A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

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Salem Moses
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A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

Post by Salem Moses »

~ Item 01: Physics of the Gate ~


(My long post got deleted when I was automatically logged out.. so aggravating. I'll retype it tomorrow after work. Past curfew now)

But I can say, that the general viewpoint of the event horizon, as well as gate travel.. shows a good effort, but is misleading. A more true revelation may present a concept of reality that would not be as easy to imagine as what the writers had afforded us. But still go a long way as establishing our learning curve progress in the new gate series from the past when Samantha Carter first postulated stargate physics. Reality, as it would seem, is much stranger than fiction.. and more humbling. Basically, the gate acts (not only as a dialer? -this sounds weak).. but as an interface accessing a higher dimension for travel.

...........(work in progress)
...........(don't mind the mess)

(..just going to use this desktop space to store some random thoughts as my own desk is a bit messy at the moment. So don't mind me.. or the mess. Nothing to see here)

A five-dimensional space is a space with five dimensions. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics. The main novelty of Einstein and Bergmann was to seriously consider the fifth dimension as a physical entity, rather than an excuse for "magic happens here".

To explain why this dimension would not be directly observable.. light is envisioned as a disturbance caused by rippling in the higher dimension just beyond human perception, similar to how fish in a pond can only see shadows of ripples across the surface of the water caused by raindrops.

The phenomena of an LP record needle skipping from the grooved track and back onto an earlier adjacent position of the same track.. Or in Stargate terms having your present linear gate destination time variance to be changed by the energy release of a solar flare intersecting the wormhole. The resultant power surge raising the degree of entropy and offsetting it's trajectory to an earlier point of time and back around to it's starting point..

The actual developed methodology called plasma confinement where the traveller stands withing a clear lucite chamber and walks into a cloud of plasma and wormhole'd to a past location. walking through the quantum plantum moving through a series of arching tunnels which were chaotic as they are moved onto their destination. Upon reaching location, smell of ozone in the air and personal articles of clothing may have not made it.. which accounts frequently for naked travellers from the future. Though sideway dimensional travel tends to leave articles of clothing intact.

We call them X-points or electron diffusion regions. They're places where the magnetic field of Earth connects to the magnetic field of the Sun, creating an uninterrupted path leading from our own planet to the sun's atmosphere 93 million miles away. Observations by NASA's THEMIS spacecraft and Europe's Cluster probes suggest that these magnetic portals open and close dozens of times each day. They're typically located a few tens of thousands of kilometers from Earth where the geomagnetic field meets the onrushing solar wind. Most portals are small and short-lived; others are yawning, vast, and sustained. Tons of energetic particles can flow through the openings, heating Earth's upper atmosphere, sparking geomagnetic storms, and igniting bright polar auroras. But magnetic portals are invisible, unstable, and elusive. They open and close without warning and there are no signposts to guide us in. Yet.. portals form via the process of magnetic reconnection. Mingling lines of magnetic force from the sun and Earth criss-cross and join to create the openings. "X-points" are where the criss-cross takes place. The sudden joining of magnetic fields can propel jets of charged particles from the X-point, creating an "electron diffusion region."

The source of the energy for vortexes (or vortices), is said to come from the energy of natural formations of quartz, limestone or geographical features. Some believe that ancient civilizations were drawn to these energies and that is why they built monuments at the most powerful spots.

A vortex is a mass of energy that moves in a rotary or whirling motion, causing a depression or vacuum at the center...

Vortexes are areas of high energy concentrations, originating from magnetic, or sometimes unknown sources. Additionally they are considered to be gateways or portals to other realms, both physical and dimensional. Vortexes typically exist where there are strong concentrations of gravitational anomalies, inturn creating an environment that can defy gravity, bend light, scare animals, twist plant life into contorted shapes, and cause humans to feel strange. Vortex energy intensifies everything it comes into contact with. That means that everything you are feeling will be magnified. If you are happy.. you may become euphoric or blissful. Conversely, if you are irritated, agitated or depressed, those feelings will also be magnified. It’s for this reason it’s very important to watch your feelings and mental chatter if you are a civilian traveller. Military personnel have been trained to mind their emotions and mental chatter in the presence of gate travel.

