Happy Birthday Richard Dean Anderson!

Thank you for all the years you have made my husband and I laugh and cry through your outstanding performances. We have been BIG fans of yours since MacGyver first aired and have followed your career ever since. We love you for your talent, humor, and your humanity towards others (you're not bad lookin' either!). You are the kind of person kids can look up to, and we have always been proud of how true you are to yourself. Thank you Richard for touching our lives in such a special way. We feel like we know you.
We are so happy that you have found someone to share your life with, and a beautiful daughter that is happy and healthy. Thank you for sharing a piece of your life with us. We wish we could give back just a little bit of what you've given us over the years.
Happy 50th Birthday!! You're not getting older baby, you're getting better!
(We are only 4 years behind you... I hope WE age as gracefully!!)
Jill and Randy Smith
San Diego, California
I've been a fan of yours since I was seven years old and saw you on General Hospital. Your daughter, Wylie, is adorable and I hope the second half of your life is as wonderful as the first.
That wasn't too sappy, was it? :)
Atlanta, Georgia
Happy Birthday, Richard! I hope it's a joyful day for you and I'm wishing you 50 more years of joy, good health, and the fulfillment of all your dreams. Thank you for the many years of pleasure you've given to myself and many others. Wishing the very best to you, Apryl and Wylie.
Bev Tiffany
Omaha, Nebraska
Dear Richard Dean Anderson:
I just wanted to send along a birthday wish with a short note to let you know how much I have enjoyed watching you on TV all these years...
I started out watching you on General Hospital... My mom used to watch all the ABC soap operas when I was younger, and I used to watch them with her. Since General Hospital came on after I got home from school, I was able to see it more regularly than the other soaps she watched. It was a nice time for mom and I to share together.
Then, of course, there is MacGyver! I have soo many happy "MacGyver" memories...I can remember watching the show with my college roommate on our tiny 13" screen TV in our dorm room and how we watched the last episode on the big screen TV in the laundry room, along with about six other girls, all sniveling over the fact that it was the last MacGyver episode. Because of my love for the show and the internet, I have met so many incredible people from all over the world and have made lasting friendships!
I also enjoyed watching you spread your wings in all the different roles you have played on the many made for TV movies you have done since Mac. They've been great to watch!
And Legend! I loved that show! I didn't have a UPN channel in my area, so I had my mom tape the episodes for me and mail them to me. I am so glad she did! I still love watching the episodes and having a good laugh at Pratt's expense...
Now Stargate... I've never been a real sci-fi fan, but I love the show (maybe part of that is because I'm archaeologist?!). I think that the character of Jack is your best yet, and I look forward to every new episode...
Finally, I just wanted to say... THANK YOU... thank you for sharing so much of your time and yourself with the public for so many years! We love you!
Pam Richardson
State College, Pennsylvania
If there was a single thing I learned from you and the characters you portrayed, it would be to take heart and live the life I will wish to have led when I die. This mind-set has helped me to leave home at sixteen to come and live in the United States, and later it tremendously influenced my decision to become a scientist instead of spending my life punching a clock. I am currently enrolled in a Molecular Biology graduate program at the University of Utah, and of course, I'm enjoying every spare moment hiking, climbing, or skiing the Great Outdoors.
From the Land of the Greatest Snow on Earth,
by way of Germany; Planet Earth
Happy 50th birthday. I hope you don't let certain numbers get you down about age. My beloved Granna Soo Hoo Sen Kell Woo had said, "You can't be middle-aged until you are 55, you can't be old until you are 79." She ought to know, she lived to be 86. So live forward. By the way, by Chinese calendar you are actually 51 so it's too late to fuss about the big five-oh. ;) Just enjoy your day!
Lillian Wan
Augusta, Georgia
I'm Analia from Argentina and I love you since I was young and I think you're a great actor and a good newly father.
I want to wish you a Happy Birthday on this special day and all the happiness for you with all the love of your family. That all your dreams come true.
Every birthday is a new rebirthing and you can be a better person with the passing of the years.
I love you so much and you'll always be in my mind.
I write you a poem for you and Wylie, I hope you like it.
In your eyes I can see
a little star shining
in a sky so beautiful
with all the love bringing
She's a gift in your life
like a flower so tender
bringing peace and a smile
in a world of pretenders.
I have been a fan since the GH days and have watched you mature in life and in your craft. Each project you have undertaken has increased my respect for your talent. I was particularly fond of your characterization of MacGyver -- until Ernest Pratt came along. Now, I am totally fascinated by your interpretation of Jack O'Neill (two "l's"!)
Have a wonderful day today as you enter your next half-century. Take it from one who is already there, it is the best time of your life! Enjoy health, happiness, and prosperity for many birthdays to come!
Maria Shugars
Falls Church, Virginia.
p.s. Keep the gray hair!
At the Radio and Television Museum's MacGyver Seminar in March 1998, I had the opportunity to thank you in person for all the pleasure your work has brought into my life. And, now, I need to say "Thank you" again. My Lupus made 1999 very difficult -- especially the last five months -- bouncing me into and out of the hospital. When at home, I was so weak that I couldn't do much more than sit and watch TV. As always, my tapes of your work, especially MacGyver, Legend and Stargate SG-1, brought humor and fun into a very difficult situation. I can't put into words how much this means to me. So, Richard, thank you again very much! I hope you have a wonderful birthday, and that all your wishes come true!!!!
Happy Birthday,
Karen Goodell
Austin, Texas
Dear RDA,
Would you please get off your chuff and make a Legend movie or three? In the meantime, Happy Birthday!
Jenny Wake
New Zealand
To the Legend-ary Anderson,
May this birthday (and every birthday) be memorably pleasant.
There have been two people from the entertainment industry who have influenced me, both of them from Minnesota: Lon Clark, who played Nick Carter on the radio and awakened my interest in detective stories; you, who energized my interest in dime novel writers at a time when I most needed that sort of adrenalin. My one-volume encyclopedia, The Dime Novel Companion, due out from Greenwood Press sometime later this year, includes an entry for "Legend." I hope I have an adequate description of its significance to popular culture.
Keep the Stargate open.
Randy Cox

Mr. Anderson -
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I've enjoyed your work for years. Thanks for all you do for children's and environmental issues.
San Antonio, TX
Dear Mr. Anderson,
For your birthday I wish you all the best for your work and especially for your private life - may all your dreams come true!!!
I found this poem, and it really describes you, so I wanted to share it with you on your birthday:
is the word that describes you...
"Special" is a word that is used
to describe something one-of-a-kind
like a hug or a sunset
or a person who spreads love
with a smile or kind gesture.
"Special" describes people
who act from the heart
and keep in mind the hearts of others.
"Special" applies to something
that is admired and precious
and which can never be replaced.
"Special" is the word that best
describes you.

These are the wishes I wish for you, may all your wonderful dreams come true.
Friends may you make and daily find, happiness, health and peace of mind.
Strength for the work you have in hand, time for the lovely things you've planned,
Guidance in everything you do, these are the wishes I wish for you.
Patience Strong

Duty makes us do things well,
but love makes us do them beautifully.
Rev. Phillip Brooks

The key to happiness is having dreams.
The key to success is making those dreams come true!

Those who always brighten up the day,
- who show concern and a special kind of interest in all they do.
- Who add a touch of happiness and contentment of everything,
- are those who will always deserve the very best in life.

