hope you have a good one.
From Harry the mad Brit! p.s. Come over and see us!
Harry Turner
Hey Rick!
I wish you a very happy birthday and all the best!
Have a great day with your loved-ones!
Love you,
Stargate I like. The whim, the thoughtfulness, the humor, the adventure, bravo and please guide us still through stars. Happpy birthday, I wish you a lot of success and happiness. Kisses to Wylie.
Stargate, j'adore. La fantansie, la lègèreté, l'humour, l'aventure, bravo et merci de nous guider encore à travers les étoiles. Je vous souhaite un joyeux anniversaire, beaucoup de succès et de bonheur. Bisous à Wylie.
Bonsoir Rick,
C'est en français que j'ai décidé de t'écrire cette fois!
Je te souhaite du fond du coeur un heureux anniversaire et plein de bonnes choses pour ta famille et toi au cours de l'année qui vient!
J'ai la nostalgie de la série "MacGyver" et de son héros au sourire désarmant ainsi que des moyens non violents qu'il utilise pour déjouer les pièges de ses ennemis.
"Stargate", c'est un tout autre univers tellement cruel et... à l'image de ce que notre monde est en train de devenir!!! Je ne m'habitue pas à te voir l'arme à la main meme si c'est pour défendre la "bonne" cause!
Je préférais de loin la créativité et l'ingéniosité de MacGyver pour anéantir les "méchants."
Si "Stargate" préfigure ce que notre monde deviendra dans le futur, alors, moi - aussi je suis heureuse d'etre déjà passée comme toi "over the hill"!!!
Mais je suis institutrice et je m'évertue à donner à mes petits élèves des raisons et des motifs d'espérer créer un monde meilleur où il fera bon vivre....
Merci pour ton engagement envers la planète et surtout pour défendre et protéger les derniers territoires naturels et préservés qui y existent encore!
Bien qu'on ne se connaisse pas et que cela doit te faire étrange de recevoir tous ces messages d'étrangers, je veux te remercier pour tout le bonheur que tu as apporté et que tu continues d'apporter tout autour de toi!
Le monde en a plus que jamais besoin!
Affectueusement et gros bisous à ton petit trésor Wylie.
Brussels, Belgium
Hey Rick!
Have a super day, I really hope that you have a fantastic time!
My brother and I love Jack's character, and every laugh that you and the 'gate gang have blessed us with, thank you so much!
Rachel xxx
Nr London, England
Hi Richard Dean Anderson! My Name is Petra and I live in Salzburg. I like to congratulate your birthday. Keep on laughing and take every day and minutes as positive. I understand why you live in Canada. It's a beautiful land. I was there. I will come back soon. Have an very, very nice day.
PS: I hope can my writing understand....
Best wishes from to
Salzburg, Austria
Dear Richard Dean Anderson!
I want to wish you all the best to your birthday! Have a lovely day and stay healthy and happy for all your life! Although you might not want to hear it for the 5628th time: I'm a huge fan of MacGyver! You made the character what it is still today (in Germany they show it again and again) and I really want to thank you!
Lots of love,
Hi, Richard Dean Anderson,
I wish you a happy birthday. You are a very good actor and I think in Stargate SG-1 you are THE BEST.
Big wishes,
I would like to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you enjoy your day. Best wishes for the New Year also and I look forward to seeing Season 8 of Stargate.
Townsville, Australia
Oh Man - this is a first for me - never have sent a greeting to a star - but here goes - HAPPY BIRTHDAY from one "January baby" to another. I have ALWAYS enjoyed any series you have been in and movie - my only disappointment is two/fold - 1) that we don't see Legend in reruns and 2) that our local stations (in Canada) are not showing the most recent season of SG-1. But you don't need to hear all that - so again - have a very happy birthday!!!!
Grace Hollands
London, Ontario, Canada
Hi Rick,
Happy Birthday.
I wish you all good things.
Health and many luck.
Have a nice day.
Hello Rick!
First time for me too on this special occasion!!! I wanna wish you a very, very and happy BIRTHDAY and I just hope you will have a splendid day and that you can celebrate it with your sweet daughter and everybody else you wanna have around ya on your big day! Wishing you all the best and especially a lot of health, fun and laughter for the future no matter where you are and what you are doing! Have known you from the MAC series for a long time, came across scifi a while ago and I do must admit I got addicted to it since!!! Keep up the good work Rick!
Here's for YOU....have a wonderful day and stay as you are, as you are wonderful!
PS: Would love to post a personal "woofwoof" from my furry boys to "Zoe".... but unfortunately that is not possible here...
Love and laughter from your crazy old German fan,
Silke and doggies
Wuppertal, Germany
Happy b-day to a wonderful actor! I am a huge fan. Especially of MacGyver. Have a wonderful day and God bless you.
North Carolina
My daughter grew up watching MacGyver. She learned men can be decent and nice (and exciting and handsome as well!) It was a big deal in our house. Thanks for giving that to her. Have a great birthday, continue to be a role model for your little girl as well.
PS - I'm now watching Stargate and loving it!
New York
Dear Rick,
I want to wish you a very happy Birthday. May all your wishes come true and may you have a wonderful day with your loved ones and of course your beautiful daughter Wylie. I know that one day she will be as smart and handsome as her daddy. Enjoy every single moment of her young life, because the day will come soon enough that she will leave her daddy for another man. Life goes too fast.
Thank you Rick, for all you ever did for us, your fans. You made us smile, even things weren't always that good.
You made us happy and taught us a lot about life, both as MacGyver and even as Jack O'Neill, you had your point of view. Although we're missing you in Stargate, since you cut back on your appearances, we can understand your reason. When you retire from the screen we will certainly miss you a lot, but you never ever will be forgotten. Thank you and keep up the good work you're doing.
Among so many others: I love you Rick
So here's a poem:
Miles Away
Miles away...endless far
Not even aware of my existence
Not knowing that I know
And yet... I love you so
Your beautiful brown eyes
Your gentle smile colors my day
You make me walk on clouds
And yet... that's why I love you so
Keeping my hopes up high
to meet you, once in my life
You sleep with other women though
And yet... I still love you so
I know you'll never be mine
and taste the water through the wine
But in my heart, you know why
My love for you will never die.
Happy Birthday Rick!
Rita P.
Antwerp, Belgium
Happy birthday!
I hope you and your child be very happy.
When you and the SG-1 cast come to Brazil (São Paulo-SP)?
We love you.
Paty Mayonese
Happy Birthday Rick!
I hope it's a wonderful one. I've watched you on TV since the 80's and I'll never stop. Thanks for making me laugh while watching Stargate.
With a lot of love always,
Cindi Dean
New York State, United States
Lots of love,
Jenny Fordham
Happy B-day, Richard! May you be blessed this birthday and thank you for all the many hours of awesome entertainment you give to all of your fans....
May God continue to bless......
Pam <><
Memphis, Tennessee
Watching MacGyver when I was starting out my career as an engineer has provided me with a can do attitude in my job as an I.T. engineer. Having only ever seen a few episodes when I was without guidance gave me the inspiration to try when I doubted my own abilities.
Thanks for making me believe in my own abilities.
P.S. I still use "MacGyverisms" in work to this day to solve problems.
All the best and SG-1 is cool.
"Knock yourself out" on the 23rd.
A grateful fan
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Thanks for all of your talent! Please know that we all appreciate what you do!
Paris, France
Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Much happiness and good wishes to you and your family.
May God bless you with all your dreams and wishes.
BTW - You were the first (and only) star that I had ever sent a fan letter and gift to (this was years ago) and you had responded back to me. That was so nice of you. Thanks.
From a long time Fan,
Kathy Wang
Richmond, CA
Hi Rick,
Happy birthday, hope your day and future years are filled with happiness.
Good luck with the water projects! I'm hoping to get some experience in that field of work as I'm hoping to study environmental science next year!
Thanks for being a great entertainer - on dull days your performance can always raise a smile.
Jodie Leech xx
May your days be filled with joy, peace and love. May you never see or witness anger, unhappiness or hate in your lifetime.
You are a wonderful person. Your family is blessed to have you in their lives.
Your acting skills are phenomenal. Thank you for giving of yourself to so many fans for these past many years. And may the happiness and love your fans feel for you, reach you and inspire you to continue to grace the TV or 'big screen' with your presence.
Love always,
Philadelphia, PA
Happy Birthday to a fellow ANDERSON! It's hard to believe you are turning 54! Lucky for you, you just get better looking with age! Want to pass that secret along to us gals?
I appreciate all the time and energy you have spent entertaining us all these years. Mac was wonderful and I still watch the reruns, but I believe Stargate has let you grow as an actor and I love your character. I'm sorry your role will be less this year and next, but I understand your decision. Spending time with our children is the most important thing we can do. I respect what you are doing and support your decision. As a single parent I know how fast time flies. My own daughter will graduate from high school in 2005 and then be off to college. It seems like only yesterday she was a tiny baby. We cherish our time together. You must do the same with your daughter. I know you will.
I hope we will continue to see you on television after SG-1 ends, and not just in re-runs! Keep up the good work, both professionally and in your philanthropic endeavors as well. Enjoy your birthday and I hope 2004 brings you good things ... only good things.
Cheryl (ANDERSON) Higginson
Dear Rick,
I used to watch MacGyver with my dad and my brother. It was always a fun bonding experience for us to watch the show together. I have always been facinated by movies and television and I think that you are a very talented actor. My dad and I watch Stargate together every night it is on. Thank you for sharing your talents with us and telling such wonderful and interesting stories.
I wish you a wonderful and happy birthday! Hopefully one day I will be able to meet you, shake your hand, and thank you in person.
God Bless,
Hope it's a good one.
Love 'n' stuff,
Alison Morton xx
Liverpool, England
Rick, I hope your 54th birthday is full of happiness and love. I remember you as MacGyver and still today you are still an outstanding good looking guy. Keep on smiling and blessing people around the world with your work. You deserve several awards in what you do and you already have one in my heart. Give my love to Wylie and Apryl. Stay in great health and take care.
Your Fan,
Carolyn Vierra
San Luis Obispo, California
Just wanted to wish you a happy happy birthday!! I have watched you in everything you have ever played in. I'm your biggest fan you could and will ever have. So have a happy birthday!! You and my little girl share the same birthday.
Kathy S.
Chatsworth, GA
Hi! Richard,
Just wishing you a very Happy Birthday (you look great for a 54 year old). Keep up the good work. Thank you for another great season of Stargate SG-1. Just love you as Jack O'Neill.
Hey Mr. Anderson!
¡¡¡Happy B-Day!!!
I hope you have a great one....
but if you end up having nothing to do ...
I'd be happy to cook you up a REALLY good Mexican meal!
Just say when!
Love you!
Happy Birthday Richard!
And Many Many More!
Sue B
Hello Richard Dean Anderson. I really love Stargate. I watch it everytime it's on. Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. My birthday is this month too. I will be 16. So are you going to get another e-mail? I e-mailed you when you had one and asked you if I could send you a letter and you said yes so I did I got your address. Well I hope you have a good birthday. Come to Florida and I'll be happy to take you hunting. I am in a club, we could kill some big deer!!!!!!
Gideon Jackson
Dear Richard Dean,
We just want to wish you a very Happy 54th Birthday and many more to come.
Amy, James, and Joey Bright
West Milford, West Virginia
I just would like to wish you a very happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day and are spending it with the people you love.
Take care,
Michelle Jones
Wales, UK
Hi Richard,
Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday, hope you have everything you wish for. I have watched you since the early days and have loved all your work. I do miss you in Stargate though, it just ain't the same when you're not around.
Keep Smiling,
Love and best wishes,
Wales, UK
Hello Mr. Anderson,
I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday, and to say that I am a very big fan. Thank you for all the enjoyment you have given me, with your many TV shows, and television movies.
Rusty Woehrle
Richard, I am your number one fan since General Hospital and I love MacGyver in repeats and now in Stargate you have a wonderful sense of humor. You are a fabulous actor and the best looking man on the planet. I hope that you have a great birthday. I wish that I could meet you but for now only in my dreams.
Love your number one fan,
Loren Slutter
Tinton Falls, New Jersey
Best wishes for you on your birthday! Thanks for all the great entertainment you've given us. Looking forward to your next project. Meanwhile, enjoy that beautiful family of yours!
Ogdensburg, NY
I wish you a very Happy Birthday and may this day be very special for you and your loved ones.
I am a very big fan of Staregate SG-1 and even a bigger fan of RICHARD DEAN ANDERSON AND AMANDA TAPPING. You two make the show for me every year.
God bless you and your loved ones.
Terri (Rambi)
El Paso, TX
Thanks for all the years of great entertainment. I (and my family) are enjoying Stargate and look forward to your next project. Enjoy your new family!
Susan Mohn
Seattle, WA
Have a wonderful birthday Richard! Thanks for so many hours of entertainment: GH, MacGyver, Legend, SG-1. I've loved them all. I hope to see your great work for many years to come.
Tammy K.
Pennsylvania, USA
Happy Birthday Richard! Thanks for making Stargate SG-1 the best show ever!!! Have a great birthday!!!
Patsy DeNoyer
St Louis, MO
I hope that your birthday is filled with love, joy, happiness, safety, family, and friends. May your coming year be successful and happy! Enjoy life, and remember that what's important is all around you -- the people that love you! Happy Birthday!
Audrey Peppers
Thank you Mr. Anderson for being the inspiration to 2 young boys. My grandson, Scott, who broke his leg playing sports 3 years ago and is still undergoing surgery, braces, therapy, etc... and to my friend's grandson who was so inspired by MacGyver that he was getting a carton of duct tape as a Christmas present. Unfortunately, this young boy, 8 years of age, passed away from the flu right before Christmas. The carton of duct tape was buried with him. Both of these youngsters looked upon you as their role model. My grandson will not let his leg problem get him down knowing what you have gone through with the bones you have broken and come out the way you have. And if the other lad had lived, you would also be the hero who he patterned himself after. What a testimony to you! To have youngsters set their goals to be like the man you are. I know you will never let them down! All the happiness in the world in the coming year and beyond and keep up the great work in Stargate! Youngsters are watching their hero, Richard Dean Anderson (aka MacGyver and Col. Jack O'Neill-2L's)!
Many happy returns from the U.K. I'm so pleased you've had success with your series... and SG-1 never fails to entertain and inform me... if only the real world reflected the 'sentiment' of such series... long may your success continue... I'm 53 in March this year, 2004... so I'm not far behind you. Always been a sci fi follower, and Amanda Tapping never fails to perk me up? Great choice for the part... something for everyone? Good luck, enjoy your day.
Keith Geddes

