Doctor Who.. a prospectus

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Salem Moses
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Doctor Who.. a prospectus

Post by Salem Moses »

Seeing as how today, January 1st, is my birthday.. I thought that I would go off-topic from documenting Stargate related milestones in real life, to something a bit more fictional.

A New Villian-type idea for the Doctor Who series franchise.


When I saw the former main character in the Doctor Who franchise respond to his desire on coming back to the show, but as a main villain. The clockwork mechanism in my head started slowly turning in order to come up with a believable story arc that would facilitate his wish. But as much fun as it is to portray the stereotypical "bad guy" arch nemesis to the main protagonist. I see him in a far more darker role, one which even the traditional arch nemesis would be humbled by. Instead of the Yin/Yang dance those two share when they are onscreen together, why not bring in the one being who even would strike fear into the heart of the TARDIS? The one Gallifray mad scientist who first postulated the complex mathematics which lead to the discovery and creation of the Time Vortex, which all Time Lord science is based off of? That Gallifray mad scientist, who was later referred to as the Architect of Time.

(*opens various notes I wrote down at work*)


Let's start by turning the last 60+ years upside down, shall we? It has long been believed, in a romantic sense yet incorrectly, that the acronym T.A.R.D.I.S. stands for (T)ime (A)nd (R)elative (D)imension (I)n (S)pace. Granddaughters can overly romanticise characteristics and naming conventions which basically (and in a quite deadpan manner) describe the actual function of a piece of equipment. Now suppose, that most scientists (and politicians for that matter) are themselves logical, laser focused on the technical side of things, and are plagued by naming things badly. Whereas people who are considered right-brained (the Granddaughter, perhaps?) tend to be creative, emotional, intuitive and are more likely an imaginative and innovative thinker. And from speaking with Carole Ann Ford, who portrayed the doctor's granddaughter in the first series of Doctor Who.. she was left handed, which relates to the creative naming convention for the TARDIS.


Now suppose, as this took me a couple minutes to connect the logical dots on, and later seeing as how past episodes quietly hinted at this next revelation.. That there is a direct connection between every control console being 6-sided, with the acronym having 6 letters. In my opinion, each letter of the T.A.R.D.I.S represents a primary circuit function on each sided panel on the console, responsible for the type of control which each letter stands for.


(T)elepathic circuit: timestamp 12:39

(A)vanti is Italian for "forward", Indietro for "backwards"


(R)otor (Time Rotor) regulates time vortex travel. Timestamp 3:37


(D)ematerialization/Rematerialiazation. Timestamp 4:00


My episode story idea: As is regular fashion with each doctor, he/she stands outside the blue police box (TARDIS) to converse "farewell" with this or that person. But in this particular episode, the TARDIS "pilot light" on top lights up, the recognizable "temporal grinding" sound effect is heard, and it begins it's activation sequence to leave while the good doctor was still outside. He looks back toward the police box in surprise. He quickly parts company with the human outside as he rushes into the TARDIS. The door automatically (and uncharacteristically) slams shut as the TARDIS disappears. The human left outside leaves rather puzzled from that abrupt departure, and then the camera pans along the ground to the walking footsteps of someone approaching the former location where the TARDIS was. The camera then pans upwards, and a familiar looking person comes into view.. though rather annoyed having missed the fleeing TARDIS. He looks at his steampunk style watch on his wrist, fiddles with a side control which records a temporal wavelength signature from the TARDIS transit departure, and then a wry smiles forms on his face as he says, "found you". Afterwhich he turns and walks away.