You will find as you look back upon your life,
you have really lived,
are the moments when you have done things
in the spirit of love.
Henry Drummond
I am certain of nothing,
but the holiness of the heart's affection
and the truth of imagination.
John Keats

We are all together in our humanity.
If, as separate individuals,
we choose to be brothers and sisters to each other,
none of us will ever be alone.

All the best for your new year of life!!!

Friederike Bach from Germany
Dear Richard,
Thank you for the wonderful work you've done over the years. Hope this milestone birthday is a special one.
Nancy Huynh-Vu
Melbourne, Australia

From Michelle
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
List-mom at RDA-Jack-MacGyver@onelist
Congratulations on your 50th birthday!
Thank you for being such a versatile actor, you have made me cry, cringe and laugh over the years with your varied performances. I hope you have an enjoyable birthday with your family and that the future years bring you as much happiness as you have brought us fans.
Scotland (by way of Denmark!)
A Very Happy Birthday to Richard Dean Anderson!
I hope your special day will be filled with joy and laughter and you get heaps of presents! :-)
My birthday also happens to be on the 23rd, and I will be going out to dinner with some friends and family on Saturday night, then having just a family do on Sunday! I am turning 20 this year! Yet compared to how far you've gone in life, it is nothing to the big 5-0! If you do read this message, I just hope that you will have a great day, and will have many more happy birthdays after this one!
Just one small personal message to you...
After several years of watching and admiring you, it's nice to see you still going fit and strong, doing something that you love to do. Not many people achieve that in their lifetime, but you are living proof that it can be done! You have given me hopes for the future that are priceless to me, and you have been such a great inspiration in my life, a thousand words would not thank you enough, or tell you how much that inspiration and hope means to me! Thank you for all the good years of television viewing through MacGyver and other various programs! I think you are a top actor! One of the best in the business, even if you are not fully recognised for it!
Thanks for the memories!
Love from a devoted fan,
Cindy Bruce

Dear Mr. Anderson,
Meet your past, and
see what we wish for your future.
Look below to see
The Men in the Mirror
A story starring Richard Dean Anderson
and reflections from the past...
The Men in the Mirror
(text by SCS, illustrated by Corinna Baust, 01/00)
January 23rd, 2000 - 6:15 p.m.
"You ready?" There was a soft knocking on the door.
"A penny for your thoughts?! I bet you're wishing to be far away from here, in your lodge. In Minnesota."
When the actor looked up from the sink in the mirror again, he did not see his picture, but the one of a man in his late thirties, with shoulder-length long blonde hair and a winning smile - MacGyver.
Both men had a closer look at each other. Eyes, nose, and mouth of both people were the same - only the color and style of hair were different. And of course - the man in the mirror did not have shaving creme from one ear to the other.
"Oh, come on." The actor cleaned the razor, one cheek almost done. "You know that's not true. You're mixing things up. You are the guy who hated birthday parties like hell. I am different."
"You sure?" Mac winked his eye. "You cannot tell me lies. I know you. You were me."
"Yeah, but only for a certain period of time. That's over now. Ahem, would you mind?" Due to the second picture in the mirror it was hard to continue shaving, and the man in front of the mirror gestured wildly with the razor.
"Oh, sure." Mac stepped aside. "Why don't you sneak out of the house? I could come up with a plan."
"Yeah, sure. You are still famous for that." The man sighed. "But - I don't think that's an appropriate action."
"When he was me, we had a lot of fun at family get-togethers. Take it easy, Buddy. You'll love it." Adam McFadden sounded convincing. "You're not like him, who decided to quit his job at his surprise birthday party." Adam shot MacGyver a reproachful look and received an annoyed look in return.
"Who's going to quit his job?" From out of nowhere Ernest Pratt materialized in the mirror. "That would be a bummer. Don't you dare!" He moved his index finger, no no. "There are people out there, on your side of the mirror, who are waiting for a sequel of our adventures. Not to mention - me. Uhm, I meant us. Nicodemus and me." Ernest Pratt pushed Adam McFadden aside. "Remember the fun we had? The booze, the women, the eccentric professor. The gadgets."
Before he could reply to Ernest Pratt, the Legend author continued arguing with the others.
"You must know he liked us more than any of you."
"Is that true?" Another silhouette stepped out of the dark background of the mirror - Simon Adams.
"Remember? You looked good in the uniform. You enjoyed the set and the people there. We were -."
"Rookie," hissed Ernest Pratt, scornfully. "We're talking about fun. What do you know about it?"
"Please." intervened the actor. "I AM already late. What is it that you want? I did not call you. So, please -." With a quick move of his hands, he tried to scare away the men in the mirror. "I have to finish this."
"Keep the mustache," suggested Ernest Pratt.
"Don't shave at all." Another character joined the group - Jack Rourke.
"The goatee will keep your face warm. Remember, it's winter."
"It's not for warmth. It's for disguise."
"He should know it does not work," giggled Nicodemus Legend. "It's our eyes, Dick. One look in our eyes, and the people know who we are."
"He hates that. You all should know."
He gave the whole bunch a reproachful look.
Embarrassed silence.
"What about a poll?" MacGyver was the first who dared to speak again.
"Voting for a proper shave - raise your hands!"
Four arms went up in the air.
"Okay. Cross-check!" Ernest Pratt and Jack Rourke raised their hands.
"We do have a result." MacGyver sounded relieved. "He is to continue ....."
{Thank you.} The actor sighed, but as he raised the razor, another man joined the group.
Shocked, Bill Parish saw that the actor cut his chin.
"Now see what you've done?" Jack Rourke grabbed Bill Parish by the lapels.
"Could have been worse," muttered Ernest Pratt. "Imagine if he had cut off his ear."
"Oh, please." Adam McFadden pulled a face. "Shouldn't we help him?"
They saw that the shaving creme on the actor's face showed signs of blood. MacGyver searched his pockets, but before he could come up with something, the crowd divided and Dr. Jeff Webber stepped forward.
"I think it's my turn now, boys." He shoved his hand into the pocket of his doctor's coat and pulled out a gaze tissue. "Let me have a look."
"I don't think he's in need of a soap opera hero." A hand grabbed Dr. Webber's collar and pulled him away from the center of the mirror. "He can stand pain. He's like me." Ray Bellano, muscular and with long black hair, showed his teeth.
Both men started struggling, and the actor saw the others intervene and separate the squabblers. As the actor dabbed the blood off his chin, he saw from the corner of his eye Tony Kaiser appear at the edge of the crowd.
"Hey, people. Stay calm. We're making him nervous. I know he can do the shaving with his eyes closed." He gave the actor a confident nod.
Bradley Matthews made his way through the crowd over to Tony Kaiser and rapped his chest.
"If they wanna fight, let them."
Jack O'Neill lined up with Tony Kaiser.
"Yeah, I agree." MacGyver nodded his head affirmingly.
"Are you challenging me?" Offended, Matthew Bradley stared at MacGyver and Col. O'Neill. "Come on. You know I was not really that bad. It was only in the script." He defended himself, but no one really paid attention to that.
James Holland took the initiative and drew the attention to himself. "Remember, we had a plan."
"Yes, my plan, and no, nobody told him yet." Mac gave James Holland a apologetic look. "Who will have the honor to begin?" He looked at all the people present, questioning.
"Well, why don't we do it in alphabetical order, eh?" suggested Ernest Pratt. "What do you think?"
Silent acknowledgment.
As the characters discussed, the actor finished his shave. He dried his face and wiped away reminders of foam with a towel. He dropped the wet towel on the floor and had another look in the mirror.
The group of characters had now lined up in the background of the mirror. The first one in line was Simon Adams. He made one step forward and was sucked up by the actor's picture in the mirror.
"My gift is my youth," were his words, before he vanished.
"I give you my strength," said Ray Bellano, as he followed Simon Adams.
Michael Brooks was the next in line. "Courage. That's what I'll offer you." He smiled and then he faded in the mirror.
"My thoughtfulness was chosen to be my present for you." James Holland gave the man in front of the mirror a confident nod and then he mingled with the actor's reflection.
"Righteousness shall always be a part of your character," added Tony Kaiser before he left the mirror.
"Never forget you're a smart guy, too." MacGyver winked his eye and stepped right through the actor's reflection in the mirror.
"For you is - my power." Bradley Matthews said, hesitantly. "For lack of a better gift." He shrugged his shoulders and left.
"You shall always be loved." Adam McFadden nodded toward the actor, before he turned into fog.
"Sarcasm and humor." Col. O'Neill indicated a salute. "An absolute must, don't you agree? That's what people like about us." He followed the previous speakers into nowhere.
"Fairness." Bill Parish adjusted his glasses. "Life's no good without it."
"Hey, what about fun?" Ernest Pratt stepped forward. "Okay, the kind of fun you like. I don't want to talk you into something." He stepped right into the actor's mirror reflection and was gone.
"My gift for you is trust." Jack Rourke rubbed his bearded chin. "Always remember, there are people out there, trusting you, relying on you."
After Jack Rourke had disappeared, only Dr. Jeff Webber remained. "Hey, remember? It's me everything started with." The actor and the man in the mirror exchanged glances.
"The coming years shall be carefree and without trouble." Dr. Jeff Webber made a move to leave, but then he stopped. "Your chin? Are you sure you don't need -?"
"No." The actor touched that part of his face and found that the bleeding had stopped. "I am fine. Really. Thanks for asking."
When the actor looked up again, he found the crowd in the mirror gone. There was only one face in the mirror left and the man in the mirror was - him.
It is your birthday
and on this day
I want you to know that
you are a very special person
who has touched and warmed
many lives
including mine.
You make a big difference
in my life and
I want you to know
how much I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Have a very happy birthday
and stay who you are!
Congratulations, Richard, on your 50th birthday.
Over the course of your life and career, your caring and sharing attitude has inspired us all in a multitude of wonderful ways.
You've been the catalyst for many rewarding new friendships I now have across the globe. And in the past eleven years, since you and MacGyver first hit TV screens in the UK, I've learned a great deal - from you and because of you.
You taught me that we can all have a part to play, if only we care deeply enough.
If I could thank you in person, I surely still couldn't express my gratitude sufficiently.
So thanks for sharing the last 50 years with us all, I look forward to sharing the next 50 too!
Thanks for caring.
Portsmouth, England
Dear Richard,
It's said that teachers affect eternity, never knowing where their influence stops. The same can be said of actors. In more ways than you can ever know, you have touched lives all around the globe. I've watched my students grow and blossom through the examples you have set, and you have inspired me to discover new lessons and experiences and friendships I might never otherwise have known. As you reach this milestone, and look ahead to the many new adventures yet to come, may the many gifts you have given be returned to you a hundredfold.
Happy Birthday!
Kate R.
New Jersey
Happy Birthday, RDA!
Thank you for sharing your talents with your fans and for past and (especially) future hours of entertainment!
Also, thank you for netting me a A+ in Advanced Honors Chemistry via a MacGyverism that adapted very nicely to a class project. It almost balanced out the chem. sink I blew up the previous month!
Many Happy Returns,
Nancy Mayberry
New Orleans, LA, USA
I've just spent the last 45 minutes or so corresponding with email friends, and it occurs to me (not that I ever forget) that I know all of them because of MacGyver or Stargate SG-1.
What priceless gifts you've given us.
My prayer is that this will be the best birthday ever, and that your life will continue to give you all you might ask for.
Best wishes,
Cindee Phillips
Chicago, Illinois