Happy Birthday! May you continue to be blessed and loved by friends and family throughout the coming years. You have truly blessed your fans by sharing your talents, as well as your love and humanity. Keep smiling and watch out for your knees on the slopes!!
Kristi Peek
Dallas, Texas
Wishing you a fabulous birthday.
Like a fine wine, you only get better with age!
Mary Wendland
Clarkston, MI, USA
Happy Birthday to you!
Eagle (³¥ÆN)
Happy Birthday, Richard. I've been a fan of yours since MacGyver. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2004.
Patrick Norberto
New York State
What a wonderful web site! Hope all these messages bring you great joy and happiness! I have watched you for over 26 years and still enjoy everything you have done. Thank you for all your contributions to the entertainment world!
Lake Forest, Illinois
I have been a fan of yours since MacGyver and have followed your career since then. I just want to say Happy Birthday and I wish you all the best for you and your family. You are truly a wonderful person.
Love Always,
Dear Richard,
I have been a fan for years and have seen your growth as an actor. I will always value my taped MacGyver segments as it helps me to remember one of your best efforts. Best wishes for a very Happy Birthday and many more.
Tampa, FL, USA
Dearest Rick,
I am happy to take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy 54th Birthday.
I hope you get to spend the day with Wylie doing what the two of you do best - being father and daughter.
With all my best wishes for many more happy and healthy birthdays to come,
Barbara Kass
Torrance, California (originally from Brooklyn, New York)
Happy Birthday Rick!!

Dear Richard,
My sister and I have been fans of yours since you were on General Hospital. We loved you then and still do. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and keep up the great work with Stargate SG-1. We watch everything that you do.
Mary Lou and Linda
Watervliet, New York
Happy Birthday!
Dear My lifetime Hero ....
Happy Birthday to you Richard.
Happy New Year to you Richard.
From your lifetime fan,
Happy Birthday, I just want you to know that I'm so very happy that you have agreed to sign on to yet another year of Stargate SG-1. I'm sure you get tired from all the long hours and the physical demands of the show but your fans never get tired of watching you save the world from those nasty Goa'uld's! I'm sure that as you look back through this year you have thoughts of your Dad, some happy moments and some sad. We as fans have cried with you and laughed with you through the years and you have gotten me through some difficult moments in my life just by being able to watch you on MacGyver and Stargate SG-1. Thank You! I hope you have a wonderful birthday surrounded by the ones that are close to you. Keep Wylie close to you and cherish those moments that you have with her, they grow up so fast!
I love ya,
Wadena, Minnesota
Dear Richard,
Wishing you a very Blessed Birthday and many more to come!
I grew up watching MacGyver and certainly learned a thing or two about life in general. THANK YOU very much for the wonderful years...
Happy Birthday Rick,
I have enjoyed your work on television for a long time... While I am a fan I prefer to avoid "gushing" with emotion, so I'll keep this fairly simple.
Congrats on your 54th! And best wishes for the next 54. Always remember that "Today is the first day of the rest of your life!" Happy Birthday!
Also - I'd like to offer an invitation. We share a common interest - skiing. I work seasonal fulltime at a humble Pacific Northwest Ski Area that offers some of the best BackCountry territory around. (I'm not the most aggressive skier on the hill - but I know enough of the extreme skiers and boarders on our hill to know that all the hype about our BackCountry is true.)
Anyway - if you happen to be in the Seattle area you might take a little trip about 50 miles east on I-90 and drop by the Summit at Snoqualmie, home of the infamous Alpental. While I'm sure that purchasing a lift ticket or two is no trouble, I would be happy to treat you and a guest (perhaps Wylie and/or her Mom Apryl) to a day of skiing on me. (Heck, if you actually come I might even brave the BackCountry.)
It would be a thrill for all of us on Snoqualmie Pass to meet you and spend the day skiing! We know we're not glamorous like Whistler but we have something to offer for everyone. Stop by sometime and just tell them I sent you - they'll find me.
Again, Happy Birthday!
Thanks for everything you contribute to life!
LJ Thompson
North Bend, WA, USA
Hello Rick,
I congratulate to you completely cordially to your 54 Birthday. I wish you all property and above all health. Have a beautiful day.
Love and greetings from Germany,
Christiane Wieck
Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Happy Birthday Rick! Best wishes for you and your loved ones for the New Year, keep up the brilliant work!!
Melanie Smurthwaite xx
Hello Richard,
Wishes you a beautiful birthday!!
Loves greet from Berlin!
A very happy Birthday to you, and many more of them. I have followed your shows, both MacGyver and Stargate, since their inception. You act naturally, and show emotions like the rest of us. It is a shame that your shows take so long to be screened in New Zealand. May your career be long and happy.
Ben Tredrea
New Zealand

Hi Rick,
Have a very happy birthday and I hope you have a good time with your loved ones. Thanks for all the good things you give us fans and the environment. Keep up the good work and enjoy life as it is too short. Love to you and Wylie.

Lots of love and kisses,
Best wishes to you, Richard!!!!
Stargate rules!!!
Happy Birthday from an Italian fan.
Milan, Italy
Happy 54th birthday Rick. My mom was born in the same year as you and I was surprised to find that out. You're doing a great job as Col. Jack O'Neill. I'm a really big fan of yours and keep up the good work.
Lauren Jernigan
Port Moody, B.C.
Happy Birthday
Hugs and kisses
Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Dear Rick,
Happy Birthday and best wishes from Germany.
You are the best, love you.
Happy Birthday!
Best wishes from Goettingen, Germany!
Have a great day with your loved ones.
Blessed be,
Happy Birthday!
I hope you will have a lovely day with your loved ones.

I wish you a happy birthday and that you will have a good year, with many good things to happen to you and all they you care about. This picture is one exsamen work on Hjerleid in woodcarving. I have seen you have just things like this in film you make. So I hope you like the picture. I will thank you for all the good work you do. You have help me, but you don't know me, and have never met me. But in film you make, you have help me, especially MacGyver, for this I thank you.
Klem frå mikkelulv,
Dear Richard
H - Handsome
A - Adorable
P - Perfect
P - Polite
Y - Yummy
B - Bright
I - Ideal man
R - Romantic
T - Terrific
H - Hero
D - Dynamic
A - Artistic
Y - You will always be in my heart
Love from,
Toni Stevens
Happy Birthday Rick.
Love health and happiness for the future. xxxx
Happy Birthday, Rick!
We wish you all the best - especially health. But we don't think you even need the wish for good health, because you don't seem to get older.
Please stay on TV as long as possible and keep up with your wonderful work!
Many hugs from two Austrian girls!
Ines and Karin
Dear Richard!
Congratulations to your Birthday and all the best for your future! Stay healthy and enjoy everything that you're doing!
Best wishes from a great fan of you,
Bonn, Germany
Happy Birthday Rick and I wish your favorite hockeys teams, especially the Minnesota Wild, to advance to the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
Hey buddy!
Happy birthday!
Live long and prosper!
( Oops! That's from another series, hahaha)
Good luck!
Filip Hellemans
Happy Birthday and best wishes from Germany.
Matthias Robel
Hi Rick,
May you have a happy birthday
and celebrate with loved ones and friends.
God Bless,
Waco, Texas
Good wishes!
Eisenstadt, Austria
Hi Richard. I wish you great greetings from me and from all your fans in Germany. Good luck for your whole life.
Villingen, Germany
Dear Richard,
I hope you have your best year yet! Thanks for being "real" and for keeping such a humble spirit. Have a great birthday, and I'm sure a special little girl will have great big hugs for her Daddy - which is the best gift that could ever be given! God Bless you both.
State College, PA
Dear Rick,
My name is Luca, I'm 19, and I live in Italy. I want to wish you a very very good and happy birthday. For me you are the best!!! Continue to be happy!!
Bye bye...
Luca Fenoglio
Hi Rick,
Just to wish you the bestest of birthdays!
Have a great year!
Norfolk, England
Hello Richard!
I wish you a great birthday and that every wish will come true for you!
Hi Richard,
Happy Birthday and the best wishes from me. I hope you have a nice day with your Friends and your Family. Much fun with and remain please to us still many years celebrate.
Bye and wonderful greetings from Germany!
Dear Rick,
I just wanted to write a short note to wish you well. Wylie is lucky to have such a caring, involved father, and as a parent of young children I can understand your devotion to her. A lot of people could take a page from your book.
Speaking as a fan I just want you to know that you are missed on Stargate. Your presence brings a certain energy to the series, and when you are absent it's obvious in so many ways. Whether it be a humorous or dramatic turn for Colonel O'Neill you are always spot on. Personally I look forward to any screen time real life allows.
Never forget how much of a difference you've made in so many people's lives over the years. Mine included.
My sincerest wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful 2004.
Vermont, USA
I have been a fan since your General Hospital days and I just wanted to wish you a wonderful and heartfelt birthday wish. You are a wonderful person and father. Wylie is very lucky to have you as a father. You care about life and the things around you.
Have a wonderful day and many, many more to come.
Kaye Bauer
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Hi Rick!
I want to wish you a very happy birthday! I hope you never lose your great sense of humour! I'm a big fan of STARGATE SG-1 and I'm waiting for the 7th season. I hope you will have a nice day and perhaps you can write me an e-mail. That were very great.
Greetings from Germany,
Plauen, Germany
Have a wonderful birthday and a blessed year. You have given me many. Please continue to do so for many more.
Cher Richard, je vous souhaite un JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE, ainsi que bonheur et joie dans votre vie!!
France (Lot et garonne)
Happy Birthday Rick!
Wishing you a wonderful day, full of laughter and joy.
Thank you for bringing happiness to so many people around the world!
I would like to wish you a happy birthday and I hope you get the walking stick, slippers and the newspaper that you probably want!! LOL!!!....Rick?....It's a joke!!!!
Being serious now.... Wow - 54 years old!!! I've got to say you are a very, very sexy man
(I'm only 17 - I shouldn't be thinking this!!) and I bet every woman would agree to that!! One other thing Rick - whatever you do, KEEP the silver hair it makes you look irresistible!!
So happy birthday, Rick, and I hope you have a long and healthy life - I sound like if I'm saying goodbye!! Give my love to Wylie for me!
Keep on Stargating!
Kady xxx
Thingwall, Wirral, England
Hi Rick,
I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope it's everything you want it to be. My best wishes to you and your family.
San Antonio, TX
Hey, it's the first time I participate to such thing... so I join the chorus voices to wish you the best in your life for you and your family!
And of course, as anyone else I have a special request! I gave a drawing to Amanda Tapping, I hope you got it and enjoyed the new travellers through Stargate... Two twin Homer Simpsons (one in BDUs, one top class in a tuxedo, it reminds me nobody of course...) and coming out of nowhere a Santa Claus with his reindeer that actually made working the Stargate this year cause we got a season 8!!!
And as I always do strange stuff all the time lately, the Stargate has 2 more chevrons in case you feel the need to explore our part of the world and come by my home... You're invited anytime you want to...
Ok now this is a goodbye. Please do us the favour to enjoy your time and yourself, as I try to do more and more lately! Any resemblance is really expected...
Bises - French kisses (on both cheeks... of course!)
Dear Rick,
Happy day! Will love you forever, you "twinkle in the eye" guy! Bless you for giving us so much great entertainment over the years - from a "mature" fan since your General Hospital days. You just keep getting better! Isn't wisdom great!? Many continued blessings and laughter always for you!
South Louisiana
So many messages! So little from Belgium. Well here's another one for you Rick from Belgium.
Happy Birthday Rick!
I hope we get to meet each other some day and have good conversation. I'm a fan of you since the day I've met MacGyver on television. I was about 4 or 5, now I'm 17 and I hope to become an actor/writer/director one day. But of course school comes first, right? Sometimes I start on writing scripts but it's not as simple as I thought it would be and leave it unfinished. Well, before I really start blabbering on of what I wanna become I better stop. This is suppose to be a birthday message so I'll say it again...
Happy Birthday Rick!
54 years is a special year. You are not 20 anymore but you are not 80 yet. Keep up your good work.
Happy Birthday again Rick!
Happy b-day Rick!!! I love Stargate SG-1 (duh who doesn't lol). Hope 2004 is a great year for you and your family.
P.S. My friends think I'm weird b/c I like you and b/c you are 54 but I'm like I don't care he's still HOT!!
Russellville, Missouri
Happy Birthday Ricky Dean,
I wish you all the best for you and your family. Have a nice party and go on for many happy and powerful years.
Hey Rick!
Have a very happy 54th and I wish you all the best.
Give my love to Wylie.
Best wishes for a great birthday and a great year to come. Thanks so much for all the entertainment you have provided through the years and continue to provide for us, your fans.
Mary Carothers
Antioch, CA
When you're done with Stargate (heaven forfend, of course), how does this sound?
Capt. Richard Dean Anderson, Starship Enterprise, commanding.
San Francisco, CA
Happy Birthday Rick. I'm only 10 years behind you and have loved watching you ever since you first played in MacGyver. I look forward each week to seeing you on another adventure. By the way, 54 ain't that old. Keep in mind that it ain't the years, it's the mileage. And you're sure looking like a low mileage model to me. Keep up the good work. And God bless you.
Kathy aka KGB
Texas, now living in Arizona