Inside the TARDIS, the doctor had just come in through the door (which slams shut, surprising him), then he walks down the walkway shouting to his companion (near the console) what did she touch. He walks toward the console as his companion moves from one sided console to another as sparks erupts here and there and the companion shouting how it just started on it's own.. that she didn't touch anything. The doctor surmises that the A.I. personality had cut corners in order to "quick jumpstart" the TARDIS to flee whatever threat that it seemed to be quite afraid of. The companion asks what is going on, why the TARDIS started on it's own, and where are they now travelling to? "Good questions, all", the doctor replies back, not knowing the answer himself to any of her questions as he stands over one console after another and focuses on what the readouts are indicating. "Ahh yes.. rather no, I have no idea where we're heading. There's no "Point of Travel Destination" coming up on this. We're essentially flying blind". He looks up toward the central Time column which reflects the flight status of the ship, which seems like a runaway train. "Where are you running to old girl?" He asks aloud as he moves round the different consoles to get a temporal bearing. He looks intently at one readout, "what the..? Noo.. can't be", then his companion asks what does he see. "Ahh it nothing, probably just a glitche", he says. "Doctor!!, what did you see?", his companion firmly asks. "Well, it's an impossibility. It HAS to be a glitche in the system. The exterior proximity sensors are showing that we're being followed through the Time Vortex, by something that is stationary and unmoving. It HAS to be a glitche." Then various lights overload, a series of heavy sparks and small explosions later, followed by the interior shuttering before everything goes black and silent. The companion calls out from the darkness for the doctor, and again with no answer in reply. Then a third time when the console ambient lights come on as the doctor comes up from underneath one side, hitting his head before saying "There we go, we've got lights.. sort'ov". He fiddles with nonresponsive controls, the Time Column in the center is lit up but frozen in place as if Time-locked. Then there is the sound of metal on metal outside the TARDIS, and a slight shudder as something docks with the TARDIS front. The companion asks the doctor about what he was talking about before everything went black. He replies still how it's an impossibility, like how a person would be flying in an airplane at high altitude and high rate of speed.. when suddenly the exit door would open and a stair platform would be there to allow passengers to exit.. or for SOMEONE to enter. The TARDIS door begrudgingly creaks open under mechanical protest, as the camera follows a stranger into the interior to the growing expression of shock on the face of the doctor. The camera pans left to reveal the identity of the intruder.. that being (actor Matt Smith) in a clothing fashion similar to that of the very first episode doctor. He walks passed the doctor and companion to reach the console. "Hello TT Capsule designation Type 40, Mark 3. You've been a very bad machine, but now Daddy's here to fix you." But with each attempt at interacting with a console, nothing would happen as the console is unresponsive. He takes a step backward to again be in front of the doctor and the companion. He eyes the doctor and hands out his hand, asking for "his" (not the doctor's) diagnostic probe. "The sonic screwdriver" the doctor says as he begins to reach into his jacket for it when the companion draws near to whisper why the doctor is helping this stranger, especially providing the doctor's own tool to help him. The stranger (Matt Smith) then nonchalantly rotates his head toward the companion to correct her choice of words. He was simply holding my diagnostic probe which I had left here two months ago when this capsule was taken out of service for needed repairs. "Two months ago?.. doctor, we've been travelling for longer than that, and you even logged even more time with that other person who you had said goodbye to", the companion says. The doctor hands the sonic screwdriver to the stranger (Matt Smith) who turns it in his hand. "I see that you've modified my diagnostic probe.. Interesting." The stranger (Matt Smith) takes the sonic screwdriver and heads toward the console. After using the sonic screwdriver to diagnose the console control system architecture by sticking the screwdriver into a hole plug on the console. A holographic diagnotic image of the TARDIS control subroutine, the last residual self image in it's memory core that it identified with, which appears and tells the doctor.. to run. The stranger mutes the hologram vocal feature as a needless upgrade and moves his hand through the hologram display of the TARDIS architecture. The subsystem appears in thin air as the stranger navigates through the information, passing the circuit display which the doctor recognizes as the Chameleon circuit and mentions how he's had trouble with that particular subsystem since the beginning. "Yes.. I had placed a hardware lockdown on the chameleon circuit to limit this rogue A.I. virus's access with it's exterior environment to prevent it's escape into another time capsule. I didn't think it would be cunning enough as to steal a timelord in order to pilot the infected TARDIS capsule out from my grasp. It has taken me quite some time these passed two months to trace it's wayward trail to this point in Time. Having misled and misdirected me along deadend paths that I had reasoned would be it's logical course of temporal travel. Not hodge-podging, skipping here and there in random directions on the tapestry of Time. I had surmised that the capsule had previously visited a technologically advanced world.. or moon. And that when the chameleon circuit had actively scanned the local environment, an analog virus has piggybacked onto the signal and somehow infiltrated the data filters, then began spreading to other systems." The doctor's companion leans closer to the doctor and asks just who this person is who seems more familiar with the TARDIS than the doctor himself. The doctor tries to explain things, "Do you know the German scientist by the name of Albert Einstein, who labored through unraveling a mathematical equation to come up with the simple formula of E=mc2 which lead to detonating an atomic bomb and opened up a new area of science based on that one simple formula. Well, way back in the past there was a maverick scientist on Gallifrey who postulated that Time itself is a force of nature and therefore can be controlled or manipulated to some degree to benefit Gallifrey. He was called mad by other scientists of the day, the Mad Scientist of Gallifrey. Through his research and theorectical mathematics, he proved to the scientific community that Time had substance.. or at least it left a wake similar to how a boat passing along a river leaves a wake to effect the shoreline. He was the one who created the Time Vortex, in which all Time Lord scientific advancement was built on. In honor of this monumental achievement, he was dubbed the Architect of Time. Still a mad scientist who neglects and overly criticizes his apprentices." (Matt Smith) finishes rerouting power to the TARDIS control console, does away with the holographic display, then reaches down to the panel controls which turns off. Not all panels, just the one the Architect of Time was reaching toward. He moves to another panel but it turns off just as he is about to touch it. He looks up at the ceiling, "..such a spoiled little self aware virus that has no-doubt overwritten the operating A.I. personality of this capsule in the two month interim since I last worked on you." The companion again asks the doctor about the two month reference. The doctor tries to explain how the Architect of Time had become a global celebrity overnight and had become besieged with well wishers, politicians, and even tourists.. all whom wanted to be seen with him for their own gain. He eventually fled Gallifrey but noone really knew where he went, he simply disappeared. That was the last time that I saw him as my teacher, as he went off to find solitude in escaping his fame."