Dear Mr. Anderson,
There's so much I want to say, but I'm not sure how to say it... Ever since I was little I've always wanted to send you letters, but I was never sure you would be the one to read them, so I never sent them. Now that I know you'll be reading this, I don't know where to start. I would like to thank you, though, for being such a wonderful role model; not just as MacGyver, or Legend, or O'Neill, but as you. You've touched more lives than you know and inspired people in so many different ways, as evidenced by this web page. You are definitely someone we can all look up to and admire. Have a wonderful birthday; here's to fifty more!
~ Mandy B =)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
PS - I'd also like to thank you for introducing me to the fantastic sport of hockey!

Happy Birthday Richard
Kate Hanley
Boston, MA
Best wishes on your first half-century. May the next 50 years provide you with many more excitements, joys, and wonders.
Pat Gonzales
You say you've lived a dog's life,
hopped a freight or two.
Things many only dreamt of doing,
you've managed to bring true.
Treasure to family and friends,
joy to fans, in everything you do.
Today we take time to celebrate,
the world's a better place because of you.
A very happy 50th Birthday Rick!
Airdrie, Alberta, Canada
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday, RDA. Thanks for over twenty years of entertainment. I hope to continue to be entertained by you for at least another twenty years.
Becca in Utah

Dear Mr. Anderson,
I wanted to take the time to write this message to tell you how much you mean to me and many others. Since I can't speak for the others, I will only tell you about how you have made a big impact on MY life. Some of these things might sound redundant, but I have to tell you.
I look up to you as my role model. In so many ways you have made my life better. Through watching the characters you play, especially MacGyver, you have inspired me to do many things. Just watching "MacGyver" makes me hunger for problems to solve. Every time a problem presents itself, I can't help but think of what he would do. Also, seeing MacGyver go on so many adventures all over the world and help so many people has made me yearn to be along side him on them, or to go on some of my own. Of course, I look up to you, the person, as well.
As do a great many more people, I love you very much, and thank you for being my role model. I just had to tell you how much you mean to me.
Happy 50th birthday! I hope you have a nice one, spending it with your lovely family. I hope you continue to keep me interested in the shows you star in and have a wonderful time doing it! Please just know that we all love you out here, especially me, even though you haven't met us.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a wonderful birthday!
Your adoring fan,
Sarah K. Roberts :)
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Congratulations on making the first step towards becoming the 50th race. Happy birthday and hope for many more to come!
I know you will be getting a lot of cute messages wishing you a Happy Birthday, so I will just keep it simple and say "Have a great Day."
Judi Ramsey
Dear Mr. Anderson,
I grew up with "MacGyver" -- dubbed in German, since I was living in Germany at the time. I loved the show then, as I do now, for its creativity, its rugged outdoorsy hero, and most of all for Mac's (relative) non-violence, his loyalty to his friends, and his dedication to helping others. So when I first saw you on "Stargate SG-1", I was thrilled.
I have to keep reminding myself that TV characters are not necessarily representative of the actors who play them, and that Richard Dean Anderson may be very different from Col. O'Neill or Mac. But from what I have heard and seen, you, like your characters, are someone who is very dedicated to helping others.
I am planning to enter the field of public interest law, where people such as yourself are extremely important in providing role models to those who may one day aspire to follow in your (or your characters') footsteps and have a positive effect on people's lives. You certainly had a part in inspiring me.
I am glad that I can take this opportunity to wish you every happiness on your 50th birthday and beyond, and to thank you for your wonderful work, of which I continue to be an avid fan.
Happy Birthday!!!
Yours sincerely,
Sasha S. Philip
Vienna, Austria/New Orleans, LA