A vortex is any mass of whirling fluid or air, spinning around an invisible axis—like a whirlwind or a whirlpool, a tornado or a cyclone—and in energetic terms, it’s a spiraling mass of energy concentrated at a specific point on Earth. Some say it’s where the Earth breathes its energy in and out.

These energy vortices fall into different categories: magnetic and electrical vortices; positive and negative vortices; portals to other dimensions or physical areas. Vortices are frequently found at supposed alignments of electromagnetic Earth energy that correspond with significant archaeological and anthropological sites.

Like a whirlpool, a vortex will draw to its center all that surrounds it. People describe the energy they feel in these spots as noticeable vibrations, a tingling in the extremities; buzzing throughout the body, rising temperature, a rush of energy, or a shift in perception.

Twisted trees indicate the presence of vortex energy.

A vortex is an exquisite manifestation of fluid dynamics. Vortices can occur in any fluid; air, water, magma, so long as there is some force stirring it. A vortex is the most common way that a fluid converts the energy put into it by the stirring motion into potential energy. Pressure is highest at the edge of the stirring spoon, the tip of the aircraft wing, or whatever is doing the stirring. As the pressure is reduced the further you go from the axis, these differentials in pressure cause movement at different speeds. The whole point of the vortex is for the fluid to most efficiently dispel the turbulence and seek its lowest energy state. Every vortex you see in nature is an example of the system trying to settle itself down. So from a physics perspective, we see there are two necessary ingredients for a vortex to exist: first, a fluid; and second, some stirring influence. The usual suspect is magnetism.

An energy vortex is a whirling of energy strongly concentrated at a specific point on earth.

The energy radiates in a spiraling cone shape clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the type of vortex. There are two kinds—positive and negative. Positive vortexes spiral upward in a clockwise motion. Negative vortexes spiral in a counterclockwise motion and create a draining feeling or sensation of depleting energy. Negative vortexes can also create a lot of clutter and chaos in the area they are located. While these areas can create stress for humans, cats tend to be attracted to them.

The event horizon, as termed to the shimmering surface within the stargate ring, is a misnomer. An "Event Horizon" is a theoretical boundary around a black hole beyond which no light or other radiation can escape. As we have seen in multiple stargate episodes where not only radio signals can traverse the bridge between SGC and an offworld team, but also episodes where offworld radiation has indeed come through the wormhole "event horizon" causing the SGC a contamination lockdown situation. In a more accurate descriptive, rather than the tongue-in-cheek adjective used to make a boring technical name seem much more attractive and therefore marketable. What lay within the stargate ring is a higher dimensional interface which is beyond our limited lower dimensional consciousness to visualize. Similar to a children's bubble loop which they blow bubbles through.. the loop retaining a permeable membrane while outside the actual viscous medium of soap water. The Stargate operation of connecting to another distant gate through a "fabric" of spacetime, would not be able to "bridge" the gap between both gates themselves if there was not a connecting medium between them. Once the dialing is finished, the gate just "sits" there, as does the receiving gate. At first I had postulated that both gates were resonant to one another and therefore connected through a tenuous thread of energy transmission. However I was not satisfied with this answer and researched some on convergent theory. Where string theory ultimately fails because the universe is built one layer upon another through geometry. And just as a hypothetical 2-dimensional lifeform living on a 2-dimensional plane of existence never sees "up" or "down".. only "left", "right", "forward", "reverse". That if a 3-dimensional sphere was to be lowered through that plane, the 2-dimensional lifeform would only see the appearance of a short length horizontal line which grows longer then shorter.. before disappearing. To a 2-dimensional lifeform, they can only visualize a higher dimensional construct according to their limited 2-dimensional (horizontal frame of reference) viewpoint. So too, when the Stargate dials a receiving gate, it vibrates with immense energy in which to (only) open a connection to a receiving gate. Constructing a "bridge" through a higher dimensional energy medium which would then "carry" the burden of keeping that bridge available for a short duration. I would think the time limit of a gate staying open, is really dependent on that higher energy medium of the 5th dimension keeping the bridge "afloat" as the bridged wormhole draws energy from it's 5th dimensional environment. Once the localized (near) energy had been absorbed, there is an energy gap between the wormhole surface and the connecting medium of the 5th dimension.. and the wormhole dissipates because of energy depletion/starvation. The "Event Horizon" within the gate, is the medium itself, in as far as we can conceptualize the reality of a higher dimensional "surface" within our lower dimensional space. Stepping through the "event horizon", our lower energy state is exponentially raised to that of the higher dimensional medium which we travel through. Upon exiting the "event horizon", our higher energy state is exponentially lowered to that of the lower dimensional environment we are "translated" into. A relevant tie-in thought is how light travels in a straight line until it intersects water or crystal, and then "bends" as it's speed slows in travelling through that more dense medium, then exits to travel along the same direction it was before interfacing with that different medium.