Happy Birthday Rick,
May you have a wonderful day and may the world bring you as much joy as you have brought to the world. Love to you and Wylie.
P.S. Prudence is waiting for her call up to SG-1.
Julie Holmes
Happy 54 years young. Best wishes for a wonderful birthday and a tremendous year. I have enjoyed watching you over the years and look forward to more as each year goes by. Thanks so much for all the great entertainment you have given to us fans.
Irma Faszewski
Richmond, Virginia
Have a wonderful 54th birthday. I wish you luck and many more. And I believe you have a big party.
Hi Rick!!
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Thank you for bringing so much fun and laughter to my life.
You are a lovely person and I hope you have a great 2004!!!
All the best,
Sam O'Neill
England, UK
Happy Birthday Rick!
Hope you have a gr8 day
and get loads of prezzies and a huge cake.
Laura Kennedy
Glasgow, Scotland
I am one of your biggest fans and one for many many long years. Hope your birthday is the best and you continue for many more years to come. You have always been the best looking actor and you will only get better with age. You are the best and the best looking to come along in awhile. Hang in there and hope to see more of you on TV.
Kathy Bolen
Atlanta, GA
Hi Rick,
I wish you all the best for your birthday and enjoy your day. I'm a very big fan of you and I love MacGyver and Stargate! Last summer I was in Canada, including Vancouver. It was fantastic! I also visited the Bridge Studios and some locations of Stargate & MacGyver. I'm not sure if you really read these greetings but I hope so.
Lot of hugs,
Basel, Switzerland
Happy Birthday Richard! We (husband and I) have watched you since MacGyver began. In fact I have some on tape from the beginning. We still watch every day, both MacGyver and SG-1. Anyway, Congratulations and BEST WISHES.....
Carol Wunderlich
Berkley, Michigan
Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Anderson, and thank you for all the years of great entertainment you've given your fans in MacGyver and Stargate.
Chris Martin
Palatine, IL
HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN! I can say that because I'm old too!!
I have been a fan of yours since the old days when young Dr. Jeff graced my daytime TV screen and have loved all of your work including the wonderfully creative but short lived "Legend" with John DeLancie.
I LOVE Stargate and everything about it. The ensemble, the humor, the subtle Star Trek references, and it just keeps getting better.
Have a wonderful year and many more. From a forever fan!
NL Coglan
San Diego
Hi Richard,
Another year and you still look good. Like fine wine, you only seem to get better. Love and Prayers for you and yours, and for another year of blessings.
Hi Rick,
Happy birthday to you and best wishes from Germany. You're doing a great job and we enjoy your character and everything you've done. Please visit the Stargate Convention 2004 in September. Have a wonderful birthday and thank you for all...
Andrea and Michael
Dear Rick,
May this year be the best so far for you (and your daughter)! Thanks so much for helping to make this world a better place and for continuing the environmental education of the general public. Ever think of running for office?
All the best,
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson!!! I love you MacGyver!!! You are soooooo so cute... I luv u!! Could you possibly send me an autographed picture of you!! Thanks and Happy Birthday.
P.S. U look like you're only 20!!! I luv u...
Amy Tye
I'd like to wish you a very happy birthday!!!
For a long time already, you are my favourite actor. Since I've seen you in MacGyver for the first time, I was filled with admiration and respect for your performance. I love the way you put down the character of Jack O'Neill. I hope that you will continue doing what you're so good at, so that we can keep seeing you on Belgian television. Make of this birthday the best ever. Lots of kisses for you and Wylie. xxxxxxxx
Dear Rick!
My name is Iris and I'm twelve. I like to see Stargate and MacGyver as often as possible. But it's only sent once per day (MacGyver) or week (Stargate) in the German TV. You are the greatest actor of the world and I'm your greatest fan. So I want to congratulate you for your birthday. Further much success with your work, luck, health and a loooong life I wish to you. Now have fun at your birthday party. Stay funny and get simply these best, best wishes.
P.S.: When will you be going to come to your fans in Germany? I'm looking forward to that date.
P.P.S.: By the way, would you be so kind, to send an autogramm-card to me?
P.P.P.S.: I like you very, very much...
Iris A. Bluemel
Happy Birthday, Rick!
54 seems like an awfully big number, but looking back must hold a lot of great memories for you - sure has for me!
Now that Wylie is getting older you should start thinking about her college funds...
So go for it, say yes to that big screen romantic comedy you've been dying to do!
Health, wealth, and happiness in 2004!
Alberta, Canada
Hello Richard,
I just want to wish you a happy birthday
and may all you birthdays to come be joyful.
Jaime Lynn Larrabee
Fountain Valley, CA
Dear Richard,
Just sending you best wishes and greetings on your big day. We love you here in Camden, New Jersey.
Frances Williamson
Camden, New Jersey
Hi Richard!!!!!! Happy Birthday To You!!!
I am fond of Stargate SG-1 and MacGyver and I want to thank you because with you many people dream...!!!
Dear Richard,
I hope you have a great birthday! I love Stargate SG-1, and I hope at the end of Season 8, you find you can't give it up!
Have a fabulous, happy, and fun day, you deserve it!!
Modesto, California
Hi Rick,
From one Aquarius to another, hope you have a most excellent birthday. Mine is the 22nd, pretty close. Guess that's why I feel kinda close to you, only wish we had more time to talk when I came by the studio. Anyway, I'll be celebrating 36 for at least 4 days, but don't know if I'll be aging much after that. Hope you get everything you want and more. Peace, Love, Happiness and continued success!!!
Kim Fox
Everett, WA
You once said you don't save lives you entertain, well from one of your character's worst nightmare people, a biomedical scientist who saves lives and isn't in the least entertaining, may I say you have enriched many lives and continue to do so. May you and your little girl enjoy good health and happiness and never need my brand of work. Happy birthday and may your God go with you.
Dear RDA:
Happy birthday, and thank you for supporting the American Red Cross!
Thanks again for signing the tiny vests for the Armed Forces Emergency Services (AFES) bears last summer. One of the three raised $100 in the charity auction at Trek Expo, June 2004. The other two went to Gatecon2003 and Sekh's Party auctions, results unknown.
Gilder Anne McCarroll
AFES Volunteer, San Antonio Area Chapter, American Red Cross
Gilder Anne McCarroll
San Antonio, TX

Dear Richard, hope you have a joyful and blessed birthday. Enjoy your show SG-1 so much. Keep the good stories coming.
Margaret Vick
Happy 54th Birthday Richard Dean Anderson. I am still waiting for the DVD of MacGyver. I love that show. I hope that it comes out soon. I hope that Stargate SG-1 can go for year 9. I have seasons 1 through 4. It is one of the best Scifi shows of all time. The show works because of the stories. Happy Birthday from one of your biggest fans. One of them.
Carmen Calabria
Massillon, Ohio
Hi Rick,
I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday. To me you are a true star and through you I have made so many new friends at home and abroad. You have given me so much enjoyment in your roles of Jack O'Neill and MacGyver.
May I wish you all the best for the future and I hope you prosper in whatever projects you undertake.
Barbara Arthurs
Manchester, England
My son has the same birthday, the 23, in January he is going to be 8 years old and he likes Stargate SG-1. So Happy Birthday, Richard. Have a good one!
Michael Jr. and his mom Peggy
Pepperell, MA
My daughter, Alicia, and I wish you a most memorable birthday. I also turned 54 in November, boy the years do fly by. We are true MacGyver and Stargate fans and try to see every episode. We hope you will consider another year on Stargate. We think you are the best. Best wishes to you and Wylie and many more happy years to come.
Turtle Lake, WI

Dear Richard,
Here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday for 2004.
From a fan of all of your shows: MacGyver, Legend, and Stargate. And I have enjoyed the many TV movies you have done.

Donna Schlossenberg and Maggie Boo
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Have a very happy and fun birthday. I'm sure it will be with your little girl there. I have always enjoyed your work and think you are one of the nicest men. Happy 54!!!
Rick...Happy 54th Birthday! You're definitely not getting older... you're getting better! Hope you have a wonderful birthday with lots of friends and family. Always stay as nice as you are.....
Muy feliz cumpleaños, los mejores deseos de bienestar para ud, y familia. Desde este lejano país, una admiradora incondicional, le agradece los buenos momentos entregados en cada trabajo. Felicidades!!!!
Santiago, Chile
I just want to wish you a happy birthday!
Have fun doing what you're best at...
looking good!
Joke! Seriously may this be a great and wonderful year for you!
Bonne fête et amuse-toi! (Couldn't help myself with the French!)
From a fellow freezing Capricorn Smurf
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.... where it is -38'C
Happy birthday from a long time fan and fellow Aquarian.
Jackie Leaf
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
Hope this new year will be the best so far.
Enjoying the seventh season of "Stargate SG-1" very much, and look forward to Season Eight.
Also enjoying the reruns of "MacGyver" on TVLand!
Best wishes to you, Wylie and your extended families.
Morjana Coffman
Rancho Cordova, CA
Many happy returns on your birthday - you've seen many changes in the world - good & bad - but you have given all your fans good family fun & entertainment throughout the years! Even the extreme suspect movies to the sitcoms and shows you guest starred in...... a good variety for all... it's hard to pick a "Best of RDA" movie, film, show! Family is important and little ones grow up so fast these days,
so many more wonderful birthdays are wished for you and your family!!!!
Carole Emig
Williamsport, PA
Hey Ricky Dean,
I wish you a "Happy Birthday". I wish you good luck and all good wishes of the world.
Mit lieben Grüßen,

Saskatchewan, Canada
Thank you very much for all the entertainment you have provided to me and everyone. I enjoyed MacGyver as a kid and love SG-1 now. Have a very happy birthday and I hope many more to come.

I would like to say Happy Birthday and hope you have a great day. Keep up the great work on Stargate SG-1 and hope you get to spend your birthday with your family.
Happy Birthday Richard you still look good!
Sherry Barr
Happy birthday from France Richard! Have a nice day!!!

Kent, United Kingdom
Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
I wish you a very happy birthday from France!!!! You are the best actor I have ever known!!! I follow you since MacGyver!!!!
Ruelle, France
Happy 54th Birthday Rick!
I hope you have a nice day with everyone you love and that you may continue to do what you do best: Live life to the fullest and have fun!
On a more serious note: I've noticed (through interviews) that you are turning into your father, the teacher, which I hope you will see as a compliment (that's what it's meant to be). I know this year you lost him but isn't it good to know that a part of him still lives on in you? The things you do at Wylie's school remind me of MacGyver too. It's a thing he would have done for sure! Teaching the kids something (foreign words) before they get a reward (food). I like it.
I admire and respect your dedication to your daughter, and I'm thankful you are still willing to postpone your 'retirement' for us, as much as for yourself. It keeps you young!
Here's to another year full of FUN!
Tessa (Mac)
The Netherlands
I hope you have a wonderful birthday that brings you everything you desire. May you have many more, and may you bring us many more years of sharing your gift.
Rugby, England
I would like to say that you're my favorite actor since MacGyver. (I'm 18 years!) You are funny, sympathetic, (your lady is lucky!)! I wish you much happiness with your family (above all your daughter!) and still happy birthday! I kiss you, and sorry for my English (I'm not good!!)! Goodbye!
Thionville, France
For Someone We Enjoy and Admire - For Richard,
Your life seems so full, what could I wish for you? You have a great career. You have a child to love and who loves you. You make charitable efforts a priority in your life. You give so much and ask nothing in return. You play a character that balances humor with leadership - if only we could all be like Jack. You have a lifetime of memorable roles and achievements. So, my wish for you is love and happiness - and a Happy Birthday. We'll be thinking about you on your special Day.
I loved watching MACGYVER on tv as a child. It brought me many hours of fun and a couple of hours being told off by my mum for trying to make bombs in the back garden! Happy Birthday! I will always remember MACGYVER tv show!
P.S. Stargate is good as well!
Andrew Coulson
Wish you have a very nice birthday party
and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Rick, hope you have a really great Birthday, wish I could be there to celebrate it with you. xxx
Hi Rick,
Hope you have a great birthday and spend it with the people you love.
Love and best wishes,
Maria H.
I've been trying to think of something to say that hasn't been said, doesn't sound corny or silly, but would still convey a Happy Birthday. I guess simple is best, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will miss seeing you on Stargate SG-1. Best of luck for the coming year!
Bloomsburg, PA
Like the other fans, I wish you'll have more and more and more fun time! Happy Birthday. All the best.
Hello Richard...from Ohio USA... My husband and I are great fans of yours... although I remember you from the days of Jeff Webber on General Hospital... thought you were GREAT then and still think your GREAT... MacGyver is a favorite of ours still... and Stargate is set on our Tevo Direct TV is set to record whenever it is on... it's a wonderful show... so nice to see shows on TV that the children and grandchildren can watch... keep up the good work... and of course HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Wow! A whole year older....
Have a marvelously magical birthday!
(Having only recently seen you as MacGyver for the first time, I promise your hair looks much better now.)
Have fun, and smile lots on TV, as it makes all the women in my house swoon at you.
Hi mate,
You've had a massive impact on the life of Turnip, thanks for everything. Have yerself a bloody fantastic bday, and remember - it's ALL good, always...
Kate Turner
New Zealand - live in Sydney AU currently
Have a Great Birthday, Richard. My B-day is next week and even though you miss being a Capricorn by one day, Aquarians are great too. Happy B-Day!
Your Fan,
Michaele King
Orange County, California
Hey!! Happy birthday!! I hope you spend a great day with your family and friends. It was very nice hearing you speaking a bit in Spanish (in "Evolution II"). You did it very well and furthermore I have read you'd like to learn Spanish so I wish you good luck and patience (as I need it too for English). Excuse my grammar errors (I have a little problem with prepositions).
Bilbao, Spain