23 January 2000 is your special day.
Over the years you have given so much joy and happiness to so many people through your work, both on and off screen. Now it's our turn to let you know how much we love and appreciate everything you've done.
I may not have been a fan right from the start but since discovering your wonderful talent and the special gift you possess of reaching out and touching peoples lives, often without even realising you're doing it, my admiration for you has grown day by day.
You have taught us that life is something to enjoy and, thanks to you, I now have many new e-mail friends, both here in the UK and across the world.
Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with us over the years, the wonderful characters you've given us, I love them all for so many reasons, each one is a different part of you and that is why they are all so special.
Linda in the UK
Wishing you much happiness and success on your 50th birthday. The saying is true that you're not getting older but better and the best part of your life is ahead of you - I looked forward to turning 50 and life has gotten better each year. My best to you always.
Sally Dodge
St. James, Missouri, by way of Washington, DC
I would like to wish you a very Happy Birthday. May you continue to enjoy good health and continued success in everything you do!
A fan and friend always,
Miss Beverly Cranford
Thomasville, N.C. USA
Hi Richard,
I am French and I am a fan of MacGyver and Stargate SG1. You and the series MacGyver have made the difference in many aspects of my life and I wanted to thank you with this little message. Since three years I realize a thesis in chemistry of the environment (you see the influence of MacGyver) and January 28th it's the big day: the defense of my thesis. Being with me in spirit for a few seconds this day, it will help me. Thanks in advance.
I wish you a Happy Birthday.
Dear Mr. Anderson,
From Holland and Finland we would like to wish you a very happy birthday. Many happy years to come in good health to you and your family. We love Stargate SG-1 and hopefully there will be many great episodes coming!
On our page we would like to share our story with you. The way we met is quite special and frankly (without knowing) you had a lot to do with it! You were actually the one who brought us together! Getting curious? Please read below to find out how you influenced our lives!
Iona and Mika
Holland and Finland

Dear Mr. Anderson,

First of all, we (Iona and Mika) would like to wish you a very happy birthday! Congratulations also to Apryl and little Wylie.
We hope that you will have a wonderful birthday and many good years to come, in good health and prosperity, for you and your family.
Quite an age, although we bet that you would not like to be reminded about the fact that you have outlived half a century already!!! (joke, joke, joke) :)

Via this web page we would also like to thank you in a special way and share our amazing story with you. And this "birthday-webpage-idea" is the best opportunity for us to do that...

Hi, this is us. Nice to meet you! My name is Iona (23) and I come from The Netherlands. My boyfriend is Mika (28) and he's from Finland. We both have been huge fans of you ever since MacGyver invaded our living rooms.
Mika and I met on the MacList in October 1998. Never we had suspected that those small emails we wrote about MacGyver were going to change our lives forever!
Our emails gradually became longer and also more personal. We wrote huge letters to each other every single day that took about 3 hours to answer!
In January 1999 we decided to meet. When Mika had visited the Netherlands, we *really* fell in love. We had a wonderful time and we even bought rings. Originally they were meant to be friendship rings but over the year they turned into much more.
After the summer we had visited each other a couple of times already and realized that things needed to change. It took long and hard thinking before I decided to move to Finland. In September 1999 it finally happened and I booked a one way flight to Helsinki... a huge adventure.
Today, I've been living with Mika in Finland for nearly 4 months now and I must say we are doing great! We have a wonderful relationship, we're truly happy and we love each other very much.
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had not send that one message to the MacList...
It turned our lives completely upside down!

We are planning to get engaged in May and since you are kind of responsible...(In a good way of course) we would like to get married on a special day, August 2nd, 2002! And naturally we will have our honeymoon in Vancouver...(You are probably thinking: "Who in the world would wanna go to Vancouver for a honeymoon?!" Well, Vancouver is of course the Mecca for MacGyver and Stargate fans! There's lots to see.
So thank you very much! If it wasn't for you,... we never would have met.
Many greetings from the both of us. We hope it was interesting reading. At least we had fun making it!
All the best with your family and your career.
We hope more episodes of

will follow 'cause we love the show!
Iona and Mika

Happy birthday, Mr. Anderson!
From Susanne,
Happy B-Day from a fellow Minnesotan! I love watching all of your MacGyver episodes. Best wishes always to you and your loved ones.
Peace, Health, and Happiness,
Blair Nicole
Rochester, MN, USA
Dear Mr. Anderson
Have a very happy birthday and here is a wish for many many more. May you enjoy your days in peace and happiness. Thank you for all you have given to the countless fans in countless countries all around the world.
Best wishes,
Stefanie Svoboda,
Kearney, NE, USA