The Architect of Time walked toward the front door having become irritated with the lack of progress he was having onsite with the TARDIS control console. The doctor and companion followed him, half expecting to find nothing outside the door yet being unable to internally resolve the conflicting truth that the Architect had simply walked in. The camera follows the Architect who arrives at the door and pushes them open to reveal it is securely docked with his workshop.. which itself is parked in the Time Vortex. "A physical construct parked perpetually in a Time Vortex.. wow. The sheer thought to come up with this level of engineering is.. unbelievable. Surely a masterpiece work worthy of anyone who I would call my teacher", says the doctor to ease the tense social distancing felt between himself and his former mentor. The companion, not privy on temporal mechanics, asks the doctor why this is such a big deal. "Ruby, it's like jumping with a parachute out of an airplane and your intended one-shot destination is the ground", the doctor explains to Ruby who replies, "okay.. you haven't lost me so far". The doctor scratches his chin, "okay, now on your down while falling 193 kilometers per hour (ie: 120mph), you encounter a mechanic service garage who steps out to inspect and repair your parachute. That garage is also going 193 kph to match your speed, yet is standing perfectly still and unmoving. That's the level of this construct, and I'm sure that Gallifrey would experience another golden age once they learn about what you've got here, teacher", the doctor loudly shares with his former teacher who scoffs at him. "Gallifrey would get none of this, as I would be besieged once again with tourists wanting a photo op and politicians wanting to shake my hand all hours of the day. I wouldn't get any work done at all. Now, regarding the TARDIS.. I'm sorry to tell you this but I will have to take it out of operation in order to effectively purge the corrupted virus from the control system, then do a full reboot. The problematic TARDIS which you have known, will be no more once I've fixed it". The doctor's expression turns to horror as that would equate to murder. "I won't let you do that, teacher. Whatever happened to cause the TARDIS to develop the personality which it now has.. I choose to keep the present condition intact, problematic or not." The Architect of Time shuts him down, "I cannot further allow a damaged and deteriorating time capsule to continue functioning and potentially disrupting the integrity of the timeline. So to ensure the integrity of the Timeline, which is the sacred duty of all proper Timelords. She must be quarantined and removed from this vehicle.. say goodbye doctor."