Hello Rick,
My name is Christof E. Smiejkowski, I am 4 days and 22 years younger than you. I wish you everything the best on yours because of health and joy and whole one family (snuggly little Wylie). Congratulations on the 54 Birthday!
Wuppertal, NRW, Germany
Dear Rick,
Hi, I wanted to greet you a Happy 54th Birthday. And many more to come.
I really enjoyed your show. I was jumping for joy that you did Stargate SG-1.
I hope that you will have a great birthday with your family. And good luck with everything...
And God Bless You,
Hi Mr. RDA. I can't tell u how much I like u. I want to wish u a very delightful birthday.
Happy birthday!
Mr. Anderson,
Thank you. Thank you for all your hard work in fundraising to help with all the charities you are involved with. You are helping to make great changes in the world. You have been a great inspiration to me to become more involved, not just in charity work but making sure to enjoy life. Also, thank you for continuing with Stargate for as long as you have. I know I enjoy the way you bring your personality into your role. Even though it saddens me to think Stargate is coming to an end, I certainly understand the desire to spend more time with family. So thank you for all your hard work and the enjoyment you have brought to so many. Have a wonderful birthday with your daughter and family and I hope this next year brings you much happiness.
Holly Kiesz
Lodi, CA
Hi Richard, just dropping in to say Happy Birthday!
Melbourne, Australia
Joyeux anniversaire Rick!!
Just few words to say to you thanks for all the great moments that you bring me thanks to Stargate SG-1. You make me cry but particularly you make me laugh!
So I wish you (again but in English this time! ) a happy birthday and I hope this day will be wonderful for you and your friends.
Sarah B.
Fréjus, France
Have a really great birthday... try to take time out to relax. I love your work... 'specially on SG-1... keep at it!!!
Bestest wishes and much love xxxxxx
Essex, England
I would like to wish you a Happy 54th Birthday.
You deserve the best and so does your family.
Joy Hammer
Madison, WI
Hi Rick,
Have a very good birthday together with your family and friends. I hope you will celebrate it well and it will be a wonderful day to remember for a long time! I wish you the best of luck on all your projects this year. I am very interested in your environmental projects and hope you will keep your fans up to date about your plans!
Thank you, and happy birthday!!
The Netherlands
Ich wollte Herr Anderson sagen das ich ihn einfach sehr sympathisch finde. Obwohl ich ihn ja nur vom Fernsehen her kenne.
Karin Suter
Zürich, Switzerland
Hi Richard,
My name is John Toomey. I have been watching U since MacGyver. I just wanted 2 wish U Happy Birthday!
Your fan,
Happy Birthday!
Ich wünsche ihnen alles gute und machen sie weiter so.
Ich finde sie klasse und hoffe das sie noch lange zu sehen sind.
Grüße aus Wesel
Lisa Krieger
Wesel, Deutschland
With all my heart I'd like to wish you a Happy Birthday.
May you enjoy your day with family and with your precious daughter Wylie.
You have made me laugh and cry and all for good reasons. Thank you for doing another season of 'Stargate SG-1'. I understand your priority is Wylie and time with her is precious. You are a wonderful dad and Wylie will grow up always knowing this. You both look very happy together.
I wish you health and happiness in all that you do, but please don't lose touch with us.
Have a wonderful day, and don't eat all the cake!!!
Always I give my love to you and Wylie, and please give her a big hug from me. She's a wee smasher!! (Scottish slang for beautiful)
P.S. I hope you were able to accept my gifts.
Carole Johnston
Falkirk, Scotland
Dear Richard,
First of all many happy returns of the day. You are a fab actor and you seem to be a great father as well who has a sense of family. With MacGyver and Stargate you've brought and still bring fun and happiness in my life and also some colour in my daily routine. Therefore I'd like to say thank you. Especially as MacGyver you've made me believe in a better world that is not only full of egoism and destroyers. Sometimes I even wished it came true. However remain the way you are and continue acting. We love you all! Lots of love from one of your biggest fans.
Zurich, Switzerland
Wishing you another wonderful year for the many you've given all of us fans. I've enjoyed your work since General Hospital, cried when MacGyver was no longer in production, and rejoiced when Stargate was made!
We enjoy your humor and your talent. I hope you have achieved a peace and happiness in your own life. Best to you and your family, especially Wylie!
Happy Birthday and many more!
New Mexico (yes, it's one of the 50 states!)
Dear Mr. Anderson,
I wish you a very happy birthday! And also I want to take this opportunity to tell you that you are an incredible actor. You did a great job with the character MacGyver. Usually I don't like science fiction films but when I saw your name appear in "Stargate" I gave it a shot... and was positively surprised. Have seen you in other films as well but I have to say that the biggest impression was the character you had in "Through the Eyes of a Killer" that was marvelously played. Also the film where you played a father that had lost his son and the meeting with a young boy that changed the father's life in a positive way... Well, what I'm trying to tell you here is that you manage to perform the character you play excellent, no matter if it's as a Colonel, a pilot, a killer, a family father, a cop, a lieutenant, or as a major, you are one of the few actors that is not categorized in a certain line... I also wish you and your family a very great future, filled with much happiness and laughter.
Take care and God Bless you and your family.
Veronica Eriksson
Happy Birthday to someone who just gets better looking every freakin' year! Have a great day!
Michelle Smith
Wimberley, TX
Hey Rick! What's crackin? Anyway just wanted to say happy bday! Hope you have a great one! Oh and by the way, I will NEVER forget Stargate season 4 "Window of Opportunity". I think that's your best one!
"Lose it. It means, go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possesion of one's faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, WACKO!"
I love that one!
Have a good one!
Winchester, Massachusetts
Hope you have a wonderful birthday. You certainly deserve it. You are an extremely talented actor and also a role model for many. Thank you for sharing your talent with the rest of the world.
RDA, Have a good birthday and you're a brilliant actor. Keep up all the excellent work you do for charity.
PS - You get better looking each year. Have a good one.
Northern Ireland
Dear Richard,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday! Hope you can spend this day with the ones you love. Thank you for all the great moments you gave us through your work, we appreciate every single moment!
Hugs and all my love,
Miskolc, Hungary
Dearest Sir Richard,
First of all, allow me to greet you HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
How I wish I could see you and greet you in person. Ever since I saw MacGyver on T.V. I became your number 1 fan here in the Philippines. I even looked for your poster and hang it on the wall of my room. I am very much inspired by the role you play on the said T.V. series. How I wish I could have a full copy of all the episodes.
Well so much for my wishes. I just hope you'll be very happy on your birthday together with your family and some close friends. Hope you'll visit the Philippines someday. One more wish, I hope you'll do a movie that will also be aired here in the Philippines so I could watch. Long life and always be happy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MacGyver. Regards to "Pete", your best friend.
God Speed....
Ms. Jhen 31
Mr. Anderson,
First things first... Happy Birthday! I would also just like to say that I think you're an AWESOME actor. I think you're great in everything that you do, especially Stargate. I wish you and your family the best of luck. And hope that you have a great year!
Katie, 18
Chicago, Illinois
Bon anniversaire!
You make me , you make me
, you make me
... since 1985! Thank you!
Lots of love,
Bordeaux, France
Hi Rick! Happy 54th birthday! I'm sure you don't need reminding how old you are but believe me, you look great!
Keep smiling!
Hope 2004 is a great year for you and look forward to seeing you on our screens for a long time to come!
Love & Hugs,
Kaye (29) XX
Southampton, Hampshire, England
Dear Mr. Anderson,
I want to wish you more than a happy birthday. I wish you a happy life. You have been part of my weekly routine for so long that it seems I can't spend a week without watching one of your films. Countries apart, worlds apart (metaphorically speaking) yet so near.
Porto Alegre, Brasil
Creeping Into My Heart
In the field around his body
he spreads his soul so gently,
unleashing mystery and shaking
my vague recesses violently...
His movements seep through the air,
dissipating like a dream;
like mist leaning slowly
on a calm feeling-stream...
I wonder what force he encloses
between the walls of his figure!
I cling hopelessly to all the hopes
that his eyes in my eyes trigger...
Then swiftly he goes on his way
and meeting becomes only a wish
floating atop the lake of my-life's-clay,
like a young and lovely dead fish...
Stranger, watch out what you unleash;
Gather my tears as careful as you can...
Be merciful; be tender, I beseech!
Otherwise my only joy would slowly wan...
Even though I am almost as half as your age, you are closer to life than I am; through that you give me a smile...
Vill Gléck fir dain Gebuetsdag!!
That's Luxemburgish and simply means: Happy Birthday!
Have a wonderful time and best wishes to you and your future.
I'm glad to see you back in Season 8!!!
Olm, Luxembourg
Hope you have a great birthday!
Hiya Rick,
Wishing ya a happy birthday from both me and my character, Colonel Angel Dean, who is jumping around excited as her favourite actor is turning 54.
She of course is making the base unsafe for her husband James (Jack) O'Neill (the clone who was brought back by Harlan making Angel the happiest Colonel in the world, (well Taurak seeing she isn't human) talking about Richard Dean Anderson all day.
Poor James, he feels neglected.
But I on the other hand am making my house unsafe about both you and me. I'm turning 19 the 28 of January and my best friend is coming over. Ya know Zarina we both mailed you last year about how we met.
Anyways wanted to give ya the best wishes for
And of course send ya happy birthday greetings.
Have the greatest birthday ever, oeehhh oeh and save me some birthday cake.

"23 januarie, 2000 houres"
Angel roomed the base uneasy.
Hun what's wrong? Something with SG-2.
Nothing James, really, just thinking about Rick. Again?
Well it is his birthday, I wish I could do something for him, I mean he is playing in a series about our life.
I know I know, why don't ya get him here?
Huh this base is classified.
So did that ever stop you before?
Ohh fer cryin' out loud just go get him.
Angel hurried out the base driving over to Rick's home, seeing him there happily with his family discussing whether they would go skiing this year or not.
Knocking on the door Angel got kinda nervous but as Rick opened the door all worries flew out of her mind.
Mister Anderson, she said in her best Colonel voice, I am Colonel Angel Dean and I wish to discuss some business with you, but not here, this is all classified. It has to do with your show.
Sorry, he asked confused?
Just come with me sir.
April I'll be gone for a few hours.
What Rick!!
Sorry something about StarGate.
Leaving April muttering to her self he stepped in Angel's car and they drove to the real Cheyenne Mountain.
What is this place?
You will see sir, she smiled as she gave him a pass and then guided him to the entrance.
Well Mister Anderson the lieutenant greeted him as he gave back Angel's pass, Colonel he saluted her.
You know the General is not going to like this.
Don't worry I know she laughed.
Come on Rick she said eased let's show you around.
His eyes widened as she called him by his first name but he let her show him every corner of this somewhat familiar base.
So uhmm where are we going?
The gate room...
Gate... room...
Yup, James!!
James turned around, what!!!! I was just preparing my fishing line, now its a mess... owww hi he said confused as he looked in the face of both Angel and Rick.
I... he... he looks like me.
Hey you're right Angel giggled hadn't noticed that before. This is my husband James O'Neill. With two LL's there is a James O'Neil with one L but he has no sense of humor at all.
Okay... was all that Rick could stammer and to make things more easy for him Jack walked by.
Angel, watcha doin'?
Showing Rick the base.
Rick, Mister Anderson how ya doin'.
What... he... I... Aw Man who is he.
Jack O'Neill with two LL's...
Let me guess there is one with one L but he has no sense of humor at all.
Good one Daniel laughed as the young scientist walked through the halls with Major Samantha Carter.
So Colonel Dean where are you going? she asked.
To the gate.
As the entered the hall Rick about fainted, what the...
This is the StarGate, the real one Angel explained as Rick looked with great disbelief at the gate powering up and whooshing open.
All you act is real and so is the SGC.
Both Teal'c and Angel's team walked through the gate and greeted their Commanding officer.
Except for Teal'c that's my team, SG-2. Doctor Jarod Sun, Major Nerys Page and Lieutenant Logan Wolf.
Nerys and myself where not human we might look like you, but we're not she said seriously.
This is a joke right?
Colonel!!! boldered through the gate room.
Uhm yes general.
Report to my office ASAP!!
Yes, Sir.
Entering his office she saw he was truly mad, brace your self whispering to Rick.
Who is this man and what is he doing on this base unauthorized.
After explaining and getting yelled at Angel was allowed to show him the rest of the base if Rick promised to keep it quiet and only to use it in his show.
Yes General he prommised still not believing this was realy true.
Colonel you ship out in an hour to Taurak...
Yes sir Angel smiled, she had been waiting to go back home for a while and see how her sis was doing, it had only been a month since the Goa'uld had been removed but she seemed to be doing better that she was supposed to.
Uhm General, can I tag along, Rick asked uncertain of the answer.
What do you think Colonel?
Why not I'll keep an eye out, sir.
Alright then get him a uniform.
After taking one of James's uniforms (that fit perfectly) Angel and Rick walked up to the Gate.
Chevron 6 encoded...
Well this is it Rick she smilled...
So why did you show me all this? Rick asked.
Chevron 7 encoded...
Be course I'm a real fan of the show and you and well let's just say I'm not a big fan of rules and reports so I thought I'd do something bold for your birtday and show you the real StarGate and my life, as I know so many of yours.
Chevron 8 locked.
Rick smiled as he grabbed Angel's hand, lead the way Colonel.
Entering the horizon Angel shouted some orders to her team.
They entered a bright and sunny world and some childeren ran towards them.
Ta nor in non alan ta they yelled as Angel greeted them.
Guess we're not in Kansas any more Toto...
Ya got that right Rick, Angel kissed him on the cheek, Happy birthday.
"Colonel Angel Dean"
Well there ya got it that's my birthday wish for you this year Rick, hope ya like it. Best of luck for this year and keep doing what you do. Always stay yourself because that's what we love the most, not just your shows. But you and all what you stand for, your family, your goals, nature, life, your friends and fans. Go do something you love and whether you stop acting or not I will always be there looking back at what you did together with all of the other fans all over the world. Have a Great day, and I mean a GREAT DAY!!!