Why I Like That RDA
An Author's Conversations With Her Muse
[With Apologies to Dr. Seuss' "Green Eggs and Ham"]
Hello ... ? Muse, are you still here? It's three o'clock in the morning and I wanna go to bed. Aren't you supposed to be helping me write this thing ...?
"I'm right here."
Well? Literary assistance, please? That's what Muses do, isn't it?
"I'm having trouble with the concept. What are we supposed to be writing again? Care to explain?"
We're composing 50th-Birthday wishes for RDA. What's to explain?
"A lot. For instance ... what's an RDA?"
Duh! Richard Dean Anderson! MacGyver? The guy with the duct tape? You spent the past fifteen years living in a cave, did you?
"I am a MUSE. We don't watch much TV."
Jack O'Neill? "Stargate SG-1"? Ernest Pratt -- ?
"Oh! 'Legend'! I loved that show. Now I know who you're talking about. Which still doesn't explain what's possessed you to wrack your brain into the wee hours over a birthday missive to someone you don't even know. What's so special about him? Why do you like this ... RDA?"
Why do I like that RDA?
Just why he thrills me, I can't say.
But, yes, I like that RDA.
"You say you like this RDA.
You like him with the hair of gray?"
Especially with hair of gray!
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA,
And I could watch him act all day.
"Would you prefer creative Mac?
Or do you like sarcastic Jack?"
Although I love the creative Mac,
I quite adore sarcastic Jack.
His cynical air! His caustic style!
For cryin' out loud, that great profile!
And oh! that sexy hair of gray!
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA,
And I could watch that fox all day.
"Now, this may sound unorthodox,
But fifty's kinda old to be a fox."
Unorthodox? You bet your socks!
How can you say Rick's not a fox?
No fox is Mac? Un-sexy Jack?
You're giving me a heart attack!
That grin! Those eyes! Those cute lil' ears!
Those broad, broad shoulders, oh, my dear!
And Rick in skates, out on the ice?
Well, hockey never looked so nice!
The man's a fox, a fox first-rate,
As luscious at fifty as at thirty-eight.
And oh! that sexy hair of gray!
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA.
And I could watch him act all day.
"You've told me RDA's tip-top,
And handsome, too. So can we stop?"
You asked why I like RDA.
And I'm not quite done, so listen, 'kay?
He's made me cry, he's scared me well,
He's snared me in his actor's spell.
I like his style ... his talent's legit,
He does what he does ... the way he does it.
"You liked that strange, obsessive Ray?
He's schizo! Bonkers! All the way!"
Oh, I could take stud-muffin Ray,
That Laurie chick, she blew it, hey?
And the way he ate those strawberries,
Those lips and that mouth -- oh, jeez-Louise!
"But Ray's deranged! Pure lunacy!
And what about the cruel Bradley?"
The mean and scary Bradley flake,
Of unsound mind, but such beefcake!
Strange as it sounds, I liked Bradley.
And nutcase Ray! Muse! Let me be!
And back to the subject, if we may,
Re the sexiness of RDA.
I fear your skull has taken knocks,
Why can't you see that Rick's a fox?
Quite foxy as creative Mac,
And silver fox sarcastic Jack.
That awesome smile that thrills his fans,
Aw, man! Those gorgeous pianist's hands!"
And oh! that sexy hair of gray!
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so love that RDA.
And I could watch him act all day.
"And Captain Holland's infected plane?
With him, from flight I would abstain."
When Holland's in charge, no plane need be!
This hunky Captain could fly ME!
And stud-muffin Ray! And Bradley beefcake!
Of such a meal, I'd love to partake.
Your logic, Muse, is such a crock.
'Cause there's no doubt Rick's still a fox!
His years as the creative Mac,
And now, as trouble-seeking Jack.
That inviting mouth, those eyes still say
"Come hither, girl! I'll make your day!"
And oh! that sexy hair of gray,
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA.
And I could watch him act all day.
"So, you think that RDA is hot,
And you think he's a fox. NOW can we stop?
But I'm not finished, Muse. Okay?
You got me started, I must say.
Tony Kaiser's easy on the eye,
And Dexter ... well, I'd give him a try.
"Dexter, hmm? I doubt you're sane.
Any others that you'd rush to claim?"
Fireman Michael fans my flame,
Tony steams me up. Holland does the same.
Ray and Bradley make me weak in the knees,
And oh! -- O'Neill's "Foothold" striptease!
Now, really, Muse! You're in a box,
You've got to see that Rick's a fox.
The handsome, sweet, resourceful Mac.
The seriously hot and luscious Jack.
That sexy squint, those libidinous lips,
The smile that gives my pulse rate fits,
And oh! that sexy hair of gray,
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA.
And I could watch him act all day.
"You really like this RDA?"
Well, duh! Like what did I just say?
"You also like that Ernest Pratt?"
Oh, Ernest's such a pussycat!
"And what about that Bill Parrish?"
The angsty Bill is quite delish,
And Tony, too is a yummy dish!
And Ernest's an awesome, funny dude,
With such wisecracking attitude.
And fireman Michael fans those flames,
When Holland's around, who needs a plane?
Strawberries and Ray -- Bradley's psycho grin,
They've put me in a hormonal spin.
Muse, is your head still full of rocks,
Or do you finally see that Rick's a fox?
It's blatantly clear in cute young Mac,
And hard to miss in the maturing Jack.
That seductive voice, that cute lil' giggle,
And heaven help me, that sensual wiggle.
And oh! that sexy hair of gray,
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA.
And I could watch him act all day.
"You like that RDA, you say.
You like him and the guys he plays.
You like his looks, you like his voice,
So he's your first and final choice?"
You betcha, Muse! And I must say,
I really like that RDA.
I like him and the guys he plays.
I like his looks, I like his voice.
And he's my first and final choice.
After one last point, I'll let you be.
It's clear that you're beginning to see ...
I really like that RDA!
I do! I like him, Muse, I say!
And Bill, I'd be "maternal" for,
To Tony, I'd come back for more.
And close to my heart would Ernest be --
I'd keep him away from that darn "tea."
And fireman Michael fans the flames,
When Holland's in charge, who needs a plane?
And stud-muffin Ray! And Bradley beefcake!
Just too much heat for poor me to take!
Bradley and Tony and Mac, oh, gee!
They're all so very hot, you see!
Muse, now that your view's no longer blocked,
You'll see that Rick is SUCH a fox!
So yummy as young, creative Mac.
And yummy still, as the '90s Jack.
That 'bounce' when he walks, those verbal zingers,
And oh my gosh! Those long, long fingers.
And, yes! That sexy hair of gray.
My God, I'd take him ANY way!
I do so like that RDA,
And I could watch him act all day.
For acting talent that won't go away,
And all the charm you do display,
And the inspiration you've sent my way,
I wish nothing but good to you this day.
To a lovely, warm guy, I'd like to say,
Happy 50th Birthday, RDA!
With love and birthday wishes from
Debbie Dickerson of New Jersey
Your career has spanned three decades and brought to life four memorable characters for episodic television. Your gift and your skill, your humor, intelligence, generosity and exuberance, your kindness and sense of adventure have brought you fans from around the world.
Happy 50th birthday, and may you enjoy many, many more.
Ankeny, Iowa
I knew you would do this. To be an example to millions of people not only by portraying MacGyver, but also as a human being. May your life be a great surviving story to all of us, who have had dreams of becoming a professional icehockey player.
Congratulations from Finland for your 50th birthday!!!
Best Wishes
Hannu Westerinen
Best wishes and a Very Happy 50th Birthday. Like a fine wine, you only get better with age.
Mary Wendland
Clarkston, Michigan

Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
May your 50th birthday be remembered not only for its significance for making you half a century old, but more importantly for providing you yet another day to spend with your child, marveling in the joys and wonders of fatherhood.
Best Wishes,
Dayton, Ohio
Dear Richard,
I just wanted to wish you a Happy 50th Birthday!! I also wish you a long, healthy, and satisfying life!! I've enjoyed your work over the years -- particularly MacGyver -- and I look forward to seeing you in many other projects in the years to come.
Caryn McCall
Ft. Myers, FL
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Want to wish you a most happy 50th birthday. Thanks for joining me at this great half-century mark.
Your work through the years has been fun to follow. Our family is especially enjoying Stargate SG-1. It is such a high quality production with great characters and stories. Recently, thanks to a fellow fan, I got to see your "Legend" series. It was marvelous!
Thank you for so many years (yes, I started watching you back in the days of General Hospital) of quality entertainment and exemplary modeling of caring for people through your various charitable interests.
May God bless you with many more years of happiness.
Jan Tood
Marion, IA
Dear Richard,
I would like to wish you a very happy 50th Birthday with this poem by our favorite poet. May you have just as much success, health, love and joy in the next fifty years to come!

By Sándor Petöfi
While homeward bound I thought about
the way, through every mile,
in which to greet my mother, whom
I missed for quite a while.
What pleasing words to say to her?
Dear words they need to be,
when she, who rocked my cradle, will
be reaching out to me.
And in my mind the thoughts caroused
more pleasing every one,
it seemed that time had halted, though
the cart was on the run.
Then I leapt in the tiny room,
She ran, she flew to me...
I clung to her without a word
Like fruit upon its tree.
Translated from the Hungarian
by Leslie A. Kery
Forever yours:
your true fan from Hungary
All the best and
'herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag'
from Germany
Just wanted to wish you a very happy birthday.
All the best and have a great time.
Best Wishes and Many Happy Returns
on your special day.
All the best
Toronto, Canada
Happy Birthday!
Remember when you are over the hill,
You start to pick up speed.