(..more random thoughts still coming to store here until I can proficiently rebuild my train of thought concerning a new look at the event horizon and how the new series can more accurately explain it as a way to tie-in with the human-made stargate to show just how far we have come in our understanding)
Last edited by Salem Moses on Sat Mar 23, 2024 2:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Salem Moses
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Re: A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

Post by Salem Moses »

(From cell in no-bar desert: Will expand & polish later)

~ How The Asgard Weaponized The Wraith ~
... ~ OR.. How The Ancients Were Defeated By An Ally ~ ...

..had an epiphany at work which had been bothering me for awhile concerning the Wraith. Today, I thought up a (reasonably logical) link which connects Thor to the Wraith, led to the downfall of the Ancients and tabled a whole galaxy for the Wraith's appetite.

Hint:. A "tool" is only a tool if used by someone responsible but becomes a weapon if used by someone else. Thor may have inadvertently given the Wraith not only the ONE tool to destroy the Ancients but also ANOTHER tool which nailed that coffin shut.


** The transporter beam (not disintegrator bream as the Asgards do not directly kill) would have been a technology on Vanir intergalactic ships. Early encounters with early Wraith would reasonably have allowed the Wraith to salvage & investigate the remains of Vanir ships after battling them. This effort being toward finding suitable technological advantage to strengthen the Wraith in their evolutionary path in overcoming the dominance of the Ancients. The beam device isn't organic, but crystalline in nature.. hence my theory of it's origin being from the Vanir, and thus Asgard technology. Wraith Darts having a low memory capacity (50-people) to store captives, whereas an Asgard Mothership's memory capacity would allow for 3 Goa'uld Ha'tak ships, along with multiple individuals to be molecularly dismantled then stored for later reintegration and subsequent relocation.

** Asgards use cloning technology to supplant natural reproduction. It is my theory that the Vanir also had this cloning technology onboard their ships as they splintered away from the Asgard and toward the Pegasus Galaxy. When the early Wraith encountered the Vanir and salvaged usable Asgard technology from their damaged ships.. cloning would have been one of the tactical technologies which allowed the Wraith to dramatically increase their numbers to soon begin a war of attrition against the Ancients.

(Update: Thursday, Aug 25th.. same year. While I am awaiting the return of the clinical doctor who entered the vortex and ended up in February 14, 2023.. (*sigh*) Seriously, I don't like loose ends.. or surprises. Causes me to have to deep-dive into a flood of numbers which doesn't really care for my snooping. Numbers and I don't get along, they used to stalk me in Elementary School and bully me in the hallway for lunch money, but I digress. -I returned from a day of political diplomacy engagements, and housing one very pregnant young woman near her OBGYN doctor. So throughout the day, I was piecing together a proposal for Amazon to vicariously consider in green-lighting the new Stargate TV series. So I will be working on that again.. for the 2nd time, again.)(dealing with Corporate Lawyers is included on my list of personal pet peeves, just above numbers.. which is at the very bottom, btw.)

(*another sigh*)

(I hope that doctor brings back a winning lottery number. Then I can retire with my coffee.)

(Update.. sometime after only 1 hour sleep before a full day working at the Research Facility. Too much work.. too little me. I'll provide bullet points of a larger thought process and swing over to the topic about restarting a new gate series on account that I believe I figureut something about how the Furlings met the Ancients and how they can fit into the new gate series.

-never did check in with that doctor on the winning lottery number.