Lots of love and kisses,
Jolijn van Wijngaarden
Tilburg, The Netherlands
I wish you the best birthday you have ever had!
Thank you for the wonderful gift of humor and a smile that you give me every week on Stargate SG-1. I never miss an episode. I wish I had seen your MacGyver shows, but I just never did. If I ever catch MacGyver on cable television, I will be sure and watch.
A very happy birthday to you, and many, many more. Keep up the good work on SG-1.
Kathryn Fitchett
Houston, Texas, but now living in Phoenix, Arizona
Much as I've enjoyed your work over the years, what I admire most is the way you've used your success to build an authentic life for yourself. That's why, though your possible retirement is sad for fans, I applaud your thoughtful decision to wrap up a chapter of your life and move on to a new one. All the best for the coming year -- may you find much joy and love in all your endeavors!
Happy happy birthday from a fellow Aquarian in sunny San Diego (which I hear is one of your favorite cities). I am a long time fan who thinks you have made Jack O'Neill the best character on television today. Thanks for providing so much to your fans over the years and for your support of so many wonderful environmental causes!
San Diego, California
To Richard,
Hi from the UK. Hope you have a fantastic birthday and that you get everything you wish for. Hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year and that 2004 is good to you. Enjoying the new season of Stargate and hope it lasts another season.
Best wishes to your girlfriend and daughter.
Happy 54th Birthday again and hope you enjoy yourself!
Jennifer Chance (age 16) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Richard,
Hope you have a brilliant birthday and many more to come. You are my role model and I think you are a fabulous actor and a beautiful person. I absolutely adore you. I hope that your daughter and girlfriend are happy and I send my best wishes to them. Again I hope you have a fantastic birthday and enjoy every minute of it.
Derby, United Kingdom
I have loved you in Stargate. It wouldn't be the same without you but if you feel inclined to pursue other avenues I hope you'll be successful and happy in whatever you do. Have a very happy birthday and love and best wishes to your family. My loss is their gain!
Shropshire, England
Hey Rick!
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a nice day!
And I hope you celebrate with your family and all your friends!
I love you in Stargate and MacGyver and in all other films from you and with you!
You are the best!!!
And I wish you all the best!!!
Bye bye and more fun!!!!
Your biggest fan,
Thuringia, Germany
Dear Richard,
I wish you a happy birthday and may your all wishes be fulfilled.
With many thanks for acting the dear character of Col. O'Neill (a true action hero).

Click image to view a sequence.
I read recently in an e-mail posted in the SG-1 yahoo group that you intend to retire from acting and build your house in California. May I be so bold to suggest that, in case you retire from entertainement business, to build your house in Florida. A while ago, in Los Angeles they have been torched, slimmed and shaken in a span of two years; in Florida you have access to an ocean - the Atlantic (which always has a cold water) and a sea - the Caribbean - (which most time of the year has a warm water). Just a suggestion.
We will not surrender even in death. You will not be forgotten. (SG1 Allegiance)
Ileana Eliza aka Jolinar of Malk-Shur
London, Great Britain
Dear Rick,
Happy birthday and many, many more.
I've always enjoyed your work (except GH... never into soaps)
There is no Stargate SG-1 without Jack O'Neill!
(The other people are just set decoration)
I hate the reduced schedule but completely understand and approve of the reasoning behind it. Thank you for giving us O'Neill even if in reduced roles for seasons 7 and 8.
I would LOVE to see a Legend movie if you're so inclined.
The silver becomes you; don't hide it!
Your grateful fan,
Barbara Kegel-Haesler
Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Hi Richard,
I just wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!!! And a big kiss and hug from a big fan in Uruguay. May this day find you surrounded by all your beloved ones.
Big kiss and hug again from,
María Elena
Hi Rick,
All my best wishes to your birthday and your new year of life. Especially health to you and your family, which is most important!
Last year I sent you greetings, too. And by the way, the offer still exists (the beer!). Enjoy the time with your daughter Wylie. They grow up so fast and she is such a sweet little person!
Hope you'll have a very special birthday with the ones you love. We all think of you!
Greetings and stay as you are.
From a small town near Hamburg, Germany
Happy 54th Birthday, Richard! I hope it's a good one! I'll turn 47 the 22nd! Here is a poem I wrote several years ago.
Deep dark eyes, slender face, heart-shaped lips, and tender hands.
College days of heated anger, and travels across the land.
Tall and slim, his body tan, his voice is music to my ears.
Street corner mime and acting that shines, I speak of his long ago years.
Who is this man with wheat-gold hair who comes in dreams at night?
His voice it soothes and eases my pain; his presence makes things right.
Is he real or just fantasy, to touch him be in vain?
To wake to shadows in the air, the tears I do restrain.
If by chance he should be real, with him my thoughts I share.
Of feelings that churn within my heart, of knowing how I care!
I wrote this for you July, 1992... Just wish the book I had planned to send to you had made it... Sorry it didn't! Best wishes throughout the rest of your life...
Always, Karen Sue Reed (a friend and fan)
Karen Sue Reed
Columbus, Georgia
Dear Richard,
I wish you a happy birthday, and another wonderful year with your family. I have been a fan for many, many years, and often it has been only your wry sense of humor that gets me through bad days. Thanks for the years of MacGyver (WHEN will it be in DVD format?) and Stargate - I have been a sci-fi fan since age 7, when my dad introduced me to Robert Heinlein, Pohl, Asimov, etc. and still am to this day. As a teacher of Ancient Civilizations, what could be better than a combination of ancient Egyptian gods and sci-fi, especially when it has your distinct mark on the dialogue and characters. Thank you for another year, please stay with it....... and have many happy days with Wylie.
Kathy Kellerman
Tustin, California
Dear Richard,
Have a great birthday with many more to come!
Sharon Freed
Faribault, MN
Hi Richard,
Have a great one and have a piece of cake for me.
Hello to all.
Janet Yates
The boondocks in Rockwood, Michigan
Happy Birthday to Mr. Anderson!
May you have a wonderful birthday and a great year.
Marysville, WA
Dear Mr. Anderson:
You wouldn't know me if you tripped over me, but I'm going to wish you a "Very Happy 54th Birthday" in 2004.
I've enjoyed the acting challenges you've met and the goals you've reached over the past 25+ years. Like an exceptional bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle wine, you get better and better with age and experience.
May your 54th birthday be a time of great joy, happiness and fulfillment. Keep on shining and keep on working towards an environmentally safe world!
P.S. The snow at Mount Baker is great and the lift tickets are cheaper than Whistler! Come on down to Washington State and have some fun!
Best wishes,
Evelyn Hager, 50
Seattle, WA
To Richard,
You've brought many good stories into my home with Stargate SG-1 and MacGyver. My sister and I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday. May you continue to bring magic to our lives for many, many, many years to come.
Thank You,
Eunice and Lilia Torres
Happy Birthday from an Italian fan!
Rome, Italy
Hey Rick!
Happy Birthday! I hope you'll have a great day with your family and friends! Greetings from West Germany, we're looking forward to the new seasons of SG-1! Stay tuned!
Duesseldorf, Germany
Hi Rick,
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday to you and wish you well. I have been enjoying watching some early MacGyver reruns here in England. Hope they do the later series as well.
I work in nature conservation for a tiny, independent charity so am delighted that you are lending your name to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and others. High profile performers like yourself can influence so many more people than most 'conservationists' can hope to reach so you are doing a great job.
Keep going!
With best wishes,
Happy Birthday from a long-time fan now living in the US Virgin Islands. The weather is great and we have very active Literacy and Conservation volunteers. Come on down!
Jacqueline Denise
St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
Dear Richard,
A man must test his wings to soar. May you always soar as high and free as an eagle. Love to you and your family. Happy Birthday and many, many more.
Linda Skinner
Hello! Hope you have a very Happy Birthday. I really enjoy all of your work. Yes I am a Stargate Fan. Thanks to my mother. Oh Yes (she also says Hello). I also would like to say how wonderful it is to see you gave so much to your daughter Wylie. I hope some day she knows how lucky she is. Have a Good Birthday. P.S. Do not forgot the kid in you. Eat all the cake and ice cream you want. Then make a wish. You never know.
Your Fan,
North Bay, Ontario, Canada
Dear Rick,
Happy Birthday to you. You only get better with age.
I hope you get every happiness in all this world. God bless you and Wylie.
Karen Alexander
Albion, MI
Hey Rick,
Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a fantastic day.
Deirdre Heaney
N. Ireland
I just want you to know that your character, MacGyver, has helped me survive life, in watching your performance as the MacGyver character always looking for the good in everyone and every adventure. I have survived cancer, divorce and at an early age disability. I keep thinking about MacGyver, he would find the positive in all of this... I even named my precious sealpoint Siamese tom cat MacGyver... which has long time since passed on to one of his nine lives... That's thinking positive for MacGyverisms....
Janice Rotter
Ellington, Missouri, USA
Happy Birthday to youuu...
Happy Birthdaaay to yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu *sing*
What luck, that this is internet and you don't hear me singing.
I wish you a nice Birthday!
Greetings from Austria,
Petra Schlöglhofer
Haidershofen, Austria
Hi Rick!
Happy Birthday!
You and your Team are doing a great job at Stargate!
Gerhard Wiener
Vienna, Austria
Hi Rick!!
Best wishes from Germany!
What about a MacGyver-comeback for your birthday!!!
Dear Richard,
I'd like to wish you a very happy birthday. I do hope you'll have a wonderful day and that the future will bring you as much happiness as you have brought us.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for being the inspiration you are, for all the years of entertainment and fun you brought to us, as well as your continuous work concerning environmental issues.
May you one day realize how many lives you've affected,
Just a little hello and one more time thanks a bunch for all you've done. Thanks for MacGyver, thanks for SG-1, thanks for just being a fun person to watch... Best for you and your family, happy birthday Mr. Anderson
Belgium, living in the US
Happy birthday Richard Dean Anderson!
I like the soap General Hospital.
Karin Wohlert-Wiegel
Happy birthday Rick! I hope you have a fantastic birthday! I am one of your biggest fans. You are a brilliant and gifted actor who should be in the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. You deserve it so much. You are belivable in every character you're in especially in the movie Thru the Eyes of a Killer. I have that on tape but can't watch it because it scares the heck out of me. I wrote you a letter I hope you got it okay. Stay safe and God bless you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK! Hugs to you.
Sonya Bonadonna
Rochester, N.Y.
Hi Richard,
Hope you have a fabulous birthday! Thanks for all your hard work this year on Stargate SG-1. I've enjoyed watching you a lot and appreciate the fact that you've stuck with the show. Hope you get to spend your birthday doing something you love and with those you love like Wylie. Happy Birthday and many more!
Shelly G
Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day plus many more! But I really hate the fact that this will be the final season of SG-1.
I have been watching you for years and I do mean years. The e-mail address is not just any number!
Jenn West
South Carolina
Dear Richard,
Happy Birthday!
Wish to thank you for the heart and soul that you give in each thing you work on. It is shown in each episode of Stargate SG-1 and MacGyver, plus the other shows and movies you were acting in or associated with. You give each episode of Stargate SG-1 your funny sense of humor.
Happy Birthday and I wish to give you some internet birthday kisses.
Hope you'll be doing what you would love to be doing on your birthday.
Holly Stanley
Ohio, USA
Dear Richard,
From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all the best in the world!!
Tons of Kisses,
Mónica Silva
Dear Richard Dean!
Already for years I am large fan of you and miss actually if possible no consequence of the series "MacGyver" or "Stargate". However I must say that you please me in the series "Stargate" still better. You there genuinely more ripely thus already are in my age. To your current birthday I wish you everything property, much health and still many beautiful films and series with you much further in such a way.
A big Happy Birthday to you from sunny Scotland!!
Hope that you have a fun day and more importantly you spend it with your daughter and family.
I just love Stargate SG-1 and you all do a great job, so please keep up the fab work.
Well hope you can hear me singing - Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Richard, Happy Birthday to you.
Kirstie xxx
Glasgow, Scotland
I'm "oeildelynx". I adore you! You are my favourite actor, really. I try to see all Stargate's episodes (there's one every evening from Monday to Friday!). I hope you will have a really great birthday!
PS: I beg your pardon if my English is not perfect, since I'm French!
Anastasia Zimmann
Happy Birthday, Mr. Anderson!
Thanks for the plethora of amazing performances (recently on Stargate - my Friday nights no longer include bar-hopping... I'm glued to the seat for every new episode - and previous to that on MacGyver - I grew up watching that series in the 80's and along with The Transformers and The A-Team it's one of those pop-cultural icons that always bring a smile to my face!). Also, heads up! You have placed second in a recent ESPN Page 2 poll for the 2nd place favorite 'Anderson!' Granted, first place went to Pamela Anderson, but it IS a web page for sports nuts, so what do you expect?
Rob Spidle
Hello again,
It's hard to believe that another year has passed. I hope you have a great day, enjoy it and relax. I hope we see more of you this next season. Have a very happy birthday.
Louise xx
Hi! Birthday greetings from England, hope you have a great day with your family and friends, enjoying season seven over here, looking forward to season eight, keep doing what you do so well.
Lots of love,
Chelmsford, Essex, England
Happy Birthday Rick from a little town in Cornwall!
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for making me smile.
Thank you for being the best and sexiest thing on TV.
And most of all, thank you for being you!
Have a fantastic day & here's to more of your perfect comedy timing in 2004!
With love,
Tracy xxx (A huge Stargate & MacGyver fan!!!)
Dear Rick,
I wish you a great birthday among the people you love. Thanks for all you've done all those years and still do. You've been a great inspiration to a lot of people and you probably can't even start to imagine what you mean to a lot of us. Have a great, special and unforgettable day!
Love always,
Best wishes for your birthday. It is so sad for us that this is your last year in this guise. You will be missed but I would like to thank you for the hours of pleasure you have given us over the years. May your new path be strewn with golden pleasures.
Parting will be such sweet sorrow for the many who would be Juliette to your Romeo.
Happy Birthday Mr. Anderson. Thanks for the fantasies.
Jennette Battisby
Happy Birthday Rick!
I wish you a very happy birthday, good luck, health and happiness.
Thank you for giving us so many wonderful times on TV. Please continue many, many years. You are great!
tilykke richard med fødselsdagen
A good actor can transport you to a time and place as if you were really there. You do that for me. You are a passionate, gifted, lovely man. Best wishes for continued health and happiness. Happy Birthday!
Alesa Webb
Happy Birthday, Richard! I am sending you a virtual bouquet of birthday wishes. In this lovely bouquet are longlasting hugs, spiraling laughter, candy tuft kisses and bundles of fragrant fun. I hope that you are surrounded by your family and friends on your special day.
Have a great 8th season on Stargate. Good luck with the River Projects. (I am looking forward to seeing your work as a series on PBS.) May all your dreams come true. Best wishes and happiness to you and Wylie.
Love and Birthday Hugs,
Barbara Kaplowitz
Bayside, New York
Hey, Richard,
I want to wish you a happy birthday. I hope all your wishes come true, far greater than you imagined. I am happy to be one of the many fans that get to wish you a happy birthday and to share a moment of this wonderful time with you. We love you and wish you the best.
Hugs & Kisses,
Statesville, NC
Hello Rick! I just wanna say that I love you, and I hope you have the best of the birthdays. Please, keeping on the way!
Valentina Mejias
Have a great birthday Richard. Your birthday is actually the day before my son Cullen who will be a big 3 on the 24th and I know he's excited enough for half our block... lol. Eat drink be merry and enjoy it to the fullest!
Donna Mackie
Inverurie, Scotland
Hi Rick!!! I'm Susana from Argentina and again this year wanted to send you a wish for your birthday sent with a world of affection because you are such a wonderful person. I hope you have the best of your birthdays!!!!
Dear Richard, my mom and I wish you a very happy birthday and all the best for your future. We are great fans of Stargate and have reserved all Wednesday evenings for this fantastic serial. We love Colonel Jack O'Neill and hope you will act him a long, long time more.
Best wishes from Germany,
Hi, I only want to say: Happy Birthday.
This is the German MacGyver!
Happy Birthday Richard!
I hope the new year and your retirement will bring you many new adventures. Your work and concern for the environment make a difference and you can take great pride in that.
Be sure to plan some nature excursions with Wylie; we girls like adventures too. May your next year bring you much happiness.
New York
Dearest Rick,
I am so sorry that I have no time to paint a special card for you like every year. But my Mam is very sick. So on this way I wish you a wonderful birthday filled with joy and happiness. Kiss your little family and have much fun.
Happy birthday and best wishes for the coming year to a man who is living proof that age is just a number!! Keep up the good work!
As an actor I adore your work, for your support of charities and the enviroment I admire you even more. Happy 54th Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day and a great year ahead.
Dear Richard,
First of all, from the bottom of my heart, I wish you a very happy beloved birthday!
Best Regards,