Enjoy your day!
Susan Pavis
Middletown, Ct.
Dear Richard,
Happy 50th birthday!
I've been racking my brains to come up with something brilliant to say, but all I can think of is thanking you for keeping people all over the world entertained for many years, inspiring us, and most importantly - bringing us together and creating friendships that cross frontiers and cultures. If you only knew how many people have started talking and become friends because they found out they had the love of one of your shows in common - that is the true power of television.
May the next 50 years be just as happy and successful as the past 50, and may you have a wonderful birthday, spent with the people you love the most.
Love and best wishes,
Tina Christensen in Denmark
Dear Mr. Anderson,
I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday. You are definitely the coolest guy around. Wylie is lucky to have a cool dad and I'm sure she has brought luck and joy into your life. Best wishes and keep on being cool.
Angus C. Devereaux
Philadelphia, PA

Half the 20th century was gone
When a star was born
He's one of the cutest the world has ever seen
Yeah, that's him - our Rick Dean
While skating around with some compan's
He unfortunately broke both arms
That's why his dream never came true
Becoming an NHL-star - at least in league two
So he decided to cycle through Canada
Earning money as streetmime and juggler
Then he went to university
Acted at theatre and on TV
Became more and more famous
While playing MacGyver who was always helpful and anxious
With daughter and girlfriend he'll celebrate
His 50th birthday to which we all want to 'gratulate
Our alltime-idol Rick Dean
Believe us: we are your fans and we've always been!
Congratulations and a big "THANK YOU" for everything you did for us fans!
Silvia, 16
From good ol' Germany

Happy Birthday to a man who has made the world a bit brighter. Here's hoping the next fifty years are even better.
Charlotte Jones
Hurlburt Field AFB, Florida
Oh, for crying out loud, not another birthday.
Happy fiftieth to my favourite hunk, and say Hi to the rest of the Stargate crew - I really enjoy your show.
Love and stuff
Sal :-) from Wales in Britain
Hi Richard Dean,
Many wishes for a Happy Birthday and continued happiness and success.
Charlottesville, VA
"I got a plan."
You have a Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
Thank you for all the great fun you have shown us with MacGyver.
David & Fran Denning
Christiana, Pa.

A Birthday Thought for a Wonderful man!
Dear Richard Dean,
I live far away from you but I couldn't let the special day pass out letting you know how much pleasure you give me.
I hope you woke up this morning with a big smile on your face...
I hope that your day is filled with lovely surprises and friends call you up just to say "Hi."
I hope just everything goes your way.
I hope you can laugh and talk and share to your heart's content.
I hope you have all you wish for yourself and those dear to you, and all your dreams come true...
I hope that every day is just as wonderful in it's own way...
I hope your day is ... filled with love ...
May all your dreams and wishes become reality, today and every day of this year.
Happy birthday, dear Richard Dean!
Dear Richard,
I know I shouldn't have to wait until your birthday to tell you, but is it okay to take the opportunity to tell you just how much I really appreciate you?
I wish you a WARM and HAPPY birthday, from the Indian Ocean, a little french island named "La Réunion" where I'm thinking of you every day of my life.
Keep up the good work.
Just be yourself and you'll be the best.
Lots of love.
Sylvie Mussard
La Réunion (Indian Ocean)
Richard Dean,
Happy 50th!!! May you have many candles to blow out on your cake, but not so many you'll set off the smoke alarm! Best wishes!
Wendy King
New Orleans, Louisiana
Happy Birthday to a very special guy,
I hope your day turns out to be just as special as you are.
Cheryl Dorsey
Beardstown, Illinois
Richard Dean Anderson Web Ring
To Richard Dean Anderson

Happy Birthday!
It's only 50!! May you have many more!!
From Betsy
Dear Richard,

Remember that from junior high...? Well, we're almost the same age (closin' in on 50!), and I sure do! It was a message for love notes and 'crush' notes, and for the backs of yearbooks and Valentine's Day. :)
And, now I'm using it for your 50th birthday and, believe me, it is so true. You've been sweet to share your talents and your 'fun' with so many of us fans... and we will never forget your generosity of life and spirit.
Have a wonderful day!
Kay Copeland
Houston, Texas
Happy Birthday to you! I have enjoyed your work since the very 1st episode of MacGyver through your current project, Stargate SG1. You are a fine actor and have provided much enjoyment for me with the projects you have chosen to work on. I admire how the roles you have taken are admirable and thought provoking. It's enjoyable to watch good TV that doesn't dumb itself down. Legend was especially enjoyable for this reason, it taught you something while you were being entertained.
I wish you much good fortune in the future and hope you will find it in your heart to keep acting and providing us with the enjoyment you have so far. Also, congrats on your daughter Wylie. Fatherhood has been good to you. You look very happy!
Shelly Gunderson
Junction City, Kansas
Happy Bday Richard!
I hope your days and years ahead will be filled with wonderful times with your daughter, your family, friends, and collegues. I truly enjoy the work you do, and thank you for the quality entertainment. For myself, some of the great ingredients in your current work, is the sense of courage, optimism, humor, and camaraderie. Love your humor on it! AND love how the cast members work together. Again, thanks and truly do wish you a great day, year, years.
Barb Cardin
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Glad you too consider yourself a "surviver". I still have 774 days until the big "50" but now it doesn't look so bad. After all, I did survive Y2K. Truly, anyday can be the "first day" of the rest of your life. Happy birthday and many more for sharing with your family AND your fans......
MOTHALI [Mostly Over That Hill And Loving It]
Can you tell I work for the government !!!!!
Ms Randee Larimer
Earlville, IL
To Richard Dean Anderson:
Although I am not Irish this OLD IRISH BLESSING seemed a fitting verse to send you in honor of and hopes that you have a very happy 50th birthday.
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
The sun shine warm upon your face,
The rain fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
God Bless and Happy Birthday from
Tammy Hamilton, Canton, Illinois