(various moments in the proposed episode)

Architect of Time> "A rogue A.I. virus running amok through Time, irrevocably changing the Timeline, instigating the Daleks to a final onslaught of Gallifrey in order to forever rid themselves of your interference with their evolutionary tract. A future self of yours will cause them to do this."

Architect of Time to Doctor when the Doctor said that he helped save Gallifrey from the Daleks> "They have always been like an irritating rash that Gallifrey has endured ever since the scientific discovery of the Time Vortex. But in all your encounters with them, you couldn't help but stir up the hornets next. If you haven't already, then one of your future incarnations pushed them to the point of no return as they collectively stood on the very precipice acknowledging the end of their existence. That is most probably why they committed all of their resources and themselves to eliminating the Time Vortex on Gallifrey. Hoping the trickle down effect would negate the synthesized Eye of Harmony within all TARDIS. Simply to stop you specifically, once and for all."

Architect of Time to the Doctor> "Even if your intended machinations were noble, courageous.. misguided. You broke the one rule which all Timelords hold sacred.. you DO NOT ANGER THE DALEKS."

Architect of Time to the Doctor's companion> "The Doctor was always a goody goody ne'er-do-well. Involving himself in social politics.. a self proclaimed champion of justice. It got to the point with his continual absenteeism that I was about to fire him. But he up and quit and saved me the trouble of having to bog myself down with paperwork. Since he was the favored son of Gallifrey.. the timeless child. Always meddling with things or forces beyond his control. Trying to "fix" things.. events. People started calling him the glorified repairman, the mechanic, the busybody.. the doctor. And that other lad who was a masterful piece of work as well. In fact, I think he adopted that name.. The Master. He seemed quite thrilled when I asked him to go look for you. I think the two of you had a rather confrontational relationship."

Architect of Time in response to why the Doctor wore a previous face similar to the Architect's> "No doubt there came a circumstance where you felt at a loss to control. So you took on the face of someone from your past who was the epitome.. of control. The face.. of your teacher."

Architect to Doctor's companion.. his one weak point> "Do the right thing and hand over the pilot key to the TARDIS. Maybe the doctor is the real victim in all this mess. Going around saving people.. this person, that civilization. That he's inevitably lost touch with reality as he's sunk deeper and deeper into the psychological disorder of "The Hero Complex". Buying into his own delusional propaganda."

Companion to Architect about the discrepancy of the two months previously mentioned against the time experienced in the Doctor self-reported travels> "Why..? Did only 2 months pass for you but hundreds of years in real space for the Doctor?"
Architect in response> It takes 8 minutes for an energy particle to travel at the speed of light from your Sun to your planet. Yet since Time slows the faster you go toward the absolute limit which is the speed of light. Then an energy particle is born on the surface of the Sun and then lands on your face.. at exactly the same moment in time. Time is relative.. I thought your civilization would have discovered that by now."

At the end of the episode, to get the Architect of Time out, the doctor was able to decouple the TARDIS from the Architect's docking port. Then saying "If you would be so kind.. get out of MY TARDIS". Then the floor pulls up, sending the Architect falling backwards out the door which slams shut. Camera pans to Doctor at console with a triumphant smile, "Last we'll see of him.. for a while at least, maybe". Camera is zoomed to Architect's face, "Didn't anticipate that upgrade. We'll meet again, good doctor. We have all the time in the universe." He maniacally starts laughing as camera zooms outward showing his arms crossed as his body rotates sideways as the Time Vortex swallows him.

I like the idea concept of the TARDIS and am currently working on a hybridized prototype. Haven't got the control console built yet, or the Time Travel part delivered but the "larger on the inside" pocket space dimension thing.. is ready and waiting for the box to be built.
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Re: Doctor Who.. a prospectus

Post by MacGyverGirl »

Happy Belated Birthday! 🎉

You are very detailed in everything you do!
"I say we trust our instincts, go with our gut. You can't program that. That's our edge."
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