Alles Gute zum Gerburtstag
I'm wishing you all the best for the next 54 years! Hope you have a wonderful and happy birthday!!!
You're such a fantastic actor, so keep up the great work.
I don't use the word "fan" lightly... I can only count on one hand the number of actors for whom I have labeled myself a "fan," but I am definitely a Richard Dean Anderson fan. MacGyver was the catalyst for my close relationship with my dearest college friend, so I thank you for all those wonderful memories.
I would very much like to offer my best wishes for your upcoming birthday... hope it's a great one.
Cleveland, OH
Well Hi Anderson,
What does a person have to do to get your attention?
Very Happy Birthday Wishes from Manchester, England!
Manchester, England
Hi Rick,
Hope you have a great birthday, and that all your birthday wishes come true. Don't work too hard, and keep up the fantastic work.
Take care,
Love and Kissz,
Dear Rick,
Another year is over and I'm writing you a message again... it's the 3rd time, that I send you such a "birthday-letter".
I wish you a happy 54th birthday!!!!!
I hope you will celebrate a lot and spend a very nice day with your family!
Let me tell you that I admire you and your work. For me you are the best actor alive!
As I have already told you in a former letter, I still love MacGyver and also really enjoy Stargate SG-1. Jack is great! This kind of humor is super! Thanks for playing that role! I'm so happy that you played Jack for 7 years - will you give him a chance to be funny in Season 8 too? I'd love it!
Of course I know and understand that you want to spend more time with your family - but it would be super if you were still acting in the future. Because that's the only possibility for me to "see" you.... so please don't totally retire!
By the way: Will you play MacGyver again for a TV-movie or something? Maybe in this "Young MacGyver series" I have read about? You could have guest appearances there. In my opinion this would be very successful!
I wish you a lot of luck, health and joy!!!
Best wishes from Austria!
Alles Liebe!
Nicole Fenz
Austria, Europe
Hi Rick,
Happy Birthday and best wishes from me.
A nice Day with your Family and Friends.
Leipzig, Germany
Dear Rick,
May your birthday be just the first day of a new year filled with peace, joy, love and happiness. May you enjoy good health and many years to come with your little angel, Wylie!
Mary Ann
Erie, PA (home of the Erie Otters OHL team)
Happy Birthday, Richard!
As you approach retirement, and shooting schedules, the Vancouver/LA commute, and the problem of finding enough time to spend with Wylie fade away, be aware that the rewards you will reap in the future are well earned. You have given the world pleasure and inspiration through your acting, caring generosity, and dedication to environmental projects. Now it is time for you to relax, enjoy and have fun.
It is hard not to be sad for surely you will be missed, but you will never be forgotten. MacGyver in Passages and The Madonna, and O'Neill in Solitudes, Abyss and Window of Opportunity, for example, will be engraved in our memories long after our tapes and DVD's have worn out. And somewhere MacGyver and Stargate SG-1 will be finding new audiences to enthrall.
Wherever you and Wylie go our hearts will go with you, and when we look up at the night sky we will see your star.
So, live, love, laugh and be happy. Oh, and take care of those knees.
Good luck. God bless.
Gratefully, and with respect,
To Rick,
My Mum and I are great fans of Stargate, and MacGyver, and I wanted to thank you for making us laugh in these programmes, cause not many programmes on TV can rival your stunning sense of humour. I wish you all the best in 2004 and have a great birthday!
Lots of love - from friends over in the UK,
Jason & Linda -x-
Dear Richard,
My Birthday wish for you is Health, Happiness, and Love. I just wish I could be the one providing the happiness and love.
Your most devoted fan,
Happy BirthDay to you,
Happy BirthDay to you,
Happy BirthDay dear Richard,
Happy BirthDay to you!!!!
I hope you have the best birthday ever. p.s. You look like you're 20 years old. I love you. Maybe you could send a picture of you to me.
Amy Tye
Grain Valley, Missouri
Hope you have the best birthday!
Best wishes!
Happy Birthday!!! May you have a wonderful day and all your birthday wishes come true.
Seattle, WA
First of all let me wish you a happy birthday. Hope you have a great day with the people you love, and of course lots of presents.
Now let me thank you for everything you've done so far. You are a good inspiration to lots of people.
Keep up with such a wonderful work.
You are the best!
Wish you all the love, happiness, fun and health with your family.
Rute Pereira
Happy Birthday!
As one who is a couple of months ahead of you, 54 isn't so bad. My kids got me Stargate Seasons 1 and 2. I know your daughter will treat you as special as my kids treat me. All the best for the coming years.
Ventura, CA
May your birthday be a wonderful memorable one and that every other day of the year would be as special as well. Enjoy life to the fullest and treasure every moment. Know that you are special to more people than you can imagine, and that all of them wish you happiness.
Happy Birthday RDA!
Hope u have a great day and get loads of good pressys.
Leeds, England
I just would like to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for doing such a good job as Jack O'Neill!
Best wishes,
Hi Richard,
Happy Birthday! Have a fantastic day my friend. I wish you well and a long life of fun. Never is there a man who deserves it more than you, Richard. Twinkle in your eye and a smile that lights up my life. I wish all the best for the future.
P.S. Wylie, can you do something for me please? Can you give your dad a big kiss from me? Thanks Wylie, look after your dad. He is very special. Be good.
Take care of yourself, Richard.
All my love,
Janice xxx
Happy birthday to you direct from Germany!
I wish you all my best and of course all the best to your Wylie, too.
It's a pleasure to see you every week on TV as Jack O'Neill. Thank you so much for being such a sarcastic actor. And thanks for 7 and soon 8 wonderful seasons of Stargate SG-1. Because I know, you want to have more time with your daughter. But I hope that you won't retire from the whole TV screen. I, and a lot of other fans would miss you too much.
Next week I'll go for skiing in Vail. It's the first time for me to go ski in the USA. I hope for fantastic powder snow. I do ski since I was 2 years old. But I was every year in Austria, in the Alps. Perhaps we can ski together... anywhere at any time?! Well, enough from me, now have a wonderful birthday!!! (Sorry for my bad English)
With love,
Happy Birthday, Rick!
I wish you all the best to your 54 birthday. I hope you have a lot of fun and get many presents - I think that's one of the most important things about birthdays.
Keep well and fit and happy!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday and best wishes to you with all my heart!!!!! Love you lots!
Vancouver, Washington
Hi Richard, hope you have a great birthday!
Love from,
Sue Darwin
Happy Birthday Rick
I wish you all the best to your 54 Birthday and have a good year.
Just wanted to wish you an "Oh Happy Day." I've been a fan since GH - so I'm not far behind you in age! I read somewhere that you like Australian Shepherds! Mine is named Katie and she is nearly 8! We have excellent taste, don't we? Your environmental efforts are appreciated and inspirational. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Richard,
At first best wishes for the new year. And also happy birthday. Hope you have a funny, long, nice, amusing day.
I love Stargate and I am a big fan of you.
May you always be surrounded by those you love, and always know there are people you've never met who love and support you too. Enjoy your birthday, have many more, and please never retire!
Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
Thank you for all the humor you bring to my life and my children's lives on a daily basis. Just thinking of things that your characters have done can make us laugh on the moment. Your commitment to excellence makes all your projects noteworthy. Thank you for your support of the environment and our youth. The happiest of birthdays to you, Rick. May peace and joy fill your life.
Sandi Smith
Malone, New York
Dear Rick,
You have brought much happiness to me so thank you very much. Hope you have a great birthday. I love Stargate SG-1 and MacGyver. You're a great actor. Bye!
New Zealand
Greetings Rick,
I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I have enjoyed your work over the years. I'll miss your dry wit and beautiful smile, but there are reruns. The best of luck to you in the future. Your daughter is lovely. Enjoy her, the years go by so quickly they're teens before you know it. Now that's a strange trip. But wondrous. I have high hopes for the Waterkeepers Alliance, keep up the good work. Whatever you choose to do with your life after retiring I hope it's good for your spirit. Live in the moment, your mind and body should be in harmony bound as one with the universe. Again happy wishes for your birthday.
Peace and Love,
Sher Mindermann
Pittsfield, MA
Hi Richard! Per molts anys!
I'm a big, big fan of you since the days you were on MacGyver. Then I was 12 years old. Now, 16 years later, I have almost every episode of MacGyver, Stargate and other of your films on tape. You still are, and always will be, my platonic love. You can't imagine the happiness you've brought me over the years. THANK YOU VERY, VERY MUCH for all the emotions and great moments you've made me feel.
I wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, with your loved ones. A lot of health, happiness, luck and all the best. Also a long life for you and Wylie to enjoy each other. My father died last year and I miss him so much... You have a friend forever in Barcelona.
P.S.: Sorry, I know my English isn't very well...
With all my love,
Barcelona, Spain
I wanted to take this opportunity to Thank You for taking the time to speak with me and my son at the Sea Shepherd fund raiser in La Jolla on January 12th and accepting our little birthday card. We were both thrilled and very nervous. You were so very kind and most charming - I was honored to have had the opportunity to meet you in person. I hope you will have an occasion to hear the music of the words of the song I had printed. I cannot convey enough how much I admire you and your work. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors and that your life continues to be filled with happiness and peace. May your adventures never end - professionally and personally and always know that you are loved by so many.
Wishing you a warm and Happy Birthday -
Kat Christianson
Oceanside, CA
Hi Anderson!
My momma and me got to meet you last week at a silent auction. I gave you a birthday card from her. Do you remember us? I was really excited. I'm 9 years old and beg her to let me watch Stargate. I love you in that show! My momma has a big crush on you. She's really nice. Maybe you might like her. I do. She got two pictures of you and a hat there. I picked out the frames for them. Say hi to your daughter for me. I had fun talking to you. Thanks. Happy Birthday!
Christian Brady
Oceanside, California
Hi Rick,
Happy 54th Birthday! May God continue to bless you with good health and shower you with happiness. I have been a fan of yours since your "General Hospital" days and continue to enjoy your acting and admire and respect the work you do in other areas, such as Waterkeepers. Thank you for giving your time and talent to us all over the years. May the Lord continue to watch over you and your little girl, Wylie. Happy Birthday!
God bless you,
Mary Simmons
Kennesaw, Georgia
Hi Rick,
I'd just like to say I'm a big fan of all your work I've seen to date MacGyver included but since I was a little too young to see it here in UK first time round (14 yrs ago I think) I've just discovered it in the last year and I think it's great. But without doubt I have to say the work all the crew on Stargate do a totally fab job but you get me the most so:
Thanks for Mac.
Thanks for all 8 seasons playing Jack O'Neill.
Thanks for making my Gran (she likes Mac loads).
Stay Happy and Safe Always.
Oh yeah one last thing,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rick!!! It's MY BIRTHDAY TOO!!!!! I was born on January 23, 1970!!! It's SOOOOOOOOOO COOL to have the SAME BIRTHDAY AS YOU!!! I absolutely am SOOO HOOKED to Stargate!!! I always tell everyone, "He's GOT THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME!!!" That show is so much fun and I am soooo addicted! All I can say is THANK YOU for making the show such a success and I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE HUMOR you put into O'NEILL all the characters!!!!!!!! Who doesn't LOVE to laugh! Anyways, did I say that it is SO COOL TO HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY as YOU!?!?! LOL! OH, OK, I'll quit now!
Jacqueline Creedon
Phoenix, Arizona
Dear Richard:
I cannot imagine a bigger fan than I am. It started with MacGyver and then Legend and Stargate....
I wish you a very special birthday... Hope you share it with your little daughter and special friends... Nothing could make me happier than if you would ever contact me... I am struggling with learning disabilities and if I am down, the thought that Stargate will be on TV, makes me always very happy again.
Consider yourself kissed on the cheek...
With love,
Marcella Hoff
Citrus Heights, CA
Hi Rick,
I just want to wish you a very very happy birthday. Feliz Cumpleaños!!!!
It's the second time I post here and I'm happy to be able to congratulate you again in the name of all the Mexican fans you have thanks to MacGyver, Stargate it's not that famous for many reasons (ie, it's cut off 2 years ago from cable tv). Anyway don't forget about us the Mexican fans. We love and Admire You. TE QUEREMOS Y ADMIRAMOS.
And just a little bit of our traditional song for birthday parties (las mañanitas):
**** Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el rey david a los muchachos bonitos se las cantamos asi,
despierta mi bien despierta mira que ya a amanecio ya los pajarillos cantan la luna ya se metio...
*** This are the mañanitas that sang the King David, for the pretty boys we sing it like this.
Wake up darling wake up look it's already started the day, the birdies sing and the moon is gone...
The one truly fan,
Margarita Muñoz Goncen
Mexico City, Mexico
Hi Rick,
I like your (and Jack O'Neill's) sense of humor. Thank you, and happy birthday!
Prague, Czech Republic
Happy Birthday (Alles Gute)
A-Team Mac
Y'know, it's not fair: Another year and you go from strength to strength - the rest of us just get older.
Seriously, every good wish for your birthday and the coming year. I hope they bring everything you wish for.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Herzliche Glückwünsche zum Geburtstag sendet Ihnen Inge Stockner aus Gelsenkirchen. Bin ebenfalls am 23.01.1950 geboren, aber in Hagen (Germany).
Inge Stockner
Dear Richard,
I wish you a Happy Birthday and I want to thank you for all these years of joy and happiness. From General Hospital to Stargate you've given me some of my best moments of my life. I love the humor (subtle or not) you put in your characters.
I wish you happy birthday and another years full of joys and good people. I love you and your character as Colonel Jack O'Neill. I celebrated birthday 2nd January too. Bye bye.
Your big fan,
Czech Republic
Hey Rick,
To your birthday I wish you much luck and health as well as further much success. You were simple as MacGyver and as Colonel Jack O'Neill the best one.
Dear Richard,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a wonderful day doing what makes you happiest. I'd be willing to bet your little angel fits somewhere in that equation. Have a GREAT day.
Oh by the way, I'm a big fan of SG-1. I look forward to each episode. Every member of the team is so likeable, (especially Jack). His sense of humor adds so much to the show. Until I started watching SG-1, I was not much of a scifi fan. SG-1 has somewhat changed my view about some scifi.
Anyway, hope you have a happy and healthy birthday. However, don't do anything too dangerous, we can't have Jack laid up and unable to tape new and exciting episodes of SG-1!
PS: If you ever find yourself in my neck of the woods, I'd be more than happy to give you and yours a grand tour of our beautiful, historic city.
Best wishes,
Charleston, South Carolina
Penblwydd hapus (happy birthday in Welsh). Have a good birthday and an even better year. May you enjoy the day which I hope you will be spending with your daughter. May she and you receive all that you wish.
North Wales, UK
I hope that you have a wonderful birthday which you can spend with family and friends, and that this next year brings you and your daughter all the best that life has to offer. For all that you've given to the world, I hope you receive it back ten fold. Have a lovely birthday, and a beautiful life.
Simi Valley, California
Hi Rick,
HAPPY 54th!!!!!!!
We share a January Birthday.
This is just to wish you -
Good health,
Good luck,
and Happiness
to you, your Daughter and family...
Thanks for making the world a brighter place.
Have a wonderful birthday!!!!!!