Welcome to a rather elite club! It's great being me.
New Jersey
Several of us got together (from a variety of states) this weekend in honor of your birthday and our friendship. We met in 1991 because of our common interest in MacGyver, and became like family, thanks to you. This weekend we've shared memories of MacGyver, Legend, Stargate, your films...the warmth of our friendship (plus one hell of a Jacuzzi) Thank you for being the catalyst! We had coffee and birthday cake this morning, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Fredi, Janet, Jacquie, Jess, Margaret, Melissa, Maria
Is there anything left to wish? To say? To argue? To show or present? There is nothing special I can offer to your birthday that you havn't got already from anybody else. Well, so I say it best when I say nothing at all but: Keep yourself!
Lots of Love from a mom to a dad.
Annette (getting 40 next month),
Jasmine (12)
Dominik (10)
from the new gate of Germany (Berlin)
sigh... since I forgot to include my family in the birthday message I'm glad there is this guestbook (saves me trouble with the family).
My kids Hannah (she is eleven) and my son Nicolás (he is thirteen) as well as my hubby Achim (nope - he is not going to tell his age) want to send you the best wishes for your new year of life. They love your acting - and they think that you are a darn good actor (I second that). So, keep on doing your great work - it is much appreciated.
Hannah, Nicolás, Achim and Rike from Germany
I really love Stargate. I watch it every week with my mom & dad. We always watch it together. Mom is your biggest fan.
Jason Billett
Northern Lower Michigan, USA
Congratulations Richard Dean Anderson!!!!
The one who played my recourceful role model MacGyver in the series and the movies.
I've also seen the series "Pandora's Clock and I'm very proud of you.
I hope you'll get a teriffic 50th birthday.
You' ve meant a whole lot to me and I wish you all well in the future.
Greatest wishes from a big "MacGyver" fan
Maria Malmquist
I just love watching Macgyver and Stargate SG-1. They're my favorite shows on tv. Also congrats on your new baby girl she's beautiful. Well here's hoping for many happy returns.
Love always,
Dear Richard,
I wish you a very-very happy 50 B-day with my family. You are the greatest for all of us. We know MacGyver only 4 years but he changed our life. We love Stargate SG-1 too.
I have a webpage in Hungarian dedicated for your films and series and I'm owner of the Hungarian Stargate - Csillagkapu - Mailing List.
You have an important role in my life and thank you for all you give me.
forever yours: Gabi (43)
and family my hubby Sándor (46), my daughter Viki (17) and my son Kornél (12)
Budapest, Hungary
Wishing you a wonderful birthday and hoping to see a lot more of your work in the future... any chance of more 'Legend'?? Loved the humor!
I know you will have many new adventures on the event horizon. Wylie will bring many new and exciting experiences into your life; things that you can share and learn with her. You've said that you have done everything that you wanted to do at least twice; but I know there will be many more unique things to come. Not only interests that Wylie brings you to, but first time adventures of your own as well.
You have given so much of yourself; not only as an actor, but as a person. Your work with MAW as well as the other charities you support is so important. Don't forget to take a little time for your own happiness.
You deserve the best; you have given so much joy to us.
Happy Birthday, Richard, and many more!
Morning Glory
New York
Hi Rick! I just wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday! I have been a fan of yours since General Hospital. I hope to see you in more movies. You're the best!
I saw you with Donny and Marie. Love your smile. Wish you would make more guest appearance. So many of all ages love you. I know my family in MI does. Not muuch more I can say that won't be said a thousand times over. Happy Birthday.
Ann-Jason Billett's Grandmother
Hello Richard! I just had to say hello!! I hope you liked what I wrote in the messages section! I'm the one that had the HUGE picture of you above my message. The one with the ribbon drooped over your head and confetti everywhere! I just love that pic and thought it fit in quite nicely with the occasion. Have a nice birthday!!!
Oh, please, Mr. Anderson, if you have a chance... visit my birthday site. It's not at all like this site, but it was the best I could do with what I had. Hmmmm... does that ring any bells?! Sorry, I really couldn't resist. :)
Sarah Roberts
Happy 50th Richard!!
Hope you've had a GREAT!! day and I wish you all the best for a healthy, happy and safe future.
Maria Merlino
Sydney, Australia
Happy 50th birthday, Mr. Anderson! I have been a fan of yours since the beginning days of MacGyver and have followed your career ever since. I enjoyed your recent appearance on the Donnie and Marie Show. Your daughter Wylie is a beautiful young lady. Thank you for sharing the two recent pictures of her.
You have accomplished a great deal in your first 50 years. May the next 50 bring you much happiness with your family and your career. Thank you for the many hours you have devoted to charities and for being a wonderful role model for young people. Your efforts have helped many.
"For age is opportunity no less
Than youth itself, though in another dress. . ."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
May your opportunities abound in the years to come. Best wishes from one 50-year-old to another!
Karen Berry
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (originally NE Ohio)
Happy Birthday!!!
I hope you have a great one, with another 50-60 more happy, healthy birthdays!
I want to thank you for all the wonderful years of entertainment and education you've provided with your various shows and movies. I think you're really talented and its a shame that you don't get recogized for it more. I look forward to seeing many more years of you on tv and in movies.
I also want to thank you for all the charity work you do. That is a true gift - one from the heart.
You're not getting older, just better. :)
Judith Freudenthal
West Palm Beach, Florida
Happy Birthday and please come to Gatecon in September for the SG-1 convention!!! It'd be great to see you in person there.
Mary Wendland :)
Clarkston, Michigan
Dear Richard Dean Anderson,
You have been a source of inspiration to me in many different ways from MacGyver to the present. (I wasn't born or was too little when your other shows were on.) You are a wonderful and talented actor. I am sure you are and will continue to be a great father to Wylie (What a Cutie!!!)
I want to wish you the Happiest 50th Birthday. And I hope you got my electronic birthday card.
Take it easy. Looking forward to more Sg-1 episodes.
Love always,
Jess Filpus
Baraga, Michigan
You do a great show,
you are a great actor,
you have a great sense of humour,
you are just a great person!
Happy Birthday!
Take care of Wylie and give her a hug. All the best to you and your family.
Happy B-day. Keep on smiling, it brightens people's day. With love from Minnesota the Great,
Blair Nicole Cox-Townsend
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Happy birthday!!
Thanks for being such a great actor...I have watched you through MacGyver & up to SG1. You are so appreciated!
With luck & a tail wind, it would be great to see you at Gatecon in September - hey, I can always hope :)
Kathryn (Fryn) Rogers
United Kingdom
Happy Birthday! Hope that this is a good one. Thanks for all of the inspiration.
Melissa Amedy
Sturbridge, Massachusetts
Oh man, Have a Happy Un-birthday! (since your prolly reading this late) hee hee
Southern Utah
Dear Mr.Anderson,
"Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd!" as they say in Dutch and "Hyvaa Syntymapaivaa" as in Finnish. Try and pronounce that, eh! [big grin] Anyway, we hope you've had a great birthday and keep up the good work cause you're doing great! Thank you for bringing us together!
Iona & Mika
The Netherlands & Finland (currently both living in Finland)
May all the days of your life be filled with the love and joy of your daughter Wylie. The most precious gift a man and woman can give to one another is that of a child.
Gail Harvey
Osawatomie, Kansas
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
I have "grown up" with you from your days on GH through MacGyver and now Stargate SG-1, while my 14- year-old son is discovering MacGyver for the first time while also loving SG-1. Your talent and charm are unbeatable. You truly deserve the success you've achieved both professionally and personally.
Hope there are many more years of RDA+SG-1 to come!!!
San Diego
Mr. Anderson,
I guess I just want to say thanks for everything you've done for us, the fans, over the years. I truly admire you both on and off the screen. Happy Birthday and God Bless!
Hi Mr Anderson. I've loved Macgyver ever since I was old enough to understand it.(1992) I think you're the greatest in the show. I have almost every episode on tape from TV. It has always been my favorite show even with all the new shows today.