Just like how a 3D sphere can be shown to a 2D person who will only see a horizontal line of increasing then decreasing length. Similarly our 3D visual acuity cannot grasp a higher dimensional construct.. so the circular dimensional membrane interface (think "Stargate" but in terms of a child's bubble loop that he blows bubbles through) presents an "event horizon" which is actually not but rather a representation of the 5th dimension that can "be" within our limited lower dimensional frame of reference. Dialing the receiving gate creates a bridge/ conduit for consciousness to stream through a higher transmission medium.
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Salem Moses
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Re: A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

Post by Salem Moses »


** click image for video **

This didn't make it into the video but essentially similar to a radio antenna, the quantum mirror frame also behaves in like manner when tuned to higher or lower quantum frequencies. Once it establishes a connection, the frame helps to maintain integrity of the bubble bilayer membrane one can traverse through.

"Berenstain" Bears become "Berenstein" Bears and vise versa depending on which reality bubble you were in.
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Salem Moses
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Re: A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

Post by Salem Moses »

Time Bubble Theory


In the Stargate episode, "Window of Opportunity", there is an ancient "Time" manipulation device on P4X-639 from a derivative colony of the Ancients that long ago tried to perfect Time travel. They intended to harness the power of the Stargate's ability to create a subspace field by overloading the Stargate active network from the power of a geomagnetic storm (for comparison, an Earth thunderstorm has the equivalent energy of a detonated nuclear bomb). This was in order to expand a Stargate's active wormhole subspace field to encompass a time dilation effect which was thought to then reverse time. As in comparing a rotating electromagnetic field to that of a blackhole which is itself a sphere (not a flat hole) that rotates, dragging spacetime creating a Time dilation effect in it's local area of active influence. Yet for both philosophical & technical reasons (my guess), the ancient project was cancelled and that civilization decided to face it's inevitable end proudly, rather than trying to cowardly run away from their inescapable fate. The philosophical aspect of their decision I can understand, but I just don't get why they chose this technical avenue of escapism in turning back time by using the gate network. Not that I don't grasp the flaw in their design, but that it was implemented wrong. Similar to the episode "48 hours", they should have simply used the memory buffer effect of the active Stargate to have their population to enter the wormhole event horizon and be stored in buffered memory for centuries or millenia in the buried gate until such time as a newer technologically advanced race could solve a "round peg in square hole" (misplaced control crystal) puzzle key which would initiate a sequence to unearth the buried gate, activate the exit protocol of the gate via an active event horizon so that the colony population would exit and might have a second chance at saving themselves. It's what I would have suggested, as surely the derivative colony engineering talent would have themselves thought of a way to increase the delay of matter reintegration by decreasing the processing clock speed (which can be done through the BiOS on a computer.. not sure how on a DHD).

Seeing as how the internet has remained silent on connecting the dots these many years.. I suppose that it now falls to me. Off the top of my head, there is a tenuous yet comparable connection between the length of time which a Stargate can normally maintain a stable wormhole (38 minutes), the length of time of each time loop (10 hours), and the size of the subspace bubble (roughly 16 light-years as a minimum based on 4.37 light-years being the closest observable distance between 2 separate star systems of Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B star systems)

Basic observable facts:

* The Stargate will remain open so long as matter or energy continues to pass through it, to a maximum of 38 minutes. Beyond this point, massive amounts of power are needed to sustain a wormhole, which ordinary sources cannot provide. The most likely reason for the general 38 minute cutoff is due to stellar drift. Stellar drift is measured by two components: proper motion (multiplied by distance) and radial velocity. Proper motion is a star's motion across the sky, slowly changing the shapes of constellations over thousands of years. It can be measured using a telescope to detect small movements over long periods of time. Radial velocity is how fast a star approaches or recedes from us. It is measured using redshift. Most galaxies, and therefore stars, have been moving away ever since the Big Bang.. in connection with the expansion of the universe. So imagine a fighter plane (plane "A") has a target lock on another plane (plane "B") which is traveling slightly faster away from the pursuing plane "A". Given enough time, plane "A" will lose it's target lock as plane "B" would be too far out of range for a lock to be maintained.
So a programmed general failsafe was included in each Stargate to automatically cut off after 38 minutes to prevent loss of life from people traveling through the Stargate when the wormhole connection was about to collapse. The 38 minute failsafe would be an embedded operational protocol that could not be easily accessed or changed.