Hi Rick,

I wish you the best birthday in the world
with many wishes to have more and more to come
with your lovely family and friends

and many years to come
all filled with joy and happiness.

Thanks a lot for who you are and what you give us all.

Lots of Love from France,

Happy Birthday. I and all my sons enjoy your show SG-1. Hope you and your family have a good day on your birthday.
Tampa, Florida
Dear Rick,
I wish you an happy birthday on 23rd January. It's every time the same thing, so be happy, make your wishes come true... I hope to see you always on TV, you're a so great actor and see you on screen makes a great day.
Be always as you are.
Too cool, happy birthday!
Hi Rick,
Happy Birthday. All my best wishes for you and your family in this new year. Celebrate your birthday with your family and all your friends. May God bless you.
Thanks for making me a better person. Have fun.
All my best,
I think of you as Mac since I'm just now catching MacGyver on TVLand. I'm not sure where the eighties went, but I seem to be stuck in them. (I'm also a cult fan of the Simon & Simon TV show; remember them?) Anyway, MacGyver is an enlightening show. I'm beginning to think outside the box in my own situations and becoming more sensitive to others as your character was on the show; and for real from what I've read.
Also, I'm just begining to watch Stargate now that it will be going off the air. I'll catch up one of these decades! Anyway, it's nice to be able to relate to someone in my own age group and to know there is at least one kind man left.
Many Happy Returns. How about a MacGyver movie showcasing 50-something ingenuity?
Thanks for the good times,
Judy A. Shively
Phoenix, Arizona
Hallo Mr. Anderson,
I wish you a happy birthday. I also have to thank you for all the nice hours that I had when I saw you on TV. You really have a wonderful job, but I also know it's a hard job. Have a nice day with your family on your birthday and remember that there are all over the world persons that will think of you that day. Excuse me for my English, it is not perfect.
Christine Hubl
My name is Julieta Rocha and I live in Porto, Portugal. I wish you have a very happy birthday. I hope this date to repeat for much and long years, also to wish everything good for you and for your family. I hope you make to materialize every your dreams, and that you have much success in your private and professional life.
GOOD LUCK.............
Julieta Rocha
I just wanted to wish you a happy 54th birthday coming up. Give Wylie a big kiss, she's so cute. I want to see more pictures of her.
Long Island, New York
Dear Rick,
Happy birthday, I wish you all the best (health, good luck and all you want).
The greatest presents are children and I wish you many hours with your daughter Wylie. At about 3 weeks I will be mother and I hope, our child will be born quickly, but healthy is very important.
I'm a big fan for Stargate and I hope, the 8 season is coming.
For your future I wish you all you want.
(Sorry for my bad English)
Hi Rick,
For more than 20 years I have enjoyed watching you on TV. Thank you so much for all those television memories. Happy birthday to you!
I hope your special day is everything you want it to be. My wish for you is that the coming year is filled with peace, love, and happiness.
"The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication." - Cecil B. DeMille
Beaumont, Texas
Hello Mr. Anderson,
I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday.
I hope the new year brings you happiness & good health.
All the best,
Lisa W.
Denver, Colorado
Dear Richard:
You have been such an inspiration to me, even more so now that I'm going through a difficult time in my life. Seeing the relationship you have with Wylie has been extremely uplifting to me. God Bless you both.
For all the joy you give to others, I hope that all of these well-wishes from fans, bring you the same joy. While I shall miss seeing you on tv, it brings me more happiness knowing that Wylie will spend more time with her Daddy.
May the good Lord continue to bless you, Wylie, and your family with health, peace, happiness, love, and all good things in life. Wishing you a blessed 54th birthday. Here are a few quotes that reflect my feelings for you.
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." - Marcel Proust
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." - Leo Buscaglia
"By the accident of fortune a man may rule the world for a time, but by virtue of love and kindness he may rule the world forever." - Lao-Tse
"The Highest form of goodness is like water - Water knows how to benefit all things without striving with them. It stays in places loathed by all men - Therefore it comes near the Tao." - Tao Te Chin
New York, NY
Have a wonderful day on your birthday. Why don't you take the day off?!
No doubt you won't have time to read all of these greetings, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to send you good wishes. Please know that you bring a lot of pleasure into the lives of your fans who love "Stargate SG-1", "MacGyver" and your many other screen appearances. I really enjoy you in the role of Colonel Jack O'Neill and appreciate your commitment to the show. You and the other cast members are a perfect team.
You seem to be a great person and a great father to Wylie. I'm happy for you. I wish you and Wylie every happiness and everything good in 2004.
Best regards,
Ireland/New Jersey
Hello Richard:
Happy 54th Birthday! I have been your fan since MacGyver and I really admire you for being so clever as MacGyver, funny as Legend and for living an amazing and crazy life as Jack, but most of all I admire Richard a great human being who cares about others and the world where we are living. Thank you for sharing your life with us, for making me laugh, cry and for all the happiness you've brought me over all these years.
God bless you and your family and give you a lot of health, love, happiness and peace through all your life. You are a great actor and I hope to see more from you in the future.
Enjoy your day with your family and friends, and always remember there's a lot of people who care about you all over the world, at least there is someone in Mexico who prays for you every day.
If someday you came to Mexico, please contact me OK.
Mexico City
Dear Doudou,
My English is really bad but I just wanted you wish an excellent birthday and a good year filled of happiness in all the fields. I hope that one day one will be able to have the pleasure to see you in France where you have much of anybody who appreciates you. DOUDOU is your nickname in France that look like a teddy bear.
Hope you have a special birthday filled with lots of celebrating, wishes come true and time with your family and friends.
When they say age is just a number, they had you in mind because you just get better with the years!!
When Jeff Webber left General Hospital in galloped Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. When Seven Brides for Seven Brothers was cancelled, MacGyver taught us how to use ordinary household items to save the world, and NOW Jack O'Neill and Stargate have wormholed into our hearts.
Thanks for all you do to make these characters Interesting and Entertaining!! And a big THANK YOU for an 8th season!
Best Wishes!!
I would like to wish you all the best for this Birthday, for you and Wylie, like I did other times. And thank you for all you bring to people.
A hug,
Buenos Aires
Dear Rick,
I thought for a long time what I should to wish you for your birthday. I think you are very excellent man. I admire you and like you very much. You have wonderful sense of humour. I am very happy when I see you.
I would like to see you in person and not only from the television but a lot of your fans dream about meeting with you.
I wish you happy birthday and a lot of nice days filled health, happiness and love in life of yours and your daughter.
Don't forget to smile.
Thanks a lot that you are... you live... you exist... and you make laugh for many people all over the world.
Many greetings for your sweet little baby Wylie.
P.S. Come to Czech Republic, we are very good in hockey and we have nice mountains here, too, where you can try your ski.
Best wishes...
Ivana (Sany G.)
Prague, Czech Republic
Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson
John Rothe
Happy B'day Richard (and hi to your little one),
I could not believe that I saw a MacGyver today that I'd not seen before. I love each and every one of them. My husband and I enjoy watching both the old Stargates (Monday nights on SciFi) and Of Course the New Stargate's on Fridays. He sets the PVR to record all. It's something we enjoy doing together. Thanks for a clean show that is worth watching. And MacGyver so the kids can watch with us. They always pull for you.
Many things have changed in the world this past year. Personal trials and tribulations have almost overcome my perception of the bigger picture. And when life gets ya down, who is it that I think of? Not MacGyver, no. Not Jack, no. Not even Dr. Jeff Weber, no. I think of Rick Anderson and his joy for living, loving and the passion for the things he believes in. LTS, no? And believe me when I say, thank you... you've made a difference.
Ever yours,
Portland, Oregon
Happy 54th Birthday Richard!
I just wanted to say that I appreciate, admire and respect your work and your talents. I catch rerun episodes of MacGyver whenever I can, and of course, I watch Stargate SG-1 religiously. Thank you for all of your hard work, it means something to me and to all of your fans.
I wish you the very best on your b-day and take care of yourself.
Jessie xoxo
Diamond Bar, California
Happy birthday to you, dear Mr. Anderson!
And if you really want to come to Germany - the godfather of my children is from Minnesota (he comes often here) so I have some experience in guiding.
Dear Rick, tonight I dreamed of you. So I had the idea of looking for your Web site. I hope you will read this.
(At Easter I will be in Minnesota, April 8-17, visiting together with my daughter her godfather in St. Paul - you know: MN. )
Leipzig, Germany
Hi, I just wanted to wish you the happiest birthday, and you are an incredible man and very interesting. You are great. Someday I wish to see you.
Ashley Beatty
Hopewell, PA
Hey Richard, from a very cold Canadian,
54 years old... don't worry. My mother isn't much of a spring chicken either. ha ha.... and everyone is right. You do get better looking with age. I still have a big crush on you, ever since I saw Stargate. I think you are a wonderful actor, father, and all around person. I just want to tell you, if I never get to tell you in person, that you are my role model. You have been since I started high school, and have motivated me to further my goal of an acting career. I will try to get into a Canadian Arts College after high school. Your character in Stargate was so amazing, and funny. My brother and I haven't stopped laughing yet.
My friends and I were just talking about how you should be a guest on Simpsons. Patty and Selma would go crazy if "MacGyver" showed up to Springfield. It is just an idea we had, and I was passing along the thought. I hope Wylie and Apryl are doing OK. If you ever get around to it, I have been writing a short story. It is sort of like "Starman", but... my version. It has you... well... it is SORT of you... in it. You but as an... alien... I know you would really like it. I haven't exactly finished it yet. I will though. It is my birthday present to you.
Well, like every teenager does, I have trailed off into nothingness. This is only if I never get to meet you. So, back to the more important task at had, your birthday, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, a great new year, and great future years. You are a wonderful, inspirational person. You still have many many years left on you, so keep it up! Blessings to you and your family.
Markham, Ontario, Canada
Happy Birthday and many good wishes for you.
Dear Angus!
We wish you the best for your 54 Birthday! We are your greatest Fans, we celebrate our daily MacGyver-Sessions on Kabel1 with your special MacGyver Tofu-Casserole. Please become MacGyver again!
OK, we know, that you've your Birthday, but we have one great wish: We would love to have a copy of your Song "You're Just a Runaway" from YOUR Combo: "Ricky Dean & Dante." If it's possible, give us a hint, where we can get the song.
Have a great time with Pete, Jack, Penny and your grandfather Harry.
P.S.: Thanks for your great wisdoms like:
Only fools are sure of anything, a wise man keeps on guessing!
We love you, Bud!
Matthias & Stefan
Remagen, Deutschland
Dear Ritchie!
Yes, you read right! I'm still alive. I wish you a very nice birthday! See you again in the Death Valley!
Your old enemy,
Dear Richard!
I wish you a very nice 54 Birthday! I'm your biggest fan. I have all Stargate Seasons on DVD. Also I watch all films with you! I hope you write back! Thanks! Once more Happy Birthday!
With best regards,
I send you my best desires to your birthday:
A strength-defying health, satisfaction, and luck. That your new projects are connected with much fun, and that you and your beloved people from concerns remain exempted. Hopefully you have the possibility your birthday after your conceptions to arrange (without vocational dates).
Happy Birthday, Rick! Are you still playing hockey? I used to but, not anymore. I don't know many people who want to play hockey with a female, although I can't skate to save my life.
You age gracefully. Age doesn't matter to me. You'll always be young to me. Keep up the great work!
Love Always,
And Forever,
Tamara Baldwin
West Babylon, New York
Cher Rick,
Je vous souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire. Que cette journée particulière soit remplie d'amour et de joie pour vous et vos proches. Je vous envoie mes meilleurs pensées de France. Mille baisers. Portez vous bien.
Paris, France
Hi Richard,
I want to wish you a very happy birthday. I just celebrated my birthday on the 19th. I have been watching reruns of MacGyver and taping them if I can't watch them. I also have been watching Stargate and just recently bought them on DVD. Again, have a very nice birthday.
El Paso, TX
Happy birthday to you!
Best wishes,
Dear Richard,
As many before me I'm sending you a birth-wish for much enjoyment in life! You are in the prime of your life, do enjoy it. I enjoy your craft as an actor and the many laughs you give through Jack O'Neill.
I hope you will continue to entertain us for some time to come. I have a question for you about the name of Anderson? Are you a true Anderson or is this a stage name? If Anderson is real might you have very distant relatives that might have migrated to Oregon? My mother was an Anderson and we have family all over the country.
I've just become interested in Sea Shepherd and will be paying a visit to Friday Harbor in September, they are a worthwhile cause.
Best wishes for a Happy Birth-day!
An admirer of your trade,
Jan Roth
Oceanside, Oregon
Dear RD,
It's been a while so I thought I'd get in touch to say Happy Birthday Babe, on Friday!
Love Ya,
Springfield, VA
My mother and brother share a birthday with you and they are and were terrific people. There must be something about that day. Happy, Happy always.
Kat Anderson
Dear Rick, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Just think, you're not just another year older, you're also another year wiser. I've been a BIG fan of yours ever since MacGyver first aired. My son Devin really likes MacGyver. When a situation comes up and I don't know what to do, he always says "Mom, what would MacGyver do?" I have not ever seen Stargate because I don't receive that certain channel, but from what I have read from your fans' letters and greetings, it makes me really wish I did receive that channel. Have a HAPPY and WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY Rick, and give your beautiful daughter a hug and kiss from me. Keep up the good work.
Christine Smilak
Prieciigu Dzimshanas dienu Rick!
Daudz Laimes un prieku Tavaa svariigajaa dienaa!
[Happy Birthday Rick! Lots of Luck and Happiness on Your special day!]
Love, from your fans in Latvia,
Dear Mr Anderson... Hi Richard,
I wish you happy birthday from Hungary. I was born in 1982.01.22. - and I have Gemini Ascendant too - so my birthday is earlier, but on 23 is my name day: Emese - is a primeval Hungarian-name, our protomother's name. A turul bird (hawk) got her pregnant. It is just a day but if you remember its holiness, that you were born 54 years before... it's a good thing... that you're here!
"The real world exists somewhere, a dream exists in what we are.
And dreams are in your heart.
People's hearts make their future.
New Imagination will change their mind and physical form.
The power of Imagination will make their lives and futures.
Nothing will change if you don't live with your own will.
So, you should pick yourself up when you fall to the bottom of the Earth... even though you can't find the words.
When one can imagine themself with spirit anyone can gain human form.
Don't worry. All life has the ability to recover.
All have the will to live on.
If one wants to live on, a heaven can be anywhere... because we're alive.
The chance to be happy is everywhere... as long as the sun, moon, and Earth exist... we're all safe."
Be happy in my language: Boldog születésnapot!
Dear Rick,
Like fine wine, you just keep getting better with age.
Wishing you a Happy 54th and many returns!
Thank you for sharing your talent with us for so many wonderful years!!!
With Much Love and many blessings from Cape Breton, NS on you and your beautiful daughter, Wylie.
Bev Cormier
Port Hood, Nova Scotia
Happy Birthday and Many Happy Returns of the Day!
I always wanted to thank you for the way you treat each show and each episode you make as the work of art that it is. When I have read your interviews you communicate a spirit that encourages me - partly the stoic Swede (I have that heritage too) and partly your great sense of humor and humility. I also have found courage in some of the insights gained from stories you have helped to tell. Thank you. God bless you and yours! Happy Birthday.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
We, the members of the Hungarian Stargate Fanclub would like to wish you a happy birthday! We hope you can spend this day with those you love the most.
All the best,
Your fans from Hungary
Hungarian Stargate Fanclub
Dear Richard Dean,
I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!! I love you so much and thank you for all the wonderful entertainment you have provided us! You and your family are always in my prayers. God bless you!!
Denver, Colorado, USA
Happy Birthday Richard!
You may see my name three times on this list, but hey, they say the third time is the charm!
I just wanted to give you an idea about how to end your career on SG-1 in its final season... if you're willing to hear it. Remember the episode "One Hundred Days?" When you left the last scene showed the woman you had been with touching her belly... she was pregnant! In the final episode, you are contacted by the people of that planet to let you know that she and her son died and the child survived. You decide that you will retire permanently to care for the child. I've thought it into deeper details and of course, I have ideas for the others as well, but I thought I would try to get your attention first. What do you think... worth considering? Bra'tac dies and Teal'c returns home, Daniel and Dr. Fraiser hook up, Carter gets promoted to the next rank and takes over your position when you leave, and General Hammond gets offered the position of military advisor to the President! Everyone lives happily ever after... Good luck!
Karen Sue Reed
Columbus, Georgia
Wishing you happiness and the company of friends and family on your birthday. Thank you; it has been a blast.
Thank you for the years of entertainment you've provided.
Happy Birthday, have fun,
and don't get in too much trouble.
Happy Birthday! !
Happy Birthday! !
Happy Birthday! !
I am from Taiwan!!