New Jersey
Rick, here's wishing you every happiness on your 50th birthday. Having just celebrated my 40th 4 days ago I know what these milestone birthdays mean. Age is irrelevant, but with it comes memories and, boy, you sure must have some great ones. Thank you so much for the joy you have given to so many people over the years and here's to many more in the future! Happy birthday Rick. Have a good one.
Linda (Mac1)
Warrington, England
Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great one and I hope you have many more. May you be blessed in all you do.
Phil 4:6-7
Prescott, Arizona
Dear Richard,
There is not much I can add to the heartfelt messages of my co-fans. I love both MacGyver and Stargate SG-1, and hope to see a lot more of you in the future, when you are not off-screen spending time with your two first ladies, Apryl and Wylie.
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself.
Here's wishing you all the best for the second half of a very worthwhile life.
Vienna (Austria), currently living in New Orleans
Dear Richard,
Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a great day. May all your Birthday wishes come true!
Carrie-Anne Cowdrey
Belchertown, Massachusetts
How to thank one for sharing of themselves is difficult. To allow us in, yet maintain your Privacy is a fine line indeed. You do it well, with grace and class. In the end, "THANK YOU" is all I have and so I give it with all the sincerity possible. Health and Joy to you and yours.
Ms. Randee Larimer
Earlville, IL
Dear Richard,
Happy Very Belated Birthday. May you have many more to come. And thank you for all the wonderful years of entertainment you have given me from MacGyver to Legend to Stargate SG-1. Please keep up the excellent work!
Alicia Faires
Puyallup, WA
Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours.
Gail Harvey
Osawatomie, Kansas
I have been a fan since my first MacGyver episode. I would leave my friends house unless they would watch it too. Monday was always Macgyver night. Now I still get to see you in Stargate SG1, which I truely enjoy.
I'm wishing you a wonderful birthday and many more to come.
You bring such joy to other peoples lives, now it's our turn to wish you some joy and happiness.
Cindy Porter
Dansville, NY
Dear Richard,
I'd just like to wish you a very Happy Belated Birthday, with many more to come in the future, and all the best for you and your family.
I'd also like to thank you for all the years of entertainment you've brought so far into the lives of myself and so many others. You've portrayed so many interesting and admirable characters, from MacGyver to Earnest Pratt to Jack O'Neill, and I've enjoyed sharing their adventures. I wish you luck with Stargate and all future projects.
Take good care of yourself,
Becky Schie
Salem, OR
I would just like to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday and thank-you for providing so much to so many with your work on MacGyver. Best wishes to you and your family! You are the bomb! :)
Jennifer Small
Cary, NC
Dear Mr Anderson,
hmm... sounds a little bit strange cause we, your fans, "see" you at least once a week on TV. Some of us even can't think of a day without watching SG-1, Legend, MacGyver or one of your films. So, it's already as if you were a friend who teaches us, amuses us or even talks to us.
What do I want to express with that? I don't know. :) I'd just like to thank you for everything you did for us fans and everything you're still doing. Wish you and your family all the best for the next 50 years.
Hugs and kisses from Germany
Silvia Hett
Thank God for you Ricki D. I admire you, smart and great looking. I hope you did have a great b-day and I hope I get to meet you someday.
God bless you,
Southern Utah
Dear Mr. Anderson,
Since I've seen my first episode of "MacGyver" I've been a big fan of the show. Not only are the storylines phantastic (well, to be fair, there are some very few episodes... you know what I mean! ;-) ), but you were the perfect man for the job. It wouldn't be the same without that humor you threw in either with some hilarious remark or just with a certain kind of glance... (Again, I'm sure you catch my meaning! ;-) )
This is also very apparent in Stargate SG-1, which I believe you're still working at. I'm not that fond of the series, but I still use to watch it because of your playing the lead. It almost doesn't seem to matter whether the skript is good or not - you will make watching it worthwhile.
Anyway, what I really wanted to say before I digressed: Have a very happy birthday!
Alto Speckhardt
Weißenhorn, Deutschland
Dear Mr. Anderson ...
Hello! I hope that you had a super fabulous Birthday! I've been a fan of yours since about 1989 and am totally addicted to "MacGyver!!!" :-) In fact, I have just found and joined the "MacGyver Mailing List" and find all the members to be a lovely bunch of people! :-)
I've always admired how caring and thoughtful you played the character of MacGyver, and always totally enjoy watching the episodes, no matter how many times over and over again... I am now also totally addicted to "Stargate SG-1" and once again, am enjoying your characterisation of the character "Jack O'Neil..." You give him a lot of heart and soul! Thank You! Anyway, I have been and always will be a great fan of yours! I wish you all the very, very best that life ever has to give and then some! Again, Happy Birthday... Love forever and always, a fan from Australia, Christine... xxx / ooo - February, 2000... :-)
Christine Mullen
Sydney, Australia
There was a time when I actually wanted to be a MacGyver with Pete, the Phoenix Foundation, and everything. Until I realized that kind of life might be too dangerous! Still, the show gave me a lifelong love of science and learning.
Legend was really fun, and ended way too soon. Stargate SG-1 is also great.
Thank you for many years of entertainment and inspiration. Happy Birthday!
I have always wanted to be like a female MacGyver/Indiana Jones. Now that I am older MacGyver is a bigger influence in my life than anything because he makes me want to learn more. Thanx Richard Dean Anderson for keeping my Hero alive.
Wellsville, NY
I wish you nothing but the best on your birthday. May it be full of peace, love and happiness.
The impact you had on myself as a young teenager with your portrayal of MacGyver was enormous. Thanks for all your years of hard work, and good luck in all your future endeavours.
Chrys Pelegris
MacGyver Mailing List Owner
Toronto, Canada
PS: Please feel free to drop by our internet mailing list to read all the wonderful things your fans write about you daily! The address is
I just wanted to thank you for bringing MacGyver into our lives. You have been a constant inspiration and I wish you all the best in your career and family life. You have a beautiful daughter and I'm sure she'll turn out to be as special as you are. More power, God Bless, and Happy 50th!
A Grateful Fan,
Debbie K. Tan ^_^
Hope you had a great birthday. Did you wear your birthday suit? I bet you look GOOD in it. I'm a big fan of Stargate SG1, it's the best scifi show on the tube. Keep up the good work.
Luv ya eh
Gater Jane
Canada eh
I just want to say that I am a huge fan of yours, Richard, and I watch every episode of MacGyver and now Stargate SG-1. You are such a talented actor, not to mention the sexiest man alive and I just wanted to wish you a belated happy birthday and much luck in your life.
Laura Krause
Happy 50th birhtday,i've only ever seen you in stargate and the first episode i was hooked.Keep up the good work and may you have many more happy birthdays.
claire coney
Dear Richard,
Happy Birthday! I am a great fan of yours. It's been years now since MacGyver was last shown here. But whenever I go to the US, I make it a point to never miss your show. You are really great and I do admire you a lot.
May you have a very good family life!
Carol Lucas
Hey Richard, i know its not your Bday but I just wanted to say hi, and that I love ya lots!! Ive loved you for a long time.. If you get a moment could you email me???:) I wish you luck in all that you do!!;)
Rhonda Schafer
Vancouver, Washington
Hello Richard. I dont speak english, but you are the better. I love more movies or series of "MacGyver".
Antonio Blanco
I wouldt just like to say 50th HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweete. Even here in the middel of nower you are well known as the star of Magyver and Stargate ss-1.You are so cut in stargate when Michaels carecter is trying to explane smart stuff whitch nobody understands but dr.Danny and Amandas carecter.And even in those storys on the web u guys are so sweet.I do have one question! Why don't u make show from some of the storyes? Like the time when u all got yonger or when Daniel got younger and thought that u where his father.That was the most cutest thing i have ever read i thinge i was rofl the whole time.Annywho thanke u for all the good times and once again happy b-day!!!!!!!
Jarrana Knight