* Bubble Size = 16 light-years minimum


(When I look at the image on the right, I try to imagine a propeller "force" mechanism at the center and each wormhole being a long whirlpool in an area of water. Then to imagine an increase in propeller "force" thereby enlarging each whirlpool area of effect until that whole area began resembling a massive single whirlpool. Perhaps that is what was intended as the ancient device forced massive electrical energy toward inflating the electric field of each rotating wormhole)

The reasoning behind the initial effort of the derivative colony of Ancients to turn the Stargate into a time machine.. Or more specifically to utilize it's mechanism of creating a subspace field in the forming an outgoing wormhole but to hyperinflate that rotating field with a temporal transverse Doppler effect. The relativistic Doppler is a different formula than the classical Doppler, and the difference is precisely the time dilation.. also called the transverse Doppler effect. In simple terms using aeronautics, "drag" refers to forces that oppose the relative motion of an object through the air. Whereas a lesser-known prediction is that spinning stellar bodies drag space-time around with them. The faster an object spins and the more massive it is, the more powerful the drag. The greater the magnitude of drag, the greater the Time dilation.. maybe? Perhaps the drag deformation in the fabric of spacetime is relative to time dilation, like how vehicles slow down when the nicely paved section of road ends and a section with potholes begin. So stretching this thought out in relation to the question concerning the Stargate Time Dilation project. Does a strong electric field cause time dilation? The spacetime curvature for a charged static spherical body is given by the Reissner–Nordström metric. So you can feed in the value of whatever charge you want and calculate the time dilation as a function of distance from the charged body. If you do this you'll discover something rather odd, the charge reverses the effect of the mass. The mass causes time to slow (relative to the observer at infinity) but adding charge (of either sign) makes the time speed up again**. Since an electromagnetic field is associated with a non-vanishing energy-momentum tensor, which in turn is the source term of gravity in the Einstein field equations, the answer is yes - if you were able to produce a strong enough field you would eventually get a measurable gravitational time dilation as compared to a reference clock far away. It should be noted though that the field strengths needed to produce a noticeable and measurable effect here would exceed our engineering capabilities by many orders of magnitude.

**= Rotating Black holes are large bodies and have large time dilation. The energy (charge) which it consumes doesn't speed up the time dilation but rather is "sinked"/ compressed/ removed from interaction. What if a rotating wormhole through subspace can also "sink" the added charge as a drag coefficient.. and exponentially increase Time Dilation? But like releasing a blown balloon, it rapidly deflates through expelling it's air as a "force". The Time bubble rapidly deflates (collapses) and returns to the beginning of the cycle loop.

...have to shelf this developing post as my mom called, supper's ready. brb
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Salem Moses
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Re: A Humble Addition To Stargate Physics

Post by Salem Moses »

~ The Attero Device ~
*click image below*

In respecting the initial report by Rodney McKay concerning the Attero Device destabilizing a wraith ship's hyperspace engine's ability to create a stable window. I have a bit more speculative thought to add in which to more fully flesh out the "how" which would build upon Rodney McKay's "why".

As already mentioned in another post, the structure of Hyperspace is theorized (by me) to be a 2-dimensional environment which was formed after the initial explosive "spark" (ie: Big Bang) along a one dimensional shaped charge. The 2-dimensional environment then expanded outward in forming a higher tier 3-dimensional environment as a reactive expression from the outward moving compression wave. In quite crude terms, a black powder cartridge reacts to an initial powerful burst of energy on a small point. This electrified plasma further reacts with reactive elemental atomic nuclei which produces an ever expanding outward forced charge. The physical metallic slug is then carried upon the explosive compression wave accelerating it to a high-g velocity out of the gun barrel as the ignited black gunpowder expands outward from the confined barrel. And as powder residue on the metal slug projectile, so to is "dark matter" to our universe.