I WANTED TO THANK YOU for giving me so MUCH FUN AND JOY!!!!!! I enjoy you in the show MACGYVER, STARGATE and many other films! I love all these films! I wish you a great birthday with your family!
In love, a great fan in Germany,
Olivia Wachter
Happy Birthday Richard !!
My name is Benjamin and you are (and have always been) my favourite actor, you are just fantastic - I hope I'll have the chance to meet you someday.
Best Wishes to you and your family (happiness, health, etc ... and have a wonderful anniversary.
Greetings from France,
Happy Birthday Rick!
And many more. Just remember, you may be 54 but you are definitely young at heart and that's what counts. You have brought joy and touched the hearts of all of your fans. Your charitable work with environmental projects is something not enough people get involved with and I commend you for it. You are also a great father and Wylie is very lucky to have you and you are very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter. She obviously brings great joy to your life and that is wonderful. I hope you have a great day with Wylie, family and friends and best of luck to you and Wylie with all of your future endeavors.
Wanting to wish you a happy birthday.... I have enjoyed watching your programs and movies since you where in General Hospital.
Happy 54th Birthday!
Oklahoma City
Hi Richard D.Anderson,
Happy Birthday to you...
Viel Spass.
Heyyyy Richard a very very very happy birthday! I wish you the best! 54 BIG KISSES FROM CHARIS!
Lots of greetings!
p.s.: Could you please send me something back? And could you please do the greetings to your cute daughter Wylie, Apryl, Amanda, Michael, Teryl, Christopher and Don? Thank you Rick!! You're the best, love you 4-ever!
I'll always think about you, you're 4-ever in my heart.
One thing I forgot to say: I WANNA MEET YOU IN REAL LIFE!!!! Aren't you planning to come to Belgium once?
I would love it to meet you and maybe also Amanda and the rest of Stargate SG-1 in person
!!!! I really love all your shows! You're soooooooooooooooooo funny, sweet, cute, lovely, caring, beautiful, nice, HOT, sensitive... a man with feelings.
A veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy happpppppppppppppy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Hallo Richard,
Happy birthday, and good luck for the next years in your life!!!
Hi Richard,
Happy happy birthday. My sisters and I are avid fans of yours since MacGyver was first shown in the Philippine TV.
Take care always!
Carol Lucas
HAPPY 54th BIRTHDAY Rick!!! I hope you have a wonderful day with friends and family, but especially Wylie. May this year bring you all that you wish for.
You are, by far, my favorite actor, no one else even comes close to you. Thank you for all the joy you have brought to everyone with your tremendous talent. Thank you for sharing it with us all.
Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! May all your wishes come true.
Wendy Woodruff
I would like to wish you a very happy 54th birthday and many more. Thank you for all the hours of enjoyment and entertainment that you have provided for us. We are looking forward to the rest of Stargate SG-1 season 7 and all of Season 8. Best wishes for continued good health and happiness.
Happy Birthday and Many more to come!!!! Enjoy the day!
Terri Lee Doehrmann
Marengo, Iowa
Hey Rick,
You don't know me, my name is Heather. I just wanted to say Happy Birthday & many happy wishes for you, & give Wylie a big kiss for me, ok?
Long Island, New York

MacGyver Ling
Happy Birthday
Hope this day went perfectly for you. You deserve it. And never give up your day (& night) job cause you're wonderful at it.
Happy birthday and thanks a lot for your films.
Thank you so much for giving us so much enjoyment. From one dog lover to another, Happy Birthday from Molly (the smartest Jack Russell in the world).
Happy Birthday, Rick. Hope you are blessed many times over with the same pleasure you bring all your fans. Thanx.
I'm not sure if you would remember, but we used to trade hockey cards about twenty years ago or so. I would like to say Happy Birthday and I had never forgotten the kind words you shared with me and thank you for the A plus on my paper for school back then. May this day be a happy and joyous one for you and enjoy it completely. Stay safe Richard and thank you.
Dear Richard, we send you lots of birthday greetings from far away Switzerland. We thank you for all the uncountable hours of enjoyment you brought to us with MacGyver and Stargate and all the other roles you played. We wish you all the very best not only for yourself but also for everything that is important for you. Take care of yourself.
Ilona and Jacqueline
Happy Birthday, Beautiful! I've been trying to convince my daughter to have my grandson today, but it looks as if it won't happen. With this grandson, anyway. It snowed here. I hope your birthday was lovely.
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Hi! Richard Dean Anderson!
You are so cool and a really great actor! I wish you 100 more happy healthy birthdays and I'm sure you will always look so fine! Hope I can meet you one day! Happy Birthday 2004!
Cher xoxoxo
W. Palm Beach, FL
Dear Richard Dean Anderson:
You are very popular in our family. My big brothers loved MacGyver and I love Stargate SG-1. What is your favorite episode? My name is Jesse and I'm 8. Happy birthday!
Sheridan, Wyoming
Wanted to say Happy Birthday!! At my house you are known as MacGyver. I have seen every episode again & again, I watch it every day. I'm your biggest fan you have. I know everybody says that but sorry I'm the biggest fan!!!! The world needs more people like you & it would be a much better place to live and raise your kids. Anyway just wanted you to know how much you're cared for. Hope it's the best birthday yet and many many more.
Kathy S.
Hey Rick! Simply happy birthday or "joyeux anniversaire" in French! Just wanted to tell you that you're a great actor, keep the dream alive. And all the best for you and your family!
Paris, France
I hope you well in the future to come and hope that you have a wonderful life with your daughter. Want to wish you the BEST Happy Birthday ever. My son and I love to watch you as MacGyver every night on TVland. We love Stargate and everything else we have ever seen you in.
Lots of love from your fans in Missouri,
Jennifer and Chance
Springfield, MO
Hello Richard,
I'm a very big fan from Germany, and I have seen all your films. Happy Birthday and a lucky future. (Sorry for my bad English.)
Lovely regards,
Karlsruhe, Germany
Just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! I have watched you for almost 3/4 of my lifetime. God has been good to you. You have aged quite nicely. You're a fine actor, sportsman, humanitarian and family man. Please continue to do what you do best. Be Richard Dean Anderson.
Sue Harmych
Copenhagen, NY