Similar, in crude terms, to a flat basketball shape which is cut then sewn together to form a sphere, yet still technically conforms to it's previous flat (2-dimensional) shape. Our 3-dimensional spatial environment would relatively be equivalent to the shell of the basketball, which exists as both a 3-D construct as well as an underlying 2-D construct. Traveling through hyperspace, is similar to a long slender rod penetrating the spherical ball at one point, and travelling straight through the lower density environment to another point then exiting onto the spherical ball surface. "Dark Energy" (distinct from "Dark Matter") then (in my opinion) would be representative of the 2-D materia which bleeds through the dimensional membrane divide similarly to how helium in weather balloons bleed through the balloon membrane, causing deflation. This is a possible reason why we can mathematically arrive at the conclusion that all observed matter in the galaxy, when added up, doesn't equal 100%. That there is a lot of "something" missing which we cannot yet detect.. so that absent materia was termed "dark matter". But it may prove to be 2-dimensional "filler" materia. Controversially, it is my scientific intuition that real hyperspace appears as nearly a completely black environment. The only light being from circular movements of exciting atomic nuclei gravitationally influenced from real-space heavy mass rotating stars (think: magnetic stirrer).


In opening a hyperspace window, the wraith ship seemed to disintegrate similarly to a vehicle hitting a concrete wall at more than the speed of sound. The next image shows the further dispersal along the course of momentum following "impact" with the 2-dimensional environment as the 3-dimensionally wraith ships was unable to compress into that more restrictive space.


What I observed was a great lack of medium to large sections of hull from the wraith ship traveling along the direction of momentum, if the ship's destruction was cause by an explosion (or even implosion) of the destabilized and collapsing hyperspace window. Rather we see a cloud dispersal of near powder size debris, along the direction of momentum.

It is my understanding that space is host to dangers of high energy discharges traveling as frequency waves through it. Sensitive ship engines therefore, would/should be shielded from these electrical interruptions by way of armor shielding or energy dampener shielding. So the initial "why" description to reason why the wraith ships were "exploding" was probably not entirely factual. But in conjunction with the buckling shield system which (may) have been a resultant cascade failure initiated by the activation of the hyperdrive engine. With destabilized shields, a ship could not project itself within a protective 3-dimensional envelope while travelling through a 2-dimensional environment. As to "how" a 3-dimensional shield "bubble" can exist within a 2-dimensional environment. It would be a relatively inverted view from the previous basketball example. In this case, the 3-D environment is enveloped within a 3-D bubble which is simply a flat surface projected onto a round circular shape within the 2-dimensional environment.

The Attero Device would broadcast an interference frequency which would be an inversion of the shield frequency/ hyperspace engine resonant frequency of the wraith. Traveling through 3-dimensional space would diminish the strength of the interference frequency signal, like ripples on a pond surface diminish over time travelled through space. Whereas if the interference frequency signal was carried through the less dense environment of Hyperspace. The signal would remain strong at whichever spatial location that a wraith ship opened a window into hyperspace, and that strong signal would exit that window to strongly destabilize the normal operations of the wraith ship's hyperdrive resonant frequency antenna (outside the protected shielded area of the engine) as possibly it would also effect the shield envelope. The interference frequency may just as likely have produced a "stutter" effect, similarly to a butterfly valve malfunction on an older carburetor, resulting in a stalled engine.

The Attero device outpost would be (reasonably) located near to Lantean protected space but within Wraith contested space, but obviously outside Wraith controlled space. As the interference signal was broadcast, the frequency wave along the 3-dimensional environment would spread out like a bubble, but diminishing as it went due to space borne dust, gravity and interfering natural energy sources. Whereas in hyperspace the signal would propagate without loss of strength. Whenever a hyperspace window would then open within the effected bubble, the signal would radiate outward.

It is reasonable to speculate that the wraith ships, being themselves living conscious organisms, would (likely) have detected the Attero signal.. and recognized it. But because of their accelerating forward motion, they were momentum "locked" into heading toward the opened hyperspace window to their demise. Notwithstanding the ambient pressure of the hyperspace area (at the window openings) is actually greater than in real space due to observing the window openings both the Wraith ships and the Daedalus used for passage into/from hyperspace. The openings were like a pressure eruption which cracked the dimensional "membrane" before opening more fully with an outward bursting movement resulting in a clear window of opportunity for a ship to enter/leave. As with my hypothesis on where "dark matter" comes from, I would reason that the general ambient pressure within hyperspace proper is somewhat greater than the restraining pressure of the 3-D layer of real space. As it is commonly known that our (bubble) universe is ever continuing to expand.
*click image below*

And as always, we in the lab here at Richard Dean Anderson forum will continue our research on things relating to the Stargate. In hopes that mankind as a whole will continue to reach toward it's full potential. And may that blossoming dream survive us all.
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